Nationalism the new target for left wing screechers

The screechers have a new target for their hate, Nationalism. OMFG, I am sick of seeing on Facebook and other Sheeple sites posts from the army of bandwagon followers condemning nationalism.

Hate attacks on Andy Murray because he voted Yes for Scottish Independence were deplorable, the bloke is entitled to his opinion FFS. The lefties hater did not stop there however, attacks on his mother are just disgusting (but entirely typical of the Labour voting, free speech hating, all-things-British loathing, bourgeois left scum.) I’ve searched and can’t find anything on her publicly expressin an opinion. And Andy is 26, a gown man, a tennis champion, his mother is not responsible for him.

As usual however the fuckwits are only showing their ignorance and political illiteracy in shrieking nationalism is evil, as if all Nationalism is Naziism. Fuck me, no wonder these cupid stunts hated Fifty Shades Of Grey, as people who can only see black or white, alpha or omega, all or nothing, that titles must have confused the crap out of them.

I wonder if our turd-burglar loving, foreign paedophile loving, immigration loving, Britain loathing, Labour voting leftie contingent are aware that Clement Atlee, Ernest Bevin, Aneurin Bevan, Herbert Morrison and other leading members of the Labour government that created the welfare state and brought in reforms that broke the old class system and the power of the ‘Downton Abbey’ elite, were all nationalists?

So here are a few quotes from left wing figures, all of whom could be describes as internationalist to some degree (they all wanted world domination… oh, and they all exterminated millions of their own people in pursuit of their goals.) If you are not politically illiterate or you have only been partially brainwashed, what you ought to spot here is all these murdering tyrants were fanatical supporters of big government paternalism, thus they had more in common with the modern Labour and Liberal Democrat Parties in the UK, the U.S. Democrats and the unelcted bureaucrats who run the EU than with traditional Conservative, socialist or Liberal values.

Stalin: “People who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.”

Hitler: “By the skillful and sustained use of propaganda, one can make a people see even heaven as hell or an extremely wretched life as paradise.”

Mussolini: “Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power”

Mao: “If the U.S. monopoly capitalist groups persist in pushing their policies of aggression and war, the day is bound to come when they will be hanged by the people of the whole world. The same fate awaits the accomplices of the United States.”

FOR THE RECORD: A commenter on Michael St. Mark’s London Dada blog asked us to look at any definition of nationalism. There are two in my online dictionary:

Nationalism, noun

patriotic feeling, principles, or efforts.
1 “an early consciousness of nationalism and pride” synonyms: patriotism · patriotic sentiment ·

2 an extreme form of patriotism marked by a feeling of superiority over other countries.
Powered by OxfordDictionaries · © Oxford University Press

Well there’s one of those (i.e. 50% I don’t see anything wrong with, what’s he bothered about?). In fact Mike’s blog was not so much supporting Scottish independence as deploring the lies being told and bribes and promises being made to secure a No vote.

Just wait until the vote rigging stories start breaking? What? Of course there was vote rigging; a) it’s now par for the course in all elections and b) the Brureaurats of brussels wanted The Union intact. And the only times referenda in EU nations have gone against what the bureaurats wanted the result has somehow been overturned.

The fear that drives liberal hate
Even leftie Huffington Post talks about liberal Nazis now
Liberal extremism
Game of Groans: David Cameron and Ed Miliband will be torn apart as the election nears
If you label yourself left you are probably extreme right
The screeching left don’t have a monopoly on goodness and truth
The left’s new class war on the poor
Left wing intellectuals really despise the working class
Intellectually banrupt left have only hatred and anger to argue for them
The dictatorship of human rights
Human rights fascism
Human rights puts a straitjacket on free speech
Liberal bigots

Obama administration ‘blocking’ information from the press

Obama White House makes war on free speech – via Russia Today

Now some will say this story is worthless because it comes via Russia Today and … well you can’t believe anything those nasty Russian propagandists might tell you. And if you say, “I’ll make up my own mind thanks,” these people will wave a bit on paper bearing a university seal and say, “I’ve got a PhD that proves I’m more intelligent than you, so you must defer to my wisdom.”

A few things to understand there – first, the letters PhD actually stand for Phenomenally Dumb; second, Russia Today is not like the old Soviet Union’s official newspaper Pravda, RT is funded by the Russian Government and staffed by British, American, Canadian and Australian reporters and its purpose is to provide and English language news channel that reports news the governments of western nations do not want reported and thus, governments being controlled by the same international financiers as the media, broadcast and print news will not touch.

This story, for example is not a Russia Today spin piece but comes via RT from Associated Press (AP) a highly respected news agency that is clearly getting frustrated with the control freakery of the American government, which routinely blocks access to information.

You will not have seen a word about this war on free speech and press freedom being waged by the Obama Administration in the USA and that is why we must turn to Russia Today.

The Russian government, after all, is not so stupid as to refuse to score political points by telling the truth when the truth will hurt those they want to hurt.

War On Free Speech

Uncovering information that should be available to the public has become increasingly difficult under the presidency of Barack Obama, an Associated Press bureau chief says. In some cases, it surpasses the secrecy of the George W. Bush administration.

The White House’s penchant for secrecy does not just apply to the federal government, according to AP’s Washington bureau chief, Sally Buzbee. During a joint meeting of news editors, she stated that the same kind of behavior is starting to appear in state and local governments.

Buzbee pointed out eight ways that the Obama administration is stifling public access to information – including keeping reporters away from witnessing any military action the United States takes as it battles Islamic State extremists in the Middle East.

“The public can’t see any of it,” Buzbee said, referring to the military campaign. “News organizations can’t shoot photos or video of bombers as they take off – there are no embeds. In fact, the administration won’t even say what country the [US] bombers fly from.”

She also expressed frustration with the government’s handling of the upcoming 9/11 trial, during which journalists are prohibited from looking at even non-classified court filings in real time.

“We don’t know what prosecutors are asking for, or what defense attorneys are arguing,” she said.

Meanwhile, basic information about the prison complex in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba is being withheld from the public, despite the fact that the Bush administration freely shared this data. The media is unable to learn how many inmates are on hunger strike in the infamous prison, or how frequently assaults on guards take place.

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests have become harder than ever to process, Buzbee added. Government officials often fail to do so unless media outlets bring a lawsuit to bear.

READ MORE: National security reporter shared drafts with CIA press office, emails reveal

So How Has Ebola Changed?

ebola virus
Ebola virus

Previous outbreaks of Ebola were short lived and resulted an a few hundred fatalities at worst. So what has changed for the current Ebola crisis, which has now been going on for eight months to last longer and infect far more people than previously.

This Ebola outbreak in Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea, instead of being a local crisis has evolved into a major emergency with significant political, social, economic, humanitarian and security dimensions.

The suffering in affected region of West Africa and fears that the disease will spread into neighbouring states and beyond and beyond demand the attention of the entire world.

As a United Nations report explains, the outbreak is now the largest the world has known. The number of confirmed cases are reported to be doubling every three weeks. There will soon be more cases in Liberia alone than in the four-decade history of the disease.

As one would expect, nobody in Washington has been eager to explain exactly what a team from US University and the Department Of Defense Biological Weapons Research dept. was doing in their experiments involving the Ebola virus down in Sierra Leone for several years before the outbreak bagan, or why the US Government holds a patent on the Ebola virus. The government of Sierra Leone has seen fit to terminate the project and close the research centre however, which must give us grounds to suspect something dodgy was going on.

Jane M. Orient, M.D. writing for The Association Of American Physicians And Surgeons used the alarming headline Ebola: False alarm, or poor man’s atomic bomb?

It is well know of course that not only the USA but Russia and China and very likely the second division military powers, Britain, France, India, Pakistan, Iran and Turkey have been trying to create a biological weapon of mass destruction for many years. The big question are did the US Government intend to release whatever mutant form of Ebola the Tulane University / DARPA team created at this time, or did it escape, and: now it is out of the box, can they get it back in.

A few weeks ago I remarked in response to American scaremongering, that we in the west, because of our healthier environment and better nutrition probably had little to worry about. If what we are dealing with is a natural mutation of the Ebola virus, that still seems to be the case. If in fact the outbreak is a genetically modified version of the virus, then who knows what we are dealing with.

The Ebola Outbreak – Natural Disaster Or Man Made Catastrophe

Bill Gates Foundation Giving Millions to Top University In Order To Influence GMO “Debate” – It Must Be Dodgy

Liberty Beacon reports:

Former Microsoft CEO and mega mogul Bill Gates has long utilized his vast fortune to push genetically modified organisms (GMOs) through his Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, but Gates’ efforts have been met with sharp criticism from millions of grassroots activists both home and abroad.

The debate around GMOs has become increasingly one-sided in recent years, with activists spreading the word about the health dangers of genetically modified foods as well as the environmental risks (see here and here) of the lab-created crops via social media.

Pro-GMO corporations have adjusted, attempting to fight back with their own PR campaigns (including this one where Monsanto offered money “mommy bloggers” to attend a presentation).

Now, in an effort to “depolarize” the GMO debate, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is making a multi-million dollar donation to one of America’s most prominent universities.

Continue reading

Being a former computer professional I have little time for Bill Gates, the world’s richest (but not most competent) computer amateur, the man who made ‘ Not fit for purpose” acceptable quality to put into the market.

Gates is not the genius his fanboys present him as however, does anyone really believe it is just a coincidence that a computer company founded by a university drop out with no professional experience and no actual software product to offer but was the son of a CIA director*, was chosen to supply the operating system for PCs marketed by the US Government’s preferred supplier of computer systems?

(Did you know that MS – DOS was not developed by Microsoft, but Gates’ company, having already been awarded the contract, was allowed to ‘buy in’ a complete operating system from a former rival bidder – and thus we were stuck with the abysmal MS DOS rather than a much superior system from Digital research, DR – DOS.

And does anybody believe that an overpriced product with as fundamentally flawed design and the IBM / Intel motherboard architecture then became the de facto standard for personal computing in the face of opposition from many cheaper and far superior products (including a couple of British offerings, the Acorn / BBC and the Apricot range,) without a big leg up from a very powerful *non-commercial-organisation with unlimited funds at its disposal. (Is Little Nicky referring to the US Government? You might well ask. I couldn’t possibly comment.

These things are not coincidence, nor it is a coincidence that one of the many security loopholes, which has been present in all windows systems since Win 98, and compounded by the addition of further ‘accidental fuck ups’ is the applet that opens the postern gate through which the CIA, NSA, GCHQ, (and also the tech – savvy world and his wife) can enter your PC, change setup, run scripts and take liberties with your personal data.

Everything Bill Gates does is crooked, he is and always has been the US Government’s man. And if he is pushing GMOs you can bet it is because the US Government is rewarding him.

As far as I am concerned Gates and all the other pointy headed science worshippers can eat all the toxic shite grown from monsanto’s GM seeds he wants to. I avoid it, I suggest you do too for commercial as well as health reasons (Black Hat Biotech) and support political parties that want to get us out of the EU, because those bandits in Brussels are currently negotiating a ‘free trade’ (TTIP) deal with the American and Canadian governments that will mean American corporations don’t have to tell us what kind of toxic shite they are putting in food.

TTIP will mean you don’t get any choice about whether you eat foods containing GM or Genetically Engineered (GE) organisms or not.

Now science tits will tell you there is no risk with Genetically modified organisms as food and will then tell a pack of lies about “scientific consensus”. Well you know how the “Scientific Method” the pointy heads are always banging on about works. No matter how meticulous a piece of scientific research is, if it does not agree with the “Scientific Consensus” (i.e. the lie that will attract the most government money in research grants) it will not be accepted as evidence.

The whole of government is as corrupt and rotten as an infected digestive system and Bill Gates is a bacterium in the lower intestine. Trust nothing the misanthropic little shit says.

New Book Exposes GMO Corporate Fraud
A big event in the battle to keep the food we eat natural, healthy and affordable for the poorest families this month was the publication in London of a new book by American public interest attorney Steven Druker.
Food Fascists: GMO and Pesticide Manufacturers Play Dirty
Why Do Government Information Technology Projects always Screw Up? Because Everything Governmrent Touches Becomes Political
Black Hat Biotech menu
Corporate trade deals with USA and Canada are undemocratic
GM danger evidence
GM foods: The biotech lieotech propaganda machine
US biotech corporations plan to control the food chain with GM seeds
Genetically Modified foods will never be safe
Science claims of GM safety and productivity demolished

The Left’s Rhetorical Technique Explained

In the first of what might become a long if irregular series of posts with the collective title, “Left Wing Authoritarianism for beginners,” your friend and mentor Little Nicky Nicky Machiavelli will expose the origins of the socialist left’s propaganda technique and its apparent dependence on slogans, dogma and mantras.

But first let’s play a little game, stop me when you think you know where this originates from, the Obama Administration Public Relations Office, the Labour Party Manifesto, Saul Alinsky’s ‘Rules For Radicals’ or the writings of Karl Marx:

The receptivity of the great masses is very limited, their intelligence is small, but their power of forgetting is enormous. In consequence of these facts, all effective propaganda must be limited to a very few points and must harp on these in slogans until the last member of the public understands what you want him to understand by your slogan. As soon as you sacrifice this slogan and try to be many-sided, the effect will piddle away, for the crowd can neither digest nor retain the material offered. In this way the result is weakened and in the end entirely cancelled out.

Well if you said “None of the above” you’d be right. The left’s substitution of slogans for reasoned argument was recommended by none other than Adolf Hitler in his 1926 side splitter “Mein Kampf”; Chapter 6, “War Propaganda” (h/t George Chen).

Does that explain why they want to reduce every debate to ‘good guys versus bad guys’ and never ever discuss the issues.

US Will Use Its ISIS Airstrikes in Syria as Aircover for Rebels To Hit Syrian Military Targets

from Patrick Henningsen, 21st Century Wire

President Obama?s much celebrated ISIS(L) ?strategy? speech came on Tuesday night amid great fanfare and even greater debate. Sure, he outlined a strategy, but the President has been harboring another hidden agenda ? one you won?t get a straight answer on.

Obama rode a wave of public outrage and fear into Tuesday?s address, mostly due to the extensive media coverage of the alleged murders of two American journalists, James Foley and Steven Sotloff ? a drama played out on Youtube of all places. The beheadings were important in this process because they set the US military media campaign into hyper-drive. The timing in the run-up to the 9/11 anniversary seemed uncanny.

Obama?s public agenda is the one you can see on the table, one where the US officials promise to ?degrade and destroy ISIS?. Sounds great. Who can disagree with that?

Then there?s the hidden agenda, somewhere under the table, and not really up for rational debate. That?s probably because it?s highly illegal and has something to do with what started the ISIS crisis to begin with.

This is how Obama plans to sneak back in and re-ignite with last year?s failed bombing campaign that never was in Syria. He explains, ?I have made it clear that we will hunt down terrorists who threaten our country, wherever they are. That means I will not hesitate to take action against ISIL in Syria.?

Continue reading (long and detailed article)


Obama and FUKUS Axis Air Strikes On ISIS Will Make Things Worse
The bombing of ISIS, the Islamic State is well under way in Iraq and Syria, and as predicted the American, British and French led campaign is already making things worse for civilians among whom the ISIS fighters are dispersed. And of course, far from making the west safer, it is stirring up more hatred against us in the Islamic world.

Why Assad is Winning: Victory For Secular Ruler In Syria Will Transform the Middle East.
While mainstream media continue to spin the Washington lie that US sponsored rebels are about to topple the Assad regime in Syria (the story they have been telling us for three years, an examination of the news feeds that mainstream news publisher and broadcasters use, which are free from Washington’s propaganda spin reveal a different story.

Disaster Dave’s Latest Screw Up On The International Stage
War In Iraq: Confused? You Will Be
Lawless Libya is fault of the FUKUS axis
Intervening in Libya was a big mistake
ISIS and the imperative of war in Iraq and Syria
Drive for global government

As soon as Obama gets one new war he wants another.

It was only two days ago Barack Hussein Obama went on tlevision to pitch his latest was to the American people. Contrary to what our ideologically idiotic leftie friends might tell you, America is not overwhelmingly in favour of Obama. Those who never supported him or feel the warmonger In Chief has betrayed them are not “a few right wing nut jobs who believe God created the world 4,000 years ago,” but actually about 50% of Americans with a a further significant minority believing Obama is well intentioned but even more clueless than Jimmy Carter.

Also contrary to what our ideologically idiotic leftie friends might tell you, Americas are not stupid even if their President is. They know a war against ISIS can never be won and cannot even succeed in checking the advance of the Islamic State forces without boots on the ground. And America has no desire for another war.

Obama is a solipsist however, and thus is as detached from reality as Tony Blair was. Already he is working on starting another war. Or to be exact, restarting another failed war.

Even as their heads are still reeling from the earbashing they took when Britain and Germany when they held out the begging bowl for support in a new war in Iraq and Syria, America’s Dumb and Dumber team, Barack Obama and John (Herman Munster) Kerry are trying to seduce Algeria into allowing The Evil Empire to set up bases within its borders from which to attack Libya.

Reintervention: Algeria considering US, France request to ‘facilitate’ Libya military strikes


Algeria is reportedly studying requests by the US and France to “facilitate” military operations against militant groups in neighbouring Libya.

“The US and France have both asked Algeria to open its airspace to surveillance planes and other military planes transferring commando units for a reconnaissance mission in parts of Libya,” the source, requesting anonymity, told Anadolu Agency.

He added that the US and France have made the same request of “other states near Libya.”

Interesting to note that although it may be nothing but a rumour, one news report today said the assessors of the Nobel Peace Prize let it be known they regretted giving the peace prize to Obama. I think that’s a bit harsh, he has worked tirelessly to achieve peace … by killing every fucker in the world.

Vaclav Klaus, the free world’s last honest politician: the West’s lies about Russia are monstrous.
There are few people in politics who will say in public the things that really think, thanks to the hypersensitivity of the American political establishment and their enthusiasm for bombing the crap out of anyone who upsets members of their anointed minorities. Its refreshing then to learn of comments made by veteran Czech Republic leader, putting the boot into the cowardly mealy mouthed sum who pass for conservative and libertarian politicians in the English Speaking countries.

Oh Barack We Hardly Knew Ye

A brilliant blog post from Zero Hedge today, only indirectly related to the financial topics they usually comment on, it is a response to President The Emperor Obama’s latest foray into Foreign Policy and probably his stupidest move yet (and thast is very very stupid indeed) as he finally achieves what he has been trying to do for the past three years and insert the USA into to intractible sectarian wars in the middle east.

The Change You Can Believe In promised by The Obamessiah then turns out to be a change from uneasy peace to perpetual war. How very very Orwellian. Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere’s Tyler:

Barack, We Hardly Knew Ye
Submitted by Tyler Durden

With your drums and guns and guns and drums, hurroo, hurroo
With your drums and guns and guns and drums, hurroo, hurroo
With your drums and guns and guns and drums
The enemy nearly slew ye
Oh my darling dear, Ye look so queer
Johnny I hardly knew ye…..

This memorable stanza from the classic anti-war song could not be more apt with respect to Barack Obama. He became President because he campaigned across the land draped in the garlands of peace. Yet he has now promised to spend his final three years in the White House smearing his face with war paint and strutting around the imperial city marshalling his “drums and guns and guns and drums”.

And let’s be clear. The President’s so-called “counter-terrorism” campaign—-that special kind of violent eruption which isn’t a “war”—-is not really about punishing some barbarians who have beheaded two innocent Americans and who have also recruited perhaps a dozen not so innocent Americans to join their blood-thirsty ranks. Civilized adults just do not start a war on the other side of the world on account of such thin gruel, as horrific as the actions involved might be.

Indeed, based on his stated reasons for war—beheadings and venomous rhetoric—Obama is on the same slippery slope that Woodrow Wilson stood on when he sent two million American GIs into the senseless slaughterhouse of northern France. It was to vindicate the freedom of Americans to sail into war zones, even on armed belligerent ships, he said.

In the cold light of history, Wilson’s misbegotten crusade in behalf of an utterly untenable principle accomplished nothing more than to prolong a war which was already over in the spring of 1917 due to the mutual exhaustion and bankruptcy of both sides; and in so doing, he spawned the Bolshevik tyranny in Russia, the punitive peace treaty of Versailles, the revanchist evil of Nazi Germany and the world wars and cold wars which followed.

Continue reading an in depth analysis of the nightmare scenarion Obama has invoved America (and possibly the UK) in at Zero Hedge

Western Hypocrisy In Reporting News about Ukraine And Russia
Lawless, Leaderless Libya Becoming Terror Hub
The Editor of Business Insider, fears Europe Is Coming Unglued from His Globalist Agenda.

Berlusconi accuses West of irresponsible attitude towards Russia

The first few paragraphs of the material below cover comments made by former Italian leader Silvio Berlusconi on Europe’s relationship with Russia. Valid points but not exactly radical thinking, however I was more interested in the material below that, added by an anonymous commenter because they reflect my own experience of working with Americans and Russians (I have spent periods of several months in the USA but only short times on business in Russia).
(the article below, not authored by me, is reproduced under Creative Commons licence)

from The Tap

Berlusconi accuses West of irresponsible attitude towards Russia
ROME, September 07, /ITAR-TASS/. Italy’s former Prime Minister and leader of the opposition party Forza Italia Silvio Berlusconi on Sunday accused NATO and Western leaders of irresponsible attitudes towards Russia.
“We are strangled by a most profound economic crisis, the situation is only worsening and it the situation is being aggravated by the international situation and the decisions of European leaders, heads of Western countries, the United States and NATO, who were irresponsible and unthinking to make null and void of the enormous work done after the signing of the Pratica di Mare agreement [on the establishment of the Russia-NATO Council – ITAR-TASS) that ended the 50-year-long Cold War,” he said.
He said that the recent development around the Ukrainian crisis, the United States’ and the European Union’s policy of sanctions against Russia were an irresponsible decision of the world leaders.

“Russia cannot but defend Ukrainian citizens of the Russian origin who are like brothers for Russians,” he noted.

TAP – Ukrainians are fellow Europeans, as are Russians. I found Americans very different to us culturally, when I visited the USA and did business there over many years. The expectation from years of Hollywood was that we would be almost identical in outlook, but we aren’t.

In Russia and Ukraine, on the other hand, I felt almost at home, their culture and attitudes are so close to our own. That was not my expectation either after living with daily anti-Russian propaganda throughout The Cold War. They keep nations separated from each other with visa requirements for no real reason, other than to prevent peoples from knowing how friendly they are with each other. So wars can be orchestrated.

We also had many Ukrainians visiting us over many years in the UK, starting with choirs from the Llangollen Eisteddfod, but later on with children from Cernobyl area sent over by charities, and adults. The children didn’t cry but the adults did, seeing how we lived. They said that there was no middle class left in Ukraine after they were all wiped out by Stalin, and it broke their hearts to see a nice house with a happy family living in it, as it made them realise what they had lost.

Ukraine has been under attack a very long time. How come there was a US geostationary satellite placed overhead the day the power station blew. Now we are visiting yet further evil on these very nice and cultured people. I am ashamed of my country, and have nothing to say about the evil bastards who masquerade as civilised human beings in our media, while committing genocidal acts, and supporting mass murder of civilians. Don’t call them politicians, or the government. Make sure they carry the stigma that their actions deserve.

Russia along with three quarters of the world, is isolated

The latest EU sanctions announced today after last weeks NATO summit have left Russia increasingly isolated in the world according to mainstream media reports of the response from western governments.

Now I know Professor Want-War is likely to come along and say I’m Putin’s best mate if I publish a realistic view of the situation rather that the latest warmongering propaganda from The White House. But as I squash him like I’d squash a cockroach every time he shows up (Hey Prof, where’s that compelling evidence that pro Russian rebels shot down that aircraft over Ukraine. I see the report could not identify who was responsible; this report tells us nothing at all – as those of us with more brain cells than testicles knew it would) maybe he will not risk a comment – Couldn’t resist winding him up over that

As Zero Hedge commented

While the West continues to press the “Russia is increasingly isolated” meme, it appears – as has been noted (ironically) previously, that Vladimir Putin is finding plenty of friends… most notably China and Iran. While threats of ‘asymmetric’ retaliation over European sanctions may have been enough to worry Europe’s leaders, the slew of news overnight regarding increased cooperation between China and Russia is likely more damaging to Western strategy (and egos).

So let’s have a look at the propaganda claim that Russia is isolated in the world. Someone has done a nice infographic showing in in blue those nations that are in the world and supporting sanctions, the black areas are the countries covering three quarters of the plante’s inhabitable area that are not in the world but still trading fully with Russia, and just to remind us how big Russia actually is, they are in Green.

Isolated Russia
Yep Russia is really isolated in the world, alone, bordered by enemies  and nations that are not part of the world (image source)

Ukraine will be in middle of economic war
How Putin May Win The Economic War
Obama tries and fails to bully Russia
Iran, oil and the petrodollar
Without American leadership, democracy is in peril? Not really.
Petrodollar Alert: Putin Prepares To Announce ‘Holy Grail’ Gas Deal With China
The Collapse Of The Economic System Thanks To American Warmongering.

If Ukraine Is Enticed Into NATO, Russia Will Have To Declare War

In our many posts on the crisis in Ukraine, we have often remarked that the current crisis in entirely of NATO’s making. NATO which realistically speaking is militarily the FUKUS axis and politically the USA and EU, has conveniently forgotten it signed a treaty pledging not to attempt to draw any former Soviet states into NATO or the EU in Return for Russia’s granting them full independence.

Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia are already members of both NATO and the EU, and Ukraine, strategically vital to Russia’s security and economic stability was on the way until Vladimir Putin started to put pressure on, and faced with Russian military might the democratically elected government of Ukraine decided their country’s interests were best served by closer ties with Russia.

The rent boy President in Washington did not like that, he throws a hissy fit every time someone does not do what he tells them. So the USA and EU engineered a revolution in Ukraine, overthrew the government and installed a bunch of brave, democracy loving, freedom fighters Neo Nazi thugs in Kiev.

And then it all started to go pear shaped. Let’s review the situation to understand why:

By NATO’s own rules, Ukraine cannot join, it is a country that does not control its own territory. In this case, Kiev controls less and less by the day. It’s lost Crimea. It’s losing the Donbas. A country that does not control its own territory cannot join. Those are the rules of NATO.

In NATO, you have to meet certain economic, political and military criteria to join NATO. Ukraine meets none of them. Most importantly, Ukraine is linked to Russia not only in terms of being Russia’s essential security zone, but it’s linked conjugally, so to speak, intermarriage. There are millions, if not tens of millions, of Russian and Ukrainians married together. Put it in NATO, and you’re going to put a barricade through millions of families. Russia will react militarily.

In fact, Russia is already reacting militarily. NATO has created a Fast Action Response Team Rapid Deployment force of 4,000 fighters. Problem 4;,000 fighters will have as much chanse as a FART in a hurricane against Russia’s million strong army. 15,000 or less rebels in Ukraine are crushing a 50,000-member Ukrainian army. Sending a 4,000 strong force against Russian army is nonsense as this report in The Guardian makes clear.

The real reason for creating the so-called rapid deployment force is they say it needs infrastructure. And the infrastructure, in plain language military bases, need to be on Russia’s borders. And NATO have already stated they will be located in the Baltic republic, Poland and Romania. And anyone who thinks Russia will or should tolerate that is a bigger fool than Obama, Cameron, Hollande, Merkel and the ‘advisers’ who convinced them it is a god idea.


Without American leadership, democracy is in peril? Not really.
Much of the corporate propaganda spouting mainstream media are forecasting a bad outcome from the current chaose in Ukraine, with ISIS aka ISIL aka Islamic State in Syria and Iraq and with other local conflicts that are part of a cultural war. The consensus is that the west is currently not winning because of the failure of American leadership. This is untrue, most of the problems exist because America is leading the world towards war.

The Collapse Of The Economic System Thanks To American Warmongering.
Ukraine Economic War
USA, Russia, Economic War Over Ukraine – an explainer
Ukraine Regime Change
Leaders of the USA and EU continue on their lunatic course of provoking confrontation with Russia, forgetting Russia’s most powerful ally is China and with Iran onside.

Rotherham Abuse Cover Up Cover UP

Not so long ago we were venting our spleen about the selection of Judge Butler – Sloss to head up an inquiry about how allegations of paedophile offences by well known celebrities, politicians and establishment figures were covered up for many years.

It turned out Lady Butler Sloss was the sister of the now deceased Attorney General Sir Michael Havers who was directly involved in the cover up.

I don’t know whether it is because the establishment holds ordinary people in utter contempt or because they are all inbred congenital idiots, but just a couple of months down the line it’s happening again, this time in connection with an inquiry into how allegations of organised sex abuse operations in Rotherham, Bradford, Oldham, Blackburn, Newcastle, Oxford, Reading and a total of 40 towns around the UK were not investigated:

Woolf in sheep’s clothing to head the biggest Child Abuse cover-up ever seen

The inquiry into sex abuse gangs that threatens to cause a constitutional crisis must be prevented from turning into yet another cover up. The choice of Alderman Fiona Woolf CBE, Lord Mayor of the City of London, to lead the inquiry is a travesty. Woolf is dyed in the wool establishment.

(read more on what Woolfe’s position in The City Of London, which is not subject to national laws and is often referred to as The Vatican Of The Financial World)

“This woman Fiona Woolf CBE and her elite circles of friends are part of the problem not part of the solution.” – Justice Denied website

Read more on Woolf to head abuse inquiry


Woolf qualified as a solicitor in 1973 and worked as an assistant atClifford Chance until 1978. She then moved to CMS Cameron McKenna becoming a partner in 1981 until 2004. She now acts as a consultant to that firm[7] and is a Senior Adviser to London Economics International LLC.
In 2001–02 Woolf was awarded a Senior Fellowship at the Harvard Kennedy School’s Center for Business and Government.[8] While atHarvard, Woolf wrote a book on attracting investment in electricity transmission systems: Global Transmission Expansion: Recipes for Success (2003).[9]
Woolf is an Honorary Bencher of Middle Temple, a Court Assistant of the Solicitors’ and the Wax Chandlers’ companies, and an Honorary Court Assistant of the Worshipful Company of Builders Merchants. She is also a liveryman of the Plumbers’, Arbitrators’, Marketors’ and theTax Advisers’ companies.

The City of London over which she now presides is the only part of Britain over which parliament has no authority. In one respect at least the Corporation acts as the superior body: it imposes on the House of Commons a figure called the remembrancer: an official lobbyist who sits behind the Speaker’s chair and ensures that, whatever our elected representatives might think, the City’s rights and privileges are protected.

In 1886, Andrew Carnegie wrote that, “six or seven men can plunge the nation into war without consulting Parliament at all.” Vincent Vickers, a director of the Bank of England from 1910-1919, blamed the Corporation/City for the wars of the world. The British Empire was an extension of bankers’ financial interests.” Continue reading:

Today’s Mail On Sunday covered the Fional Woolf story with an added twist. Before lefties throw a hisy fit or go into an Orwellian Two minutes Hate session at mention of The Mail can I remind them the paper has consistently campaigned for a full investigation into celebrity paedo allegations and was for years dismissed as a conspiracy theory publication.

Revealed: New boss of investigation into VIP child abuse claims is linked to Leon Brittan: The Mail On Sunday exposes family friendship of SECOND inquiry chief with the ex-MP accused of abuse file cover-up

Elite abuse scandal: Former MI6 agent admits giving big names to sex dossier MP
Tony Holland, a former British secret service agent has admitted passing names of ‘sexual deviants’ to Geoffrey Dickens, the Conservative MP who compiled dossiers on the paedophile activities in Westminster, which were inexplicably lost after being passed to Leon Brittan, who was Home Secretary in the Thatcher’s government.

Rotherham Scandal Spreads as Police and Local Councillors Accused of Child Abuse

As we predicted when this composite page was opened last August, after the publication of a damning report authored by Dr. Alexis Jay, on how police and municipal officials turned a blind eye to organised sex abuse in the town of Rotherham, South Yorkshire, the story of sexual perversion and corruption of local officials had a lot more secrets to yield. In the latest development …

South Yorkshire Police Commissioner Shaun Wright Finally Resigns Over Rotherham Child Abuse Scandal

The man who bears most responsibility for failure to investigate the Rotherham child abuse scandal has finally resigned after three weeks of excuses and evasions. Police Commissioner Wright has been under pressure ever since a report by Prof Alexis Jay (see below) revealed a huge level of child abuse in the South Yourkshire town of Rotherham. The organised sex crime rings had been operating for …

Rotherham: In the face of such evil, who is the racist now?
Here’s a question for wannabe Mastermind contestants. If South Yorkshire Police can mount a raid on the home of pop singer Sir Cliff Richard, two hundred miles away from their patch in pursuit of evidence linked to a single and unsubstantiated allegation of child sex abuse 30 years ago, why were the same South Yorkshire Police force unable to conduct a proper investigation into multiple allegations against men who raped 1,400 children over 16 years?

Denis MacShane: I was too much of a ‘liberal leftie’ and should have done more to investigate child abuse

In a rare moment of candour disgraced former Labour Member Of Parliament for Rotherham, Dennis MacShane admitted he could have done more to protect the victims of sex abuse gangs in his constituency who preyed on young girls in the local authority care system. While maintaing he knew of no specific allegations MacShane said he could have investigated rumours circulating in the town.

Politically Correct Thinking Has Betrayed Those Most Vulnerable

I was going to write something like this myself but with my Mother’s brief rejuvination having fizzled out and her deterioration accelerating I’m very busy. So here’s a teaser and a link.

Paul Nuttall, Beitbart, London

Over the last week, I watched in disgust as the Rotherham sex scandal hit the headlines and the full horror of the abuse of 1400 girls in the town was brought to light.

As far back as 2012, I was speaking about these issues and highlighted how young, (predominantly) white girls were being abused and trafficked by organised groups of often Asian and Muslim men.

As I said then: “If their attackers had been white Christians, I suspect the social services and police would have taken a very different view.”

It isn’t hard to think back to the time when Rotherham council were responsible for taking three foster children from their foster parents simply because they were UKIP supporters.

These abuses weren’t exclusive to Rotherham, it was happening across many northern towns like Oldham, Rochdale and Blackpool. I would suggest that we haven’t even scratched the surface of the true extent of these abuses.

In the Rotherham cases, it seems that the perpetrators were allowed to carry out their crimes for so long because the Labour run council, police and social services seemed to be more concerned with hitting targets and pandering to political correctness than the safety of these young women.

What type of society do we live in when the rule of law takes a back seat to abuse and criminality for fear of being labelled in a certain way?

It almost seems like councils were intentionally keeping the public in the dark about the true extent of the abuses. Now the truth has come out they are promising “lessons will be learned” and “this will never happen again” – but don’t they always say that when these horrible stories of abuse emerge?

Read all

Mr. Nuttall is of course deputy Leader of UKIP. Now would anyone who thinks UKIP are racist care to justify their having been an accessory to rape by promoting the kind of multicultural idiocy that forces police to ignore the very worst kind of crime, the corruption of innocence on the grounds that we must be ‘culturally sensitive’.

Because if you can’t this ‘racist’ is going to keep reminding you that you are a bunch of paedophiles all the way to election day.

The sole fault with this article for mentioning only northern towns, there are cases being investigated right now in Oxford, Reading, Bristol and Aylesbury that I know of without having done any research.

See Eamonn Holmes lose his rag with a slimy shit from the paedo pimps and ponces support group Barnardos when the charity boss proves incapable of even acknowledging they failed to act when alerted to the abuse issue YouTube video.

Social Science Degrees Make Great Leaders? More Junk Science.
We’ve had junk science on climate change, genetically modified seeds, many types of medicines and social engineering. The junkiest of junk science however is always commissioned by public service organisations and is aimed at convincing the public that our public servants are doing a good job. Fortunately the public are not as gullible as our leaders suppose.

Beyond Reasonable Doubt – Governments Conceal Truth From The Public

There are far too many people around the blogosphere who are eager to tell anyone thick enough to listen that The Government is our best friend and anyone who does not believe the shite turned out by propaganda departments is a crazy conspiracy theorist.

We have to get rid of them if we are serious about demanding transparency and accountability from our governments. So here’s the proof, We The People are judge and jury and sentencing is scheduled for sometime in May, 2015.

There are lots of parties you can vote for although, as you have probably gathered by the level of hysteria among lefties, UKIP offer the most serious threat. You can vote for The Greens rather than Labour, The Monster Raving Loonies as an alternative to the Lib Dems. Or what about regional independence parties like Yorkshire First, Mebyon Kernow in Cornwall or Idle Toad in Lancashire (unfortunately Idle Toad lost their one County Council seat at the last election but still have a couple of local councillors I think). There are plenty of interesting parties to vote for rather than the crooks and liars of the mainstream parties.

from 4bit News

In 2013, The Guardian revealed that Britain’s Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO) had illegally withheld 1.2 million (later revised to 600,000) historic documents from the public, in flagrant breach of the UK Public Records Act. The documents – which include case files from Nazi persecution compensation claims to masses of material removed from Hong Kong and former colonies – were being held at Hanslope Park, a secretive, high-security compound in Buckinghamshire that the FCO shares with intelligence agencies MI5 and MI6. [CLICK] [CLICK]

It was deliberate concealment by the British government and who knows what secrets may still remain. However, it is clear that instructions about documents which “might embarrass Her Majesty’s government or other governments”, or which “might embarrass members of the police, military forces, public servants or others” should remain secret.

Read more

An Interesting Perspective From Across The Pond On The Scottish Referendum Result
The almost inevitable accusations of fraud and vote rigging are beginning to emerge in the wake of the Scottish independence referendum. Surprisingly the likely culprit most fingers are pointing at is not the SNP, leaders of the YES campaign or the Westminster government which wanted to avoid the embarrassment of a no, but the Euronazis in Brussels whose plans for a single European nation would have suffered from a YES vote. Read more
Conspiracy theories that turned out to be the truth
Climate change: The CO2 lie
Science is laundering reality
What happens to science whistleblowers
Oil find off Shetland covered up
Climate change and the lies of mainstream media
The purpose of fear and panic
How online shills influence opinion
Poverty millionaires – the biggest charity scam

Labour Lose Wrexham After Allegations Of A Cover-Up

Let’s be absolutely clear from the start, this is nothing to do with the cover ups of child abuse in Rotherham, Rochdale, Oxford, Bradfrd and around the country. It is just another example of the culture of cover up that exists throughout the public sector.

That Labour is the party involved is pure coincidence. Serves ’em right though for gloating about the Tories getting their arse kicked by UKIP.

from Breitbart London:

Labour have lost control of Wrexham Council in Wales after ten of their own councillors, including the leader of the group, walked out of the party amidst allegations of a child abuse style cover-up of poor management. They previously led the council as the largest part of a “rainbow coalition” including councillors from other groups.

Before the walk-out there were 23 Labour Councillors, meaning the opponents of the leader Cllr Neil Rogers were in a majority. This would have enabled them to force him out as leader by a resolution of the group.

The dispute is believed to have started when the Labour party became unhappy about plans to cut spending in the borough. Things got decidedly worse when Cllr Rogers fired a fellow Labour member Cllr Malcolm King from the council’s governing Executive Board.

The two men have spent most of today mudslinging at each other with Rogers claiming King was sacked for incompetence. King claimed that there had been a cover-up of concerns about how the council is being run, comparing the actions of Rogers to those who hid child abuse.

By resigning from Labour, Rogers can continue as leader of the Council – whatever King thinks of him – as long as he can hold together his coalition. Breitbart London spoke to veteran former executive committee member Cllr Bob Dutton who confirmed that Cllr Rogers was likely to stay on as leader.

Continue reading

Now what was the word that time travelling bloke invented? Omnishambles?

Sex Gangs Operating In The Child Care System – Why Didn’t People Come Forward.

The predicable response from many politicians since the Rotherham Child Care sex scandal blew up in the faces of the smug, self serving establishment has been to feign surprise and say, “But why didn’t people come forward sooner?”

The fact is that as we saw in the Jimmy Savile scandal, people were coming forward, people were voicing suspicions and they were insulted, ridiculed and humiliated.

When The Guardian’s feminist columnist Julie Bindel wrote about the exploitation of vulnerable young girls unfortunate enough to find themselves the the child – care system, not just in Rotherham but in big towns all around the nation (because this is not a one off problem) she was subjected to something resembling a medieval witch hunt by the Politically Correct screechers.

When former Labour MP Anne Cryer raised the issue of exploitation in her west Yorkshire constituency she was silenced by party officials on the grounds that the problem was ‘racially sensitive’.

Another Labour MP, Jack Straw, spoke publicly about a problem existing in his Blackburn constituence. Straw who served in Tony Blair’s cabinet as both Home Secretary and Foreign Secretary was a bit too senior for the witch hunt treatment, as was David Blunkett, former Labour Education Secretary when he spoke of law and order problems relating to immigrant communities. It may just be coincidence that both these senior Labour figures have decided to stand down from parliament at the next election.

There is a lot more to come on this issue, it is likely to run all the way to the General Election next year and will very likely impact Conservative as well as Labour run towns and cities.

Keep following Little Nicky Machiavelli, Boggart Blog and The Daily Stirrer for the latest news, including all the stuff our leaders and the left wing luvvies in mainstream media don’t want you to know about.

There are of course ongoing investigations into grooming rings in Rochdale and Bradford. Rochdale MP Stephen Danczuk, having already blown open the Cyril Smith scandal has said this latest outrage will dwarf stories of Smith’s wrongdoing. Danczuk is becoming something of a crusader on sex crimes and the culture of cover up in public life as can be seen in this Daily Telegraph story

Westminster child abuse and murder claims ‘tip of the iceberg’ in scandal, Home Secretary May warns
Rotherham – Bad New For The Nation But It Gets Better And Better For The Kippers
Centralized power – the worst of all possible worlds
EU Paedophile To Investigate Himself
Why the left loves paedophiles
Labour Out Of The Closet
Identitites on parade
Equalities bill unfair to everyone equally
Intellectuals have always hated the working class
Rotherham: The Shit Hits The Fan

Anne Cryer on asian paedophile rings

This is not a real post, just a mash up of stuff clipped from other sources for my future reference really.

A former Labour MP has blamed the Oxford paedophile ring on “cultural practices” that have been “imported” from Pakistan.

Ann Cryer was criticised after drawing parallels with the abuse in Oxford and what she claimed was the Pakistani attitude towards women.

Seven men were found guilty of a catalogue of offences after the Old Bailey heard how the vulnerable schoolgirls were plucked from the streets and care homes to be drugged, raped and sold into prostitution.

Two sets of brothers, Akhtar Dogar, 32, and Anjum Dogar, 31, and Mohammed Karrar, 38, and Bassam Karrar, 33, were convicted along with Kamar Jamil, 27, Assad Hussain, 32, and Zeeshan Ahmed, 27.

Five of the men were of British Pakistani origin, and two were from North Africa.

Thames Valley Police Chief Constable Sara Thornton warned about making generalisations about the men’s background, saying similar abuse can happen “across the community.”

But Cryer, who has campaigned on child grooming issues, said: “It’s cultural practices that have been imported into this country from Pakistan and we must not lose sight of that fact.

“We can’t just turn a blind eye to it.”
Asian grooming gang given free pass to rape; police officers told ‘find other ethnicities’ to investigate – detective

The truth about ‘Asian sex gangs’
Despite the conviction of nine Asian men for child exploitation in Rochdale and worrying signs in the statistics, racial profiling won’t help potential victims

In January 2011 the Times proclaimed a “conspiracy of silence” around groups of Pakistani men sexually exploiting white British girls. Political correctness and fear of appearing racist had trumped child protection, the paper claimed.

Soon the terms “Pakistani” and “Asian” were being conflated, much to the disgruntlement of other British Asians and a heated media debate ensued around the “Asian sex gang” problem. Former Labour cabinety minister Jack Straw demanded the Pakistani community take responsibility, while BNP leader Nick Griffin gleefully decried “Muslim paedophilia”, campaigning with natty slogans such as “Our children are not halal meat”. The EDL were regulars at major trials: either in the courtroom taking notes or outside spitting hate.

The defendants in question are at most nominally Muslim. Practising Muslims certainly aren’t supposed to have sex with children. But race has proved a contentious and enduring feature of this crime’s coverage. Opinions have been vociferous and commentators have rushed to explain a racial profile that is yet to be established clearly. And there have been official studies and action plans. Today saw the culmination of a major investigation, the latest in a series of high-profile trials involving large groups of adults sexually exploiting British children. All nine of those found guilty of crimes in the area of Rochdale, Greater Manchester, had conspicuously Asian names.

As researchers specialising in this crime, we are repeatedly asked: “Are on-street groomers Pakistani?” The honest answer is yes and no. There is still no reliable estimate of the number of “on-street groomers” nationwide, let alone of their ethnicity. Crime is usually measured using police or court records. Those on-street grooming cases that are actually reported are difficult to disentangle from other crimes. This is because on-street grooming is not a criminal offence. Instead, cases are charged under a wide variety of offences, from rape to internal sex trafficking to false imprisonment.




94 Fans
She was “criticized for saying this?” by who? People from pakistan? People from the muslim culture think anyone who doesn’t follow islam is going to hell so treat them at best indifferently and at their worst hate us and our culture. For many years working in a foreign student night club I saw and had to deal with muslim men treating British women in a disgusting way. Every time you challenged them on it they always said ” so what look at her she is like a prostitute” We shouldn’t have ever let these animals emigrate here in such large numbers. Our governments have destroyed the British identity and damaged our country for ever.
15 May 2013 18:47



2,417 Fans · Panthera tigris amurensis
Ms Thornton dismissed suggestions she should resign over the failings.

Speaking earlier on BBC Radio 4’s Today programme, she said: “We were responding to each case individually. Nobody sat down and put the picture together.”

Why not? Is that not whats needed to catch gangs, don’t the police look for similarities, don’t they profile crime and criminals or in oxford do they all leave it to Inspector Morse and Lewis??? Pathetic bunch of incompetents
15 May 2013 16:09




Super User · 130 Fans
“Nobody sat down and put the picture together…. Why not? Is that not whats needed to catch gangs, don’t the police look for similarities, don’t they profile crime and criminals or in oxford do they all leave it to Inspector Morse and Lewis???”

Because that would mean generalising and that’s the one thing that PC Plod cannot do in this day and age!
15 May 2013 16:30


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117 Fans
Today Jeremy Vine had a discussion on this. The NSPCC man was in total denial that this was cultural or religious and came out with the silly stat that more white men than Pakistanis abuse girls. An Imam challenged him on this and said time for the Mosques and Churches to stop this politically correct “shilly shallying around” and face up to the problem. He said this is racial, cultural and religious and men like this see white girls as pieces of meat. He said the services are scared of being called racist and that simply is not good enough. He was an excellent breath of fresh air and no doubt will wind up being slated by Muslims and the p.c. brigade. The NSPCC man told him he was talking rubbish. He should be fired, because with those ignorant beliefs he is part of the problem. The Imam was so right on it was superb.
15 May 2013 18:48




37 Fans
i listened to Jeremy Vine today also ………never thought i would ever say this …….but total respect to the imam he had on …….he said it how it was, and explained, what a lot of British people have been saying ……..but to scared too.
15 May 2013 19:31


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910 Fans · My wife thinks I have one fault. Everything I do!
Ann Cryer is right. Not only muslims, but every ethnic group have brought their own prejudices and moral values into this country. They are entitled to this say some.

Yet when those moral values/prejudices/customs clash with ours, what do they do? They do what they would do in their own country according to their own ideas. This is wrong, and they quite simply should not be here.

I went over to S. Africa in 1966, and lived there for 10 years. I often had different ideas on certain things. If I had a pound (or should I say rand) for every time I was told when in Rome, or if you don’t like it, you know where the airport is.

The ethnics coming here should be treated the same. They come here, we do not invite them.If they don’t like the way we do things, than they should have taken that into account and stayed away.

In particular our women are not common property to be treated in any way that a man chooses. Women are in every way the equal of men. Not chattels to be beaten, gang raped, sold on, used to make money out of.

We are seeing the end result (on of them) of Blair’s great social experiment.
16 May 2013 10:09


Owen Mcgarvey (lordmak)


Super User · 119 Fans · the pen is mightier than the sword.
full english cities are now no go areas for the police or social services. now we know why.
16 May 2013 12:39


Gangs, Girls and Grooming: The Truth

December 2010
At Sheffield Crown Court throughout September and October, eight men sat in the dock accused of rape and other sexual crimes against four girls, three aged 13 and one 16. The case resulted in five being convicted and three acquitted. All of the eight defendants were Pakistani Muslims and the girls white British. Does this matter? Not for the reasons the British National Party would have us believe, but it is nonetheless significant.

Razwan Razaq, 30, his 24-year-old brother Umar, Muhammed Zafran Ramzan, 21, Adil Hussain, 20, and Mohsin Khan, 21, were sent to prison for between four-and-a-half to 11 years.

The crimes were committed in and around Rotherham, a fairly typical south Yorkshire town. Although unemployment is fairly high, Rotherham is now also a popular summer visitors’ destination when All Saints Square is transformed into a seaside beach. Every month, there is a farmers’ market that sells produce from local farmers and traders, and Jamie Oliver’s TV series, Jamie’s Ministry of Food, tried to teach the town’s inhabitants to establish healthy eating as part of daily life.

But many parents are concerned far more with the safety of their children than with organic food. Rotherham, along with many other towns, cities and villages in northern England has become infected with the vile activities of criminal gangs using children as currency. While child sexual abuse occurs in every community and culture, what is happening in Rotherham and elsewhere in Yorkshire and Lancashire is organised pimping of girls by Asian gangs who trade their victims for cash and favours.

“These men all know and trust each other,” says Jane, the mother of one of the victims. “They don’t abuse these girls because they are Muslim, but because they are criminals who think they are above the law.”

Although there is no hard evidence of financial gain in the Rotherham case, child protection professionals tell me that the pattern in such cases is that the girls are traded for cash as well as favours between criminals. A number of the gangs operating in the region have found that the sharp drop in the price of drugs has led them to losing considerable income, and that selling girls is increasingly filling the gap.

Grooming: Merely a Pakistani issue?
First published Monday 25 March 2013 in Columnists
Last updated 09:08 Monday 25 March 2013 by Aleia Abbas, Political and current affairs columnist

Children’s Minister Edward Timpson called for the Pakistani community to root out paedophiles in its midst.

But is the Pakistani commuity in ‘collective denial’? and why have other MP’s quickly backed up such views?

Mr Timpson told a Commons inquiry into street grooming that in the past there had not been ‘robust investigations’ into such offences because of ‘cultural sensitivities’ or political correctness’.

Politicians have failed to discuss this type of crime sensitively.

Jack Straw MP, for instance made comments on BBC Newsnight’s about how some British Pakistani men are “fizzing and popping with testosterone” and see white girls as “easy meat”.

On BBC radio 4 last year he also said “There is an issue of ethnicity here which can’t be ignored, and that is an issue which has to be faced and addressed within the Asian community about what’s going on there.

“That kind of leads to a sense of denial by them that all this is going on. These are small communities so people will have a rough idea that people are abusing white girls in this way”.

Mr Straw’s (who was Home Secretary at the time) own brother was convicted in 2000 of indecent assault on girl, aged 16 – so it is surprising that he doesn’t understand that families and communities don’t always know when criminal activity is taking place under their very nose.

What is also worrying is this notion of ‘collective responsibility’ for members of the Asian community, would the same be asked of white British people?

Would they be accused of having a sense of ‘denial’ or that they will have a ‘rough idea’ when abuse is going on in their communities?

There is a suggestion of there being some kind of conspiracy of silence within the Asian community, that somehow we all know when young girls are being abused and that we somehow ‘close ranks’.