New York Times Says USA Too Scared Of Hitting Civilians To Deal With ISIS

There are a few questions raised by a sorty in the New York Times which accuses The White House and The Pentagon of being too scared of hitting civilians to attack ISIS strongholds in Iraq and Syria. The first is “When did the liberal New York Times align itself with neo – con warmongers.

The second of course is “When did fear of killing civilians ever stop The Pentagon from carpet bombing enemy targets?

The answer to the first is of course that to US ‘liberals’ the colour of the current President’s skin absolves him of everything, if he says war is good then there can be no argument against that.

Could the answer to the second by any chance lies in the ‘conspiracy theory’ that thanks to a recent whistleblower was proved to be true: ISIS was set up with the aid of the CIA to assist the Sunni Muslim fundametalist government of Saudi Arabia overthrow several Shi’ite and secular Muslim middle eastern dictatorships?

This story in Information Clearing House makes things a lot clearer.

NYT Trumpets U.S. Restraint against ISIS, Ignores Hundreds of Civilian Deaths

The New York Times this morning has an extraordinary article claiming that the U.S. is being hampered in its war against ISIS because of its extreme — even excessive — concern for civilians. “American officials say they are not striking significant — and obvious — Islamic State targets out of fear that the attacks will accidentally kill civilians,” reporter Eric Schmitt says.

The newspaper gives voice to numerous, mostly anonymous officials to complain that the U.S. cares too deeply about protecting civilians to do what it should do against ISIS. We learn that “many Iraqi commanders, and even some American officers, argue that exercising such prudence is harming the coalition’s larger effort to destroy” ISIS. And “a persistent complaint of Iraqi officials and security officers is that the United States has been too cautious in its air campaign, frequently allowing columns of Islamic State fighters essentially free movement on the battlefield.”

The article claims that “the campaign has killed an estimated 12,500 fighters” and “has achieved several successes in conducting about 4,200 strikes that have dropped about 14,000 bombs and other weapons.” But an anonymous American pilot nonetheless complains that “we have not taken the fight to these guys,” and says he “cannot get authority” to drone-bomb targets without excessive proof that no civilians will be endangered. Despite the criticisms, Schmitt writes, “administration officials stand by their overriding objective to prevent civilian casualties.”

But there’s one rather glaring omission in this article: the many hundreds of civilian deaths likely caused by the U.S.-led bombing campaign in Iraq and Syria.


GMO: Monsanto’s Worst Nightmare Looks Like Becoming Reality

For years the corporate agriculture industry (Big Ag) cartel and, corporate payroll scientists and opportunistic politicians have been pushing the idea that to switch from traditionally propagated crops to genetically modified organism was the only way to feed the world’s burgeoning millions.

The tame scientists who either worked for Big Ag or were on government funded research programmes were happy to produce doctored data suggesting that Genetically Modified (GM) food crops were completely safe for human consumption. Many independent biologists and geneticists disagreed but their work was derided and the strongest critics of Big Ag were marginalized or found their careers had been steered into a dead end (a familiar story to those of us who have observed the journey of the sciences from open minded inquiry to something resembling a medieval church sect.)

But in what marks a major shift in the way the wider public consume information, the citizen journalists and ‘crazy conspiracy theorists’ of new media have gradually chipped away at the completely fabricated case for GM food crops.

Some, like this blog, have focused on the economic and social consequences of handing control of the food supply to a handful of corporate enterprises with very dodgy track records on ethical matters. Others who are more appropriately qualified to challenge the misinformation and manipulated statistics put out by corporate scientists reported on how data had been faked and trials rigged.

And now it seems the tide is turning against Big Ag and their lackeys:

Monsanto’s Worst Fear May Be Coming True
Jonathan Latham, Independent Science News

The decision of the Chipotle restaurant chain to make its product lines GMO-free is not most people’s idea of a world-historic event. Especially since Chipotle, by US standards, is not a huge operation. A clear sign that the move is significant, however, is that Chipotle’s decision was met with a tidal-wave of establishment media abuse. Chipotle has been called irresponsible, anti-science, irrational, and much more by the Washington Post, Time Magazine, the Chicago Tribune, the LA Times, and many others. A business deciding to give consumers what they want was surely never so contentious.

The media’s heavy criticism of Chipotle has an explanation that is important to the future of GMOs. The cause of it is that there has long been an incipient crack in the solid public front that the food industry has presented on the GMO issue. The crack originates from the fact that while agribusiness sees GMOs as central to their business future, the brand-oriented and customer-sensitive ends of the food supply chain do not.

The brands who sell to the public, such as Nestle, Coca-Cola, Kraft, etc., are therefore much less committed to GMOs. They have gone along with their use, probably because they wish to maintain good relations with agribusiness, who are their allies and their suppliers. Possibly also they see a potential for novel products in a GMO future.

However, over the last five years, as the reputation of GMOs has come under increasing pressure in the US, the cost to food brands of ignoring the growing consumer demand for GMO-free products has increased. They might not say so in public, but the sellers of top brands have little incentive to take the flack for selling GMOs.


American GM Wheat Losing Out To Russian Organic Wheat In World Markets
We’ve been trying to get the truth out on GM crops, loved by American corporate business, rent-a-quote scientists and politicians for several years. The massed ranks of big money and big politics are still ranged against us but it seems that one again we the New Media are winning. The more the ‘experts’, professors and politicians tell us genetically modified crops are good, the mor suspicious we become.

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Is This Why UKIP Only Won One Seat

Van went missing with 200,000 postal ballot forms in South Eastern area
from The Tap

The election was rigged, as expected, awoman has claimed in The Guardian. Crooks used the postal vote system to rig the required seats. Thw whistleblower is not great on details, but he claims of how the election could have been rigged are entirely feasible.

Postal voting is ‘wide open to fraud’ and should be scrapped in its current form, a top judge warned last night.

Judge Richard Mawrey, who sits in judgment on election fraud cases, said ballot-rigging was now a ‘probability’ in some parts of Britain due to the extension of postal voting.

Mr Mawrey, a deputy high court judge, said the introduction of ‘on demand’ postal voting had failed to boost turnout. But he warned it had made Britain’s electoral system vulnerable to fraud on ‘an industrial scale’.

He told Radio 4’s File on 4 programme that in one case last year he had come across 14 different ways in which postal votes can be manipulated.

‘Postal voting on demand, however many safeguards you build into it, is wide open to fraud,’ he said.

‘It’s open to fraud on a scale that will make election rigging a possibility and indeed in some areas a probability.’

Mr Mawrey presided over a notorious 2004 ballot-rigging case in Birmingham which uncovered evidence of abuse he said would ‘disgrace a banana republic’.

Yesterday he added: ‘What has worried me about this for some time is the ease with which is it possible to commit postal vote fraud and the scale on which it can be committed.

‘In the past when you had personal voting, that is to say voting at polling stations, there was fraud but, frankly, it was minuscule. Postal voting on demand has enabled fraud to be carried out on what, in one case, I described as an industrial scale. Now let’s think back, how did we saddle ourselves with this postal voting farrago. Oh yeah, it was that liss long term goal was.tle shit Tony Blair, the traitor and war criminal who sold our country out to foreigners, the one whose government was going to “rub our noses in diversity. Well no effing prizes for guessing what his and The Labour Party’s. BTW I must have called Tony Blair a traitor and war criminal on this blog a hundred times now yet I’m still waiting to hear from his lawyers, why d’you think that might be?


Electoral Fraud Scandal In Peterborough By – election Being Covered Up?
Thanks to Politicalite’s groundbreaking exclusive coverage of the crooked Peterborough By-Election so far, the Daily Mail have picked up on our story and have revealed a fresh incident of alleged electoral fraud being investigated by the Police …

Labour lose the plot

A comment from Andy S in a Disqus thread. I haven’t come across Andy before but have heard similar things to those he complains of from Labour supporters for many years.

I think the best was about a month after the 2010 election when the lefties were in full witch hunt mode against the coalition and I blogged that we had to give them a chance.

“A chance? Look how they’ve screwed up the economy,” raved one left wing commenter. The real tragedy was that the pillock wasn’t joking. Anyway over to Andy S.

The ignorance and gullibility of the Labour Party faithful is astounding to behold. If they are anything like the two Labour canvassers I encountered on Saturday outside my local shop they’d believe anything Ed told them. Among the howlers these two socialist idiots were convinced were true were:-

Andrew Lansley covered up the deaths at Stafford and other hospitals (not Andy Burnham). Also thought that the only unnecessary deaths were at one hospital.
The 50p tax rate on higher earners was introduced in 1997!
Maggie Thatcher sent in hundreds of troops against the miners at Orgreave.
Churchill sent in troops to shoot and kill striking Welsh miners in the 1920s.
Only Tory MPs were gaoled for expenses fiddling.
The 4 million+ immigrants Labour allowed to flood into the country was because we had a skills shortage.
Convinced Maggie Thatcher closed down all the pits (despite me pointing out that the N.U.M.’s own website shows that Labour closed down more pits that the Tories ever did.

I could go on but these two middle aged idiots, who should have known better, wouldn’t accept the truth of what Labour did in power, even though I told them where to research the facts. While we have people like these two I despair for the future of this country.

Labour Leadeship Contest, Corbyn Comedy Caper
When Labour elected Ed Miliband as their leader in 2010 it was clear the party had a death wish. The ‘broad church’ Prime Minister Harold Wilson spoke of in the 1960s, the alliance of intellectuals and socially conservative industrial workers who made up the party’s core vote managed to coexist. Then came feminism, politically correct thinking, New Labour factions as the party started to tear itself apart. It looks as if we are in the endgame.

He’s Not The Messiah, His Name Is Edymandias – Miliband’s slab stunt goes down like a Lead Balloon
Only two days campaigning left before polls open for the 2015 general election. Who will winn? Opinion Poll show no conclusive trends. But inside information tells us the reason conservative Prime Minister David Cameron has a smile on his face as the campaigning draws to a close. Farage is radiant, Clegg looks chirpy as his chances of holding his Sheffied seat have improved enormously, only Ed Milband is down in the dumps.

Mediterranean Immigrant Crisis – EU plays politics with lives

It should be obvious, even to hand wringing, breast beating, hypocritical left wing wailers and gnashers of teeth that the EU is actively encouraging mass immigration from Africa to Europe and is quite possibly involved in organising the ruthless, criminal operation.

Part of the EU agenda has always bee, to flood white European nations with millions of third world migrants in order to make the bolshy and (relatively) educated native whites a marginalized minority in their own countries, lower labour costs and throw the democratic process out of kilter.

The EU sees replacing white Europeans with unskilled, illiterate third world migrants as the best chance of having destroying political opposition to a meritocratic, totalitarian, single European superstate ruled by appointed bureaucrats from Brussels.

While this race replacement is aimed at all white European countries, at the moment the focus is predominantly on replacing the native people of Northern European countries such as the UK, Germany and the Scandinavian countries as they are the most articulate and organised and while less volatile than their Mediterranean counterparts are always going to be more formidable opponents should things deteriorate to such and extent that civil conflict breaks out.

As usual, this is why it is the UK that is at the forefront of advocating mass immigration from Africa because the UK has the most hateful elite in Europe who despise the working class people of the UK to an extent unheard of in most other countries.

The UK is the country the far-left cabal in European elite want to see fall first because London is such a major financial hub, so the UK is one of the main targets for disruption by mass immigration.

We must not fall into the trap of scapegoating the immigrants and those trying to enter our country illegally because they have been told they will be welcomed here and the government pays people a wage for doing nothing. Who would not want to live in such a rich and wonderful country.

It is our own political, business and academic elites who have declared war on us.


The West Is Always To Blame For Africa’s Troubles
It seems to us that we in the west are responsible for all of Africa’s racial, economic and it was even the ‘evil white man’ who instigated tribal wars and genocides that took place before and parts of the continent was colonised.

EU Refugee Quota Scheme Unravels

Germany Opens Gates, Welcomes ALL Syrian Asylum Seekers: Urges UK To Do The Same
Champagne Socialists

Labour Elite Thinks Northerners Are Thick – I Told You So

Mass Immigration Marginalises White Working Class Says Soros Think Tank
Here’s How Working Class Organisations Out Of Which the Labour Movement Grew Were Hijacked By Elitist Control Freaks
The International Elite’s Contempt For National Sovereignty
Ersatz Culture Created By World View Theorists To Undermine Western Values
New World Order War On free Speech Comes To Britain – Guardian editor accused of treason

The Eurozone is a Disaster; Britain Must Leave the EU’ says City Economist

Archives – The Daily Stirrer

Daily Stirrer archives for March and April 2015 are now online. Find all the news mainstream mead will not print or broadcast in The Daily Stirrer, always controversial, always ahead of the crowd, always against the establishment. Never going to appeal to Sheeple.

The Daily Stirrer – March 2015

The Daily Stirrer – April 2015

Use our search feature top of the Daily Stirrer main page’s right hand column to pickour keywords and find all posts on a particular topic for our enormous Greenteeth Labyrinh and Daily Stirrer sites.

Wikileaks To Reveal more On Obama’s Dirty Free Trade Treaties

For at least two years now, from the moment we became aware of the nature of the Obama Administration’s free trade’ deals (which are really about freeing global corporations from competition and legal constraints rather than free trade in any conventional sense,) Little Nicky and his friends at Boggart Blog, The Daily Stirrer, Boggart Abroad and elsewhere (see links at foot of article) have been trying to raise awareness of the biggest threat to invividual liberty and national sovereignty since …. well ever.

WikiLeaks has fed up by regularly publishing leaked documents relating to the highly secret Trans Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) and Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade treaty negotiations, which are taking place behind closed doors and involve EU and American bureaucrats and corporate lawyers but exclude our democratically elected representatives in national parliaments and assemblies.

Many campaigners agains TTIP and TPP feel these treaties, which will give corporate lawyers the ability to rewrite national law in the interests of increasing profitability, are the culmination of a long term policy to establish and unelected global government, a meritocracy of bureaucrats and academics.

Two game-changing trade agreements are now perilously close to completion.

Their basic aims are three-fold: to elevate the rights of “investors,” that is of corporations, above the rights of citizens; to transfer sovereignty from the seats of national government to the corporate HQs of the world’s largest multinationals; and to cement Western domination of the global economy for the foreseeable future.

Naturally, few voters are likely to support such a radical program. Hence the acute need for secrecy, obfuscation and lies throughout the negotiation process. Eventually, even they are not enough. The lies start showing through and the flimsy facade begins to slip. In the later stages — roughly where we are now — the only way to finish the job is to incrementally, almost imperceptibly snuff out the institution of representative democracy itself. To do that, one must still keep the illusion of democracy alive, at least until the ink on its death warrant (i.e. a fully signed trade agreement) is dry.

This explains the European Commission’s constant empty promises of increased transparency, accountability and public consultation. The latest installment in this ridiculous charade came not from Brussels but from the US government, which announced that it will open up reading rooms in its embassies across the EU, so that national politicians can read secret documents related to TTIP.

Julian Assange, founder of Wikileaks is still banged up in the Ecudorian embassy in London but is still very involved in efforts to raise opposition to the corporate power grab that is going on all over the world with the complicity of elected governments. In an interview with Australian News Agency Fairfax Media, Mr Assange said that while he does not expect to leave the embassy compound any time soon, WikiLeaks very much remains in the business of publishing the secrets of diplomats and spies.

“There’ll be more publications – about large international so-called free trade deals, and about an intelligence agency,” Mr Assange said.

In a wide ranging interview Mr Assange discussed the recent establishment of a secure internet chat system to enable anonymous sources to contact WikiLeaks and the prospective reintroduction of a secure electronic drop box to facilitate the deposit of leaked documents.

Mr Assange said that a key challenge arose from the fact that any website open to receive anonymous leaks was an “exposed front door that becomes a permanent target” for intelligence and law enforcement agencies.

One part of the solution is to embed the instructions and code for the submission system on every webpage so that potential sources would be concealed amidst the estimated 500,000 unique readers who visit the WikiLeaks website each month.

“That gives a source some cover,” Mr Assange said, “but it’s important to understand that the protection of sources requires much more than a single technological fix.”

Little Nicky Machiavelli will keep you informed of developments.


Julian Assange On The TPP: “Deal Isn’t About Trade, It’s About Corporate Control”
Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, still banged up the the London embassy of the Ecuador government has been speaking on the TPP deal which the Obama admisistration has been trying to fast track through the US Congress withour Senators or Representatives being allowed to debate it or even know what is in it. And from what wikileaks and other whistleblower sites have revealed, it is highly unsurprising the Obama administration is being so seretive …

How Congressional Republicans Lie to Approve Obama Trade Deals
With opposition to Obama’s ‘anything-but-free’ trade treaties Trans Pacific Partnership and Trans-Atlantic Trade And Investment Partnership strengthening both in the USA and Europe, it is interesting to observe how support for Obama’s neo – con inititiative which would grant corporate lawyers the power to overturn national law, is not falling according to the usual political party lines. Billionaires and those on the payroll of global corporations are broadly in support, others are recognising the threat to democracy and personal liberty.

How Mainstream Media And The Major Political Parties Are Making Sure Voters Do not Hear The Voices Of Politics’ Most Powerful Critics
As the General Election campaign starts to heat up, we try to shift focus away from the squabbling between Conservative and Labour about who can make the most promises they have no intention of keeping and to the real issues concerning jobs, social breakdown , mass immigration, and loss of national sovereignty.

US Senators Block Obama’s Fast Track For Corporate Friendly Trade Deals
As the efforts of the European Union to ‘fast track’ the pernicious and corporate friendly Trans Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) his widespread opposition across the European Union member nations, the far eastern equivalent TPP (Trans Pacific Partnership) is being derailed by similar fears about jobs, workers’ rights and national sovereignty in the USA.


One drink a day increases the risk of breast cancer by 15 per cent, scientists claim
Another example of pseudo scientific scaremongering from Harvard University’s Department Of Cutural Marxist Propaganda, using spurious statistics (when they cite risk they do not mean 15% but 15% of 13%) in supprt of liberal / left wing politicians anti alcohol campaign, which is not about health but an excuse to raise taxes. The whole house of cards is demolished here by a writer who really understands statistics and is not ingornant of human nature.

Thousands Take To UK Streets To Demonstrate Against TTIP ‘Corporate Stitch-Up’

nds of people in the UK will this weekend to protest against the “corporate stitch-up” known as Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), which has been negotiated in total secrecy between the European Union (Euronazi) bureaucrats in Brussels and for Washington, corporate lawyers working for the global conglomerates that own The Obama Administration …

TTIP Corporate Stitch Up And Revival Of The Loony Left Poses Existential Threat To Nation States
The same threat is coming at us from left and right. A radical shift in direction in this article you might think, I would defend my pov by saying that two threats that seem to come from different directions are in fact the same threat, authoritarianism, and we are in danger of being caught in a pincer movement.