It Was A Big Shock To Leftie To Find A Lot Of People don’t Actually Agree With Them

Observing the reaction of lefties, mostly but not all young, to the success of UKIP in the European Parliament elections has been quite amusing, mainly because of the way there people, like former Labour Prime Ministers, hurl the word ‘bigot’ at their critics without actually stopping to think what it means.

A bigot, according to any decent dictionary, is a person who is intolerant of any point of view that differs from their own. And the lefties, mostly young as I say, are quite happy to brand as racists and bigots anybody who believes we should have tighter immigration controls or that we should actually enforce the existing immigration rules, though the lefties are wrong in both cases.

It’s ironic that the main immigration row during the election campaign was about migrants from Romania. Only a couple of years ago the self same lefties were calling the general population and government of Romania racists and bigots because of the way Roma gypsies were being persecuted there. Now British people are being persecuted for saying “We don’t wan’t to invite racists and bigots to come and live in our country.” Rich innit?

The reaction to the UKIP vote from the left is a mixture of horror and and self righteous disgust; I saw one commenter who says she is “genuinely a little disgusted to live in a country where 27% of voters voted for UKIP”. Well she is free to exploit the freedom of movement within the EU and vote with her feet by going to live in Romania, work for £30 a week and learn what real racism and bigotry are.

While the posturing of the left is comical we should try to understand the reason for their cognitive dissonance? There is an old joke that goes, “Why do teenagers only listen to other teenagers?”
“Because they are stupid.”
“Why are teenagers stupid?”
“Because they only listen to other teenagers.”

You can substitute lefties for teenagers and the joke works just as well.

So why are lefties on the internet so up themselves. The answer is, of course, the internet itself.

Finding people and media which share your political opinions and prejudices is as easy as finding a tart in a brothel. This has resulted in many young people insulating themselves from differing opinions. They scream and shout about diversity but embrace “the wisdon of the crowd” because they are not widely experienced enough to understand it is the same thing as they braying of the mob.

Thus having blinded themselves to shades of opinon, they narrow their thought range until everything is reduced to a binary. You agree with the politically correct view on immigation or you are a right wing extremists. You support same sex marriage or you are a homophobe and so on. They become Lefty drones whose social media activity offers little debate or discussion, only right-on agreement and mutual arse kissing as they agree to agree with the latest Marxist / Troskyite meme being pumped out by the media luvvieocracy.

The ability to entertain an idea without necessarily agreeing with it is the mark of an educated mind, but try sending a young Facebook friend a Daily Mail article about an important issue. It doesn’t matter if other publications with a different general political stance have drawn a similar conclusion. They’ll probably unfriend you on the spot – just because it came from the Mail, and didn’t originate from their polarised digital cocoon. Clueless CHIMPS*.

What drives left wing hate

Multi-Cultural England: Are You Feeling The Progressive Diversity That’s Enriching Your Life
The Strange Case Of The Footballer And The Witch Hunt.
Kick Political Correctness Out Of Football
Will Anti European Union Feeling Lead To More Integration
Whether Tom Chivers Is A Science Writer, A Hack Journalist Or A Cunt Is A Matter Of Semantics
Now the EU wants even MORE money: Brussels demands £6 billion hike to budget from UK
*Completely Hopeless In Most Practical Situations

Libyan Legacy Of The FUKUS Axis

When Barack Obama called up the French and British leaders and reconvened the FUKUS axis that had done so much to trash Iraq (which was already in a bad state after a war and ten years of sanctions, the campaign to depose the tyrant Gaddafi went pear shaped very quickly. Coups, gangsterism and terror are the legacy of Nato’s war in Libya.

Almost immediately the FUKUS axis kicked off another campaign of regime change, this time to overthrow they dictator Assad in Syria. No bombing raids this time, Assad was best mates with Russia, Iran and China as well as presenting a more formidable opponent in Syria’s army, air force and navy. Because of this, western involvement was limited to arming and supplying rebels.

Unfortunately the rebels who had been presented as brave freedom fighters who desired only freedom and western style liberal democracy turned out to be savage, brutal, racist human organ noshers. Not good for PR.

The west could not back down however and having seen two attempts to justify military intervention vetoed by Russia and China in the United Nations Security Council, the USA staged a couple of false flag incidents involving toxic gas and sent a flotilla of warships to the eastern Mediterranean. And Russia and Iran stationed their warships off the Syrian coast, foiled a couple of American attempts to hit Assad’s strongholds with missile fire, successfully demonstrating in the process that their surface to air missiles can down a fly from a rang of fifty miles, and said “Come and have a go if you think you’re hard enough.”

And the face off continued for a few weeks then the American fleet saied away to be available should the planned regime change in Ukraine descend into nastiness.

And while the FUKUS axis wee failing to cover themselves in glory elsewhere, Libya was festering because it is a crap way of doing regime change to overthrow a government, no mater how nasty and replace it with criminal gangs and tribal warlords.

Here’s the latest news from Libya.

from The Guardian:
Iraq may have been a blood-drenched disaster and Afghanistan a grinding military and political failure. But Libya was supposed to have been different. Nato’s war to overthrow Colonel Gaddafi in 2011 was hailed as the liberal intervention that worked.

The western powers might have had to twist the meaning of the UN resolution about protecting civilians, the city of Sirte might have been reduced to rubble, large-scale ethnic cleansing taken place and thousands of civilians killed. But it was all in a noble cause and achieved without Nato casualties.

This wasn’t Bush and Blair, after all, but Obama, Cameron and Sarkozy. The people were free, the dictator was dead, a mooted massacre had been averted – and all this without any obvious boots on the ground. Even last year the prime minister was still claiming it had all been worthwhile, promising to stand with Libyans “every step of the way”.

But three years after Nato declared victory, Libya is lurching once again towards civil war. Over the past few days, the CIA-linked General Hiftar launched his second coup attempt in three months, supposedly to save the country from “terrorists” and Islamists. On Sunday, his forces stormed the national parliament in Tripoli, after 80 people were killed in fighting in Benghazi two days earlier.’

Continue reading:

And now with rumours that the US Government is behind the boko Haram uprising in oil and minerals rich Nigeria it looks as if once again the FUKUS axis is preparing to leave behind unfinished business as it moves on to its next target for destabilisation.

Lawless, Leaderless Libya Becoming Terror Hub

Iraq’s borders are crumbling: this is a disaster for western foreign policy
US Covert Ops: The Disintegration of South Sudan
Obama Expresses Support For Ukraine’s Democratically Elected Government

World On The Brink – USA And Russia Square Up In Ukraine
Can Washington Change Three regimes At Once
War On Syria: Standoff Shows America Is No Longer The Global Superpower

Putin: US Backed the Coup That Now Threatens Civil War in Ukraine

from Intellihub

Ahead of contentious nationwide elections in Ukraine this weekend designed to pave the way for a new government in the politically fractured country, Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday had strong words for western nations, including the United States, who he says backed the coup d’etat that has put the nation on the edge of all out civil war.

In his remarks Friday, Putin said that Russia would back the results of the vote, but cautioned the Obama administration on its continued mishandling of the crisis, including its failure to honor diplomatic efforts and an overtly-biased relationship with the individuals and parties in Kiev who overthrew the elected government of President Viktor Yanukovich earlier this year.

Continue reading

Barack Obama: A Pacifist Turned Warmonger Threatens Nuclear Holocaust

ThisSeeds of Destruction: The Diabolical World of Genetic Manipulation

from News Beacon Ireland

This is no ordinary book about the perils of GMO: Seeds of Destruction: The Diabolical World of Genetic Manipulation

“Control the oil, and you control nations. Control the food, and you control the people.”* -Henry Kissinger

“Seeds of Destruction: The Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation” by F. William Engdahl is a skillfully researched book that focuses on how a small socio-political American elite seeks to establish control over the very basis of human survival: the provision of our daily bread.

This is no ordinary book about the perils of GMO. Engdahl takes the reader inside the corridors of power, into the backrooms of the science labs, behind closed doors in the corporate boardrooms. The author cogently reveals a diabolical world of profit-driven political intrigue, government corruption and coercion, where genetic manipulation and the patenting of life forms are used to gain worldwide control over food production. If the book often reads as a crime story, that should come as no surprise. For that is what it is.

Engdahl’s carefully argued critique goes far beyond the familiar controversies surrounding the practice of genetic modification as a scientific technique. The book is an eye-opener, a must-read for all those committed to the causes of social justice and world peace.

What follows is the Preface to ”Seeds of Destruction: The Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation” by F. William Engdahl available from Global Research

Continue reading at News Beacon Ireland

Aerospace Worker Admits To Installing chemical Spraying Equipment In Jet Aircraft
Conspiracy Theorists Vindicated: HAARP Confirmed Weather-manipulation Tool

Bilderberg hijacks Britain’s $60bn defense budget

It’s getting close to Bilderberg time again folks. More leaks, speculation and … OK sometimes whacky conspiracy theories about what the global shadow government have been and will be getting up to.

We reported last year how someone had carelessly left behind in a conference room at The Grove country house hotel and conference centre in Watford details of how the Bilderbergers planned to rig financial markets in order to steal our money.

Has anyone noticed how weird the markets are these days, particularly stocks and shares. Each morning the FT, Dow Jones, Dax and others open sharply higher than the previous evenings close.

This prompts a “me too” panic among traders who pile in sending prices even higher. Later in the day the big players start dumping stock and the smaller investors panic and follow suit, enabling the big boys to use their operators in the far eastern markets who trade overnight while our lads sleep, to buy cheaply and repeat the exercise ready for traders in the west to ramp up their opening prices.

Technically it is known as High Frequency Trading, the trades are made by computer which is why the banks can pull the same scam again and again (Artificial Intelligence my arse, comoputers are really very stupid) colloquially it is pump and dump which better describes the dodginess of it.

Well the plans to use the technique in a global scam rather than locally was detained in the Bilderberg link I provided.

Not content with rigging markets and stealing our pensions and saving however, it seems the Bilderbergers are now setting their sights on controlling the war machines of major military powers.

From Russia Today
Democracy had another near-fatal stroke, and the military industrial complex further tightened UK defense spending with the appointment of ex-army officer and Tory hothead Rory Stewart MP as the new chairman of Westminster’s Defence Select Committee.

Last week the Home Affairs Select Committee delivered a damning verdict on Britain’s defense and secret service oversight, on taxpayer accountability. It said the refusal of the director general of MI5, Andrew Parker, to appear before them and lack of any effective supervision was “undermining the credibility of the intelligence agencies and parliament itself.”

Surely nothing could surpass the ‘Dodgy Dossier’, the criminal conspiracy that led to the US and Britain, as the Arab League put it in 2003, to ‘Opening the Gates of Hell in Iraq’? But with Stuart’s appointment to oversee public scrutiny of UK military spending just two weeks before NATO’s political cabal of which he’s a member, the Bilderberg conference, meets in Copenhagen later this month, it is clear to those who still have eyes to see that those bloody lessons have not been learned and the worse could be yet to come.
The most powerful private club in the world

In their Christmas 1987 edition, The Economist described Bilderberg as ‘Ne Plus Ultra’ the most powerful private club in the world. Its power has certainly not diminished as the decades have rolled by and neither has its secrecy. Although it began with trades unionists and powerful people it wanted to persuade, in its final days Bilderberg has boiled down to a rotten core of bankers, royalty, arms industry, oil and media barons and Rory Stuart MP, in the tradition of Kissinger, Blair, Cameron, Osborne and Balls, has thrown his lot in with them.

Continue reading:

European Commission puts business profits before the needs of the world’s poorest.

It’s no fracking use dreaming, shale gas is not The Messiah

To read the headlines or listen to that even more idiotic and unreliable source, Barack Hussein Obama you would think the USA was on the verge of regaining its position as the world’s No. 1 oil and gas producer and exporter due to the discovery of way to exploit vast reserves of oil and gas held in shale deposits.

In fact, according to The White House, fracking shale would drive America’s economic recovery and pave the way for The Emeror Obama to complete Americ’s economic conquest of the world and establishment of a global empire. Told you he’s a dickhead.

Recently President Obama made various noises that the US could alleviate the dependency of Ukraine on Russian gas because of America’s infinite reserves of oil shale and natural shale gas. Ever the dickhead’s dickhead Obama is once again letting his teleprompter do the thinking. There’s only one thing wrong with his dream solution to the Putin obstacle to his planned absorption of Ukraine into the EU and NATO, America’s shale bonanza is not going to happen.

The surface numbers are indeed impressive to a layman or politician but have been complied by the well known scientific method of making mathematical models of reality. And that means ignoring any real world data that suggests things might not be a simple as the scientists would like.

from Veterans Today:
According to US Government Energy Information Administration data, between 2005 and 2010 the contribution from shale gas to total US marketed gas production rose from less than 2% to more than 20%. And 2011 set an all-time record for US production as the result of shale gas growth.
However the shale gas comes from a small number of areas with significant and viable shale rock formations that have trapped gas and oil in the interstices of the sedimentary shale rocks. Continue reading:

Forgotten war Nears End Game

It is difficult to understand how the government of the United States of America, which we in Europe have been told for most of our lives is the beacon of human rights, the guardian of liberty and individualism and the land of opportunity has over the past few decades become The Evil Empire, with a government so ruthless in pursuing its fascistic aims it makes Hitler’s Nazis, Mussolini’s Fascisti and Stalin’s Bolsheviks look positively amateurish.

Read more on Americas Forgotten War In South Sudan:
US Covert Ops: The Disintegration of South Sudan
Human Rights – A Straitjacket On Liberty.

Interesting: ‘Boko Haram Is A CIA Covert Operation – Wikileaks’

from African renaissance News
via News Beacon Ireland

Boko Haram Is A CIA Covert Operation – Wikileaks

Beyond what we know from the Wikileaks report, what many Nigerians do not know is that US embassy’s subversive activities in Nigeria fits into the long term US government’s well camouflaged policy of containment against Nigeria the ultimate goal of which is to eliminate Nigeria as a potential strategic rival to the US in the African continent.

by Atheling P Reginald Mavangira
published on The African Renaissance News 1 May 2014

We have already been regaled with reports provided by the Wikileaks which identified the US embassy in Nigeria as a forward operating base for wide and far reaching acts of subversion against Nigeria which include but not limited to eavesdropping on Nigerian government communication, financial espionage on leading Nigerians, support and funding of subversive groups and insurgents, sponsoring of divisive propaganda among the disparate groups of Nigeria and the use of visa blackmail to induce and coerce high ranking Nigerians into acting in favour of US interests.

But beyond what we know from the Wikileaks report, what many Nigerians do not know is that US embassy’s subversive activities in Nigeria fits into the long term US government’s well camouflaged policy of containment against Nigeria the ultimate goal of which is to eliminate Nigeria as a potential strategic rival to the US in the African continent.

Continue reading


While the world has been looking the other way, Boko Haram has been conquering Nigeria
One story that has slipped away from us recently as we have tried to bring you a fair and balanced view of the Ched Evans With Hunt, the Charlie Hebdo terrorist attack, ships full of migrants abandoned in The Adriatic and the collapse of the Petrodollar amongs other catastrophe’s that have happened, are happening or are waiting to happen, has been the progress of the Boko Haram rebellion in Nigeria.

Britain On The brink Of Tyranny

The Justice and Security Bill, if it now on its way through Parliament will, if it becomes law, for the fist time since King Alfred The Great signed the Liber Judicialis permit judicial trials to be held in secret. It will even become illegal to report them (remember the super – injunctions a few years ago?).

The bill has already passed through all stages in the House of Commons, and goes to the House of Lords for consideration. In other words, The Justice And Security Bill that will place secrecy and surveillance above anything to do with JUSTICE is nearly home and hosed .(

The bill’s sponsor in the Commons is Justice Minister, Bilderberger and fat bastard Kenneth Clarke, who is widely believed to be on the steering committee of the highly secretive Bilderberg group. In a foreword to a consultation document, Clarke explains that the excuse forpurpose of this authoritarian withdrawal of civil rights is to enable the government to defend itself against civil claims, with claimants typically seeking significant amounts in damages, but where the facts of the case turn on highly sensitive information.

Yeah right!

Richard Cottrell, in his book ‘Gladio: NATO’s Dagger at the Heart of Europe’ ( devotes quite a few pages to this bill. At the time Cottrell’s book was published, the fascistic law had been rejected, but he rightly predicted that it would return. He wrote then: “The Justice and Security Bill has been around for some years, since 7/7 hardly by co-incidence. It proposes that secret courts will inquire into any matters concerning individuals or events that the authorities decide they want to keep secret. This will apply in the case of the as yet unheld inquests on those blamed for 7/7. In other words it’s another fascist promotion of The Labour Party sneaked back in under the Conservatives. How many times have I told you these bell ends are just puppets and we don’t even know the names of the people who really run the government.

“It was also to apply to living accused persons who would be denied under this Orwellian draft the right to represent themselves or have their own lawyers represent them. Nor will they be allowed to know what they are accused of. In the Soviet Union this was perfectly normal. In the place of legal representation the state will appoint Special Advocates who will not be under any responsibility to represent the accused, or explain to that person of what he is accused, and nor will they be under any responsibility to offer a defence.

“The Bill was savaged by the Lords, but returned to the Commons with all the Lords’ amendments struck out. On the day of the vote on gay marriages it slipped through the vote in the select committee with the vote of one backwoods Ulsterman rushed in at the last minute. (The vote was held at the same [time] as members were in the lobbies voting on the gay marriage Bill). … This law when passed, as it will be, can then be applied to all and any offence, even as lowly as a traffic accident. Accused persons will never be told of what they are charged and of course it is very unlikely they would be found ‘not guilty.’”

As Little Nicky has warned you before, whatever political shade of government we have we will be constantly dragged closer and closer to fascism as long as the two parties controlled by the globalists maintain their hegemony. The Liberal Democrats have already sold their souls and their arses to the power elite, so those of you who tell me UKIP are a racist group, why not just admit you are sheeple who never had an intelligent though of your own but merely swallow the propaganda, or have the courage of your convictions and admit that you really think this kind of Nazi shit is just what the world needs.

but don’t expect me to save you from the death camps when you are designated a “useless eater.”

Kudos to The Tap for keeping me updated on this story

If There Is An Anti EU Surge Across Europe What Should Cameron Do?

Voter Backlash against Media UKIP Smears Is Good For Democracy

Gay and same sex marriage: The Bigotry And Intolerance Of Those Who Describe Themselves As The Liberal Left

Will Bilderberg End Privacy As We Know It? Agenda Suggests The Elite Will Know Everything About You

Prime Minister Cheerleading For The Enemy?

Ed Miliband has accused David Cameron of acting as a cheerleader for the US pharmaceutical firm Pfizer’s proposed takeover of its British rival AstraZeneca as he called for the brakes to be put on the biggest takeover in UK corporate history. This is a bit rich coming from the leader of a party that presided over a car boot sale of british assets to foreign corporations between 1997 and 2010 so that we have ended up not owning our electricity and gas supplies, water, and probably not even the steam off our piss, so comprehensive was Labour’s sell off.

Still, fair’s fair and Ed has a point. The Labour leader, who said Pfizer had a “pretty dubious record” on takeovers (he was probably referring to Prime Minister Blair, Cameron has only presided over one takeover cock up, the Kraft / Cadbury debacle,) has written to the Cameron calling for a change in the law to ensure that a public interest test on such corporate deals should be applied to strategic economic interests. The public interest test normally applies to defence companies or utilities.

I don’t remember Ed doing anything like that when he was a minister in the Labour government but beter late than never. It would be unworthy to mention that Ed’s concern for the welfare of British workers might have something to do with the fact that an election is only a year away, so I will not mention it.

Miliband has decided to intervene after Pfizer offered what he described as “pretty weak assurances” to protect AstraZeneca’s research and development base. Pretty weak assurances? Pfizer have more or less admitted they intend to break up and asset strip Astra Zeneca:

Pfizer last night admitted its £63billion bid for AstraZeneca might result in the break-up of the British drugs firm.

Ian Read, who heads the US company, indicated his highly profitable UK takeover target would be split into three parts.

Asked whether any of these could be sold off, he replied: ‘We will conserve that optionality. No decision has been taken about the future.

Assurances my arse, all Pfizer want in patents and a portal into the EU market. We need a leader who knows the meaning of the (reversed) V sign.

European Elections: you can vote UKIP or you can vote Nazi, simples
Statins? Our Welfare Or Corporate Profits, Which Side Is Medical Science On?

Russia and Ukraine closer to all-out war. US Military Industrial Complex Anticipate All Out Profit

Russia and Ukraine inched closer to war yesterday after ‘many’ pro-Moscow separatists were killed during a major military offensive by troops of the Kiev government intense fighting broke out as the army attempted to take back seized city Slaviansk

As fighting flared at several locations in the east of Ukraine, Vladimir Putin said the operation had ‘destroyed’ any hopes of peace.

The Kremlin said Kiev’s decision to deploy the army against its own people was a ‘catastrophe’ and called for an emergency meeting of the United Nations Security Council.

Meanwhile globalist, Bilderberger and Rockefeller confidant Zbigniew Brzezinski has posted a plea on the Politico website, urgently requesting washington to call for more direct U.S. involvement in Ukraine.

“It is more than a month since the Russians annexed Crimea, and recent events have only exacerbated the crisis, with pro-Russian rebels reportedly shooting down two Ukrainian helicopters in separatist-held Slaviansk on Friday. Yet the president still hasn’t laid out a comprehensive statement of what is really at stake,” writes the co-founder of the Trilateral Commission.”

Indirectly calling Russian President Vladimir Putin a “thug,” Brzezinski says “we have an obligation to help Ukraine.” He characterizes the crisis as “the most important challenge to the international system since the end of the Cold War” and tells Obama he desperately needs to issue “a comprehensive statement of what is really at stake” and address “the American people on this issue…”

Obama needs the support of the American people on this one. There are rumblings of unrest at his administrations flagrant violations of constitutional limits and Obama’s Imperial style of governing and Americans are sick of long term involvelents in civil conflicts that even if quelled will only flare up again as soon as American troops leave. Thus he has to convince voter that Ukraine is important enough to warrant the deaths of American soldiers and that his stand deserves both national understanding and support.

He might struggle on this one and the race card does not seem to be earning him any indulgences any more.

IMF Demands Ukraine Risk World War 3 in Return For Bailout Money

So how close do you think we are to World War Three?
a) We were on the brink when Putin stood by Syria but things have cooled off.
b) No worries. Liverpool don’t play Chelsea again until next season
c) Who cares so long as those racist shits Farage and Clarkson are first to get blown away.

Whichever you answered you are wrong. We are now set on a path that must inevitably lead to war and The Rent Boy President, aided and abetted by the United Nazis is determines to keep the tachometer in the red zone because the people who pull his strings need war. (What? you thought the UN was an organization dedicated to peace – name one conflict in the past 50 years they haven’t been involved in. The UN is dedicated to the profits of the military / industrial complex)

And other United nations linked bodies including the IMF are in the game too.

from Infowars
The IMF has told Kiev that if it doesn’t defend eastern areas of Ukraine against pro-Russian forces, or in other words risk going to war with Russia and starting World War 3, that a planned $17 billion dollar bailout package will have to be “redesigned”.

IMF head Christine Lagarde said that the global body would “check regularly” to see if Ukraine was keeping up with its commitments on which the loan deal is dependent. One of those commitments includes a vow to use military forces to repel Russian influence in the east of the country.

The IMF has told Kiev that the money spigot could be cut off if Kiev “loses control over (the) East of the country”.

“Which, roughly translated, appears to mean go to war with pro-Russian forces (and thus Russia itself if Putin sees his apparent countrymen in trouble) or you don’t get your money!,” Zero Hedge.

Innumerable analysts have warned that if Russia and Ukraine engage in a full blown conflict, regional and even world war could eventually ensue. The IMF is seemingly so desperate to make Ukraine another one of its loan shark client states that it is willing to risk the annihilation of billions of people to achieve such a scenario.

The fantastic “deal” that the Ukrainian people are getting in allowing the post-coup government to sell out to the IMF vampires includes a 50% hike in energy prices, a halving in pensions, crippling inflation, huge tax hikes and a freeze in the minimum wage.

Ironically, a huge chunk of that money will be used to pay Russian-owned natural gas supplier Gazprom, with whom Kiev is behind on its bills.