Muslim Students Turn Common Room Into Mosque, Segregate Male – Female Students

If like us you are heartily sick of Europe’s, weak, cowardly, politically correct leaders demonstrating that they have suck so low in their efforts to court favour with ethnic minorities they cannot even be defined as bottom feeders, they have become the creatures that feed from the bottom feeders bottoms, you will not be surprised at this latest evidence that the once proud nation of Germany has been so weakened by politically correct thinking they will let Muslims piss on their culture and history rather than risk being called ‘racist’.
But if enough of us tell Germans what their vile, German hating government has turned them into, maybe they can save themselves and make their country great again. Read this proof that Muslims hate western culture and will NEVER integrate, from Breitbart London, Germans, and get fucking angry:

Muslim students at a German university have seized control of a “silent room” designed as a space for all pupils, transforming it into a makeshift mosque and erecting a wall to segregate genders. There are also feet washing facilities and signs instructing women to wear the veil and to not wear perfume.

After a series of complaints the room at the Technical University of Dortmund was closed, but 400 angry students quickly signed a petition demanding it be reopened and alleging anti-Muslim prejudice.

Last Wednesday, the university replied in an open letter addressed to Muslim student leaders, explaining that the institution is strictly secular and gender segregation is illegal in German public institutions.

“Female visitors of the room were repeatedly intercepted at the entrance by Muslim male users and told that they only had access to a small, more confined space, compared to the larger part reserved for men”, the letter reads.

The room started out as an open space with two sofas, a few bookshelves, and a calming forest mural to help stressed students unwind. “The space of silence is to be kept ideologically and religiously neutral. Religious symbols, characters or the like must not be placed,” the rules for the room stipulate.

Eva Prost, Head of Corporate Communications and a spokesman for the university, told Uni Spiegel that there have been demands from Muslim students to turn the room in to an exclusively Islamic space ever since it was set up in 2012, but the university leadership has repeatedly resisted.

“There was never a prayer room for either Muslim or Christian students. Our ‘room of silence’ was rather an offer to those who seek peace in often stressful university life”, she said.

However, four years on and the room was “arbitrarily altered” without warning. “An improvised wall has been erected to separate men and women. The Quran was displayed, there were ways for foot washing, and prayer rugs were stored in here”, Ms. Prost explained.

More shockingly, “on flyers women were instructed to wear headscarves, even if we do not know whether that was actually enforced”, she said.

Asserting: “All this we can not accept. Students have complained to us, and quite rightly so. Elimination of gender discrimination we must protect, because as a State institution, we are committed to the Basic Law”.

To which Space Cowboy commented:

Muslims never ever migrate to assimilate and integrate. Instead, they migrate to always eventually make Islam and its followers supreme. Because mass Muslim immigration with all of its excess baggage is actually Migration Jihad waged via stealth deliberately non-violently to infiltrate in mass infidels societies, institutions, and governments in mass to subvert them for eventual demographic conquest.
As Migration Jihad has been the primary mode of jihad employed by Muslims to conquer clueless non-Muslim infidel countries like Germany for the past several centuries.

Indeed, the technologically backwards Islamic totalitarian world is totally incapable of conquering the technologically advanced Western non-Muslim infidel world via force or any other means. Yet virtually all our resources are directed at stopping force, while everyone and their brother totally ignores jihad waged via stealth deliberately non-violently because like fools they have all been inculcated to believe that we are at war with terrorists only, which constitute only a tiny minority and is also total and complete BS.

OK Germany, are you ready to follow the Space Cowboy, or will you follow Hausfrau – Volksfuhrer Merkel to oblivion and let the savages have your country.


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Chinese Scientists working On Creating Artificial Sun?

Little Nicky has often been accused of being ‘anti – science’ or ‘anti – progress’. He is not of course but as his medieval ancestor Nicoli Machiavellie said, humans are driven by base instincs such as self interest, and so the Machiavelli fasmily have always been genetically predisposed to question everything.

And this story is one which invites many questions, particularly about the sanity of the scientists behind this ‘invention’ (which as yet only exists as a theory.)

The gas generator, with one of the problems of handling such power spelled out (sorry about the little box in the image, result of an attempt to shrink it.

Chinese scientists claim to have created a type of hydrogen gas that is three times hotter than the sun.

The artificial energy could eventually be used as an inexhaustible source of power, ending reliance on fossil fuels and solving the world energy crisis.

Chinese boffins created the gas in a huge magnetic fusion reactor at the Institute of Physical Science in Hefei.

Invented by Soviet scientists in the 1950s, the Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST) features a massive metallic doughtnut-shaped chamber twisted into a figure of eight.

Researchers were able to use the reactor to produce temperatures of 50 million Kelvins (49.999 million°C) and maintain them for 102 seconds.

The core of the sun is believed to around 15 million Kelvins.

Although a previous experiment by German scientists claims to have produced temperatures hotter than this, it was unable to sustain them for as long.

While the news is an important breakthrough, it could still take decades to perfect the process so that it can be used as a constant power source. (Source: South China Morning Post)

The first question that needs to be asked concerns the claim that this energy source is based on the creation of a new ‘type of hydrogen gas’. Now as hydrogen is the simplest substance in the universe, the atom from which all forms of matter in all states are dervived, how can anyone create a new type?

Secondly, nuclear fusion has been around a long time. Look at the article above and note the kind of temperatures involved. Think of the enormous amount of power needed to contain such a reaction. To save you a lot of reseach, I will revisit my time in the nuclear industry and tell you the energy needed to create the stupendously powerful magnetic fields needed to create the ‘new type of hydrogen’ would be far greater than the system would yield.

The fact that this experiment managed to run for 102 seconds (just over a minute and a half) tells us the invetors are a long way from a commercially viable system. And 99% of world changing scientific breakthroughs seem unable to survive that journey.

Fair play to the Chinese lads for having a go, but we should avoid getting excited until we see one of these things driving a modest power generation system capable of churning out 250 megawatts, twenty four hours a days, for prolonged periods.


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