World Hijab Day – A Celebration Of Muslim Authoritarianism And Feminist Hypocrisy

Today, February 1st is apparently World Hijab Day. This is the latest demonstration of the abject stupidity of liberal feminists and inevitably has its very own hashtag: #StrongInHijab. Most of the usual suspects, the self righteous virtue signallers and professional hypocrites, politicians showbiz luvvies and media sheeple are jumping on the bandwagon, in the name of “Womens’ right to choose.”
What makes this a day which ranks as one of the most sickening displays of virtue signalling is that privileged middle-class Western feminists are lining up to display their multicultural credentials by donning a hijab as a fashionable symbol of liberation. In order to be seen to support Islamic human rights 110%  they pretend to be ignorant of the brave women in Iran and other places in the Middle East where women are literally risking their lives to remove the hijab. To them it a hated symbol of oppression. The Iranian regime has decreed it compulsory for a woman to cover every part of their body apart from their face, and wearing a hijab is thus compulsory.
Yes on this very day, while western poseurs are fighting for Muslim womens’ right to wear the hijab, in Iran, Saudi Arabia, UAE and all around the Islamic world women are being stoned or flogged for demanding the right NOT to wear the hijab. Punishments for removing a hijab in Islamic societies can be brutal – Islamist regimes are known to physically beat women for non-compliance with their dress codes. This is true not only in the Middle East but is increasingly becoming accepted in the name of multiculturalism in the West.
British Prime Minister Theresa May has joined in the chorus of the self-righteous and added her voice to the celebrations. Teresa The Appeaser told the House of Commons that “a woman should be able to wear whatever she wants”. As ever the very worst kind of hypocrite, May makes absolutely no mention of women who do not want to wear a hijab and are regularly arrested, imprisoned or somehow forced to by huband, Imam or religious police for not wearing one.


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