Micawbernomics: A Gift Of Wise Advice To Politicians And Economists

Question the received wisdom of socialist and ‘compassionate conservative’ politicians and economics academics that the only way out of the financial mess is higher taxes and more government spending and they will get on their high horse to explain that you are only revealing your economic ignorance – and like comedy cowboys fall right off on the other side.

Read full post: Micawbernomics

The Downfall Of The Working Class

Little Nicky is always pissed off when Labour voting neo – fascists accuse him of being a Tory because Little Nicky is and always has been way to the left of these Epsilon semi morons who think there is co contradiction in describing oneself as left wing and then supporting the authoritarian, big government solutions of the Marxist right.

Since the Labour movement in Britain was hijacked by middle class elitists in the 1930s, the party has always been to the right of the conservatives. To understand how I can say this and be right (Little Nicky is always right) you need to be politically and philosophically literate and if you vote Labour you’re not. End of story.)

Sadly the Lib Dems have now joined Labour is an area of the political spectrum that is somewhere between Genghis Khan and Atilla the Hun. There is no left any more, only the right and the oligarchic collectivist right.

Today those who think they are of “the left” are actually voting for their own enslavement, infantilization and the ascendency of a meritocratic elite in which Cameron and Miliband, Balls and Osborne are trough brothers (and Clegg is the class sissy they tolerate because he is useful). The elite want you to be dependent on government because absolute power gives them such a thrill in the groin area. Wake up!

Things are much the same in Obamaland. Here is an article I found on the collapse of the American working class.

?The working class epidemic of demoralization
While coastal elites overindulge, struggling Americans in flyover country feel they have little to live for or believe in
By Matt K. Lewis | December 11, 2012

I’ve written a lot this past year about the struggles of white, working-class communities. But nothing I have written will likely capture the desperation as completely as Anne Hull’s Washington Post column about a struggling young woman named Tabitha Rouzzo.

If you haven’t read it, you should. The column is remarkable, not just because it is interesting and well written, but also because it documents a phenomenon that has gone largely unnoticed and under-appreciated: The crushing burdens and near-impossible struggling of working-class white Americans.

It’s probably natural that this story would speak to me. I’m from rural western Maryland. My dad was a correctional officer. I’m a graduate of a small college in West Virginia. But few of my colleagues have a similar background (and the ones that do would just as soon forget it.) Many of our opinion leaders are, for obvious reasons, disconnected from “flyover” country.

This disconnect between supposed thought leaders and much of the country’s citizenry is problematic.

Good journalism requires investigating such trends and asking questions, such as: When did this slide start, and what is to blame?

As is often the case, the problem likely goes back to cultural changes that began in the 1960s — changes that eventually impacted small-town America.

A recent Vanity Fair article about “the Summer of Love” in San Francisco’s Haight-Ashbury neighborhood in 1967 provides some clues:

Nicholas von Hoffman, of The Washington Post, who covered the Haight in a suit and tie, was, he says [by 1967], “appalled” by what he saw….

The overnight change in the attitude toward drugs was what alarmed von Hoffman…

Now, suddenly, he continues, “middle- and working-class kids were doing ‘vice tours,’ like American businessmen in Thailand: coming to the Haight for a few weeks, then, when the dirt between their toes got too encrusted, going home. This was when American blue-collar and middle-class kids became drug users. This was the beginning of the Rust Belt rusting.”

This, I suppose, is an argument for the “no guardrails” theory — a theory that basically says the rich and famous can afford to live a bacchanalian existence, while those who emulate them pay the price.

A lifestyle of addiction, promiscuity, and chaos comes with a hefty price tag. Sadly, our elites are exporting those values to the people least capable of sustaining them. If you don’t believe me, just watch MTV.

Aside from the money in their bank accounts, the spoiled kids featured on My Super Sweet Sixteen aren’t terribly different from those featured in the trailer for MTV’s upcoming reality series Buckwild. The difference, of course, is that the West Virginia kids being glamorized in Buckwild will grow old before their time — if they live long enough to grow old, that is. Most will likely spend the rest of their lives paying for the sins of their youth. The rich kids, on the other hand — well, they will likely land on their feet.

Hull’s column demonstrates how bad moral decisions impacted Tabitha Rouzzo’s family. For example, of Rouzzo’s mom, Hull writes: “In her face and spirit were traces of the cheerleader who got pregnant in the eighth grade… They had two daughters and Tabi on the way when they split.”

Rick Santorum has popularized the notion that being married before having kids — and then staying married — is good for the pocketbook. When we mock social conservatives for their “family values,” we ought to remember the practical reason these values caught on.

Kids growing up in rural communities often face tremendous economic pressures and feel they have little to believe in. Many see little hope for their futures. They seem to lack a purpose in life, and humans need a purpose.

Cities offer their own challenges, of course, but they also have a different energy. They have museums, hustle, and bustle. Cities are where — as Matt Ridley says — “ideas have sex.” Small communities lack this energy. (The Hal Ketchum song “Small Town Saturday Night” notes that you “gotta be bad just to have a good time.”)

Of course, it would be wrong to assume this is all about values. Around the same time Hollywood started importing bohemian values to the heartland, our politicians began shipping jobs overseas — and waves of immigrants began pouring in.

This isn’t new. We are a few generations into this trend, now. But we are close enough to remember the old days and resent what has been stolen from us. As Hall writes, “Tabi heard stories about the olden days. She came from welders and ceramic production workers. But, to Tabi, the sprawling Shenango China factory where her grandfather and great-grandfather worked was just a boarded-up place on the way to Walmart.”

Economies change, and it would be wrong to suggest that we should use the forces of government to prevent this evolution. A free market demands that some businesses fail while others succeed. Towns also fail. Unfortunately, this means people fail. It would also be wrong of us not to acknowledge that there are real-life consequences to this “creative destruction.”

I recently ran across a New York Times story about golfing great Ben Hogan that puts a face on this phenomenon. As The Times notes, Hogan’s father, “a blacksmith put out of work by the spread of the automobile, had committed suicide, shooting himself while 9-year-old Ben looked on in horror.”

One can only imagine this is a fairly common story.

This is a topic that deserves the attention of our political leaders. And perhaps, it finally will get it. There seems to be a strong indication that many working-class whites in the rust belt simply couldn’t bring themselves to vote for Barack Obama or Mitt Romney. There is an opening for a political party to address these populist concerns. Will anyone answer the call?

Now Even The IPCC Admits CO2 Driven Global Warming Was A Scam

Now Even The IPCC Admits CO2 Driven Global Warming Was A Scam

Breaking news from the US – via Watts Up With That?: a leaked draft of the IPCC’s latest report AR5 admits what the brighter lights amongst us have ben saying for a very long time: that the case for CO2 driven, man-made global warming is looking more shaky all the time and that the sun plays a much more significant role in “climate change” than the “scientific consensus” of a billionaire, two baldie men and a bunch of rent – seekers has previously been prepared to accept.

Here’s the killer admission:
Many empirical relationships have been reported between GCR or cosmogenic isotope archives and some aspects of the climate system (e.g., Bond et al., 2001; Dengel et al., 2009; Ram and Stolz, 1999). The forcing from changes in total solar irradiance alone does not seem to account for these observations, implying the existence of an amplifying mechanism such as the hypothesized GCR-cloud link. We focus here on observed relationships between GCR and aerosol and cloud properties.

Why is this a game-changer? As the person who leaked the document explains, :
The admission of strong evidence for enhanced solar forcing changes everything. The climate alarmists can’t continue to claim that warming was almost entirely due to human activity over a period when solar warming effects, now acknowledged to be important, were at a maximum. The final draft of AR5 WG1 is not scheduled to be released for another year but the public needs to know now how the main premises and conclusions of the IPCC story line have been undercut by the IPCC itself.

Over to you, members of the Global Totalitarianism Cult.

We can all look forward a session of ROTFLOAO as we read their convoluted lies and ridiculous attempts to suggest that “one report does not disprove the case” (although if you remember it was one report from the IPCC on which the whole case was built).

We can be certain the responses will not include any apologies for the lies, misrepresentations, accusations that climate science sceptics are child murderers, mea culpa confessions of willful idiocy or admissions that those of us they said “can’t understand the science” were right all along because we did understand the science and saw right through the holes in it. No, I think it will be fear and panic spreading, scaremongering, rent – seeking, Nobel Prize grubbing business as usual for the great Climate Change Ponzi scheme. Because as Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals tells us, “The end always justifies the means,” and the end is advancing the Marxist global tyranny agenda.

The Reason For Cameron’s U Turn On Gay Marriage

OK folks, best sit down, pour yourselves a strong drink and get ready for a shock. Did you perhaps think David Cameron after saying that same sex marriage was not a priority just weeks ago had suddenly decided it is his coalition government’s top priority to amend the law to allow bearded Queens to mince up the aisle in bridal gowns because he has been persuaded by the articulate, resonable and persuasive arguments of the gay rights lobby?

Wrong! He has been given his orders by his bosses in Brussels. Yes, our Prime Minister takes orders from unelected bureaucrats. We lost World War 2 and are now part of a European Bueaucratic Dictatorship.

Want proof?

EU Parliament votes to force same-sex “marriage” on all member states

Not recognising the name of this site I treated it as unreliable and checked the EU Parliament archives. And it turns out the story is in essence true.

How democracy died in Europe by Roger Simon

Warmageddonists cannot accept global warming was a tax raising scam

I recently looked at a post by a man who claims to be a “scientist” and to pursue the truth through the “scientific method.” Let’s call him Mr. Chuckles the Evil Clown because in his warped universe the “scientific truth” is whatever he wants it to be and evidence in support of that truth is whatever he tells you it is. And you and I are not allowed to question Mr. Chuckles because he’s a scientist and therefore infallible, ineffable and an all round better person than us because he’s a scientist (but we only have his word for any of those things). Here’s a link to his post:

Climate Change — Global Warming: By Any Name Trouble’s Coming Like a Train

Climate Change and Global Warming are two terms used interchangeably in common conversation. In truth, Global Warming is but a subset of Climate Change, but at the moment the most threatening subset. Three recent reports highlight the reality of the threat.

In a report scheduled for release on Tuesday December 4th at the Doha, Qatar, international climate talks, scientists will warn that the melting permafrost in the Arctic is releasing huge quantities of methane, the most potent of greenhouse gasses. As the permafrost melts, buried forests and marshes begin to decompose, releasing the first scouts of tens of billions of tons of greenhouse gasses now trapped in those wet and rotting forests. Those billions of tons of gasses simply dwarf the millions of tons available for industries and governments to manage. One scientist involved in the study has said that a “tipping point,” a point at which the released gasses will create enough continuous warming to create a feedback system and preclude shutting down the cycle, may have already been reached.

The simple fact, which I’ve posted several times now, that 15 of the hottest years on record are within the last 16 years completely debunks your entire claim that there has been no warming in that period of time. The evidence is exactly contrary to your position on the matter … [truncated ]

It was not Mr. Chuckles’ post that I took exception to, the information about methane realted imminent disaster he is trying to use to spread fear and panic has been around for twenty years and nothing bad has happened yet. The person I want to hold up to ridicule is Mr. Rory M whom you will find in the comment thread. Here is his comment in reply to reasoned argument backed up by scientific evidence from a global warming sceptic:

Rory M. Dec 5, 2012, 8:18am EST
The simple fact, which I’ve posted several times now, that 15 of the hottest years on record are within the last 16 years completely debunks your entire claim that there has been no warming in that period of time. The evidence is exactly contrary to your position on the matter.

Now Rory is either stupid or a liar … or a stupid liar. Independent evidence i.e. that not compiled by pseudo scientists whose “scientific mathodolgy” is all about keeping their piggy little snouts in the trough of taxpayers money shows the data points to a very different conclusion.

THE 25 WARMEST YEARS ON RECORD (US Historical Climatology Network
reproduced on About .com/education/weather/hottest-years

On page 2 of the report is a handy chart (have to scroll down a bit for it, sorry warmageddonists – I know you hate having to do any work to check facts)

It shows that actually of the twenty five hottest years since 1895 only 5 have been in the last 16 years.

So much for the “scientific methodolgy”, the dedication of “sciencetits” to the pursuit of “scientific” truth and the all round cuntiness of the people still spreading fear and panic about man made global warming. We’ve seen through their con, discredited their arguments and exposed their science as fraudulent.