Artificial Intelligence and The New World Order

Editor’s note: This is not the usual kind of stuff you would find in Little Micky Machiavelli or any of our Greenteeth D P sites, but it is our policy to introduce all ideas and opinions that question the narrative of the ruling elite and this long article, not reproduced in full here, certainly offers some new angles on the bizarre situation in which we find ourselves – Ian Thorpe 7 Dec 2021

Black Goo and Nanotechnology posted by ‘I Am’ on, 28 November 2021

The current plandemic is the final spiritual battle for setting the stage for their anti-human transhumanist goals.

Nanotechnology is the manipulation of matter on an atomic, molecular, and supramolecular scale and for our purposes of discussion, on the quantum levels. Recently the massive influx of Cosmic Rays and intergalactic plasma gases into the earth core and Polar Regions, along with the alien attempt to harvest and collect this new incoming energy source, has revealed the deeper purpose of Black Goo. The massive plasma gas transmissions are shifting the dark matter template in the earth at the elemental level. This is being observed as transforming Carbon Allotropes that are present in fullerenes or Buckyballs. Carbon allotropes such as Fullerenes are solids in normal conditions, but are changing their state of matter into liquids at subatomic scale from the massive amount of recent plasma gas exposure. A fullerene is a molecule of carbon in the form of a hollow sphere, ellipsoid, tube, and many other shapes. Spherical fullerenes are also called Buckyballs.

The Dark Matter Template is the anti-matter instruction set of the planetary body, and it has been filled in certain areas with this Alien sourced Black Goo. It was programmed into the dark matter template of the Albion Body and appears to have had its point of entry into earth around the time of the Nephilim Wars. This “alien black goo”, acts as a faux synthetic artificial intelligence elemental that mimics and controls carbon allotropes and how they function in the dodecahedron structures on earth. It is clearly how the Negatives have been accessing carbon elements to control matter forms, including control over genetic expression of the human body. … Continue reading >>>

How the covid scam can be over in 5 minutes

Dr. Jean Seignalet (Pronounce it “Shon Saynyalay”) was a French professor of medicine who devised and trialled a “hypotoxic” diet with 2,565 patients with 115 different, so called “incurable” diseases over a period of twenty years. 91 of the diseases responded to treatment with the diet and there were 1,631 complete remissions. 2,300 patients improved. (more >>> )

How to get the Frankenstein/pharma  white coats and their globalist masters off our backs

What happens now is that we do not wait to be told what to do anymore. We all take 5,000 i.u.’s of vitamin d (healthy adults) 10,000 i.u.’s for the obese, over 60’s and those with  existing conditions. This will a) make us immune to covid-19 and any future virus pandemic hoaxes b) go a long way to putting most chronic diseases into remission or close to it. We can then tell the WHO, the CDC, the NIH, the FDA, the NHS, our “leaders” who are corrupt puppets, the Rockefellers, Gates and tutti quanti to F…. OFF!

Why Coronavirus is a scam

Coronavirus is a scam. We are all vitamin d deficient. We have all been brainwashed to believe that if we go out in the afternoon sun in summer and 3 rays of UVB light hit our skin we will instantly develop melanoma and die a horrible death. It’s garbage. Propaganda to keep us dependent on the Rockefeller drugs and vaccines.

TL:DR version

By popular demand here is the TL:DR version . Please take the time to read the full post and watch my videos for substantiation. You will find it rewarding I promise.

a) We are all vitamin d deficient. The medical profession is lying to us about vitamin d to keep us ignorant, diseased and dependent on drugs and vaccines.
b) Among the many benefits of adequate vitamin d is the production of antimicrobialss made by our own bodies which will kill covid-19. In case of viral infection take a one-off megadose. (See my video for more details)
c) A high enough dose of vitamin c kills all viruses. You can only take so much orally without provoking diarrhea but you can take up to 150 grams or more intravenously in a 24 hour period without side effects. (Caution is needed in some rare diseases). Anyone who dies from covid-19 in an ICU has been murdered by a corrupt and ignorant medical profession.
d).Pandemic scares are used to control us and to get billions for the drug companies. They are hoaxes.

The medical profession is lying to us

At least 10 ways to kill coronavirus

There are at least 10 natural ways to kill the coronavirus without side effects. Vitamin d and vitamin c are the most obvious. I give you full substantiation for these in my video. See underneath for why the Japanese are hardly affected by it.

The Chinese have it under control since March 2010

The Chinese had it under control in December last year. Why? Because they were using high dose vitamin c intravenous in Emergency Rooms for acute infection. That’s why it’s no longer a problem in China. They posted up their Shanghai Experts Consenus Protocol on the internet in all the languages. Google have buried it but you can see it as inserts in my videos. The Chinese did not get the Rockefeller memo which says you cannot use any natural substance in medicine, only drugs. People who die from infection in ICU’s die from acute scurvy.

The reason Japan is little affected by coronavirus

Breaking news From Time. December 18: “… So far, nationwide cumulative cases remain under 200,000 and fatalities below 3,000—resulting in rates many times below those in the U.S. and Europe. This is despite the fact that Japan has one of the highest proportions of vulnerable elderly people in the world, and its coronavirus countermeasures have, in most cases, been mild….”

Fucoidan in shiitake “dashi” (stock) in miso soup

The Japanese all eat miso soup after every meal. It’s made with a stock (“dashi”) made from Kelp and Shiitake mushrooms. The shiitake contains vitamin d and the Kelp contains a sulfated polysaccharide called Fucoidan. It’s anti-viral, immuno stimulant and anti-inflammatory. See my video on the 28 health benefits of miso and how to make authentic miso soup in one minute.

28 health benefits of miso soup and how to make it in one minute

The Comparative Analysis of Antiviral Activity of Native and Modified Fucoidans from Brown Algae Fucus evanescens In Vitro and In Vivo  Krylova et al 2020
“…Thus, native and modified with enzyme Fucoidan have comparable potency against several DNA and RNA viruses, allowing us to consider the studied fucoidans as promising broad-spectrum antivirals….”

Sulfated polysaccharides effectively inhibit SARS-CoV-2 in vitro
Kwon et al 2020
“…Our results reveal that specific sulfated polysaccharides bind tightly to the S-protein of SARS-CoV-2 in vitro, which suggests that they can act as decoys to interfere with S-protein binding to the heparan sulfate co-receptor in host tissues3,11, inhibiting viral infection. …”

My miso video (make if. from scratch using authentic ingredients in one minute) :

17.22 immunostimulant

17.28 anti-viral


This vaccine made by our bodies kills all strains of the virus

A vaccine that our bodies makes under the right conditions naturally will klll all strains of this virus. Clue: it’s the reason that seasonal flu is seasonal and the reason the covid infections diminished during the summer and are now spiking. Yes – its UVB rays from the sun hitting our skin in the afternoon in summer and making vitamin d. The UK National Health Service is making up stories about how 2 rays of UVB hitting your skin will give you melanoma.  The NHS is a corrupt organisation  Newsflash: 90% of Melanomas are on the face and caused by dental x-rays. See my series of 10 videos on UVB and vitamin d.

The Rockefellers and their drug companies are maiming and killing us

We need an investigation into the corruption in medicine which has allowed this scam to happen. Medicine has been run by the Rockefellers for the past 100 years. Time for a proper investigation and a complete overhaul of the system. Make sure that the Rockefellers and their drug companies have no more influence. They are killing us. It’s as simple as that.

Enough of this  covid garbage

We don’t need the ridiculous social distancing that was used to prevent observers seeing what was happening at polling stations; We don’t need lockdowns. We don’t need masks. We don’t need mass testing and tracing. We don’t need quarantines. We don’t need mass vaccinations which are killling the elderly in much greater numbers than covid-19 (suppressed in the media) and  turn us into GMO’s with God know’s what long term consequences.

Those who die in ICU’s have been murdered!

All we need is for everyone to take sufficient vitamin d as a supplement. At least 5,000 i.u.’s. And high dose vitamin c intravenous for ALL acute infections which present to the ER (A & E in UK). Not just coronovirus infections. Anyone who dies in an ICU from an acute infection, dies from acute scurvy and has been murdered by an ignorant and corrupt medical profession who are “just following orders”.   Watch my video for full substantiation with medical studies

Time to investigate and prosecute those involved in this scandemic

How come I know this stuff and Fauci and Patrick Valance don’t? I believe that Gates and Fauci and Victor Dzau were involved in the manufacture and release of this virus. Time for a proper investigation. The WHO and the CDC are guilty of crimes against humanity. The medical profession are “just following orders”. They are ignorant and corrupt.

Corrupt Sociopaths in charge of social media have suppressed this knowledge

If social media was not censoring people like me the content of my video would have become common knowledge in an instant and people would have laughed at the Gates/Fauci/Rockefeller drug company show.

Make sure you take enough vitamin d. At least 5,000 i.u.

Covid-1984 is a scam like previous hoaxes

Covid-1984 is a scam like the 2 previous big pandemic hoaxes which were orchestrated by corrupt insiders at the CDC and the WHO. We are being controlled and manipulated by an evil banking mafia.

The medical profession are Rockefeller mafia soldiers

The Rockefellers and their cronies use the medical profession as their soldiers and they have controlling stakes in all the tech companies. The UN and the WHO are Rockefeller fronts.

The virus is man made

It’s common knowledge now that the virus was manufactured. If it was manufactured. someone must have intended to deliberately release it. All that was needed was a corrupt employee at the Wuhan virology lab. Did they infect an animal and put it in the wet market? We need to find out. As a matter of interest, the president of the National Academy of Medicine, a typical Rockefeller drug company front, is Victor Dzau a Chinese American. He is also on the boards of all the Global Public Health mafia fronts together with Gates and Fauci.

Watch my videos on the 3 previous big “pandemics”

The 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic was caused by a Rockefeller vaccine! It started on a US army base. The Rockefeller vaccine was definitely the cause of the pandemic in the US and UK. Was it the Rockefeller vaccine which caused the pandemic in Spain which started in the Madrid garrison a couple of months after the US pandemic started or was it a homegrown Spanish vaccine? (Support me on patreon so I can give up my day job and devote the time needed to find out) The French and the Germans were also mass vaccinating troops. All of these vaccines were extremely dangerous because they were produced in horses. No-one knew what a virus was in 1918. See my video which substantiates that the population all had sub clinical scurvy at the time. After the Ludlow massacre Ivy Lee taught the Rockefellers how to use PR to manipulate us and they learned that they would have to control the media in order to get away with their crimes.
The 1918 Spanish Flu

The 1976 Swine Flu hoax was orchestrated by corrupt insiders at the CDC The evidence was not flimsy. It was non-existent!. That one only cost the US taxpayer 800 million dollars in today’s money. 500 people developed Guillain-Barre syndrome. Paralysis to you and me. 20 million vaccinated before they called a halt. I think it was a dry run for the later hoaxes. They found out that we are all suckers and that they could get aways with it.
The 1976 Swine Flu Hoax

The 2009 Swine Flu hoax was orchestrated by corrupt insiders at the WHO this time. Corrupt insiders who had worked at the drug companies which eventually made the vaccines changed the definition of a pandemic to declare it one. Four different vaccines – four different crippling, lifelong diseases. Some deaths from the Canadian GSK vaccine from anaphylactic shock minutes after being jabbed. Narcolepsy from theUK GSK vaccine. 10 billion dollars banked by the drug companies for that one. Slight inflation since 1976 where they found that they could get away with it. So the Covid one will cost us hundreds of billions! You couldn’t make it up. The next one will no doubt cost us trillions for a vaccine. Unless we wake up!
The 2009 Swine Flu Hoax

Don’t let yourselves be manipulated by these crooks. No-one has to die from covid-19. Watch my 2 videos on vitamin c and vitamin d that kill covid-19

The 2 natural “vaccines” which kill covid-19: Content

Running Order

Banned on youtube because the evil mafia has a controlling stake

0:00 to 8:57 intro
8:57 to 25:22. ICU 101
25:22 to 1:24.00. High dose vitamin c intravenous (IVC) prevents the need for intensive care in acute infection. I show you the studies and how the medical mafia is trying to suppress this protocol with phoney studies. I show you why they are phoney.
1:24.00 to end. Vitamin D. The studies which prove it works to kill viruses. What dose to take? The vitamin d “hammer”. Protocol given to avoid infection. DIY protocol in case of acute infection.


i. Numerous studies show that only the severely vitamin d deficient die from covid-19. Vitamin d sufficient are not even infected. See the 4th part of my video. 1.24.00 to end. Therefore you should supplement with at least 5,000 i.u.’s of vitamin d. If you are infected, take the vitamin d “hammer” of 50,000 i.u.’s in one hit.

ii. High dose vitamin c intravenous (IVC) given in the first 6 hours of an acute covid patient presenting, prevents the need for intensive care. Watch my video to see how to get a diy version that is just as good as intravenous.


a). Mandate that every hospital use the MATH+ protocol for acute infections. Not just covid infections. ALL acute infections. No more deaths from covid and no more deaths from the flu either. This is a proven protocol. 10 ICU physicians are using it in the US. If used in the first 6 hours of an acute patient presenting to the ER, intensive care Sedation, drugging, intubation, ventilation, catheter tube shoved into your private parts. etc, etc.) is not necessary. Full details and irrefutable proof in my video

b) Give every citizen a year’s supply of vitamin d.

How many more studies do we need which prove that only severely vitamin d deficient people die from covid-19?  The real pandemic is vitamin d deficiency.

Only vitamin d deficient people die from covid-19.   The real pandemic is vitamin d deficiency. The corrupt medical profession is telling us lies to keep us out of the sun and and out of tanning beds so we remain vitamin d deficient. My video  catches them in the act of lying.

How to finish with covid overnight – vitamin d supplement for every citizen

Give every citizen a year’s supply of vitamin d. But not the useless dose of 600 iu’s stipulated as RDA (US) or even more ridiculous NHS RDA of 400 iu.=’s, by the corrupt medical profession. Give 5,000 iu’s per day. The dose recommended by Dr. Hollick who is THE expert on vitamin d. 20,000 iu’s for the obese, 10,000 iu,s for blacks, over 60’s and those with existing conditions. I estimate that this would cost about $50 million in the US and something like $15 millions in the UK. Chickenfeed! . It would stop not only covid-19 infection but also seasonal flu. It would also put all chronic diseases into remission and make the population 100% healthier because in every single chronic disease vitamin d deficiency is implicated. I show you a 2 minute montage of 80 studies which prove this in my video. Hit pause to read the disease which interests you. Get the drug companies to give back the biilions that they have extorted to make filthy vaccines which maim and kill.

Tips for watching the bitchute video on the 2 natural “vaccines”: * Watch in x1.25 or x1.5 speed where you find my delivery slow. * It’s in 4 parts. Watch in 2 or 3 or more sessions. (It’s long and detailed) * You don’t need to hit pause to read every medical excerpt insert. Come back and watch a second time and re ad the ones which interest you. * I give you a protocol to avoid infection in the first place and another “failsafe” emergency protocol in case of acute infection to keep you out of a death trap ICU.

Read:   None Dare Call it Conspiracy by Gary Allen. Written 50 years ago but more relevant than ever

Source >>>

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reply to Swiss Libertarians post on

Joe Biden loved the New World Order since 1992, this article from The Wall Street Journal proves it

basil_hallward·@basil_hallward·23m ago·Edited

What is really scary about that title is it closely echos the final line of George Orwell’s “1984”

I’ll give a very brief summary and the full final paragraph for context: The dystopian novel “1984” is set in Oceania, one of three superstates, which exists under the rule of Big Brother, the leader of the totalitarian Oligarchic Collectivist regime.

The central character is Winston Smith who works in the Ministry of Truth, which performs the function of ensuring the regime’s propaganda cannot be challenged.

In a world of total surveillance, the thought police, strict control of information and the duty of total obedience Winston is a rebel, he thinks for himself and circulates ideas forbidden by the regime. On meeting a fellow rebel, Julia, the pair fall in love though they suspect each other of being a spy for the regime. Such relationships are forbidden, the regime selcts partners for people.

Eventually the Thought Police catch up with these rebels and Winston ends up in Room 101, where the regimes enemies are taken to face the thing they fear most. And the story ends with these hearbreaking words …

“He gazed up at the enormous face. Forty years it had taken him to learn what kind of smile was hidden beneath the dark moustache. O cruel, needless misunderstanding! O stubborn, self-willed exile from the loving breast! Two gin-scented tears trickled down the sides of his nose. But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself.He loved Big Brother.”

More on “1984”

Zombies: how low rates and state intervention are dragging Europe down

by Nicola Kedhi, Cap X

Rise of the Zombies: how low rates and state intervention are dragging Europe down

Photo: Getty Images

Covid has created another pretext for billions of euros to be spent on zombies

Zombie companies are in limbo: unproductive, but kept on life-support by low interest rates

As soon as interest rates start rising, Europe’s economies will face a reckoning

Once the continent of innovation, art, democracy and non-conformity, Europe has been laid low by a heady brew of bureaucracy, over-regulation, over-taxation and debt. A crisis of political leadership has in turn produced a deficiency of bold, innovative ideas, a shortage of vision and a huge expansion of government intervention. Nowhere is this clearer than in the EU’s ill-fated monetary misadventures.

Throughout the last decade, the European Central Bank has pursued a program of Quantitative Easing program that has pushed interest rates into negative territory, all in the name of keeping the EU together … Continue reading >>>


Negative Interest Rates – Final Nail In The Coffin Of Neoliberalism? Negative interest rates, in plain terms a situation in which we pay bankers for holding our money, are the latest ruse of politicians and economists to make uis start spending our investments and savings, thus kickstarting the global economy thy have screwed up.

The age of financial privacy is over
Yes you read that right. The fascist regime in the USA has usurped to itself the right to raid bank accoutns anywhere is the world. At the moment they are only stealing money by way of tax demands from people who were born on US soil even if those people have not lived in the USA since childhood and have never be employed by a US business.

Inland Revenue a Dysfunctional department that ‘can’t be trusted’ with power to raid bank accounts
Plans to let the taxman take cash out of people’s bank accounts without their permission were condemned by MPs after Rebecca Benneyworth, of the Institute of Chartered Accountants, warned the department is ‘shooting itself in the foot.’ She told the ICAEW conference : ‘Public trust in HMRC would be eroded very quickly if cases come to light where funds have been incorrectly removed. ‘HMRC cannot afford to have public opinion turn against the tax system and those charged with administering it.’Accountants have warned HMRC cannot be trusted …

Taxes Will Rise If Government Do Not Raid Bank Accounts Taxes will have to rise unless officials are given new powers to raid people’s bank accounts, David Cameron has said.

The Treasury select committee warned that allowing HM Revenue and Customs to remove cash from bank accounts without court orders is “very concerning” because of its history of mistakes.
The committee said that taxpayers could suffer “serious detriment” if officials are able, either by mistake or through an “abuse” of power, to take money from people who have done no wrong.

Magic Money – How The Fractional Reserve Banking System Conjures Money From Fresh Air:
A look at how the fractional reserve banking system works and how it brought the global economy and many people’s personal finances close to collapse. It’s really all about pulling magic money out of fresh air.

Investors Ignore Triple Dip Regession As Stock Market Hits Four Year High
News that the British economy was staring an unprecedented triple dip recession in the face left investors unperturbed yesterday as shares on Britain’s leading index hit their highest point in since the crash four-and-a-half years ago.

Tax The Rich, Hurt The Poor
The loopy left in Britain and the USA have, throughout the cedit crunch, chanted their Tax The Rich mantra. Those who do not learn from history are condemned to repeat it of course and the left have still not learned from all the other economic catastrophes caused by attempts to redistribute wealth that taxing the rich huts the poor most.

The Folly Of Using Inflation To Reduce The Debt As the Obama administration starts to seriously consider minting Trillion dollar coins to reduce debt by fuelling massive inflkation the Daily Stirrer’s finance expert explain why this would not work and would have catastrophic consequences.

A Dickensian Christmas Gift: Mister Micawber’s Economic Wisdom
Despite the ever growing dunghill of evidence to the contrary lefty politicians around the world continue to call for higher taxes, more government spending and collectivist solutions while the clueless Obama administration embark on another futile round of “quantitative easing. What they are trying to do is inflate away debt but inflation is the curellist stealth tax. (Also posted at Scribd)

The Cashless SocietyOmnibus page on how the elites are trying to abolish cash to facilitate total surveillance of every aspect of our lives and to remove from us the ability to control our own finances and lives

The Bidens – A continuing story too crazy to be a soap opera.

from Terry’s PC-free topics at Quora

The Biden’s – A Historical Perspective

If this mess was about a conservative Republican, the Mainstream Media (MSM) would have demanded a special investigation by now.

To begin, Joe Biden and his first wife, Neilia, had three (3) children: Hunter, Beau and Naomi. In 1972, Neilia and Naomi, were killed in a car accident. Joe eventually remarried a woman named Jill. He already knew Jill because she had been Hunter’s babysitter at the time of the car accident. ( yea, THAT seems normal- marry the babysitter). They had a daughter named Ashley. Ashley lives ‘a quiet life’ and is frequently in and out of rehab for various substance abuse issues. Now sadly, the sanest, most normal one, of the 3 surviving kids, Beau, dies in 2015 from a brain tumor. He had been married to Haillie and they had 2 children, a boy and a girl named Natalie, who was 11 yrs old when her dad died.

Now, enter Hunter Biden, in 2015, to “comfort” his brother’s widow. Mind you, Hunter was married at the time, to Kathleen Biden, since 1993. Hunter Biden starts fooling around with his dead brother’s wife in 2015. Then his wife Kathleen finds out about it and they separate. Hunter moves in with his dead brother’s wife, Haillie, and her two kids. He ultimately gets divorced from Kathleen in 2017. Meanwhile, he starts screwing around with a stripper, while still shacking up with his dead brother’s wife, before his divorce is finalized, and gets the stripper pregnant. Haillie kicks his butt to the curb supposedly for this indiscretion in 2018. He denies the stripper’s baby is his, although a paternity test proves otherwise and eventually marries a woman named Melissa in 2019 after 6 days. So, does the tale end there? Why no, it doesn’t. That just sets the stage for more drama.

Enter the laptop from “Hell” loaded with emails, text messages, photos, child pornography, videos, and other sordid digital images. Hunter Biden drops the laptop off at a small computer repair shop in Delaware, his home state, to get it repaired because it seems that he dropped it in some water while in a meth-induced state of mind. He then neglected to pay the $85.00 repair fee and the laptop became the repair shop owner’s property for non-payment. When the owner saw what was on it, he contacted the FBI. No response. The DOJ? No response. Eventually, it landed in Rudy Giuliani’s possession and he turned it over to the Delaware State Police AFTER making 4 copies of the hard drive. Turns out, there’s quite a lot of child pornography on there much of it involving children on Hunter’s many trips to China. The Chinese Communist Party uses this as a blackmail tactic they supply the young girls, they film you, unknowingly, and then they can keep you “in line”, while paying you the big $$$ to do their bidding, like lucrative deals with your VP father. Millions of dollars was paid to Hunter Biden for favors with the US Govt while Joe Biden was VP under Obama. For eight (8) years Hunter made the contacts and split the money with his father: Joe Biden sold out his country and used his meth head son to do it.

However, IT GETS WORSE. Today, on the laptop, emails were released between Beau Biden’s widow, Haillie, and Joe Biden in 2017 and more in 2018 when she and Hunter were still living together. They were casually talking about Hunter’s continually “sexually inappropriate behavior” she had witnessed from Hunter toward her 14 year old daughter, Natalie, HIS NIECE! Image removed by sender. She told Joe that she felt she had put her children in a dangerous situation by getting involved with Hunter Biden. Joe knew his son was screwing around with his niece and he advised his daughter-in-law to go to therapy. Worst yet, no one went to the police and the abuse escalated. THAT is the main reason she broke off her relationship with Hunter. Among the pictures of Hunter having sex with young Asian children, there were hundreds of provocative pictures of a 14 year old girl, mainly topless, and hundreds more of Hunter Biden, in sexual poses with her, HIS NIECE. She was 14 yrs old and HE WAS 48!! BOTTOM LINE: ANY MAN WHO CAN’T TAKE CARE OF HIS OWN HOUSE, HAS NO BUSINESS BEING IN THE WHITE HOUSE. THE END…..but, is it?

Nope. Rudy says there is more to come, primarily involving Joe Biden getting rich off laundering foreign money through our country, using his son as intermediary. Biden is as dirty and crooked as they come. Hillary looks clean compared to him. Now it makes sense why Obama REFUSED to endorse him as the DNC candidate until he was the last man standing!

More to come…Dear God, how much worse can this get? The saga continues. Stay tuned…


Time To Rename Democrat Party The Hypocrite Party
As I read the news this morning I wanted to puke every time I encountered a (false) assertion that there is no substance to the claims of massive and organised fraud in the US presidential election made by Donald Trump and his supporters. As there is considerable substance to these claims, evidenced by the refusal of the General Services Administration, tasked with managing the transfer of power after election, to sanction funds for Joe Biden and the Democrats on the basis that several states are still counting votes,

Were US 2020 Elections Rigged By Dominion Voting Systems
A so-called computer “glitch” in the voting machines flipping votes during the 2020 US Elections has caused a major controversy. The source and ownership of the voting machines used in the elections has become an urgent issue because of real fears that hackers might tamper with the mechanics of the voting system. However, GreatGameIndia has found that the vendors and not hackers maybe behind the rigging.

US News Sites Claimed UK Nov 5th Fireworks Were To Celebrate Biden Presidency
Many of us in Britain and other developed nations spent most of last week looking on gobsmacked at the fiasco that was playing out across the pond as a nation whose inhabitants tell us if we are not doing things “The American Way” we are doing them wrongly, completely failed to back up their claims when they showed themselves to be completely incapable of running a fair and orderly democratic election.

As The World Hails President Not-Trump, News Media Forget He Hasn’t Won Yet
I read several times today that having been “officially” declared winner of the election and now US President elect, Joe Biden is being called on to heal the nation. It’s bollocks of course, while Joe Biden holds an apparently convincing lead in enough states to give him a majority in the electoral college, that body does not meet to formally elect the president until mid December.

Election Fun And Games In America
According to national sources such as The Epoch Times, Trump is currently at 214 electoral votes. If you add Georgia and North Carolina, both of which are obvious Trump wins, far beyond the margin of any Biden recovery, that puts Trump at 245 electoral votes. Trump is currently leading in Pennsylvania, and it looks like a victory that will be aggressively defended by the President and his team.

As America votes to choose its president for the next four years, the incumbent Donald ‘Pussy grabber’ Trump or challenger Joe ‘Sniffer’ Biden and chaos threatens to follow the election no matter who wins, I’m reminded of these words from Buckminster Fuller: “If you take all the machinery in the world and dump it in the ocean, within months more than half of all humanity will die and within another six months they’d almost all be gone; if you took …

The American Election Is Going To Be Fun.
With the national polls showing Sniffer Biden has a double figure lead byt state – by – state polling showing the race neck and neck, the scandal involving Biden’s son Hunter and dodgy deals in China and Ukraine now embracing Pappy Joe’s activities as Obama’s Vice President, the Democrats claiming Trump will not accept defeat …

Is America Heading For Civil War?
Authored by Brandon Smith via In last week’s article I discussed the issue of American “balkanization” and the rapid migration of conservatives and moderates from large population centers and states that are becoming militant in their progressive ideology. In my home state of Montana there has been a surge of people trying to escape …

Is America Heading For Civil War?
Authored by Brandon Smith via In last week’s article I discussed the issue of American “balkanization” and the rapid migration of conservatives and moderates from large population centers and states that are becoming militant in their progressive ideology. In my home state of Montana there has been a surge of people trying to escape …

Over half of Americans support using Army to aid police deal with George Floyd protests
Over 50 percent of Americans would like to see the army deployed to the streets of US cities to help police tackle the riots raging across the country following the death of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police. The US has been gripped by a massive wave of protests for over a month …

Pentagon Struggles to Defend America’s Secret War in Niger
The government and military authorities of the USA must be suckers for punishment, already struggling to manage international opposition to their ongoing efforts to effect regime change in Syria and with the bitter taste of failures in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya still strong in their mouths, they are still escalating US involvement in foreign wars.

March 4, 2018

Trump Gets Tough after EU Threatens Taxes on Jeans, Bourbon, and Harley-Davidsons

U.S. President Donald Trump is adopting a tough on the European Union, after the Union’s unelected leaders threatened to impose punitive tariffs on leading American brands in retaliation for his attempts to protect the jobs of American steelworkers. “So now we will also impose import tariffs,” threatened Jean-Claude Juncker, the president of the unelected European Commission, at an event in Hamburg, Germany.

March 4, 2018

Trump Gets Tough after EU Threatens Taxes on Jeans, Bourbon, and Harley-Davidsons

U.S. President Donald Trump is adopting a tough on the European Union, after the Union’s unelected leaders threatened to impose punitive tariffs on leading American brands in retaliation for his attempts to protect the jobs of American steelworkers. “So now we will also impose import tariffs,” threatened Jean-Claude Juncker, the president of the unelected European Commission, at an event in Hamburg, Germany.

Oprah Winfrey, Praised As A Feminist Icon, Exposed As A Fraud Within Twenty Four Hours

Tanya Gold, writing about The Golden Globes awards, praised the acceptance speech given by Oprah Winfrey who was given a lifetime achievement award presumably for fronting a television freak show, and commented on the ridiculous calls from other ‘liberals’ in hollywood and Washington for Oprah to run against Donald Trump in the 2020 Presidential Election.

Vaccines Are The Only Way To Beat COVID – Or Are They?

As governments and supra – national bureaucracies ramp up the propaganda in their effort to force dodgy and untested vaccines on us we want to share this very long and informative comment posted on Breitbart Europe

Chris Parkinson4 hours ago • edited

“….“Vaccines are the key to releasing us all from the grip of this pandemic, and today´s news is yet another important step towards ending lockdown and returning to normal life,´´ Business Secretary Alok Sharma said….”

Wrong! A purge of corrupt puppet politicians and a corrupt medical profession and paying proper attention to the medical literature is the key to ending the scam.

See my video on the 2 natural “vaccines” which kill covid-19 and any other virus and which are being suppressed by the evil mafia who orchestrated this scam.…
Banned on youtube because the evil mafia has a controlling stake

It’s a scam. Why do the Brits have such a high infection and death rate? Because we are all vitamin d deficient. We have all been brainwashed to believe that if we go out in the afternnoon sun in summer and 3 rays of UVB light hit our skin we will instantly develop melanoma and die a horrible death. It’s garbage. Propaganda to keep us dependent on the Rockefeller drugs and vaccines.

Give me 2 days free access on Mumsnet and the scam will be over. I tried posting last night. Post instantly removed and my account deleted.

By popular demand here is the TL;DR version. Please take the time to read the full post and watch my videos for substantiation. You will find it rewarding I promise.

a) We are all vitamin d deficient. The medical profession is lying to us about vitamin d to keep us ignorant, diseased and dependent on drugs and vaccines.
b) Among the many benefits of adequate vitamin d is the production of antimicrobialss made by our own bodies which will kill covid-19. In case of viral infection take a one-off megadose. (See my video for more details)
c) A high enough dose of vitamin c kills all viruses. You can only take so much orally without provoking diarrhea but you can take up to 150 grams or more intravenously in a 24 hour period without side effects. (Caution is needed in some rare diseases). Anyone who dies from covid-19 in an ICU has been murdered by a corrupt and ignorant medical profession.
d).Pandemic scares are used to control us and to get billions for the drug companies. They are hoaxes.

How much longer are we going to put up with this nonsense?

There are at least 10 natural ways to kill the coronavirus without side effects. Vitamin d and vitamin c are the most obvious. I give you full substantiation for these in my video. See underneath for why the Japanese are hardly affected by it.

The Chinese had it under control in December last year. Why? Because they were using high dose vitamin c intravenous in Emergency Rooms for acute infection. That’s why it’s no longer a problem in China. They posted up their Shanghai Experts Consenus Protocol on the internet in all the languages. Google have buried it but you can see it as inserts in my videos. The Chinese did not get the Rockefeller memo which says you cannot use any natural substance in medicine, only drugs. People who die from infection in ICU’s die from acute scurvy.

JAPAN Breaking news From Time. December 18: “… So far, nationwide cumulative cases remain under 200,000 and fatalities below 3,000—resulting in rates many times below those in the U.S. and Europe. This is despite the fact that Japan has one of the highest proportions of vulnerable elderly people in the world, and its coronavirus countermeasures have, in most cases, been mild….”

The Japanese all eat miso soup after every meal. It’s made with a stock (“dashi”) made from Kelp and Shiitake mushrooms. The shiitake contains vitamin d and the Kelp contains a sulfated polysaccharide called Fucoidan. It’s anti-viral, immuno stimulant and anti-inflammatory. See my video on the 28 health benefits of miso and how to make authentic miso soup in one minute.…
The Comparative Analysis of Antiviral Activity of Native and Modified Fucoidans from Brown Algae Fucus evanescens In Vitro and In Vivo* Krylova et al 2020
“…Thus, native and modified with enzyme Fucoidan have comparable potency against several DNA and RNA viruses, allowing us to consider the studied fucoidans as promising broad-spectrum antivirals….”

Sulfated polysaccharides effectively inhibit SARS-CoV-2 in vitro
Kwon et al 2020
“…Our results reveal that specific sulfated polysaccharides bind tightly to the S-protein of SARS-CoV-2 in vitro, which suggests that they can act as decoys to interfere with S-protein binding to the heparan sulfate co-receptor in host tissues3,11, inhibiting viral infection. …”

My miso video (make if. from scratch using authentic ingredients in one minute) :…
17.22 immunostimulant
17.44 anti-inflammatory
17.28 anti-viral

A vaccine that our bodies makes under the right conditions naturally will klll all strains of this virus. Clue: it’s the reason that seasonal flu is seasonal and the reason the covid infections diminished during the summer and are now spiking. Yes – its UVB rays from the sun hitting our skin in the afternoon in summer and making vitamin d. The UK National Health Service is making up stories about how 2 rays of UVB hitting your skin will give you melanoma. Newsflash: 90% of Melanomas are on the face and caused by dental x-rays. See my series of 10 videos on UVB and vitamin d.

We need an investigation into the corruption in medicine which has allowed this scam to happen. Medicine has been run by the Rockefellers for the past 100 years. Time for a proper investigation and a complete overhaul of the system. Make sure that the Rockefellers and their drug companies have no more influence. They are killing us. It’s as simple as that.

We don’t need the ridiculous social distancing that was used to prevent observers seeing what was happening at polling stations; We don’t need lockdowns. We don’t need masks. We don’t need mass testing and tracing. We don’t need quarantines. We don’t need mass vaccinations which turn us into GMO’s with God know’s what long term consequences.

All we need is for everyone to take sufficient vitamin d as a supplement. At least 5,000 i.u.’s. And high dose vitamin c intravenous for ALL acute infections which present to the ER (A & E in UK). Not just coronovirus infections. Anyone who dies in an ICU from an acute infection, dies from acute scurvy and has been murdered by an ignorant and corrupt medical profession who are “just following orders”. Watch my video for full substantiation with medical studies.

How come I know this stuff and Fauci doesn’t? I believe that Gates and Fauci and Victor Dzau were involved in the manufacture and release of this virus. Time for a proper investigation. The WHO and the CDC are guilty of crimes against humanity. The medical profession are “just following orders”. They are ignorant and corrupt.

If social media was not censoring people like me the content of my video would have become common knowledge in an instant and people would have laughed at the Gates/Fauci/Rockefeller drug company show.

Make sure you take enough vitamin d. At least 5,000 i.u.

Covid-1984 is a scam like the 2 previous big pandemic hoaxes which were orchestrated by corrupt insiders at the CDC and the WHO. We are being controlled and manipulated by an evil banking mafia.

The Rockefellers and their cronies use the medical profession as their soldiers and they have controlling stakes in all the tech companies. The UN and the WHO are Rockefeller fronts.

It’s common knowledge now that the virus was manufactured. If it was manufactured. someone must have intended to deliberately release it. All that was needed was a corrupt employee at the Wuhan virology lab. Did they infect an animal and put it in the wet market? We need to find out. As a matter of interest, the president of the National Academy of Medicine, a typical Rockefeller drug company front, is Victor Dzau a Chinese American. He is also on the boards of all the Global Public Health mafia fronts together with Gates and Fauci.

Watch my videos on the 3 previous big “pandemics”

The 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic was caused by a Rockefeller vaccine! It started on a US army base. The Rockefeller vaccine was definitely the cause of the pandemic in the US and UK. Was it the Rockefeller vaccine which caused the pandemic in Spain which started in the Madrid garrison a couple of months after the US pandemic started or was it a homegrown Spanish vaccine? (Support me on patreon so I can give up my day job and devote the time needed to find out) The French and the Germans were also mass vaccinating troops. All of these vaccines were extremely dangerous because they were produced in horses. No-one knew what a virus was in 1918. See my video which substantiates that the population all had sub clinical scurvy at the time. After the Ludlow massacre Ivy Lee taught the Rockefellers how to use PR to manipulate us and they learned that they would have to control the media in order to get away with their crimes.

The 1976 Swine Flu hoax was orchestrated by corrupt insiders at the CDC The evidence was not flimsy. It was non-existent!. That one only cost the US taxpayer 800 million dollars in today’s money. 500 people developed Guillain-Barre syndrome. Paralysis to you and me. 20 million vaccinated before they called a halt. I think it was a dry run for the later hoaxes. They found out that we are all suckers and that they could get aways with it.

The 2009 Swine Flu hoax was orchestrated by corrupt insiders at the WHO this time. Corrupt insiders who had worked at the drug companies which eventually made the vaccines changed the definition of a pandemic to declare it one. Four different vaccines – four different crippling, lifelong diseases. Some deaths from the Canadian GSK vaccine from anaphylactic shock minutes after being jabbed. Narcolepsy from theUK GSK vaccine. 10 billion dollars banked by the drug companies for that one. Slight inflation since 1976 where they found that they could get away with it. So the Covid one will cost us hundreds of billions! You couldn’t make it up. The next one will no doubt cost us trillions for a vaccine. Unless we wake up!

Don’t let yourselves be manipulated by these crooks. No-one has to die from covid-19. Watch my 2 videos on vitamin c and vitamin d that kill covid-19

My bitchute video content…
Banned on youtube because the evil mafia has a controlling stake

0:00 to 8:57 intro
8:57 to 25:22. ICU 101
25:22 to 1:24.00. High dose vitamin c intravenous (IVC) prevents the need for intensive care in acute infection. I show you the studies and how the medical mafia is trying to suppress this protocol with phoney studies. I show you why they are phoney.
1:24.00 to end. Vitamin D. The studies which prove it works to kill viruses. What dose to take? The vitamin d “hammer”. Protocol given to avoid infection. DIY protocol in case of acute infection.


i. Numerous studies show that only the severely vitamin d deficient die from covid-19. Vitamin d sufficient are not even infected. See the 4th part of my video. 1.24.00 to end. Therefore you should supplement with at least 5,000 i.u.’s of vitamin d. If you are infected, take the vitamin d “hammer” of 50,000 i.u.’s in one hit.
ii. High dose vitamin c intravenous (IVC) given in the first 6 hours of an acute covid patient presenting, prevents the need for intensive care. Watch my video to see how to get a diy version that is just as good as intravenous.


a). Mandate that every hospital use the MATH+ protocol for acute infections. Not just covid infections. ALL acute infections. No more deaths from covid and no more deaths from the flu either. This is a proven protocol. 10 ICU physicians are using it in the US. If used in the first 6 hours of an acute patient presenting to the ER, intensive care Sedation, drugging, intubation, ventilation, catheter tube shoved into your private parts. etc, etc.) is not necessary. Full details and irrefutable proof in my video

b) Give every citizen a year’s supply of vitamin d.

How many more studies do we need which prove that only severely vitamin d deficient people die from covid-19? The real pandemic is vitamin d deficiency. The corrupt medical profession is telling us lies to keep us out of the sun and and out of tanning beds so we remain vitamin d deficient. My video catches them in the act of lying.

Give every citizen a year’s supply of vitamin d. But not the useless dose of 600 iu’s stipulated as RDA (US) or even more ridiculous NHS RDA of 400 iu.=’s, by the corrupt medical profession. Give 5,000 iu’s per day. The dose recommended by Dr. Hollick who is THE expert on vitamin d. 20,000 iu’s for the obese, 10,000 iu,s for blacks, over 60’s and those with existing conditions. I estimate that this would cost about $50 million in the US and something like $15 millions in the UK. Chickenfeed! . It would stop not only covid-19 infection but also seasonal flu. It would also put all chronic diseases into remission and make the population 100% healthier because in every single chronic disease vitamin d deficiency is implicated. I show you a 2 minute montage of 80 studies which prove this in my video. Hit pause to read the disease which interests you. Get the drug companies to give back the biilions that they have extorted to make filthy vaccines which maim and kill.

Tips for watching the bitchute video on the 2 natural “vaccines”: * Watch in x1.25 or x1.5 speed where you find my delivery slow. * It’s in 4 parts. Watch in 2 or 3 or more sessions. (It’s long and detailed) * You don’t need to hit pause to read every medical excerpt insert. Come back and watch a second time and re ad the ones which interest you. * I give you a protocol to avoid infection in the first place and another “failsafe” emergency protocol in case of acute infection to keep you out of a death trap ICU.

Read: “None dare call it conspiracy” by Gary Allen. Written 50 years ago but more relevant than ever.

PS. The short version for President Trump. How to quickly kill the virus and stay out of a death trap ICU. (Pity he never watched it!)

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White Privilege?

White privilege?

It’s time our elected representatives and mainstream media started to defend the white people of these British Isles against the onslaught of racist bigots like Black Lives Matter and Marxist nutters like the EkSTINKtion Rebellion crusties. It’s time these anti-white Marxists were told there was no “privilege” working 12 hours a day in coal mines, 12 hours a day in the steel and cotton mills, and living bleak lives on bleak housing estates.

We white people built, with our brain and muscle, the greatest, most affluent and most free society in history, a truth that the old Labour Party understood but that is now overrun by anti-white Marxists who promote the interests of blacks and Muslims whose collective efforts never managed to progress their homelands beyond medieval feudalism and who now hate white people and the prosperity and liberal values of societies whose countries they want to destroy.

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Want to Know the Truth About Carbs? Here It Is

We all want to stay healthy right, but there’s so much conflicting advice out there about diet and health it’s hard to know what is useful and what is just a sales pitch. Still there are independent voices out there in the cyberuniverse who are not trying to sell you diet or exercise plans or dodgy maging pills. Here’s one of them >

by Auriene Alix<,>

Are carbohydrates responsible for fat gain? Yes and no. That’s the complexity of the matter. Let’s stop with the false assumptions and shortcuts. The reality is not so difficult to understand. It’s actually quite simple.

We make nutritional choices based on what we’re told, without ever making the effort to understand how these foods affect our body. Yet, food is our fuel.

For a long time, I just ate what I wanted to eat. I was told that fruits and vegetables were better for my health than hamburgers and pastries, so I tried to eat more of the former than the latter. It wasn’t until I began to realize the crucial importance of diet, and started my fitness journey, that I became interested in nutrition.

I wanted and needed to know what I was putting into my body. Which choices were to be preferred. What false beliefs had been guiding my diet for years.

Starting with carbohydrates. Most people misunderstand them. Most explanations on the subject make it more complicated than it is.

Here’s a digest of the ton of reading I’ve done.

If you are on a fitness or weight loss journey, this is for you. Welcome also if you just want to understand your body … Continue reading >>>

Health Menu

Food healt fascism


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Karl Marx Wrote Poems To Satan

So you though Karl Marx was a great thinker who wanted only to emancipate the working classes. How wrong were you?

Karl Marx Wrote Creepy Poems

(From today’s issue of the Tom Woods Letter. Subscribe for free, and get a free libertarian eBook at the same time, at

That’s an odd topic to write about, but I was reminded of Marx’s poems today by way of contrast with a left-wing poem I read that was just awful, lifeless and bland.

(I’m sparing you that one.)

At least Marx was bold and creepy.

Murray Rothbard quoted from Marx’s poems in his book Classical Economics. Rothbard was unconvinced by those who say these poems were the products of a youthful Marx, and of no significance in understanding the man.


… Worlds I would destroy forever,
Since I can create no world;
Since my call they notice never …


Then I will be able to walk triumphantly,
Like a god, through the ruins of their kingdom.
Every word of mine is fire and action.
My breast is equal to that of the Creator.


I shall build my throne high overhead
Cold, tremendous shall its summit be.
For its bulwark — superstitious dread
For its marshal — blackest agony.


See this sword?
the prince of darkness
Sold it to me.


With Satan I have struck my deal,
He chalks the signs, beats time for me
I play the death march fast and free.


… I shall howl gigantic curses on mankind:
Ha! Eternity! She is an eternal grief …
Ourselves being clockwork, blindly mechanical,
Made to be the foul-calendars of Time and Space,
Having no purpose save to happen, to be ruined,
So that there shall be something to ruin …
If there is a something which devours,
I’ll leap within it, though I bring the world to ruins-
The world which bulks between me and the Abyss
I will smash to pieces with my enduring curses.
I’ll throw my arms around its harsh reality:
Embracing me, the world will dumbly pass away,
And then sink down to utter nothingness,
Perished, with no existence — that would be really living!

Nah, I’m sure none of that has anything to do with the mature Marx at all.

Sure does explain a lot, though — about Marxism and about the forces we’re up against these days.

(1) I lovingly crafted a free eBook, based on my own experience, on different ways to generate dough online. Good antidote to those Marxian poems. It’s yours for the taking:

(2) As usual, the Tom Woods Show will take a break at Christmas. Last episode will be released on December 22, and we’ll resume on January 3.

Read the original article at

What led to an ice age during the late Pliocene era when CO2 levels were high?

Real causes are not known to our science a this time because mathematics and comupter modeling have blinded everyone involved in studying the climate to the reality of what is happening in the climate now (clue: it’s noting to do with carbon dioxide emissions from human activity).

The process of an ice cycle on our planet begins in the earth’s mantle not in a computer in some tenth rate university that in its quest for revenue has launched a research grant phishing project to come up with the scariest climate change scenario and link it to CO2 emissions from industry, commerce and civilized life.

The Earth’s mantle is a layer approximately 1,800 mile (2,900 km) thick and composed of compressed and heated rock, beginning below the Earth’s crust (lithosphere), which descends from the surface to between 20 and 30 below sea level. Surprisingly the lithosphee tends to be thinner under mountain ranges than under plains or oceans. The mantle makes up 70% of Earth’s volume, in comparison to the Earth’s crust, which makes up less than 1% of the total. In fact, the crust is just a thin layer of frozen rock shielding the mantle from outer space. The two layers are separated by a transition area called the Mohorovičić discontinuity (the “Moho” in geologits jargon) where a certain type of seismic wave quickly speeds up when transiting through.

Below the mantle is the superheated molten core of the planet.

Like the crust, the mantle is composed of many different types of rocks that fall into three main categories: igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary. However, most of those rocks originated as either granite or basalt. This layer differs in its chemical ratios from the crust, however. It is composed of approximately 45% oxygen, 23% magnesium, 22% silicon, 6% iron, 2% aluminum, 2% calcium, with trace amounts of sodium, potassium, and other elements. Like the crust, the mantle can be broadly described as as silicate. Below it the molten core consisting of an outer core and inner core, making up about 29% of the Earth’s volume, and composed primarily of molten (outer core) or solid (inner core which although immensely hot it kept solid by the enormous pressures it is subject to,) iron and nickel.

The upper mantle (aesthenosphere) has a relitavely low density compared to the rest of this layer, and flows fluidly, like a plastic. The layer gets hotter and denser as it goes down, until the rock melts entirely where the lower portion ends and the inner core begins. Convection (hotter material ascending, cooler material falling,)in the upper layer drives continental drift, the natural process that moves tectonic plates around the surface. By this process (described here in very simplistic terms, the entire oceanic crust is recycled every 100 millionish years. By comparison, portions of the continental crust are billions of years old.

As you must know (because we have all seen news video of erupting volcanoes,) the mantle is very hot and some of the heat warms the surface of our planet(this fact is unknown to climate science because were climate scientists to acknowledge it their whole Anthropogenic Global Warming money making scam would fall apart). Sometimes hotsopts in the mantle heat shift from place to place cooling some areas, warming other areas. So, when the warmth is directed away from the poles the planet gains ice and when the heat is directed toward the poles ice retreats. It is well known to geologists and paleo – geographers, though few will now admit it for fear of having their careers trashed by far – left political activists who plan to use climate change scares as a stopping stone to power.

The reason no scientists are publishing research on how these processes in the planet’s crust affect the advance and retreat of the ice caps is because any who attempts to do so will lose funding, be fired by their university, ruled persona non grata by international media and called ‘denier’ across social media. The International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), a wholly owned subsidiary of that wannabe global government The United Nations Organisation, prefer to pretend it never happened, like the little ice age, the medieval warm period or the Roman hot period. These are areas that will cause a scientist to loss funding, be discredited and labeled a denier.

Greta Thunberg Slams Australia for Coal Industry, Expands List of Climate Demands

Little Greta Thunberg, who was elected by nobody apparently now speaks for us all on matters relating to climate change. The Swedish climate change hustler who is making a fortune for her handlers from donations to her campaign, again castigated Australia for continuing to mine and export coal despite her previous complaints, adding a call for an end worldwide to the actibity to her list of climate demands to be delivered at the upcoming World Economic Forum in Davos …

Another Kick In The Bollocks For Warmageddonists And CAGWARTS*
I’ve had many arguments with the Warmageddonists, the people who have been saying that if we did not shut down all coal, oil and gas related activites the earth was going to turn into a giant furnace and we would all burn. When the scaremongering first started, the deadline for frying was “after dinner”. Then it got to “Tomorrow …… or the day after tomorrow perhaps,” then “next year”, “before 2050,” and eventually “soon.”

What if man-made climate change is all in the mind?
If our view of reality is shaped by the mind and our perceptions of information, how successful are attempts to manipulate the perceptions of the whole populations through manipulated data, spin and assertions of authority likely to be. As scientists and politicians moan that the public no longer take sertiously climate change scare stories, we have to conclude, not very.

Meteorologists Begin To Admit To Climate Engineering
The freethinkers and Libertarians of New Media have been questioning the pseudoscientific certainties of the global warming lobby for a long time. During that often acrimonious process (because the Global Warming lobby are ever bit as organised and as driven by blind hatred of those who question them as the Bearded Queens In Bridal Gowns lobby) and most of us have been accused of infanticide, genocide and worse. At last the respectable climate scientists (the ones who didn’t sell their arse for the corporate dollar) are speaking, and the media are listening.

Mad Scientists Now In A Race To Create Human – Animal Hybrids

Scientists all over the world are busy creating extremely bizarre human-animal chimeras. Once again The Daily Stirrer has to say “We told you so”. There is something very creepy and sinister embedded in the typical scientists desire to play God. It is a complete, psychopathic disregard for moral boundaries. If we can do it that …

UK Offshore Windfarms Produce More Rust and CO2 Than Electricity
A private case going through a British court of arbitration at the moment involves two very large supply organisations.
Unfortunately the case is being heard away from the prying eyes and radar like ears of the media. A 1996 Act Of Parliament enabled such things as a way to free up Court time taken up by complex technical disputes…. And, perhaps, to keep embarrassing truths away from …

Doctors may withhold treatment from patients with “green lifestyle issues.”

A few weeks ago an item on the BMA’s website linked to the “Doctors against climate change” group of the doctors’ trade union. This body of medico-environmental socialist – utopians stated …

The Two Faces Of The Politics Of Failure

What a mess the modern way of doing politics based on a politically correct consensus and social engineering has produced. The daily stirrer looks at how the bipolar left – right divide stops things getting better rather than helping get the developed world back on track.

Green Policies Will Not Save The Planet But Are Costing Poor Families The Earth>

Politicians bleat sabout the plight of the poor then press on with their clean, green, sustainable energy policies which include stealth taxes to subsidise expensive and inefficient wind turbine and solar panel power generators. Can they not see it is the green agenda that is driving up inflation …[Environment]

Solar Storm Armageddon: Will This Be What Makes Warmageddonists Shut T F UP

An eruption on the surface of the sun, aka solar storn will send a flood of highly charged particles towards earth. Satellite communications and other technology might suffer sone disruption but the best thing about it is from here in the north of England we will be able to see the Aurora.

The Danish Experience – Problems With Wind Power And The Truth About Turbines
The truth about wind turbines, their real efficiency as opposed to the hyperbolic claims of clean sustainable energy firms and their lobbyists, politically correct politicians and green activists and how wind farm operators have been given a licence to pick the pockets of taxpayers

Statistics, Graphs and Hockey Sticks
A poem about the famous hocvkey stick graph and the science scam it was a frony for. Posted now as a valedictory celebration because US climate monitoring agncies NASA and NOAA have at last admitted the global average temperature has risen only marginally over the past few decades.

Climate Change – The Edge Of The Abyss

Media and government reports still say we are staring into the abyss because carbon emissions are too high. But have they ever though we would have to shut down all economic activity in the developed world to change things.

We Might As Well Ask The CRU climate scientists to forcast the economic trends

As our finance expert John de Roe digests today’s economic statement by Chancellor George Osborne we advise readers to ignore gloomy economic forecasts from supra national bodies with close political ties to the “New World Order”. Both the OECD (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development) and the OBR (Office for Budget Responsibility) along with numerous other thinky tanky type thingies published their latest economic forecasts ahead of the Chancellors statement. These forecasts which are invariably gloomy and predict …

The Pain In Spain as Green Energy Policy Fails

You will not find anything in mainstream media, either print or broadcast, about the failure of the green energy initiatives that have left Spain in dire economic strais or Denmark in the dark. Bizarre, as other governments are pressing ahead with plans to make us reliant on these crackpot schemes and intellectual wanks of mad scientists …

Climate Scientists versus Free Speech and Freedom Of Information

This week four groups, whose boards represent a distinctly liberal world view and who oppose scrutiny of taxpayer-funded science by academics, asked the University of Virginia to disregard its agreement before the court with American Tradition Institute to provide the records of former climate scientist Dr. Michael Mann, which belong to the public. The groups, led by the far-left Union of ….

Ever Changing Ocean

The scientists warn us climate change will cause massive extinctions, species will be destroyed, nations will die, the oceans will swamp huge areas of land as sea levels rise and lots of scaremongering stuff like that. But life in the seas has survived much worse catastrophes, much more violent changes than anything we puny humand can conjure up. It is a measure of the arrogance of humans in general and scientists in particular to imagine we puny humans could destroy the planet.also availabe HERE

Climate Change and the Population Explosion
In all the debates about climate change and the effect of carbon dioxide emissions on the environment there is one issue that has a huge bearing on humanity’s relationship with our planet that neither politicians nor scientists will discuss. Population growth. So a philosopher has to step up to the mark and ask why people are encouraged to have children when we face so many population related problems?


The Real Thunberg Agenda?

By William B. Stoecker – All News Pipeline
The environmental extremists continue to chant their monotonous mantra about the “existential threat” of man-made global warming, or climate change. Indeed, the climate is changing, and it has been changing for nearly four billion years. They recently began using an (apparently autistic) teenager as their spokes-mouth. Like all leftists they talk a good line, assuring us that they care deeply for wildlife, nature, clean air and water, etc. But it has long been obvious that their pretended concern for the environment is merely a cover for their real agenda, which is the impoverishment, enslavement, and eventual extermination of the human race. They are the ultimate “againsters,” people who pretend to be in favor of some noble-sounding cause, but who are really not for anything, only against.

I confess, like many of their rank and file followers, I used to believe their beautiful lie, even joining the Sierra Club until I gradually became disillusioned with them. Even today I have a fondness for mass transit and feel that, as long as we have cities, it would be better if they were more compact; less urban sprawl would mean paving over less farmland. And I think both the US and the world in general would be better off with fewer people. But no one has the right to dictate to others how they should live, and the Earth can sustain the seven billion plus people now crowding onto it, and, in any event, birthrates are dropping.

In fact, in First World countries, birthrates have dropped too far, and are below the replacement rate. The Japanese are a dying race, as are the Russians. After working for many years as a welfare eligibility worker, watching our tax dollars fund the breeding of a class of multi-generational parasites, I can almost see the point of eugenics; I’ve often thought that it might be a good idea to require that people submit to sterilization as a requirement to get welfare benefits. But there is no need, and no one has the right, to forcibly sterilize people or to target certain races.    READ ALL >>>

A Few Harsh Facts About Feminism


Women, for their part, are always complaining that we raise them only to be vain and coquettish, that we keep them amused with trifles so that we may more easily remain their masters; they blame us for the faults we attribute to them. What stupidity! And since when is it men who concern themselves with the education of girls? Who is preventing the mothers from raising them as they please? There are no schools for girlswhat a tragedy! Would God, there were none for boys! They would be raised more sensibly and more straightforwardly. Is anyone forcing your daughters to waste their time on foolish trifles? Are they forced against their will to spend half their lives on their appearance, following your example? Are you prevented from instructing them, or having them instructed according to your wishes? Is it our fault if they please us when they are beautiful, if their airs and graces seduce us, if the art they learn from you attracts and flatters us, if we like to see them tastefully attired, if we let them display at leisure the weapons with which they subjugate us? Well then, decide to raise them like men; the men will gladly agree; the more women want to resemble them, the less women will govern them, and then men will truly be the masters. —Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Woman cannot be superior except as woman, but from the moment in which she desires to emulate man she is nothing but a monkey. —Julius Evola, quoting Joseph de Maistre

     Feminism has become part of the new western religion, the new paradigm for explaining reality, especially on the political and cultural left. In the modern west we started with Christianity as our official explanation for What’s What, then moved on to science and scientism; and now we appear to be in danger of moving away from empiricism, let alone traditional morality and values, and towards what is essentially ideological neo-Marxism. Feminism, especially in its latest manifestations, has become part of the cultural Marxist and neo-Marxist New World Order, despite the fact that most people are too indoctrinated, ignorant, or block-headedly conformist to notice it. So people in the west, especially leftist people in the west, are more and more seeing doctrines of radical feminism as a simple aspect of reality, and do not see that it is to some degree a fashion trend and also a tool exploited by socialists to gain control of western civilization without having to rely on the working class rising up in a glorious people’s revolution. Thus people on the left especially may be oblivious to some harsh truths about feminism, and about women in general. What follows, with all due respects to femininity, are a few of these harsh truths.
Women have privilege, and get away with bad behavior, because men are instinctively addicted to them and, more specifically, to pussy. As I say again and again, human beings are a species of animal, and we are veritably loaded down with animal instincts, also known as “human nature.” And one of those instincts is that men tend to feel protective towards women in general, and let them pull stunts that they wouldn’t accept coming from other men, largely because men instinctively want to mate with women and therefore want to keep them in good humor. So women in the west are “empowered” largely because men indulgently allow them to be empowered, not because women could simply take their rights and empowerment on their own regardless of how men felt about it all. This is a point to which I’ll return before I’m done.
The primary social power of a woman is her power over men. As just stated above, men are instinctively more indulgent towards females than they are towards fellow males; and it is also true that, on average, men are bigger, stronger, more aggressive, and more assertive than women, thereby giving them greater individual power within society. Women are not completely powerless in these respects of course, and there are unusually big, strong, aggressive, and assertive females; but their main power is their power to get their way with indulgent men. A beautiful woman in particular can have any number of hormone-laden males wrapped around her little finger. I’m reminded of a scene in Dostoevsky’s The Idiot in which a young woman sees a picture of a magnificently gorgeous female (Nastasya Filippovna) and exclaims, “What power!” then, a little later, “Beauty like that is power. With beauty like that one could turn the world upside down!” But even ugly women have some of that power. The power of a man includes a great deal of power over his environment, including women and other men, with that power conditioned and enhanced by testosterone; whereas the primary power of a woman is the power to influence the power of men in her favor.
Men and women are not only physically different, they are also psychologically different. As I’ve already suggested, male animal instincts and female animal instincts are not exactly the same, though there is plenty of overlap; and this difference is emphatically not just cultural conditioning. Probably even most of the psychological differences between men and women are conditioned by sex hormones, including the aforementioned testosterone. And even hormone injections administered to transsexuals in childhood or adulthood cannot undo this difference, since a significant cause of psychological sexual dimorphism in humans results from prenatal hormones, especially a dose of prenatal testosterone received by unborn males throughout the class Mammalia. I’ve written about this plenty elsewhere, so I won’t belabor the point here, but nevertheless this is a crucial point to understand because of course it debunks much of the nonsense promulgated by feminists and neo-Marxists about “victim groups” (including women) being discriminated against as an excuse for their inability to compete with white males in certain respects. Women are less self-confident on average, less aggressive, less inclined to obsess on a career at the expense of all else, less willing to work long hours, less willing to work at dangerous occupations like oil-drilling or crab fishing…and, significantly, less objective and technically oriented on average, which helps to explain why fewer women work as surgeons, engineers, mechanics, and computer programmers. James Damore wrote a very mild, sane, and factual article on this subject back in July of 2017, and he was promptly attacked and expelled by radical feminized leftists. In fact, the very fact that feminism has become as hysterical and intolerant as it has is indicative of another aspect of sexual dimorphism in our species: females are also less rational than men, and more identified with their feelings. Which may as well fall under its own heading.
Men are more inclined to identify with their thoughts, and women are more inclined to identify with their feelings—which is resulting in feminism degenerating into a kind of hysterical cult. I remember being somewhat mystified by Eckhart Tolle’s claim that men identify with their thoughts, whereas women identify with their “pain body.” I’d never heard of a pain body before, so how could half the world’s population identify with it? But seeing the direction the feminized left has taken over the past several years, and the complaint, protest, raging unhappiness, and overall negativity that characterize it, it is more understandable now. The female-dominated political and cultural left have taken identification with feelings to such an extreme that now it’s the left who are rejecting empirical reality in favor of their unrealistic ideological ideals. (Science denial used to be associated primarily with conservative Christians railing against evolution, plus some mercenary conservative capitalists denying the harmful effects of overpopulation, pollution, deforestation, etc., but now it has become a leftist phenomenon also.) The trouble is that any society that flatly rejects empirical reality, especially fundamental aspects of it, is simply not going to survive, especially if it has to compete against people who are actually relatively still sane. A classic example of the feminine mind rejecting objectivity and demanding the reign of feelings is the new idea that maleness and femaleness are arbitrary and interchangeable. It used to be that males and females had different genitalia and different sex chromosomes, but now it’s a matter of, that’s right, feelings. And as I’ve said before, any civilization in which even medical professionals can’t tell the difference between boys and girls is just not going to survive for very long. It just isn’t. Also as I’ve said before, the rise of eunuchs into social prominence is historically a telltale sign that a civilization is in serious decline; though now the eunuchs are called trans. So an emphatically feminine national ideology is doomed, and the question is whether it will be allowed to take western civilization down with it when it falls.
The female psyche is evolved, designed by nature, to raise children, after first attracting and “hooking” a man. Over the course of the existence of the human race, extending way back into the Stone Age, women traditionally have also participated in such behavior as tending the sick, picking berries, catching frogs, and occasional peacemaking between hyperaggressive males; and of course everybody is born with instincts for simple survival—liking good food, seeking comfort, fearing death, etc. But nevertheless, for literally millions of years our ancestors were evolved in such a way that a primary duty of females has been to raise children and rely on adult males to protect the family and tribe, and that is built right into human nature. So it’s no wonder that women are more feelings-oriented than men are, less violent, more fearful, and more compassionate, on average. Also it’s no wonder that women are more attracted to babies and small children, and more concerned with their own sexual attractiveness (skin, hair, fingernails, clothes, etc.), especially when young and single, and also slaves to fashion chronically concerned with what their social peers (and the neighbors) think. Men on the other hand are evolved in large part to be fighters, hunters, and protectors; and to pit nurturing berry-pickers against aggressive hunters is a fight the outcome of which is easy to predict. The primary reason why feminists have progressed as far as they have in their fight against men, and have (I almost said “enjoy”) the privileges they have is, again, the male addiction to female flesh and men’s natural instinctive urge to tolerate or even indulge feminine irrationality, because it’s feminine.
White men created western civilization, and it stands to reason that they would be best at maintaining it and running it. Feminists do not hesitate to blame white men for most of the badness to be found in human society, as though no social evils ever existed independent of western civilization. It is true that the civilization invented by European men is not perfect, and has its shortcomings—just as every other civilization is imperfect, because every civilization is composed of imperfect people—but the opposite side of the same coin is that white men are responsible also for practically all of the good stuff too. Just look around you, and unless you’re in a wilderness or maybe in a rural non-western bamboo hut, pretty much everything you see around you has been invented by western men, aside from potted plants and other people. Hell, even the domesticated animals look the way they do because of white men selectively breeding them. Women (and brown people) are less competent to keep this invention of white males going, and are very likely to run it into the ground, as they’ve already managed to do in parts of Europe on the part of women, and in any number of third world former colonies on the part of brown men. One peculiar aspect of women is that for most of human existence they have been required to live up to a higher moral standard than men, especially with regard to sensual indulgence; and one upshot of that is that women have a less “robust” conscience, and less skill at navigating moral freedom. To some degree women with socially acceptable immorality or “empowerment” are like native Americans with tuberculosis or alcoholism—they have little evolved tolerance, and thus we see women going full-blast slutty in mainstream western culture and doing much to destroy the moral fiber of society. Hell, feminized leftists have even had to redefine morality so that debauchery and sexual irresponsibility are dissociated from the very idea of morals. The result is that “empowered” women are less happy, on average, than their grandmothers were (because, as Buddhism asserts, morality is directly related to happiness), and feminist-run societies like Sweden are degenerating into the ironic predicament of women being afraid to go outdoors for fear of being raped or murdered by the nice migrants who are viewed as morally superior to liberal, indulgent, relatively nonviolent European men. Sweden, the first feminist nation in modern times, is now the rape capital of the western world…with silly feminists trying to conceal the fact that brown men are perpetrating most of the rapes, because that goes against the feminist dogma of White Man Bad.
Males have a wider statistical distribution with regard to physical and mental traits, which results in most or even all super geniuses in the world being male. The wider variability of males over females is common throughout much of the animal kingdom, and it is related to evolutionary biology and our species’ primordial mating strategy of males competing for females (though females often do compete for males also). In species in which males may be polygamous, which has been common in non-western societies, the very best males get to mate more, whereas most females will find a mate even if they are part of a harem. So it is advantageous to a species that males who are outstanding in some way get to propagate their genes more efficiently, with less competitive “incels” or members of bachelor herds not mating at all, or very little. Thus the wider spread of the curve for males. Anyway, the result of this documented greater variability is that the most outstanding leaders of society—politicians, scientists, inventors, artists, writers, generals, whatever—are going to be mostly or entirely male. The fact that feminists can easily and smugly accept the flip side of this variability, i.e. the idea that most dysfunctional street people and imbeciles are male, while suddenly getting upset when the other end of the bell-shaped curve is mentioned, is simply another morsel of evidence that women are also less rationally inclined than their male peers, on average.
Women lack the power, physical and emotional, to take their rights and equalities against the will of masculine men. The only way women will gain social equality, assuming that they don’t have it already and then some, is if 1) men voluntarily let them have it, or 2) men are caused, or allowed, to degenerate into effete social eunuchs; and in this latter case, which obviously is happening to some extent, such a civilization is simply screwed. A feminized society in which masculinity is vilified and essentially abolished, is a doomed society, if only because some non-emasculated patriarchal society nearby will overpower and conquer it, socially and economically if not militarily. For various reasons, a feminist society will not be as strong as a more traditional one that accepts masculinity and femininity, regardless of all the hysterical propaganda and indoctrination generated by feminist activists and cultural Marxists. In fact the new feminists seem intent upon abolishing actual femininity also, producing a race of androgynous shemales, largely because they are too simple-minded to acknowledge that equality does not necessitate uniformity—though maybe deep down they realize that women can’t really compete against uncastrated males in many if not most fields of endeavor. So what will likely happen to a feminized society, if history is any indicator, is that the feminists, after vilifying and culturally castrating their own men, will willingly flop onto their back and spread their legs for the first wave of aggressive alpha males who decide to take over the civilization. Deep down, women, and even most feminists, have an intuitive, instinctive respect for men who have not renounced their own testicles and spine.
If women aren’t equal now, they never will be. Feminists and neo-Marxists in general may be able to engineer society enough that men are emasculated enough that women can actually compete with them in traditionally male fields of endeavor, but as I’ve said, this destruction of the natural balance will destabilize and wreck the civilization before long. The fact is, though, that women have always been the equals of men, though not following the same societal niches as men. True, men traditionally have had most of the political power, but they used that power largely for the sake of protecting the women. It has been men who have worked, fought, and died so that women and children could live safely and in relative prosperity. Feminists, going with the empirically false dogma that women and men are essentially identical in every way, mentally if not physically, may be able to bring about absolute equality of outcome, in accordance with socialist utopianism and social engineering, but doing so would require repressing men, or else indulging in such foolishness as requiring 50% of firefighters, police officers, and soldiers, for example, to be female—despite the plain fact that they aren’t as strong as, or run as fast as, or fight as well as males. If the most qualified person were always to get the job, or the position in school, then women simply won’t wind up exactly the same as men, nor will non-whites wind up the same as whites. There are inherent, genetically conditioned differences. But the point is that men and women have had a symbiosis going from the beginning, and both genders have their strengths and weaknesses, and their natural place in the family and in society. Women, for instance, have had the duty of raising the children, especially when they are small, helpless, and in their formative years. So women have had the huge responsibility of producing the next generation of people, and being their first and perhaps most important role models, and that is extremely important—certainly more important than rejecting family life for the sake of imitating men. Thus men and women have always had a natural balance, in accordance with male and female nature, and both are necessary for human existence. But if women want equality by becoming identical to men, then they will fail miserably, because they aren’t identical. And if they can’t be equal unless men allow them to be, then of course they will never be really equal because men are stronger and still in control, if only potentially. But I say women are already equal and always have been, especially in egalitarian societies like the western world. If feminists want to complain, they should perhaps complain about traditional Islamic culture—but of course they generally don’t because they’ve established the least misogynistic race of males on the planet to be the primary enemy.
     There are plenty more points I could make, but this is enough for now, if not more than enough. If any women read this and are offended by it, I would simply observe, again, that women really are equal to men, in my opinion, despite the plain fact that they are not the same as men, and not as good at all the same things, though better at some. Both sexes have their strengths and weaknesses, which is why the primordial male/female symbiosis has worked out as well as it has. Nature has designed our species in such a way that males and females are built differently and perceive the world somewhat differently, with males being the aggressive protectors and providers, and females being the nurturing emotional center of the family unit. There will always be individual variations, which is fine; but the traditional way is pretty much the natural way, and deviations from that are bound to be inferior as well as unnatural. Nature designed males and females to be different, and we reject that at our peril.
     To pervert the perennial male/female difference in temperament into a war in which men are viewed as an enemy to be defeated, which is what neo-Marxist radical feminism has degenerated into, is freakishly, grotesquely stupid, as well as an attempt at civilizational suicide. There should always be a symbiotic balance between masculine and feminine, just as ideally there should always be a symbiotic balance in society between conservatives and liberals. One side trying to defeat or destroy the other i
s insane. But then again, rational objectivity is a tool of white patriarchal oppression.
the most dangerous females aren’t “butch”


In the previous post I featured my own complaint about the way supporters of the highly political climate change launch witch hunts against environmental and atmospheric academics who challenge the globalist WARMAGEDDON scaremongering, and dismiss the objections of non – scientific sceptics like myself, who – writing from an economic and sociological perspective – point out the sheer lunacy of committing the worlds few developed nations to a course of spending vast sums of money and committing infinte resources to  mitigating the deleterious effects of Carbon Dioxide emitted at a reasult of human activity on the planet’s ecosphere. That was backed up by an article poisted on Quora by a research physicist detailing some of the scientific theory of Anthopogenic Global Warming.

In this post, on these not for profit pages, I reproduce a long reply from another non – scientists, writing from a business perspective, about how from being a climate change believer he quickly became a sceptic after embarking on his own research project.

Chris Boyd
Response from


As A Climate Science Sceptic I’ve Often Been Asked Why We Sceptics Do Not Present Our Findings For Peer Review?

Paul Noel
Paul Noel, former Research Scientist 6 Level 2 UAH Huntsville Al. (2009-2014)


Ruling Elites support Extinction Rebellion plan for Marxist world to ‘fight climate change’

There is No Climate Emergency Say 500 Climate Scientists

Why are Britons becoming less tolerant of gay sex? Hint: it’s not due to Christians like Rees-Mogg

Little Nicky loves a bit of irony and this is classic.

Why are Britons becoming less tolerant of gay sex? Hint: it’s not due to Christians like Rees-Mogg
Acceptance of gay sex and pre-marital relationships has fallen for the first time in decades in the UK, but the media is insistent on blaming the wrong people for intolerance.

The annual British Social Attitudes (BSA) survey has found that 74 percent believe that sex before marriage is “not wrong at all,” a percentage point less than last year, and 66 percent of adults say the same about same-sex relationships. While the declines are marginal and the numbers remain near historic peaks, the last time Britain grew less tolerant of homosexuals was during the AIDS panic of the late 1980s, and researchers state that openness has “plateaued” after years of rapid growth.

If in doubt, blame Brexit

The left-of-center media took no time to identify the reasons: the Guardian’s article on the subject features “Ukip, the Brexit party and the European Research Group (ERG) of Conservative MPs,” Arlene Foster of Northern Ireland’s DUP, “senior Conservative politicians including Andrea Leadsom and Esther McVey” and singles out Jacob Rees-Mogg, even though he doesn’t actually oppose same-sex relationships. In any case, one is left wondering why millions of Britons are suddenly taking their social cues from a Catholic father-of-six raised in a stately home by his devoted nanny. The Independent goes through much of the same list, throwing Theresa May and Boris Johnson into the mix, while on Sky News an LGBT activist said that Brexit had “emboldened” social conservatives.

A more sophisticated thesis claims there is a backlash against the rapid progress of LGBT rights and other liberal causes that have become visible everywhere from shop fronts to street parades to politicians’ lapels, and sites that have left comments on are full of opinions from those claiming to be sick of alternative lifestyles “rammed down their throats.” As recently as 2012, fewer than half of Britons told the same survey that there was nothing wrong with homosexual relationships, so perhaps some of the defections to the rainbow flag may have been fleeting.


But the more obvious answer appears to be hiding in plain sight, in black and white, in the survey itself.

For example, fewer Catholics (82 percent) believe that premarital sex is “rarely wrong” or “not wrong at all” compared to those who do not follow any religion (93 percent). But the real social conservatives are not the old or the Christians, but a grouping of “Non-Christians” only 35 percent of whom believe that sex before marriage is acceptable.

The picture is likely the same for same-sex relationships, though for reasons unknown the survey withholds a detailed breakdown of who exactly is against gay sex. But using the figures of 2016, which are available, only 30 percent of those non-Christians make allowances for LGBT couples – with acceptance rates 20 to 30 percent lower than Christian denominations, and even further behind atheists. Even if that number has improved against the overall trend, the group likely remains laggards. When LGBT advocates talk of a hardened rump that won’t fall in with other social trends, this is who they should mean.

So, who are these statistically interesting outliers? In the majority of cases, Muslims, with significantly smaller Hindu, Sikh and Jewish groups.

Using data from the BSA survey itself, the proportion of Muslims has doubled in the past decade alone from 3 to 6 percent. Government statistics estimate that there are over 3.3 million Muslims in the UK, more than twice as many as in 2001, with the real number thought to be higher as many migrants are not counted in such figures.

It might not seem like a lot, but if this group is radically different in its social attitudes it is enough to put a dent in the steady line of progress for tolerance, as it grows proportionally bigger.

Growing concerns

Other than the specific example of parents in Birmingham schools protesting against a new pro-LGBT curriculum, there is no acknowledgement of the impact of Muslims as such, or of their changing demographics on overall British attitudes in any of the reports. Similarly, the Independent writer talks about “an atmosphere of hostility creeping into our lives” and complains that he has “been subjected to a huge number of homophobic comments recently and several friends of mine have been assaulted or attacked” but doesn’t reveal who is behind these aggressive acts in London, a city with the highest “non-Christian” population.

Lefties love to shout their support for Gay BLTs from the rooftops. Likewise their love for Muslims and all things related to Islam (except the bits of Islam they are in denial about of course.) They’ve been so keen in both Gay / Lesbian / Trans rights and the acceptance of Islam, including Sharia Law, in British society that they have campaigned for both simultaneously just as they have campaigned for tolerance of perverts, druggies, criminals, gangstas, and members of the Jew – hating Labour Party.

Ironically homosexuality, sex outside marriage and any kind of drug use are crimes in Sharia Law, the first two so serious they are punishable by death.

Little Nicky and his friends over at Boggart Blog have often wondered how the lefties would react when the muslims they campaigned to introduce into British society started to turn on the Gays, Lesbians, Bisexuals, Transexuals and Qs, whatever they are. Because ‘tolerance is a word that does not figure largely in The Koran.

Original Boggart Blog




The Mainstream Left Are Turning Against SJWs

Leftist Identity politics operate on the idea that everyone belongs to an identity group, and all of those groups are brutally oppressed by “The White Patriarchy.”

The idea is that since they are oppressed, they deserve extra rights and privileges in order to “defend themselves.”

The problem is that they ran out of things to be oppressed by, so they had to invent “micro-aggressions.”

Micro-aggression are tiny little insults that are CRUSHING the “marginalized people” like a Nazi steamroller (!!!)


10 Most Absurd Things Banned On Politically Correct College Campuses

I saw an article by an SJW in the Harvard newspaper where the writer complains bitterly that he is oppressed by the mere presence of white people.

(You’d think that getting a $350,000 college degree would take the sting out having to be around white people, but nope.)

I just got done listening to a debate where two college professors said that they should have the right to censor free speech, because free speech is largely a tool of white men and that they literally are fighting for their very lives (!!!) each day at their incredibly liberal colleges.

It all amounts to a cynical power grab by poisonously hateful, tribal people.

The other problem that SJW face is that they love PURITY TESTING.

No matter how liberal you are, you’ll never be pure enough for them.

There was a lefty-ish college professor at Evergreen College who taught evolutionary biology.

Evergreen is an off-the-charts progressive Taliban zoo of a college and the college president is like a self-parody of a self-loathing white leftist.

Evergreen decided that all white people should be disinvited to campus for a day, so the minorities could enjoy a day of not being oppressed by their toxic, oppressive presence.

The biology teacher, Brett Weinstein, wrote an email saying that he thought it was a bad idea and that he was uncomfortable with the concept.

The SJW Army went completely berzerk and tore the campus apart, the guy and his wife had to flee the campus for their physical safety.

The chief of campus police resigned because the Marxist college president would not allow the police on campus to protect the safety of the faculty and students from the mob of SJWs.

The college president allowed himself to be held captive by the mob and meekly asked them if he could use the bathroom.


Unfortunately for the SJW thugs, the professor turned out to be a courageous and extremely well-spoken guy and he made their thuggery famous.

bret weinstein evergreen – Google Search

You’ll never be pure enough for the SJWs until you have green hair and 14 cats and you parrot their new-speak down to the very last syllable.

Are you a white left-leaning feminist who voted for Hillary? Not good enough. Sooner or later you’ll be fed into the Purity Wood Chipper.

When Feminism Is White Supremacy in Heels

War On Free Speech Reaches Denmark


The Internet Goes Wild With Speculation About The Notre Dame Fire

No report on today’s big story from me, I’ve been busy making arrangements for my wife to transfer to home care after three months in hospital. She’s a long way from well, but will be happier here, with carers looking in four times a day. So here are some controversial reports on the Notre Dame fire. At this stage I do not believe any of them but I do not disbelieve them, we have no evidence on which to form an opinion.

But coming so close to the main Christian holy day in France, an attack on France’s principal religious centre at a time when attacks on Christian churches in that country are a daily occurrence, does lead those of us with a sceptical frame of mind to think that media attempts to explain away the catastrophe as ‘just an unfortunate accident’ stink of cover – up.

Source Zero Hedge

Update 2: Ever careful to watch for false-flags and conspiracy theory concerns, video is emerging of a Gilets-Jaunes in black clothes at one of the two towers half an hour after the start of the fire at Notre-Dame

One definite way to disenfranchise the yellow vests – as they crush French autocracy – would be to set them up as the fall-guys for this national disaster. Surely that is not possible!

*  *  *

Update 1: A silver lining – if that’s possible: a Catholic priest was today hailed a hero as it emerged he entered the Notre-Dame last night during the height of the inferno to rescue precious cathedral relics including the Crown of Thorns.

The hallowed artefact, which symbolises the wreath of thorns placed on the head of Jesus Christ at his crucifixion, was stored in the cathedral’s treasury and was brought to Paris by French King Louis IX in 1238. Jean-Marc Fournier, Chaplain of Paris Fire Brigade, was also said to have saved the Blessed Sacrament last night from the 850-year-old Gothic masterpiece.

*  *  *

Paris prosecutor Rémy Heitz stressed early indications suggest the fire was accidental, as he added:

Nothing indicates a deliberate act.”

Nothing? How about the surge of attacks on Christian and Jewish places of worship, business premises and individuals in France

or this?

But, as Michael Snyder details below, now that the initial shock of the fire has subsided, the Internet is buzzing with speculation about the origin of the fire.  In the end, there are only two options.  Either this was an accident, or someone intentionally started the fire.  And if the fire was intentionally started, obviously someone had a motive for doing so.

Time columnist Christopher J. Hale set off a firestorm of speculation when he tweeted that a friend who works at the cathedral told him “cathedral staff said the fire was intentionally set”…

Hale deleted the tweet just a few minutes later.

Was he lying about what he had been told?

Coming from a professional journalist, that doesn’t seem likely.

Instead, it is much more likely that Hale quickly figured out that he said something that he wasn’t supposed to say.

YouTube video that purportedly contains audio of Muslims celebrating the fire at the Notre Dame cathedral has also sparked a lot of speculation.  But at this point there doesn’t appear to be any way to verify the authenticity of the video.

But what we do know is that all of this comes at a time when churches all over France are being attacked.

On March 17th, the second largest church in France erupted in flames, and police later ruled that it was not an accident

While Notre Dame is undoubtedly the most well-known landmark to be affected, Paris’ second largest church, Saint-Sulpice, briefly burst into flames on March 17, the fire damaging doors and stained glass windows on the building’s exterior. Police later reported that the incident had not been an accident.

Overall, a dozen Catholic churches were either set on fire or greatly vandalized during one seven day stretch last month

A dozen Catholic churches have been desecrated across France over the period of one week in an egregious case of anti-Christian vandalism.

The recent spate of church profanations has puzzled both police and ecclesiastical leaders, who have mostly remained silent as the violations have spread up and down France.

Last Sunday, marauders set fire to the church of Saint-Sulpice — one of Paris’ largest and most important churches — shortly after the twelve-o’clock Mass.

And some of the vandalism that was reported during that seven day period was deeply, deeply disturbing

In Nimes (department of the Gard), near the border with Spain, the church of Notre-Dame des Enfants was desecrated in a particularly odious way, with vandals painting a cross with human excrement, looting the main altar and the tabernacle, and stealing the consecrated hosts, which were discovered later among piles of garbage.

Likewise, the church of Notre-Dame in Dijon, in the east of the country, suffered the sacking of the high altar and the hosts were also taken from the tabernacle, scattered on the ground, and trampled.

Could it be possible that there is a connection between those attacks and the fire that just erupted at the Notre Dame cathedral?

That is a question that any decent investigator would be asking at this point.

We also know that anti-Christian and anti-Semitic attacks are on the rise in France.  Just check out these numbers

The number of anti-Semitic attacks (541) rose 74 percent from 2017-2018 while anti-Muslim attacks numbered just 100, the lowest since 2010.

Meanwhile in the same period, there were 1063 anti-Christian attacks, a slight increase on the previous year.

Needless to say, radical Islamists are responsible for most of the attacks against Christians and Jews, and the number of Muslims living in the Paris area has greatly increased in recent years…

According to reports, the number of Jews fleeing France for their safety has dramatically increased since 2000.

In one Paris suburb alone – Seine-Saint-Denis – 40 percent of the population is Muslim while 400,000 illegal immigrants also live there.

But in this politically-correct era, we aren’t supposed to talk about attacks against Christians, and this is especially true if those attacks are conducted by radical Islamists.

On Monday, even anchors at Fox News had apparently been instructed that any speculation about who started the Notre Dame cathedral fire must be immediately shut down.  These days there is very little difference between Fox News and the other major news networks, and that is very unfortunate.

On another note, I also find it very interesting that at one point on Monday a YouTube algorithm linked the fire at the Notre Dame cathedral with the 9/11 attacks

A YouTube feature designed to combat misinformation offered some of its own during a major news event Monday: It linked the fire at the Notre Dame Cathedral to the September 11 terrorist attacks.

The company blamed the mixup on its algorithms. It removed the links on all Notre Dame fire posts after the issue was flagged.

In this day and age, the “spin” is often more important than the actual events themselves.

In the coming days, a tremendous effort will be made to get us to feel a certain way about the Notre Dame cathedral fire.

But what would be so wrong with allowing us to think for ourselves and allowing us to come to our own conclusions?

The Internet was one of the last bastions for global free speech, but now the heavy hand of censorship is descending, and our ability to freely discuss global events is eroding a little bit more with each passing day.

Told You So: Harold MacMillan’s EU warning revealed

Harold MacMillan

This blog and its partners in the Greenteeth Digital Publishing family has never been shy about sharing our belief that the European Union is, and was from the start designed to be, a vehicle for German domination of Europe. Germany is a young nation, until the 1870s it was a collection of Kingdoms, Principalities, Grand Duchies and city states that had cultural links but no political cohesion.

The most powerful of these stakes was the Prussian Empire, a militaristic society run by its aristocrats and headed by despotic Kaisers. When the Prussian Chancellor, Count Otto von Bismarck set about uniting Germany, he had one aim, to create a pan Germanic state to rival France and Britain. Germany, Bismarck and his Prussian colleagues believed, was a nation of superior being destined to dominate Europe (and by extension the world)and that belief apparently still prevails among Germany’s ruling elite. Does all that sound a bit familiar?

Harold MacMillan, British Prime Minister from 1957 to 1963 gave us a chilling warning about the EEC – (European Economic Community) the precursor to the EU – before Britain joined the bloc, claiming that Germany had planned on using the trading bloc, originally called the European Coal and Steel Community, then The Common Market as an instrument to assert its supremacy across the continent once more, it can be revealed. After Britain joined while it was the EEC, another name change had it becoming the European Community, then with the signing of the Maastricht Treaty in 1995 the European Union was formed (not the pattern of progression towards ever more grandiose ambitions in those titles,) and the plan that had been the founders goal from days one, “ever closer integration,” towards the creation of a federal union, The United States Of Europe, was openly declared.

On Wednesday, 3 April, 2019, five days after we should have left the European Union by default having failed to agree mutually acceptable terms for the future relationship with the fledgling Fourth Reich, the UK’s elected representatives, The House of Commons voted in favour of legislation which forces the Government to request another extension for ‘Brexit’, giving our current Prime Minister Theresa May (it rhymes with betray,) more time to trample on the British constitution and show us the comtempt the ruling elite have for the principles of democracy.

Despite Government opposition, the motion passed by just one vote on its third reading, by 313 MPs to 312, and it will now proceed to the House of Lords, which is likely to give its approval. Should this take place, the motion will become legally binding, significantly reducing the chances of a no deal EU exit. May has negotiated what she claims is a good deal, a set of terms and conditions (allegedly dictated to May’s hand picked negotiators by German Chancellor Angela Merkel,) which in reality see the UK become a vassal state of Brussels rather than quit the union and regain all the sovereignty our previous leaders have surrendered.

This betrayal of democracy and of the nation by our elected representatives comes as the Conservative Party descended into civil war over Mrs May’s strategy. Senior figures in both main parties raised the prospect of a second referendum to obtain the British public’s backing for any deal – and to offer the choice of remaining in the EU.

As Britain’s future appears even more uncertain with Brexiteers arguing the views of the 52 percent who historically voted to leave the EU in June 2016 are being betrayed, a newly-resurfaced warning about the bloc by former Prime Minister Harold Macmillan has resurfaced.

In the MacMillan era, the late Fifties, full employment combined with an unprecedented rise in consumerism meant Britons saw their standard of living rise. Wages, exports and investment were strong, and it looked as if the nation was at last recovering from the effects of the century’s two great wars.

Despite the feelgood factor Britons remained suspicious of Germany particularly when the German economy, boosted by American and British money appeared to be in a position to challenge Britain’s.

In 1958, as the Common Market, driven by the rapidly recovering economies of Germany, France and The Netherlands began to look as if it pointed the way forward for Europe to resists the economic juggernaut of the USA, Harold Macmillan issued a chilling warning about the Common Market, a year after its creation.

He said: “Western Europe dominated in fact by Germany and used as an instrument for the revival of power through economic means… is really giving them on a plate what we fought two wars to prevent.”

Mr Macmillan was not the only one who feared Berlin.

According to 2017 report “Euroscepticism and Opposition to British Entry into the EEC” by the French Journal of British studies, a British official similarly warned that the EEC would provide “a means of re-establishing the hegemony of Germany”.

More recently, political analyst Mark Brolin claimed in his 2016 book “A State of Independence: Why the EU is the problem and not the solution” that the Maastricht Treaty, which was signed in 1992 by members of the European Community to further European integration, planted the seed to make Germany the most powerful country in the bloc.

Europe Unglues
Europe, democracy, integration
European Fascist Union
Europe a German Superstate
European Union Steals Members’ Sovereignty
Theresa May’s New Contempt Of Parliament Scandal
Head Of European Institute: Brexit ‘Better’ For Everyone

EU Stitch Up To Promote Euronazi Selmayr’s Is Typical Of The EU’s Contempt For Democracy

Fears Over Threat To Sovereignty Could Wreck EU European Army Plan



An Excellent Response From A Brexiteer

One thing that more than anything else has hardened attitudes of people who voted to leave is the way supporters of Remain have constantly attacked us, accusing those who wanted out of the authoritarian bureaucratic dictatorship the EU has become, of being stupid, bigoted, xenophobic, old idiots.

In spite of these accusations it has been mainly the Remain supporters who have not been able to argue their case, instead they simply repeat the insults and parrot the EU / Globalist propaganda. Leave supporters, however, tend to be more thoughtful and well informed.

I felt I had to reblog this question from Quora, and the excellent answer to it froman Oxford PhD:

UK citizens, how did you feel waking up to the news that you were out of the EU?

Answer from: Alun ap Rhisiart, D.Phil in Zoology from Oxford University