America Has Little To Be Thankful For.

As Americans were eating breakfast on their great national holiday, Thanksgiving Day, I came across an article by Naomi Cohn in The Guardian. The lines that jumped out at me were these:

A report out Wednesday showed that new jobless claims declined slightly last week, but this is hardly reassuring to the millions of Americans who are spending this Thanksgiving still unemployed.

I am one of those who will lose benefits when they expire next week – 5 days after the holiday. As it happens, I am among the lucky ones – I was laid off just under two years ago, and so I was eligible for 99 weeks of benefits – the maximum amount. Those who were laid off after me will get far less: if Congress does not act, the maximum number of weeks available will be 26.

Thanksgiving, for us, will be fraught with tension. We will sit at tables with family members, some of whom will be proudly announcing their latest success at work. We are the losers, the rejected, the left-out, the forgotten, the silent.

We are ashamed in front of our children, not because we cannot pay for gifts, summer camp, after-school activities. That, I think, they understand. But because we are failures. While we encourage them to excel in school, our own degrees are worthless.

Many people in the UK will be facing a similar prospect this Christmas of course. Our unemployment figures too are kept steady by the numbers of people simply running out of benefit, reaching the time limit for which jobseeker’s allowance is paid and dropping off the unemployment figures as they are forced to rely on income support.

But look at the final sentence in those quoted lines. “While we encourage them to excel in school, our own degrees are worthless.”

The great education Ponzi scheme strikes again. Last week when Little Nicky was defending Nick Cleggs’ U turn on university tuition fees I was challenged by someone who is much too nice a person to mix it with a bruiser who cut his political teeth campaigning as a Liberal in Wigan. He commented that education is not just about preparation for a career which is of course absolutely right. In fact as the above extract proves education even to degree level is little help in finding employment these days.

What we need is proper jobs for people to do. And to create those we need people with a grip on reality not the kind of illusion dwellers who believe university education is a human right.

If everybody has a degree they’re not going to be worth shit in a future job market.

99ers: The dream dies in jobless America

A Must Read On Education

A must – read from Dick Puddlecoat. As the mumbling and grumbling goes on about the coalitions education reforms and the left’s pathological hatred of Michael Gove (he’s a twat but no more a twat than Lord Mandy) this blog identifies the real reason why education is failing. (Ignore the title – the article is ironic.:

from Dick Puddklecoat blog:
After yesterday’s immensely amusing Tory-ribbing fun, Lord Norton (a Tory, believe it or not) has provided me with further ammunition for future stirring of Tory-voting parents. There are reports that citizenship teaching in schools – it has been part of the national curriculum since 2002 – is under review and may possibly …
Conservatism Should Be Taught In Schools

Liberal Democrats Bourgeois Angst

The Liberal Democrats and their leaders Nick Clegg have been getting a lot of flak over the issue of university tuition fees this past week. It has even been leaked that the party planned to drop their pledges on tuition fees before the election.

The Guardian reported:

The Liberal Democrats were drawing up plans to abandon Nick Clegg’s flagship policy to scrap university tuition fees two months before the general election, secret party documents reveal.

As the Lib Dem leader faces a growing revolt after this week’s violent protest against fee rises, internal documents show the party was drawing up proposals for coalition negotiations which contrasted sharply with …
Lib Dems Planned To Drop Tuition Fees Pledge

The amount of rage being hurled at Nick Clegg and other Liberal Democrat ministers in the coalition government by labour-lefie-loonies and by their own party members is as amusing as it is irrational. The first thing we should note is that none of us at The Daily Stirrer (and we’ve all been round the block a few times) can recall Labour members ever being so vitriolic towards their own party in government when the wishful thinking of campaign promises has to give way to the harsh realities of government.

The left has a long tradition of hypocrisy of course, look how they rant and rave about abolishing private education and yet how many among the Labour elite send their children to private schools or, every bit as bad, to faith schools in expensive suburbs where the catchment area ensures a large majority of pupils will be from affluent middle class homes, the offspring of professional couples.

The angst of Liberal Democrats, while amusing to behold is worrying for people who wish the coalition government well and are hoping they survive long enough to really stop the tide of politically correct lunacy set in spate during thirteen years of Labour’s authoritarian rule. After ninety years of only dreaming of power, the Lib Dems, finally having put a fingertip on the levers of government are finding responsibility not to their taste.

When I was an active member of the Liberal Party one of the greatest frustrations for those of us who believed a common sense, non ideological approach to the everyday problems facing voters could really help achieve “the greatest good of the greatest number” was that faction of the party we referred to as the raffia mafia. These sandal wearing, tree hugging, lentil munching wierdies were far more concerned with being seen to be “nice” and “caring” than with facing up to reality, deciding what needed to be done and setting about doing it. Their utopian dreams marginalised the whole party.

It seems too many Lib Dems are still living in that bubble of unreality, too eager to show how much they care about education and the plight of poor students to face up to the reality that Labour’s rapid expansion of the higher education system was too great a burden for the education budget to bear. The aim was to have 50% of school leavers going to University. This is a totally unrealistic target. The country does not need and cannot find suitable jobs for so many graduates.

We have to get a sense of reality about this. Yes, the state should fund University tuition and provide support for students whose parents cannot subsidise them through three years of higher education. Having said that we must set a limit on the numbers we support through higher education so that the financial burden on the taxpayer does not become unsustainable. Everybody having the right to try for a University place should they get the grsdes does not mean everybody must be accepted.

It might seem harsh to some but let’s remember, Utopia is a fiction.

More from The Daily Stirrer
Higher Education Oversold?
Can We Repair Brain Damage
UN Chief Back Off Climate Change Campaign


The main controversy in today’s news stories is the response of Work amd Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith to the citicisms made by the Archbishop of Canterbury about the government’s handling of the long term unemployment problem.

In response to criticism from The Archbishop of Canterbury, Iain Duncan Smith, the Work and Pensions Secretary, said it was a “sin” that British workers are not capable of competing for jobs with foreigners.

Read the view of Xavier Connolly on Why Can’t British Workers Compete With Immigrants For Jobs? in The Daily Stirrer.
Keep up wth all the controversy

Obasma Hails Indonesia’s Democratic and Politically Correct Utopia

Barack Obama, the great communicator who would reach out to the world and heal its wounds is a bit of a numbskull when it comes to international affairs it turns out.

Barack Obama has hailed Indonesia as an example to the world of how developing countries can embrace democracy. We examine the democratic, social, religious and human rights credentials of the world’s most populous Muslim state …
full story Obama Hails Indonesia As A Deomcratic Example To The World

Well he would say that wouldn’t he, being the great uniter, the man of peace reaching out to the Islamic world to reconcile them to the evil west. Pity he did not see fiot to make mention of that democratic, liberal, multiculturalist, inclusive, human rights loving Islamic government in Indonesia is waging a genocidal war against Christians on the remote island of East Timor.

Read more on the conflict in East Timor here
and HERE
and HERE

There is little to be found in western mainstream media on this conflict in which about 30% (estimated) of the island’s population have died at the hands of Barry’s new best friends, the liberal, democratic and politically correct government of Indonesia.

Good work Barry, keep it it. My Pakistani and Bangladeshi Muslim friends here in East Lancashire are all absolutely convinced you are one of them, a Muzza. A few more pronouncements as careless as this and even your supporters, the “liberals” of America’s east and west coasts will start to have doubts.

Obama Runs Out Of Hope
The Daily Stirrer

Food prices are inflating

While the warmists rant about carbon and the Church of Scienceology Cult rave about climate science. there are three real and immediate problems facing us that nobody is talking about. These are overpopulation, water shortage and food price inflation. This article deals with food prices, links at the bottom lead to our posts on population and water scarcity.
Soaring wheat and other commodity costs on world markets have pushed up UK wholesale food prices at the fastest rate in two years, official figures revealed today.

Prices for foods produced in the UK were 9.8% higher last month than a year ago. This is the biggest annual increase since October 2008 figures compiled by the Office for National Statistics reported. Imported food prices climbed 4.5% on the year, the fastest rate since

Again Little Nicky Maciavelli and The Daily Stirrer was first to warn you of this. Hope you stocked up with baked beans, tinned soup and SPAM.

While the warmists rant about carbon and the Church of Scienceology Cult rave about climate science. there are three real and immediate problems facing us that nobody is talking about. These are overpopulation, water shortage and food price inflation. The article linked below deals with food prices, furtherb links at the bottom lead to Daily Stirrer posts on population and water scarcity.
The Growing Problem Of Rising Food Prices (politics)


BHP Drops Bid For Potash of Canada

Mining giant BHP Billiton has abandoned its takeover bid for fertiliser group Potash Corporation after it was blocked by the Canadian government. We should start to appreciate Canadians more perhaps. A few months ago The Daily Stirrer was praising two Canadian sceptics for exposing …