British University System Facing Collapse

Half of Britain’s 150 universities must close down if the system is to remain viable, according to a senior academic.

Sir Roderick Floud has proposed a plan for mass redundancies and closures to be adopted by the government in which he criticised the “messy, muddled non-system of higher education” as “inefficient” and in need of root-and-branch reform. Floud is the former head of Universities UK, an advocate for universities, and has run several universities.

“I believe that we have too many universities, that they are trying to do too many different things, and that the way we fund their research is fundamentally flawed,” Floud wrote in Times Higher Education. “We don’t need two or more universities in each of our major cities, glowering at each other and competing to attract the attentions of businesses and local authorities. Why does Leeds or Sheffield or Oxford, for example, need two vice-chancellors, registrars or groups of governors?

“In London, the situation is even more bizarre, with some 40 universities within the M25 [the London Orbital Motorway] and more arriving by the day. We have conservatoires and art colleges which could perfectly well be faculties of a larger university,” Floud continued. (Read all)

Yeah, well he has a point. How many PPE, Business Management and Psychology Graduates do we need? Apprenticeships in bricklaying, plastering, plumbing, joinery, car mechanics, engineering, electrical installations and so on would give people the prospect of earning a decent living.

And if we converted all the branches of the University of Usedtobeapoly back to local techs, people could do vocational training for proper jobs instead of taking joke degrees in things like janitorial services.

Rape As A Weapon

Questions for Liberals #1. Is support for people who use rape as a weapon of war compatible with political correctness?

As I wander through gather these days I often find myself thinking how medieval and parochial the ‘liberals’ and ‘progressives are. No doubt many who wear those labels with pride would claim their political opponents the religious right are even more parochial and medieval.

Maybe the real religious right are but there are two point to consider here:

Not everybody who opposes the neo fascism of the progressive liberals is a Republican.

Not every Republican is a supporter of the religious right.

The conviction among progressive liberals that there are only two possible political positions rather proves my case about parochialism and medievalism and explains why so many of these lefties openly support medieval brutality.

When stumbling through Stumble Upon I chanced on this Washington Post headline, that made me think of how the liberals had cheered at the prospect of America supporting the Syrian rebels. The story was headlined:

Rape has become “significant” part of Syrian war, says humanitarian group.

Well I know that rape is a weapon of war, a weapon of genocide even, in tribal societies, but I wondered if those parochial liberals at gather did. And if so, do they know how rape can be used as a weapon of genocide?

It is necessary here to first understand that “they” i.e. the majority of cultures and societies outside western Europe and north America are nothing like us. A minory of elite intellectuals and wealthy business people might have adopted the politically correct mores of the west but generally despite the coming of technology these societies have changed little in a thousand years.

I can almost hear those liberals wailing and gnashing their teeth all the way across the Atlantic, they are crying “Oh no, that horrible Ian Thorpe cannot criticize Africans, Africans are nice, Africans are good, our beloved President is an African.”

(To which we would be justified in asking, “If Obama is an African what’s he doing in The White House?” but we’ll let that one pass for now.)

The first thing to understand is there is no African race as such. The Arabs and Moors in the north and the negros in the south might have dark skin but that is about all they have in common. The African continent is the most racist and racially divided place on this planet.

African nations are mash ups of ancient tribal societies and cultures. I’ll explain the significance of that of that later but first here’s some evidence that it is going on.

Rape as a weapon of war – Amnesty International

This report finds that rape and other forms of sexual violence in Darfur are being used as a weapon of war in order to humiliate, punish, control, inflict fear and displace women and their communities. These rapes and other sexual violence constitute grave violations of international human rights and humanitarian law, including war crimes and crimes against humanity. The report also examines the consequences of rape which have immediate and long-term effects on women beyond the actual physical violence. (also: Rape as a weapon in Sudan – Amnesty International)

Consultancy Africa: War rape: A Planned and targeted policy for genocide


War rape has a history as long as the practice of war itself. Rape that occurred in war zones was seen as a by-product of wartime activity, collateral damage or as spoils of war for a long time and was not considered as a violation of humanitarian law (2) or as a war strategy.(3) The change in policy happened with the Rwanda Tribunals, which prosecuted rape as a component of the conflict in the region and as a crime against humanity that served the goals of genocide. A big shift in thinking about rape happened. Thinking that rape is simply the ‘by-product’ of war was changed with the recognition that rape is actually a planned and targeted policy. Rape became recognised as a weapon of war. It was acknowledged that war enemies tried to achieve political objectives such as ethnic cleansing, genocide, and the occupation of enemy territory by targeting women of the opposite side or other ethnicity.(4) ‘Rape as a weapon of war’ is still not a legal term concept, but has at least taken on legal significance due to the work of the Rwanda Tribunals.

BBC News: How Did Rape Become A Weapon Of War A Report from Medicins Sans Frontiers for BBC News

Women’s bodies have become part of the terrain of conflict, according to a new report by Amnesty International.

Rape and sexual abuse are not just a by-product of war but are used as a deliberate military strategy, it says.

The opportunistic rape and pillage of previous centuries has been replaced in modern conflict by rape used as an orchestrated combat tool.

And while Amnesty cites ongoing conflicts in Colombia, Iraq, Sudan, Chechnya, Nepal and Afghanistan, the use of rape as a weapon of war goes back much further …


But rape as genocide, how does that work?

It’s a little bit more subtle and a whole lot more cruel than gunning people down or disembowelling victims.

I have written here many times before that those “liberals” who are always wailing and gnashing teeth about the suffering of people in third world basket case tyrannies really do not have a clue how things work in these places. One of the most frequent complaints levelled by Africans at American and European guilt tourists is those do gooders glibly assume Africans yearn to live in societies modelled on those of America or Europe’s most advanced nations.

In reality we do not have a clue how the mindset of people who have always lived in rigid tribal societies sees the world but basically they despise us for our selfishness greed and lack of values. I don’t agree with them but respect their right to their opinion.

One of the big things in the life of a tribesman or woman (and remember we are talking about a huge majority of the people in the world) is their status as a member of their tribe or caste. Many books have been written on that so I’ll just leave it there for people to research if they wish. Lose your status in the tribe and you’re nobody, there is no way back.

Sexist, racist and primitive as it may seem, one of the things that gives a woman status is her virtue. Conventions vary in different tribes but almost universally if a woman is not a virgin she’s pretty much done for, and if she is penetrated by a man who is not a member of her tribe she might as well be dead.

This stems from a totally nonsensical but very powerful belief (that as recently as fifty years ago had not been completely eradicated in the west) that something of the essence of a man remains in any woman he has sex with. Children borne by a woman who had not been exclusive to her hubby were ‘tainted’ by her other lovers’ seed. And in tribal societies if a woman has been raped by a member of another tribe her children can never be full tribe members or belong to a caste. They are outcastes as is their mother whose only means of supporting herself will be either prostitution or begging.

No man would marry her of course, who would want his children to be excluded from the tribe. And so those women who are raped in a tribal war are effectively removed from the breeding stock. Rape enough young women and the enemy tribes ability to reproduce is seriously compromised.

Now I an not saying we should hate Africans, my view is that if they organise their societies in ways I can’t tolerate I will not go there but I will respect their right to live that way. We in the west cannot feed all those who do not get an adequate diet and most of the money we send to feed the hungry in famine zones ends up in the offshore bank accounts of tyrants and their corrupt officials.

We cannot eradicate all disease and we cannot force our way of life on people who have chosen to live differently. To try to do so is a form of colonization. And isn’t the evil of colonialism one of the things progressives find most abhorrent about the history of the west’s dealings with third world nations?

I have always been a non interventionist. When I said we should not invade Iraq because the country would fragment into a tribal society, a lawless failed state, I was accused of supporting the brutal tyrant Saddam. When I said we should not bring down Gadaffi because it would destroy Libya and open the way for Islamist groups to gain control of mineral resources in Mali, Chad and Niger that are vital to western economic interests I was scoffed at and called a right wing nut job. Libya is now a failed state and the weapons used in Al Qaeda’s attempts to gain control of Mali and the Algerian hostage crisis were smuggled through Libya’s southern border. I was called inhuamane when I said we should leave Assad to crush the uprising but instead of a few hundred dissidents being killed, that’s to the west’s arming the rebels via Turkey, an estimated 20,000 have died.

It is always folly to meddle in things we don’t understand and we do not understand foreign societies any more than they understand ours.


Will War On Terror Become The Perpetual War Of George Orwell’s ‘1984’

Living Within The Conspiracy

The Intellectual Elite Truly Despise People They Pretend To Care About

France sends more troops to Mali as UN backs intervention Assad Speak Out On West’s Syria Invasion

The Shadow Government.

Big Green Versus Big Koch

Libertarianism is not Laissez Faire.

The Kill Team – more evidence of Washington’s love of war

This is another post in my ongoing campaign to make idiot lefties wake up to the fact that their messiah, the chosen one, the Rent – Boy President Barack Hussein Obama is actually a more right – wing president than his predecessor George W Bush and is more in love with war, genocide and mass murder than any leader since Genghis Khan.

Not that I am suggesting he is any worse than our current crop of European leaders, Baphomet Merkel, Asmodius Hollande and Moloch Cameron. They are all insane …

The Kill Team: The murderous reality of the US war in Afghanistan

from RINF

The constant pressure to kill or be killed. It is impossible not to get into the insanity of it,” explains US army Corporal Jeremy Morlock in a new documentary about a group of American soldiers nicknamed the “Kill Team.”

The moniker, applied by the media to members of an army unit who committed war crimes in Afghanistan, is also the title of the film by US documentarian Dan Krauss.

The platoon came from the Fifth Stryker Brigade, Second Infantry Division, based at Lewis-McChord Army Base near Seattle, Washington. The filmmakers focus on Specialist Adam Winfield, who was 17 at the time he joined the army. Deployed to Afghanistan in July 2009, Winfield was contacting his father Chris by February of the next year about atrocities being committed by members of his unit, whose ringleader and highest-ranking member was Staff Sergeant Calvin Gibbs.

According to the film’s production notes, Krauss came upon an April 27, 2011, story in the New York Times (“A Beast in the Heart of Every Fighting Man” by Luke Mogelson) that described Winfield as both a whistleblower and a murder suspect. The article claimed the designation “Kill Team” came from a leaked video interview in which Winfield told an army special agent that Gibbs “thought I was weak and I’m not good enough to be on his quote-unquote ‘kill team.’”

In a four-month period in 2010, the “Kill Team” carried out three murders of Afghan civilians for sport and kept finger and leg bones, a tooth and a skull as grisly trophies in one of the most widely publicized cases of American criminality in Afghanistan.

And don’t forget everyone, this is exactly the kind of thing the Rent – Boy President has already tried to spread to Syria, take back to Iraq and is currently trying to kick off in Ukraine. We should resist all calls to war and we should be very sceptical of all propaganda coming out of Washington about atrocities that must be avenged by full scale military intervention.

And we should be especially sceptical of the bletherings of neo Nazis who style themselves left wing in support of this war mongering propaganda. People who are truly left wing (e.g. anarchists like myself) are anti war. Those who have been consistently mad for war (e.g. the ‘scientist’ who accuses me of being a right wing extremist because of my scepticism about Obama’s attempts to justify a war against Russia) might be socialists, but remember, Hitler’s political movement was called The German National socialist Workers’ Party.

Why Do The ‘Progressive Left’ Support Those Who Use Rape As A Weapon Of War
Time To Invest In Pork Bellies And Beans

Germany Axes Canada-EU Trade Agreement, This Will End TTIP Stitch Up Too

We are winning. Well today we are at least. News broke over the weekend that Germany intends to junk the Canada Europe Trade Agreement (CETA), a template for the much bigger and therefore more threatening to freedom and democratic rule Trans Atlantic Trade and Investment partnership (TTIP). So it looks as though the shockwave of the European Parliament elections that saw parties such as UKIP, Italy’s Five Start Movement, France’s front national and Alternatif fur Deutscheland ans a host of parties in smaller nations doing well at the expense of pro – integration parties has awoken politicians to the anger of voters throughout Europe with the dictatorial attitude of the EU.

READ FULL ARTICLE on Merkel pulling the plug on corporate trade deal
Germany Axes Canada-EU Trade Agreement, This Will End TTIP Stitch Up Too

EU Boss Argues That Their Work With Banks And Corporate Interests Should Be Concealed From The Public.
Senior Obama Aide Petraeus Extols North American Superstate
The Government-Corporate Complex Takes Complete Control Of The USA.
US-EU Trans-Atlantic Free Trade Agreement (TAFTA) Will Have Devastating Social and Environmental Consequences
Slaves To The Machine

Feeding The Monster

Holy City

Never Trust An Effing Technocrat

I get sick of articles on technology wanker sites praising evil corporations like Microsoft, Google and Apple, and especially the comment threads which are full of besotted fanboys queueing to sing the praises of demonic nerds like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and the Google script kiddies.

They say things like “The technology leaders are heroes, they have made everybody’s life so much better.” (Well they may have improved the lives of sad little geeks who spent all their time hunched over computers, but most people find the internet a decent way to communicate now there are fewer pubs to meet our mates in, convenient for shopping now there are so few decent shops left in the high street and a place to look at porn without exposing yourself to the risk of being seen emerging from shops with blacked out windows, carrying your purchases in a plain brown bag.

While the internet and its many technologies have their benefits, those benefits come at a cost to our freedom and privacy. And the fanboy’s favourite object of worship is actually the most evil of all technology corporations that makes money from the net.

Apple has installed security backdoors on 600m iPhones and iPads, claims security researcher

Apple has been accused of intentionally installing security backdoors in some 600 million iOS devices that offer surveillance-level access to data including photos, browsing history and GPS locations.

The vulnerabilities were uncovered by security expert Jonathan Zdziarski, who presented an academic paper on the subject at a hacker conference in New York last Friday.

Apple has issued a statement in response to the allegations saying that the company’s “diagnostic functions do not compromise user privacy and security,” but Zdziarski has responded by noting that these services “dish out data” regardless of whether the user has agreed to diagnostics.

“There is no way to disable these mechanisms,” Zdziarski writes on his personal blog. “This makes it much harder to believe that Apple is actually telling the truth here.”

The backdoors reportedly cover a range of hidden tools and protocols that activate with “paired” computers – machines connected to an iPhone or iPad via USB that the user has granted security access to.

Read all: The Independent

The really weird thing is that the fanboys continue to insist technology firms would never do anything like this, a year after the US and British government surveillance agencies NSA and GCHQ and all the major tachnology companied admitted allegations of covert data gathering were true.

Funny How A Few Days Good Weather Brings The Warmageddonists Out

Over the past few scorching hot days I have seen several members of the alomst defunct Warmageddonist society plugging their tired, discredited old “science” and trying to claim that mathematics proves that what is observably not happening is actually happening but only scientists are clever enough to understand that.

Hmm, is that so?

Nobody in the Climate Modelling Community Foresaw 17 years Without Surface Warming

Principal Research Scientist at the University of Alabama in Huntsville, Roy Spencer talks with James about where the missing heat has gone. Is it, as climate alarmists claim, hiding at the bottom of the oceans? “All kinds of things are theoretically possible”, says Roy.

But not all things are very likely. Instead, Roy’s research suggests that half the observed global warming can be explained more simply than by computer models, which try to pin the blame for all the warming on humans, and have famously failed to predict the pause in global warming.

Watch the video above to learn more …


Now as many respected physicists including Freeman Dyson have pointed out, the “magic gas” hypothesis of back radiation warming violates the Laws of Thermodynamics*. But as far as Warmageddonist which is not required training for a PhD in the defective climate alchemy science club.

The problem is the real scientists such as Freeman Dyson rely on empirical evidence, the Warmageddonists rely on mathematical modelling and the Mike Mann law of climate dynamics, which states “If the data does not provide the answer you want, the data must be wrong and can be ignored. Thus Mann created his notorious Hockey Schtick Graph by ignoring the Medieval Warm Period which, using such data is is available (measuing tree rings in bog oaks) showed the mean temperature was higher than it is now.

*The author of the linked article notes; “All I want to present here is the simple proof that thermodynamics textbooks don’t teach the false ideas circulating the internet about the second law of thermodynamics.”


UN IPCC Climate Change Report Will Warn Of ‘Severe, Pervasive’ Effects Of Global Warming
After various leaks of draft version showed the latest IPCC Climate Change report had at last admitted that the real world behaviour of the global climate showed the mathematical model based scaremongering of the climate science lobby to be at odds with the real world evidence, the final published report seems to have been rewritten line by line by the Warmageddonist lobby and their political and corporate masters.

Climategate, the sequel: How we are STILL being tricked with flawed data on global warming.
Daily Stirrer occasional contributor Graham Lear returns to one of our favourite themes, the climate change hoax, part of a program of scaremongering being engineered by enemies if freedom and democracy in the higher echelons of scoiety. This about it, who is pushing the myth of catatrophic climate change being caused by Carbon Dioxide from human activity?

Latest TTIP News – Could There Be More To This Than Meets They Eye?

Little nicky has warned you before about a couple of trade treaties currently being negotiated in secret. The TPP (Trans Pacific Partnership) and TTIP (Trans Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership) are, according to press releases, aimed at creating economic free trade zones between the EU and NAFTA (North Atlantic Free Trade Association which the Obama Administration is trying to extend to weld USA, Canada and Mexico into a single state in the way the EU want to merge all member states into a single federal superstate) and between the NAFTA superstate and the Pacific Rim nations.

Really what TPP and TTIP will do is abolish democracy and free global corporations to do WTF they like as they will be empowered to ignore any national law that obstructs their business interests.

The latest news-report from the TTIP negotiations from Inter Press Service puts it into perspective. It concerns the secret Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) negotiations with Europe, and it’s headlined on July 18th, “US Accused of Forcing EU to Accept Tar Sands Oil:

Trade negotiators are working to permanently block a landmark [E.U.] regulatory proposal aimed at addressing climate change.” Cary L. Biron writes there that, “Newly publicised internal documents suggest that U.S. negotiators are working to permanently block a landmark regulatory proposal in the European Union aimed at addressing climate change, and instead to force European countries to import particularly dirty forms of oil. … At issue is the mechanism by which the European Union would determine the greenhouse gas emissions of various types of oil and gas. As part of Europe’s broader climate pledges, the F[uel] Q[uality] D[irective] was revised to reduce the emissions of transport fuels by six percent by the end of the decade. In 2011, the E.U. proposed that tar sands and other unconventional [i.e., especially filthy] oils be formally characterised as having higher greenhouse gas ‘intensity’ than conventional oil, given that they require more energy to produce – 23 percent higher, according to a study for the European Commission.”

longer report from Truth Out (interpress content not available for linking)

Hmm, so yet another reason why the USA might want to make Russia a pariah state emerges.

Germany Axes Canada-EU Trade Agreement, This Will End TTIP Stitch Up Too

Trade Treaties Fast Track Not A Done Deal, The People Will Stop It

Flight MH17 – This Is Very Interesting

Found a great comment is a thread at The Daily Telegraph under a totally nutty article by a writer called Con Coughlin. In the case of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 Coughlin slags off Putin as a pathological liar (wrong, Putin is a Russian leader who likes to remind us that the rest of the world plays by different rules to those the wussy west would like to impose on them.

On top of that Coughlin seem to think that anything uttered by the war criminal and mass murderer, former rent boy, cocaine addict and wannabe Emperor Obama mudt be gospel truth even though the man has been caught out in more lies than Pinocchio.

Take a look at the article if you are feeling masochistic.

Here’s what GreatBrithole had to say

The video above asks the question, ‘who shot down MH17?’ If you’re interested in the answer to that you might want to view this video –

It’s important to notice that it was uploaded on June (not July) the 18th – a month ago.

Click the fourth icon from the right (captions) and set it to show English captions, if it doesn’t already. Then fast forward to 1.06. Or view the transcript by clicking the transcript icon further down, near the video description.

Here’s the important part of the transcript (spelling errors included) –

‘Terrible things are happening. For example an incident that happened recently. Passanger plane was flying by. And Ukrainian attack aircraft hid behind it. Than he lowered his altitude a bit and droped bombs on residential sector of Semenovka town. Than he regained the altitude and hid behind the passanger plane again. Than he left. They wanted to provoke the militia to shoot at the passenger plane. There would be a global catastrophe. Civilians would have died. Than they would say that terrorists here did it. There are no terrorists here.’

It’s worth considering that it could be possible that the person who uploaded this video has tampered with the transcript yesterday/recently, or updated it somehow – I don’t speak Ukrainian so I can’t verify if the words match the transcript and I don’t know if youtube change the upload date if the details are updated, although this page suggests that it’s not easy to change video details without youtube classing it as a different, new upload –

But regardless, it’s interesting.

Now we don’t know if that is true or not but it shows the folly of Con Coughlin and many others in mainstream media who is every situation divide the players into “white hats” and “black hats”.

There are many ways of looking at everything and the sooner we try to understand that Russians, Arabs, Chinese and Africans have a very different mindset from westerners and thus view things from a different perspective, we will continue to screw up foreign relations.

Flight MH17: a little common sense among the politics

Sensational Break From Official Lies – German Aviation Expert Says MH17 Brought Down By Air To Air Missile

Whatever War Crimes Obama Accuses Russia Of You Can Bet America Has done It First.

World policitical leaders and media sycophants are lining up to condemn Russia for the dowing on Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 over Ukraine. Here are a few snippets from our coverage:

Move Along Plebs, Nothing To See Here

I really get very pissed off with the kind of media luvvies who, though total nonentities, manage to delude themselves that they are slebs or somehow important and thus it is their duty to close ranks with the establishment and dismiss those who seek the truth as conspiracy theorists.

One such luvvie is barrister Barbara Hewson who instead of fighting for truth and justice is making it her business to give aid and comfort to the judges and senior lawyers who are currently shitting themselves fear ing that theirs might be the next name to emerge linked to allegations of hitoric sex abuse, or assisting in covering for those who were involved in organised kiddie fiddling.

In Spiked Ms Hewson writes:

“The inquiry was brought about when conspiracy theorists and claims-makers complained about the disappearance of some files in the Home Office, which allegedly represented a cover-up of sexual misconduct by a dastardly elite.

The originator of the missing files, the late Geoffrey Dickens MP, was a well-known right-winger and moral entrepreneur. In 1991 he called on parliament to bring in a law to punish sex offenders by ‘castrat[ing] the buggers’. Dickens once showed his files, ‘where people have written to me with information’, to the home secretary, Leon Brittan QC, back in 1983.”

Hewson then rants on about there being only unsubstantiated allegations and never any real evidence to back up calls for an investigation. all this proves is not only do you not need to be very bright to become a barrister so long as your family have the right connections, you don’t even have to be a competent liar.

When this cupid stunt says there is no evidence does she mean because it was snatched by Special Branch as was the case with the dossier prepared by Barbara Castle or the one prepared by Geoffrey Dickens MP whose son has said that after Dickens’ death he was approached by security services and warned that if he ever revealed any of the names in his father’s documents very bad things would happen.

Or does she mean no evidence like the lack of evidence people high up in the elite were so afraid of they prevented, THREE yes THREE separate investigations into the allegations against Cyril Smith.

Just how big a shitload of evidence do you need before an elitist lawyer will admit you have evidence against another elitist that warrants an investigation.

Little Nicky Machiavelli has said before that the historic abuse cases, though serious, should not be our main concern. What we should really be issed off about is evidence of how the deep the culture of corruption and cover up among the elite goes.

Barbara Hewson’s defence of kiddie fiddlers among her caste shows that even the bottom feeders in the elite pond are involved.


Scotland Yard searching the Bodleian Library for Barbara Castle Dossier on alleged child sex abuse

Police to Investigate Allegations of Labour-LibDem Rochdale ‘Deal’ on Paedophiles
Child abuse scandal in Rotherham

In Case You Though We’d Forgotten Ukraine

Airstrike wipes out Ukraine Apartment Block Killing 11 Civilians

An airstrike in eastern Ukraine sent an apartment building crumpling to the ground Tuesday, killing at least 11 people and adding to the steadily mounting civilian death toll from the fighting between government forces and pro-Russian insurgents.

Rebels pinned the attack on the Ukrainian air force. The government swiftly denied blame but was not immediately able to offer an alternative explanation.

The bombing in the rebel-held town of Snizhne demonstrated how airstrikes and heavy rocket fire are becoming increasingly common as the conflict drags into its fourth month. The attack comes one day after a Ukrainian military transport plane was shot down in disputed circumstances.

The devastation in Snizhne bore signs of a strike by several missiles and left only a mountain of smoking debris. The four-story apartment block appeared to have been hit in two separate spots, causing the collapse of several tiers. A nearby house was also destroyed.

Resident Igor Chernetsov lost his wife in the attack. “I heard an explosion, and suddenly I was thrown out of the apartment, out of the fourth floor,” said Chernetsov, his head swathed in a bandage. “I woke up covered in dust and had no idea what had happened.”

Health officials in the Donetsk region, which includes Snizhne, provided the number of dead. Rescue workers pulled a small child with broken legs alive from the rubble as grieving residents sifted for belongings. An Associated Press reporter counted six large impact craters.

Continue reading at abc news

a href=””>Was The Missile Attack On Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 Over Ukraine A False Flag Event.

Simon Danczuk Becomes A National Hero

Got to admit it, Simon Danczuk, Labour MP for Rochdale is becoming something of a national hero for his dogged pursuit of those involved in covering up allegations of sex crimes in the establishment. Kudos too to The Daily Mirror and Sunday People, The Daily Mail and The Independent for reporting as fully as the law allows, details of the allegations as they emerge.

Danczuk wrote in today’s Daily Express:

” Not only is it a highly emotive subject that generates strong public feeling, it is also incredibly costly to society. It destroys lives, ruins potential and leaves a trail of misery.

In recent years, thankfully, this crime has been dragged out of the shadows and public attitudes show it to be a growing national priority.

Protective agencies are having to change their approach to reflect public concern. The police are witnessing a significant cultural shift in how they deal with child abuse and so too are local authorities. Similarly, the media is eager to report and raise awareness of what is arguably the worst crime imaginable.

However, there is one institution that has stubbornly resisted these changes and seems determined to keep this crime hidden in the shadows. It has provided inadequate leadership on the issue and has shown a complete lack of appetite in tackling abusers in their own ranks.

I refer to the British Parliament. Last week I told a select committee hearing that politics was the last refuge of child abuse deniers. This raised a few eyebrows at the time but everywhere you look politicians are showing my analysis to be true.

PM David Cameron has been happy to sound off about the legal case of Andy Coulson, thereby incurring the wrath of the judge in the hacking trial, when it comes to his own former policy adviser Patrick Rock, now facing serious charges of possessing child p

Allegations of child-abusing MPs have long swirled around Westminster and politicians have done nothing to address this. Cyril Smith’s abuse of boys was known for years but his party the Lib Dems cheered him to his grave.

Similarly stories of child abuse were frequently told about Margaret Thatcher’s aide Sir Peter Morrison. It was only after he died that fellow Tories, including Edwina Currie, outed him as a paedophile.

If there is one issue that is guaranteed to make some politicians lost for words, turn the other way or feign complete indifference it is child abuse.

The message from political parties is “move along, nothing to see here”. The silence is deafening.”

Read full article in The Daily Express

In another article Danczuk claimed he was pressured not to “out” Parliamentarians as suspected paedophiles last week, it was claimed, and was warned that naming one particular former MP could kill him.

Last week The Daily Mirror carried a story about former Labour MP Greville Janner, now a frail 85 year old, whose name repeatedly occurred in allegations of a Westminster Paedophile sex ring. Jenner was interviewed by police but was certified unfit to face forman questioning under caution because of dementia. Feasible seeing as the guy is 85 but why wasn’t he questioned twenty years ago?

Another story from The Mirror features the claims of a well known author:

Award winning author: I was abused at council care home linked to ex-Labour minister

What Happened To Battling Barbara’s VIP Paedophile Dossier

Now Sheffied Paedophile Grooming Scandal Explodes In Establishment’s Face

Organising a Cover Up to Cover Up a Cover up? Just call The Establishment

Judge Butler-Sloss Best To Head Elitist Paedophile Cover Up Inquiry – Cameron

hush puppies paedophiles scandalWhat have Hush Puppies to do with the scandal? Sssssshhhhhhhhhhhh.

Confirming his support for the controversial appointment of Baroness Butler – Sloss as head of the inquiry into allegations of an elite paedophile ring that operated within Westminster and Whitehall, Prime Minister David Cameron said:
“Objections to Judge Butler – Sloss chairing the inquiry on the grounds that her brother (the late Michael Havers, attorney General to Margaret Thatcher’s government) was involved in the original cover up of the paedophilia ring allegations are ridiculous as are complaints that a previous paedophilia inquiry led by Butler – Sloss was found to be incomplete and full of errors.

Its a pity the Judge doesn’t have a history of drink problems, if she had we could call her Butler-Shloshed. Just sayin’

Obviously this task will be very difficult to carry out so who better to oversee the inquiry than someone who has first hand experience of covering up the crimes of paedophiles in high places.”

OK, I may have exaggerated some of that just a teeny bit, but …

It Does Not Stop There, This Story Is Spreading Like A CAncer Through The Political Establishment

from The Daily Telegraph

The retired judge leading an inquiry into historic sex abuse said she will not quit yesterday, after her brother was linked to an Establishment ‘cover-up’ of the paedophile ring she will be investigating.Baroness Butler-Sloss faced demands for her resignation less than 24 hours after she was appointed to lead the Government’s probe into abuse by politicians and other powerful figures.

MPs and legal experts said it was inappropriate for her to keep the post given that her late brother, Sir Michael Havers, was Attorney General under Margaret Thatcher when many of the abuse claims were first made.’

Read full article in The Daily Telegraph

And there’s more – much more:

She’s a nutter aher husband was a nonce who frolicked with young prostitutes it turns out

And even more

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Labour peer escapes probe over 20 child sex claims because he is ‘suffering dementia’

from The Daily Mirror

Alleged victims of the Labour peer were boys in care homes but the member of the House of Lords will not be arrested A Labour peer facing more than 20 allegations of historical child abuse looks set to avoid prosecution after doctors said he was unfit to be quizzed because he has dementia.

The member of the House of Lords will not be interviewed or arrested by police investigating the alleged sexual assaults – which include claims of rape – on vulnerable boys in children’s homes.

One man said he was aged seven when the politician visited his care home and entertained him and the other youngsters there with magic tricks.

The suspect, who was the local MP at the time, then allegedly took him aside and sexually assaulted him.

His alleged victim claims he reported it to police but it was not properly investigated. He said: “That man humiliated me. He told me to undress and then fondled me. It scarred me for life. I complained previously and the police made a mess of it. But they are being very good now.”

Officers have compiled a dossier of more than 20 complaints against the peer, who was previously accused of child abuse more than two decades ago.

At the time, the serving MP agreed to be interviewed by police and a file was passed to the Director of Public Prosecutions, but no charges were ever brought.

Another police investigation into similar allegations is ongoing and a file has been sent to the Crown Prosecution Service.

Sources confirmed the peer would not be questioned after two doctors examined him and concluded he was unfit.

Read full article at The Daily Mirror

Ten serving and former prominent politicians are being named by people making complaints about historical sex abuse to child protection charity

from The Daily Mail

The names of at least ten politicians are being named ‘again and again’ by people calling a child abuse hotline, it was revealed today.

Senior police officers and judges are also among the ‘famous’ members of the establishment being identified by alleged victims, according to a charity.

The telephone calls have come since Theresa May announced an independent inquiry into how claims of child abuse were dealt with by public institutions, political parties, the church and the BBC.

Ten serving and former prominent politicians are being named by people making complaints about historical sex abuse to child protection charity

Diversity’ Does Not Mean Quotas. Why Do The Left Have To Rewrite The Dictionary.

Butler-Sloss ‘kept allegations of bishop’s abuse quiet because she she ‘cared about the Church”

Paedophilia is natural and normal for males’
No Conspiracy Of Silence On Parliamentary Paedophiles? Really?
Why Do The Left Love Paedophiles
New World Order Paedophiles
The Left, the NWO and legalised paedophilia
So Who Do You Pick To Investigate Elitist Paedophile Rings
Why The Intellectual Elite Truly Despise The Lower

The Global Economy Is so Healthy Its OK For Bankers To Steal Our Money

Posted a little item on Boggart Blog today about the German government preparing for the day when the EU aka Greater Germany imposes a tax or levy on saving and deposits held in European banks (the way they did with Cyprus in 2013) to prop up the failing banks and basket case economies of southern Europe.

Soon You Will Be Able To Give All Your Money To The EU … or face the consequences

While France’s Hollande and Spain’s Rajoy are making placatory noises about the unique nature of the Cyprus bank deposit snatch of 2013 was a ‘unique situation’ and that banks and not depositors should be responsive for insolvency, none other than Dutch Finance Minister Dijsselbloem has admitted what we all knew: DIJSSELBLOEM SAYS LEVY ON WEALTH IS DEFENDABLE IN PRINCIPLE.

So as we’ve always said, the Bureaucrats of Brussels are leading Europe back in time towards a neo-Feudal system of robber barons doing WTF they like and us poor punters powerless to do anything about it.

And it is not just Europe but the global elite that are at it. The man acknowledged by academics and politicians as the world’s leading economics expert, Paul Krugman, is so economically illiterate he does not recognise the validity of Mr. Micawbers advice to David Copperfield in Charles Dickens’ story: “Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure nineteen pounds nineteen shillings and sixpence, result happiness; annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure twenty pounds and sixpence, result misery.

“But you can’t criticize Kurugman, he’ has a nobel prize for economics,” someone told me. Well yes he does, but all that proves is that education is overrated.

This partially explains why investors have not dumped the USD, when White House has pushed “TAX THE RICH” schtick for years, Knowing the major economic themes of the next couple decades. The obvious move would be to hold cash in BRICS currencies as these and other nations outside the Eurozone and Obama’s proposed North American superstate (NAFTA) are duimping the dollar in favour of the renminbi or bilateral agreements with major trading partners and to buy precious metals which are an inflation hedge.

The omnipotent Krugman says however that there is no inflation, never has been and never will be, so you’re wrong. He has a shiny nobel prize, so he knows, on the other hand it must be obvious to any mother bringing up a family that he does the shopping even less often than David Cameron and Ed Miliband. I have other shiny things, but I’m just a knuckle dragging moron who was never admitted to the higher echelons of the elite where my real world experience counts for nothing.

But the EU, UK and US governments have all talked about criminalising dissent and shutting down websites / publications that oppose the official government line on absolutely everything. So just as you should trust a slatesman that has cheated you or a tradesman that has stolen from you, you should always trust a banking system that has fucked you up the arse in every way imaginable and the rent boy politicians and academics (listening Mr. Krugman?) who sell their arses to that banking system and give out whatever idiotic advice they are told to.

To say otherwise makes you a swivel eyed loon, a security risk, a potential terrorist and certifiably insane.

Cashless Society: The Spy In Your Wallet

More government thieving:

Tax Authorities ‘Breaking Magna Carta’ Over Bank Account Raids

MPs on the UK’s Treasury Select Committee have accused tax authorities of riding roughshod over the Magna Carta, with their new powers to empty members of the public’s bank accounts with little scrutiny. HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) say they need to recover tax debts from 17,000 people and claim the debtors can afford to pay.

According to the Daily Telegraph the politicians said they were “horrified” by the proposals at a session with the HMRC Chief Executive Lin Homer lasting more than three hours. Homer insisted that powers would only be used in extreme circumstances and that they would never leave anyone without “enough money to live.” However this would be at the discretion of HMRC, and therefore could be open to abuse.

Liberal Democrat MP, John Thurso said that HMRC were over-riding Magna Carta, the Great Charter that was signed by King John 800 years ago and enshrined the rights of the citizen into law.

Read full article at Beitbart London:

And more on that select committee hearing:

Inland Revenue a Dysfunctional department that ‘can’t be trusted’ with power to raid bank accounts

Plans to let the taxman take cash out of people’s bank accounts without their permission were condemned by MPs after Rebecca Benneyworth, of the Institute of Chartered Accountants, warned the department is ‘shooting itself in the foot.’ She told the ICAEW conference : ‘Public trust in HMRC would be eroded very quickly if cases come to light where funds have been incorrectly removed. ‘HMRC cannot afford to have public opinion turn against the tax system and those charged with administering it.’Accountants have warned HMRC cannot be trusted …
Read full article at The Daily Stirrer
Inland Revenue a Dysfunctional department that ‘can’t be trusted’ with power to raid bank accounts


World Government On The Way
Lucid and aware people observing world events unfold over the past decade or so – say, since September 11, 2001 – will have surely asked themselves what on Earth is going on here? We see ever-growing violence, war, outright lies, invasions, false flags, social upheavals, poverty, ruin and the death of millions… The world’s become a pretty dangerous and pitiful place to live in, and it only gets worse …

Cashless Society – The Resistance Begins Here

The EU has declared war on Britain, and we only have four months to prepare

Paedophilia is natural and normal for males’ says elitist adademic

Paedophilia is natural and normal for males’

Last week, after the conviction of Rolf Harris, the report into Jimmy Savile and Paedos-in-Parliament claims of an establishment cover-up to protect several senior MPs in Margaret Thatcher’s Cabinet suspected of sex-offending after their names were mentioned in allegations that a molly house for elite businessmen, public servants and political figures was being operated under the front of Elm Guest House in south London, Britain went into a convulsion of anxiety about child abuse in the Eighties.

but why the eighties, OK, Jimmy Savile, Stuart Hall, Rolf Harris, Cyril Smith, and several senior Members of the Thatcher Government. While Leon brittan has denied the only specific allegation so far made against him, this former future Prime Minister has not yet offered an explanation of why he suddenly quite his post as Home Secretary, having been widely tipped to succeed Thatcher as Prime Minister for what by comparison was a lowly clerical job in the European Union.

What was he running away from? When the answer emerges it could trigger an even greater scandal that the MP’s expenses case a few years ago.

But all that is ancient history and while we should be concerned at the way the establishment closed ranks to cover up widespread allegations of wrongdoing, we should be actively demanding answers from organisers of an academic conference as to why they allowed a vile, pervy creep Professor of Psychology mic time to promote his agenda of normalising sex with underage girls and boys.

Read more:

Paedophilia is natural and normal for males’ says Psychology Professor

Major Study Reveals Extent Children In Care Suffer Abuse – The Independent
No Conspiracy Of Silence On Parliamentary Paedophiles? Really?

IMF’s Legard warns of a RESET of Biblical Proportions

Yesterday I warned that the New World Order had a New Buzzword, RESET, which means “Brace yourselves guys, we’re coming to shaft you up the arse again.

from Investment Watch blog:

Why did the head of the IMF, Christine Lagarde, give a warning that 2014 would be a big year of financial change? Lagarde’s forecast is based on the number she calls “magic 7.” In her many examples, Lagarde says 2014 is 7 years from the beginning of the last financial meltdown that began in 2007.

July is the 7th month of the year, and many think she is giving a date for massive change coming to the world and the U.S. dollar in a currency reset. Talk radio veteran Steve Quayle says, “In the occult, they have a maxim in their world. They must warn the people they consider useless eaters and stupid people of what they are going to do. They derive some sort of sick pleasure out of that, and it’s kind of like the ultimate mocking through numerology.

The point being is Lagarde made 10 different references in a six minute portion of her speech at the beginning of 2014; you gotta know the message is being sent. . . . What these guys are doing is basically telling everybody ahead of time that they plan to change everything. . . . Jesus said, ‘The love of money is the root of all evil,’ and I’ll take it one step further and say the control of money is the control of all evil. They are speaking the message loud and clear. This month, something big starts to happen, and it changes the rest of the world for the next 7 years. . . . We are headed for a crisis or turning point of Biblical proportions that is going to change everything literally in a matter of days, if not overnight.”

Read all this Steve Quayle article at Investment Watch

Told You So – You Wouldn’t Vote UKIP, Now The Nazis Are In Charge

Inland Revenue a Dysfunctional department that ‘can’t be trusted’ with power to raid bank accounts
Europe’s Bureaucratic Elite Plan More Stitch Ups To Steal E U Member Sovereign Powers
Senior Obama Aide Petraeus Extols North American Superstate

Reset: The New World Order’s Latest Buzzword

the reset - uk column
Picture from UK Column

This is an extract from an article at UK Column, because I don’t wish to steal their traffic I have made most of it invisible and provided a link to the source page. The reason for this apparently bizarre behaviour is that there have been moves recently to take UK Column offline because they have been asking awkward questions and publishing unwelcome information about the activities of establishment figures.

Should UK column disappear, I and other bloggers who believe passionately in the right of free speech will be making sure their content is available to freethinkers and libertarians in the UK and around the world.

Reset: The Savage Destruction Of Our Constitution

In February 2010, just three months before the last general election, David Miliband was widely reported as calling for a “reset” of the British Constitution. The then Foreign Secretary argued that there should be a “wide ranging reset referendum which would allow voters to express an opinion on a series of constitutional reform proposals on the same day”.

Following the installation of the new coalition dictatorship government, Nick Clegg was appointed to the posts of Deputy Prime Minister and Lord President of the Privy Council. Part of his government role was to lead “the government’s political and constitutional reform agenda”.

Clegg promised that that “agenda” would result in the “biggest shakeup” of British “democracy” since the Great Reform Act of 1832. He was tasked with creating an elected House of Lords, reducing the number of MPs and redrawing constituency boundaries, bringing in fixed term parliaments, changing the voting system, creating a register of lobbyists and the breakup of the Union, among other things. By strange “coincidence”, this was more or less the same list of agenda items on David Miliband’s mind a few months earlier.

In this, Clegg had the backing of a host of think tanks and non-governmental organisations, all touting the lie that Britain has no written constitution, that our constitution is so antiquated as to be useless, and that it must be modernised and “codified”.

Read the full article

<!– A Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing

Almost exactly four years following David Miliband’s call for a “reset referendum”, Episode 21 of Clive de Carle’s Health Revolution programme was hijacked by ex-policeman Ray Savage. Clive had planned to have a guest on his programme to speak about a conference he was speaking at. Instead of speaking about the conference, Mr Savage chose to announce a new constitutional campaign called “the Reset”. This came as a complete surprise to both Clive and the production team at the UK Column.

Mr Savage informed the viewing audience that:

– There will be a constitutional reset.
– This reset would be facilitated through referenda held at the parish level.

More or less the suggestion proposed by David Miliband. In addition Mr Savage suggested replacing Britain’s complex tax regime with a bank transaction tax, and that the money so raised could be used to offer everyone in the country a “living wage” of £7500 per year. This was “the hook”.

But then came the barb. Mr Savage explained that he and his colleagues “have discussed this idea (Constitutional re-set) with many groups countrywide who were broadly in support of this approach. One group we spoke to were a group of environmentalists at the London School of Economics.”

That’s the same London School of Economics which has long been a hotbed of Miliband Fabian Marxism.

In a little name-dropping to add credibility to his Reset proposals, Mr Savage added that Polly Higgins had been looking to bring in a law of “ecocide” and that Michael Meacher MP suggested that in order to overcome the existing constitutional deadlock there would need to be a social movement built. Mr Savage clearly views the Reset as that social movement.

Polly Higgins is the softly spoken, hippy styled, British lawyer turned environmental campaigner who submitted a proposal to the United Nations for them to accept “ecocide” as the fifth crime against peace which could be tried at the International Criminal Court. This radical idea would have a profound effect on human activity that Higgins blames for damaging the environment. Supporters of the new “ecocide” law also believe they could be used to prosecute climate deniers who “distort” science to discourage voters and politicians from taking action to tackle global warming and climate change.

Higgins is also the chief executive officer of the Earth Community Trust whose patrons include Michael Mansfield QC. Mansfield is a regular lecturer and keynote speaker around the world, speaking about the law of “ecocide” and his role as lead prosecutor in the 2011 mock “ecocide” trial held in the UK Supreme Court.

Michael Meacher was an Environment Minister during the Blair regime and has been an MP since 1970. He is now a member of the advisory Council of the Global Footprint Network, which says it is “advancing the science of sustainability”.
Peoplecare Earthcare Fairshare

According to the Reset website, “The re-set is a solutionary approach with three ethics at its core: peoplecare, earthcare, fairshare. These are well established ethics, which are guidelines on how we should behave towards each other and the earth, common to many cultures and beliefs.

Where else is the “peoplecare, earth care, fairshare” mantra to be found? In the permaculture movement. According to the Permaculture Principles website, “the ethics earth care, people care and fair share form the foundation for permaculture design.”

And according to the Global Permaculture website, “Our Mission is to address Global Issues related to the Environment, Human Culture, and Economics through Permaculture and Ecological Design as outlined in the United Nations Agenda 21”.

The question has to be asked, then, why is the Reset happy to associate itself with radical Marxism and Agenda 21?

The Reset is a Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing. It is pushing forward the idea that Britain needs a constitutional “reset”. It claims that this “reset” has happened before many times throughout history, which is simply untrue. Instead, throughout history there has been a reassertion of the principles upon which the nation has been founded. This might seem like a small distinction, but in reality it is huge.

For 1300 years, since the time of Alfred the Great, generation after generation of British people have agreed that the principles upon which this nation is founded are the right ones.

The Reset is attempting to bring in savage constitutional change by presenting itself as a “pro-constitution” campaign. It is nothing of the sort.

Following some criticism of this article which originally appeared in Issue 2 2014 of the UK Column newspaper, we produced a report for our daily news programme to clarify some points:


Senior Obama Aide Petraeus Extols North American Superstate

Daily Stirrer archives for May 2014 and June 2014 now online