quotes money gold

As the Euro single curreny system staggers towards oblivion the latest plan for kicking the can further down the road is even more gobsmackingly stupid than it’s predecessors.


As was rightly predicted by American founding father Thomas Jefferson many years ago.

“If the American people (or any other for that matter) ever allow private banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all their property until their children will wake up homeless in their homeland.”

To Save Civlisation Creativity Must Triumph Over Conformity

The Daily Stirrer contributors have long argued that the baying pack of science fans all screaming that science and science alone has all the answers to our current crop of problems are barking up the wrong tree. We contend that not only does science not have the answers, scientists don’t even understand the question.

For quite a long time it felt as if we were talking into the void but more and more we see other people are getting the message too. Science is not the answer, it is the problem.

To get out of the mess we are in we need to look at our situation from a completely different perspective and understand that technological advances are not the same thing as progress.

Creativity Must Triumph Over Conformity

In this article Bruce Elkin argues that to save civilisation creativity must triumph over conformity. We must kick our addiction to consumption, rediscover the things that are really important and use the unique abilities of humans to create a society in which fullfillment is the goal rather than wealth and power. In other words we must redefine what we mean by success.

A Chronicle Of Decay

Health Authorities Now Admit Severe Side Effects Of Vaccines

Many times in the past I have taken a lot of stick for questioning the safety of vaccines and the obession of politiians and medical authorities for throwing huge amounts of taxpayers money at manufacturers for these often ineffective and occasionally highly dangerous providers of alleged immunity. As always, the time eventually comes to say I told you so. Here, released into the public domain is an report from a medical journal revealing the risks of the so – called swine flu vaccine that a few years ago our government and GPs on behalf of Big Pharma were trying to bully is into accepting. You will never see this information published in mainstream media of course. As already mentioned, the occasions on which serious harm results from a vaccine are rare. But if you are permantently harmed (and there is no way to predict who is susceptible) it’s too late. Here’s the essay.

Orthomolecular Medicine News Service,
March 20, 2012

Health Authorities Now Admit Severe Side Effects of Vaccination Swine Flu, Pandemrix and Narcolepsy by Karin Munsterhjelm-Ahumada, M.D. This article may be reprinted free of charge provided 1) that there is clear attribution to the Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, and 2) that both the OMNS free subscription link http://orthomolecular.org/subscribe.html”>http://orthomolecular.org/subscribe.html”>http://orthomolecular.org/subscribe.html and also the OMNS archive link
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Orthomolecular Medicine News Service,
March 20, 2012

Health Authorities Now Admit Severe Side Effects of Vaccination Swine Flu, Pandemrix and Narcolepsy by Karin Munsterhjelm-Ahumada, M.D. (OMNS, March 20, 2012) The swine flu pandemic of 2009 was caused by a type A influenza (H1N1) virus. This virus was originally referred to as “swine flu” because many of the genes of this new virus were very similar to influenza viruses that normally occur in pigs in North America. The H1N1 virus is genetically similar to the 1918 pandemic virus, as determined from victimes of the latter who were buried, and later disinterred, in Svalbard.

It was responsible for most of the outbreaks up until 1956 and then disappeared. However, this new virus was actually quite different from the typical swine flu viruses. This virus first caused illness in Mexico and the United States in March and April, 2009. This novel H1N1 flu spread from person to person, unlike typical swine flu. In 2009 vaccines were being developed for the prevention of swine flu in humans. http://www.medterms.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=99584

On 11 June 2009, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared that the swine flu had developed into a full scale world epidemic – a pandemic alert to Phase 6. Margaret Chan, the Director-General of WHO, commented on the situation in a somewhat ambiguous way. While stressing that the swine flu had reached a serious pandemic level, she declared later in the same statement that the illness seemed to be mild and that most of the patients would recover without medical intervention. (my emphasis) http://www.who.int/mediacentre/news/statements/2009/h1n1_pandemic_phase6_20090611/en/index.html

The world chose to listen to the first part of her message. Two pharmaceutical companies GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) and Novartis had, under considerable time pressure, developed a vaccine against the swine flu. Since the cultivation of an adequate amount of virus to generate the vaccine requires time, GSK and Novartis decided to formulate a weaker vaccine but strenghten it with an adjuvant that contains squalene. Immunologic adjuvants are substances, administered in conjunction with a vaccine, that stimulate the immune system and increase the response to the vaccine http://www.who.int/vaccine_safety/topics/adjuvants/squalene/questions_and_answers/en/. Although squalene is a natural substance found in methabolic pathways of the body, its inclusion in a vaccine is controversial and it is not in use in the USA. On 25 September 2009, the European Medicines Agency (EMEA) approved Pandemrix, the swine flu vaccine produced by GSK and Focetria produced by Novartis. http://justthevax.blogspot.com/2009/09/eu-approves-gsk-pandemrix-and-novartis.html

The vaccine would be ready for use that October. In Sweden, Finland, Norway and Iceland, the authorities explicitly set the goal of vaccinating the entire population http://www.svd.se/nyheter/inrikes/massvaccinering-raddade-sex-liv_6851143.svd.

In this respect, it is of interest that the governments of these countries, already before the outbreak of the swine flu, had concluded an agreement with GSK, according to which they were assured the delivery of pandemic vaccines, if needed. In addition, the contract stipulated that, in a situation characterized as a pandemic by the WHO, the same Nordic countries would have ten days to decide whether or not to accept delivery of the vaccine in question. Hence, the purpose of the agreement was to assure that the entire populations of these countries would receive vaccinations.

Finally, the contract protected GSK from any claim for financial compensation in case the delivered vaccine would have any side effects. When WHO declared the swine flu to be a Phase 6 pandemic, the agreement referred to above was automatically activated. Mass vaccination started in Finland and Sweden in October 2009. In order to cover the largest possible percentage of the population, the authorities initiated an enormous public relations campaign, which could be described in terms of a “moral persuasion.” Solidarity became the slogan: “Be vaccinated to protect your fellow citizens.”

Those who questioned the vaccination program (small groups of vaccine opponents or just people who were hesitant) were looked upon with disapproval. In contrast to these vaccine – enthusiastic countries, the politics of vaccination within the rest of the European Union varied immensely among its member states. Poland, for example, decided not to buy vaccines at all due to the strict agreement conditions required by the pharmaceutical companies. Denmark’s order covered only “risk groups”. http://www.svd.se/nyheter/inrikes/svd-granskar-sveriges-vaccinering-mot-svininfluensan_6843475.svd

The expected second wave of the influenza never appeared. The epidemic gradually declined during the first half of 2010. The same year, on 10 August, WHO officially declared the end of the epidemic. The European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) stated that the swine flu was less dangerous and had a lower mortality rate than the seasonal influenza. Thus, apparently the swine flu would not have been a dangerous epidemic even without the mass vaccination. Interestingly, also that same year, vitamin D was shown to prevent influenza in children. (1)

In Sweden, 60% of the population had been vaccinated, while in Finland 50% was covered. In contrast, the figures in Germany and Poland were only 8 and 0% respectively. In the history of Swedish health care this pandemic campaign amounted to one of the most expensive ever. Enormous amounts of taxpayer money were at stake. http://www.svd.se/nyheter/inrikes/svd-granskar-sveriges-vaccinering-mot-svininfluensan_6843475.svd

Meanwhile, the media had become silent on this issue ; there was no further discussion about the swine flu anymore. Then the blow came: “The absolutely worst thing that could happen,” commented Richard Bergström, the Director – General of the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations, EFPIA. “The worst nightmare of both the industry and the health authorities is an illness that turns out to be mild, while the vaccine that was supposed to prevent a dangerous epidemic causes a severe side effect that was previously unknown.” http://www.kostdemokrati.se/nyheter/files/2012/02/SvD-sid-14-19.pdf

In August 2010, Finland reported an increased occurrence of narcolepsy in children and youngsters vaccinated with Pandemrix. On 1 September 2010, Finland stopped all Pandemrix vaccinations. http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2010/09/10/swine-flu-vaccine-may-have-caused-narcolepsy.aspx

Narcolepsy is a severe chronic neurologic disease that not only results in a disabling fatigue, which typically results in the patient falling asleep anywhere and at any time. It might also lead to panic attacks and a state of exhaustion. For many, the worst consequences are the symptoms of cataplexy. This condition causes the narcolepsy patient, when expressing strong feelings such as laughter or crying, to suddenly lose muscular control. The legs give way, speech gets slurred, the gaze goes unfocused and the person gives the impression of being drunk.

In some patients, frightening hallucinations appear when falling asleep or waking up. On 1 September 2011, the Finnish National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) admitted, that for Finnish children and youngsters age 4-19, there was a new and obvious connection between Pandemrix and narcolepsy. As stated in THL’s press release, “The increased risk associated with vaccination amounted to six cases of narcolepsy per 100,000 persons vaccinated in the 4-19 age group during the eight months following vaccination. This was 12.7 times the risk of a person in the same age group who had not been vaccinated. http://www.thl.fi/en_US/web/en/pressrelease?id=26352

This statement was made almost exactly two years after the THL’s earlier statement made in the midst of the swine flu hysteria that everyone should be vaccinated with Pandemrix and that it would be safe. In that original statement, the director of the THL emphasized that the squalene adjuvant could increase the side effects of the vaccine to some extent. However, he stated, these side effects would not be dangerous. http://www.tohtori.fi/?page=5833192&id=0169960

In Sweden, at least 150 children are now suffering from narcolepsy caused by Pandemrix vaccine. In Finland, the number is approximately 100. In both countries the number is probably growing. Narcolepsy is a disease with lifetime consequences, and the risk that Pandremix may have caused other neurological illnesses has not yet been excluded. Many have already began to compare this tragedy with the thalidomide catastrophe. http://www.svd.se/nyheter/inrikes/medicinsk-tragedi-med-ett-absurt-slut_6861775.svd

No European countries had a particularly high rate of deaths due to the swine flue. Germany had the same death rate as Sweden, which was 0.31/100 000, although Sweden vaccinated 60% and Germany only 8%. This implies that the vaccine did little to prevent deaths. The responsible authorities have not yet commented on this matter of fact. “>http://www.svd.se/nyheter/inrikes/massvaccinering-raddade-sex-liv_6851143.svd

Last year the Finnish government promised full compensation for those who have developed narcolepsy as a consequence of the vaccination. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-10-05/finnish-government-to-compensate-pandemrix-narcolepsy-victims.html.

While Sweden did, indeed, follow the Finnish THL in admitting the connection between the vaccine and the disease, the Swedish authorities have not yet decided whether and how to provide appropriate compensation. In February 2012, Svenska Dagbladet, a widely read newspaper in Sweden, presented an informative and accurate series of articles on this theme. They describe some of the affected children narrating how difficult it is to live with narcolepsy

According to the authorities, much research is still underway concerning the details of the vaccine injury. Taking the pressure from the public and the affected families into account, it will be difficult for them to avoid carrying out a thorough investigation. Let’s hope so.

References: 1. Urashima M, Segawa T, Okazaki M, Kurihara M, Wada Y, Ida H. Randomized trial of vitamin D supplementation to prevent seasonal influenza A in schoolchildren. Am J Clin Nutr. 2010 May;91
(5):1255-60. Nutritional Medicine is Orthomolecular Medicine Orthomolecular medicine uses safe, effective nutritional therapy to fight illness. For more information: http://www.orthomolecular.org

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Karin Munsterhjelm-Ahumada, M.D. (Finland)
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TIME Magazine runs vile hit piece against Robert Kennedy Jr. for daring to tell the truth about Mercury in vaccines

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Useless drugs and vaccines, lying science whores

Electricity bills set to rise to pay for wind farm subsidies

We told you so. Household electricity bills will have to rise by up to a quarter to pay for underperformance by wind farms and other forms of renewable energy, according to a new report. The study challenges the Government claims that energy bills would fall in the next eight years due to “free” electricity from wind solar and other unfeasible science fiction sources coming online and also because of energy efficiency savings.

The Coalition government which was relying on the savings to offset the price increases caused by renewable energy subsidies. Those extra costs are added on to household bills in the form of consumer subsidies. This week the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) will publish its draft energy bill, setting out how it plans to reform the electricity market and reduce the cost to households. Thus the government is doomed. The only problem is the imbeciles of the Labour party are just as besatooted with the unrealistic claims of scientists as the Tories and Lib Dems so a new government would continue along the same road to catastrophe as wasa trodden by the Tories and Lib Dems and the Labour government before them.

Intent on showing how stupid politicians and their scientific advisers are, DECC has insisted that energy bills will begin to fall from next year and will be reduced by seven per cent – or £94 – by 2020 because of new energy efficiency policies. These include the Green Deal, which will provide loans to fund loft and wall insulation; the roll-out of ‘smart’ meters to help control and monitor energy consumption; and the improvement in the energy efficiency of kettles and other appliances.

But a study of the Government’s own figures by the Renewable Energy Forum (REF), a specialist renewable energy consultancy, has accused DECC oflying through their teeth deliberately misleading the public.

REF claims its analysis of the Government figures shows that two-thirds of households, about 17 million in all, will end up worse off as a result of green energy policies even if energy efficiency targets were to be met in full. Given the track record of the indusytry that is unlikely to happen.

In a 54-page report published today (Monday 21 May 2012), REF will conclude: “DECC has made unrealistic assumptions about the use of energy efficiency measures to offset the costs to households, but even on those optimistic assumptions 65 per cent of households will still be net losers. The report states “In fact there is every reason to suppose that the efficiency measures will not live up to these expectations and that costs have been understated.”

Now it is time for voters to ask is it right that consumers should pick up the tab foir this stupid, reckless and environmentally damaging experiment in scientific fuckwittery. It does not take a genius to work out that when there is no wind a wind driven turbine cannot generate electricity. The bigger picture is more complex than that however, and more damning for the scientists and technologists who promoted this scam and for the politicians who embraced it so enthusiastically. It is not just a simple eind / no wind calculation, there has to be enough wind and for the 400 ft plus mosters that we’re told are the only commercialy viable generating machines that is quite a lot of wind. Then is there is too much wind the turbines overheat so if it is really windy they have to be shut down. And they they do not like cold weather which damages the generating gubbins so in cold weather they have to be heated with electricity from the grid

More posts on climate change
More posts on the environment

G8 Leaders Will Talk About Reducing The Price Of Oil

Leaders of major economic powers including David Cameron will arrive today at a G8 summit in the USA on the back of promises to help families “struggling with the impact of oil prices.” The summit, at the Camp David presidential retreat, will tomorrow discuss a US call for developed economies to release oil from their strategic reserves to try to bring down world oil prices. The White House is arguing that an EU embargo on Iranian oil will soon start to push up prices, a potential threat to Mr Obama’s reelection campaign.

“With families across the world struggling with the impact of oil prices and a fragile global economy, we must renew our joint efforts to support growth, financial stability and energy security,” Mr Cameron writes in an article published today.

In a newspaper article today, Mr Cameron will hint at plan to deplete oil reserves which will reduce prices temporarily but make the developed nations more vulnerable to oil exporting nations, many of which are hostile to the west, holding us to ransome in future by limiting supplies.

The Prime Minister first discussed the oil plan with mr Obama in March, when he said the idea was “worth looking at”. Diplomats said the oil plan will be discussed at Camp David on saturday morning, although no action will be announced this weekend.

Now Little Nicky does not like to pour cold water on good ideas but this is not a good idea. In fact, with oil prices being the biggest issue in the USA at the moment it looks very much like a stitch up to help Obama’s re – election bid. So in the end we the people are going to end up paying to get our greatest enemy, thre New World Order’s houseboy, the fifth-columnist-in-chief a second term in office.

It is all likely to be in vain however. Though Russia is not a G8 nation Vladimir Putin declined an invitation to a to attend while China has let it be know the USA is no longer the world’s most influential economic power (The Cinese government and its banks hold a huge amount of American debt and could reduce the USA to another Greeece tomorrow if they wished,) so things are not looking good for the G8 plan even before it gets off the ground.

The True hockey Stick

Europes Crisis Is Going To Get A Lot More Insane

How would you go about solving your personal debt problem if your credit cards were maxed out, your overdraft was over it’s limit and your income would not stretch to buying basics after all the interest on your morthgage and loans had been paid.? Go to a loan shark? Of course not, that should be a no brainer even for politcians and bureaucrats. But it is exactly where Europe is heading.

Euro-Lefties have been having a thin time of it recently. Only three per cent of EU citizens live under socialist or socialist-led governments. The European People’s Party is the largest bloc in the European Council, as measured by voting weight, second are the European Conservatives and Reformists, who edge ahead of both the Liberals and the Socialists.

That, though, is about to change. France,a nation in which the state consumes 56 per cent of GDP, even more than our own greedy government – monster, and whose budget was last in balance in 1974, has just elected François Hollande who, on a platform of ‘growth, not austerity,’ (if only achieving it was as easy as saying it) will try to create illusory growth in the economy by borrowing more and more money at ever higher interest rates and giving it away to the lazy, the shiftless and the corporations whose business is built on mining taxpayer’s pockets.

Greece, which also voted when France did and now must vote again, is inclining toward a pack of communist parties; the politicians there who talk openly of the need for cuts currently command less than seven per cent in the polls.

Fortunately the parties of Greece’s fragmented left hate each other more than they hate the bankers who screwed their country Romania, too, is about to install a Leftist ministry, following the defeat of the last government’s austerity platform. As other elections follow around the poor nations of Europe, we can expect more of the same.

The invevitable result of this will be that Europe will return to and intensify all the policies that brought it to its present unhappy condition: loonytoons spending, unsustainable borrowing, obscene levels of taxation, deeper fiscal and political integration integration. Voters, protected from reality for too long by the EU’s overgenerous benefits system are in not willing to accept less generous benefits and pensions. They’d rather be told what they want to hear that the money can somehow be got out of the rich.

A politician who admits the truth that the rich, a tiny fraction of the total population, have nothing like enough to pay for all the things that modern governments want to do is liable to have rotten fruit, dead vermin and molotov cocktails thrown at him … by member of his own party.

Even in the north European countries that still recognise the virtue of financial discipline the Centre-Right parties in government have done little to bring spending under control. All are running deficits that would have been catastrophic a generation ago. But like the other Elepphant In The Room, immigration, nobody wants to talk about it.

For Britain, official Treasury figures show that, contrary to almost universal belief, total public s ending is higher today than it was under Gordon Brown. The left constantly scream abouut the unfairness of the Coatolitions cuts but the Coalition austerity measures have not reduced spending by one penny. All that has been achieved is a lowdown in the rate of acceleration at which we are amassing debt.

The EU is in a downward spiral. The worse things get, the more reluctant its governments are to tackle the underlying problem of excessive expenditure. Lacking any alternative narrative, voters blame the lack of growth on ‘cuts’, ‘bankers’ and ‘deregulation’. They then support parties committed to even higher spending – which, of course, exacerbates the problem. And, as if national governments were not burdensome enough, Europeans must also contend with more rules and more taxes and a headlomg dash towards fascism from Brussels.

The E U is insance and growing more psychotic by the minute. We must get out. Ignore those wimps who say it is impossible; unless you want to live under a system of oligarchic collectiveism (see George Orwell’s 1984) we simply cannot allow it to be impossible. FFS we stood up to Hitler’s Wehrmacht, have we become so weak we are prepared to let a bunch of penpushers in Brussels destroy our nation?

UK Government Report Confirms Huge Abuse of EU Free Movement Rules
Eurogeddon, the Euro zone debt crisis
Death of the Eurozone
Europe becoming a bureaucratic empire
Eurozone sovereignty
Sacrificing the future to save the Euro
Europe: Death of democracy
more on the Debt Crisis

Schumpeter’s Warning and the economic mess

The Golden Orwells; #1 for Fat Fascism

In another of our consciousness raising initiatives Greenteeth, the parent company of Little Nicky Machiavelli and Boggart Blog has created the Golden Orwell Awards.


“And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed
–if all records told the same tale–then the lie passed into
history and became truth. “Who controls the past,” ran the
Party slogan, “controls the future: who controls the present
controls the past.”…George Orwell, “1984?

Who qualifies for a Golden Orwell? Those public servants who constantly pump out misleading or downright false information aimed at spreading fear and panic in order to convince us we are all infantile poltroons who could not survive more than a few hours without the constant protection of Nanny State and the idle, gutless media droids who repeat the lie until it becomes accepted as truth.

Like William Leith in the Daily Smellygraph for example. Take a look at this fine piece of journalistic regurgitating of government bullshit from said writer: “We’re All Feckless Losers In The Fight On Fat”. he begins, “Something terrible is happening to our bodies. In the UK, in 2012, one in four adults is obese. That’s right – obese. What does this mean? It means that one in four of us is walking around – or, more accurately, shuffling or waddling about – with great slabs of wobbly flesh hanging off us.

One in four? This is bullshit on speed. Yes, there are more fat people than there were, say 50 years ago, many more. There are also less grey and ghostly figures shuffling round the streets coughing blood up because their lungs have been rotted by the industrial fumes they spent a lifetime inhaling because they needed to make a living. Society changes.

When I drive through Accrington, a very working class community, there are usually a few overweight people around, some grossly overweight actually, but one in four obese? No way. Let’s remind ourselves what obese means. Obese: having excessive body fat, grossly overweight.

OK, excessive fat, grossly overweight, not “a tad on the podgy side.”

Ah but we must remember the people who now define the word obese for us are World Health Organisation, the same self serving charlatans who, when they were trying to sell us Swine Flu on behalf of their mates Big Pharma changed the definition of “pandemic” from “millions of people will be seriously ill and hundreds of thousands will die all around the world” to “a few people here and there will feel a bit poorly.”

Thus, as far as the statistics obsessed WHO scientists are concerned the only measure of obesity is the discredited Body Mass Index which makes it possible to be both ripped and obese at the same time (Because lean muscle weighs much heavier than the equivalent volume of fat.)

So outside of the Daily Smellygraph, government offices (where getting a bit of work done would help a lot but would go totally against the public sector ethic), the nurses rest room at National Health Service hospitals, official publications, fake charities that see money to be had promoting the latest health scare and in the minds of medical scientists where can we see this obesity epidemic? If you go looking you will quickly come to the conclusion that it doesn’t exist. Along with the health risks posed by drinking alcohol, eating too much salt, sugar, red meat, butter, milk, and more or less anything else that big pharma have not made safe for you by adulterating it with toxic chemical the “evidence” is just phoney statistics, the science is bogus.

If you use BMI as an indicator it is possible to claim almost any healthy person is obese, according to the index obesity starts where anorexia stops. It appears this is precisely what is happening. As with all the heart disease bullshit, there is a concerted effort by the mass medication industry to turn us all into patients for life. One in four obese? FFS, this is risible. Have a quick bur surreptitious count next time you walk down a fairly busy street. Why do the medical authorities, government and media indulge in such scaremongering? Well in the case of the media, those precious little lefties with their Mickey Mouse degrees in “journalism” know no better. As for the others, follow the money.

The inaugural Golden Orwells award for services to authoritarianism goes to William Leith and The Daily Smellygraph


Nanny Orwell
More Mouse Sciene And More Mouse
Salt Health Risk? The Truth
The Norwegian Fat Fightback
Food fascists plan meat free diet – by law
Alcohol and health fascism
Them – a poem about the Nanny State (plus video)
Healthy Girl Branded Obese By The Thought Police