We Predicted An Orwellian Nightmare. Now Obama’s Ministry Of Love Is Identified

Obama's Ministry Of Love
Is this Obama’s Orwellian ‘Ministry Of Love’ that has featured in aa report in The Guardian? (Image source, Zero Hedge)

Back in 2008 we predicted pretty accuratly how things would turn out under Predident Barack Obama. We were not totally correct (well we are aBritish site) but where we erred it was on the side of caution. For example while it was easy enough to be aware that the egomaniacal former rent boy would become an authoritarian and imperialistic ruler who would turn the USA into a racially, religiously, financially divided Orwellian dystopia, we considered it would be going too far to actually say; “This clown will create a Ministry of Love where dissidents can be ‘re-educated’ in politically correct, stoner philosophy.

In ‘1984’, George Orwell’s novel of life in a brutal, authoritarian dictatorship, The Ministry Of Love, housed in a black walled, windowless building, is where those suspected of ‘Thought Crimes’ against the regime. In the total surveillance society, where telecreens moniored what happened in every home while broadcasting propaganda constantly, and when family members were rewarded for spying on each other and no neighbour could ever be trusted, guilt of Thought Crime was established by evidence of people acting, speaking or thinking against the regime, but also if they did not show sufficient enthusiasm in their support of it or their hatred of its fictional enemies, the manufactured hate objects which the regime used to keep the population in a state of fear.

The Ministry Of Love awaited all those accused of Thought Crime; to be accused was to be proved guilty. Housed within The Ministry Of Love was the notorious Room 101

Now the Obama regime has brought the Ministry Of Love and very probably a version of Room 101 out of the realm of fiction and into reality.

A Secret “Black Site” Revealed In Chicago: “When You Go In, You Just Disappear”

from Zero Hedge:
Located in a nondescript warehouse on Chicago’s west side is where, according to the Guardian, one can find the domestic equivalent of a CIA “black site” – an illegal, off-the-books interrogation compound used by Chicago special police units, one which renders “Americans unable to be found by family or attorneys while locked inside”; a place whose former occupants say is where you end up when you are “disappeared”; a place which confirms that when it comes to the eternal “who is better – us or them” debate, there really is no difference: “It brings to mind the interrogation facilities they use in the Middle East. The CIA calls them black sites. It’s a domestic black site. When you go in, no one knows what’s happened to you.” It’s a Guantánamo and Abu Ghraib rolled into one. In short: it is a place where the US constitution and basic human rights have absolutely no access … [Read more]

As you can see from the picture, Obama’s Ministry Of Love does not quite fit Orwell’s description (a windowless. black building might attract too much attention on a suburban business park,) and we don’t know what name it has been given, but we can easily guess what goes on in there.

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An Orwellian Paradox
Obama the real danger to the west Latest Posts
The Two Minutes Hate
The Thought Police
Oh Brave New World (not Huxley’s but Obama’s)
The Orwell, Huxley, Dick index of technological dystopia

Cultural Marxism Curriculum: The Frankfurt School

Elsewhere: [Boggart Blog]…[Little Nicky Machiavelli]…[Scribd]…[Wikinut] … [Boggart Abroad

Brussels Euronazis Message to the New Greek Government: We Don’t Care About Humanitarian Issues

Middle class Greeks are living in squalour and scavenging for food because of Euro zone austerity measures thanks to EU imposed austerity measures (Image source)

When in 2010 the so called Troika, the unholy trinity of The International Monetary Fund, the European Central Bank and the European Commission, the E U’s governing bureaucracy abolished democracy in Greece and imposed a government of bureaucrats loyal to the Euro Nazi Federal Superstate movement, elected representatives in Athens have been forced implement six consecutive austerity programs which have severely lowered the living standards of working people, devastated Greece’s social systems and plunged millions into poverty.

This is why on 25 January, the majority of the Greek population decided to vote for a party that raised their hopes for a better future by promising an end to austerity.

Four weeks later this dream has been shattered and the new ruling party have been royally shafted by the Euronazi @Bastards of Brussels. In last week’s negotiations the Toika left no room for doubt that it will not deviate from its path of totally and utterly humiliating Greece and its people and demanding ever tighter austerity policies in return for allowing Greece to continue its ruinous membership of the corrupt and discredited European Union.

In other words: The working people of Greece will have to keep filling the gaps in the state budget generated by the bank bailout in the beginning stages of the Euro crisis.

Germany’s finance minister Schäuble jumped at the chance of using the confrontation with the new Greek government for a deliberate show of intransigence, delivering a clear message to the working people of Europe: The troika’s policies are solely determined by the interests of financial capital which has no concern for the plight of jobless teenagers, starving senior citizens or cancer patients, who are no longer able to pay for their medication.

Right after the Greek elections, the IMF made it a point to demonstrate its power by immediately suspending its payments to Athens. On February 11, it was followed by the ECB, which stopped accepting Greek state bonds as collateral for ECB loans. Contrary to official reports in the media, this measure was not directed against Greek banks (whose emergency credit line was immediately extended by 5 billion euros), but against the Greek government, which had dared to openly oppose the Troika’s policies, and by extension the Greek people, as if they haven’t yet suffered enough for the incomptence of their crooked politicians and the Naziism of the EU overlords in Brussels.

The economic groundwork having been laid by the IMF and the ECB, the EU, led by Germany, has now taken over and begun to systematically humiliate the new Greek government. Ignoring any mention of the humanitarian catastrophe brought about by austerity politics, each and every proposal for even the most gentle steps to relieve the suffering of the Greek people drew a response of outright rejection. Instead, the EU insisted that Syriza submit to complete adherence to all agreements forced on the country under the predecessor governments and accept them as an essential prerequisite for further negotiations.

Mainstream media unleashed an intensive campaign of slander, trying to stir up anti-Greek sentiment by blaming Greek working people of having lived “beyond their means”, of having obtained membership in the Eurozone by fraudulent means (in fact it was forced on the by Brussels), of showing no gratitude towards their “saviors” and refusing to fulfill their obligations towards their “partners”.

You cannot do much to help the Greeks, contribute as generously as you can afford to any charity appeals after firsr making sure the money will be used tobuy and diftribute food and essentials to the people and not used to stuff the pockets of the Brussels Euro rat bureaucrats and their banker buddies.

Closer to home, you can make sure it doesn’t happen here by voting UKIP in May. Remember, the Conservatives, Labour and Lib Dems, the Greens and SNP, would take us right into the Euro on terms dictated by Brussels despite the fact that the European Monetary System has demonsrtably failed and plunged most member states into economic case.

So on election day it’s a straight choice, you can vote UKIP or you can vote Nazi.
Financial Coup in Greece

From day to day mainstream and alternative media commentators speculate about when Greece will finally admit is is bankrupt and will have to leave the European Single Currency system, abandon the Euro and return to the Drachman, and the Euronazis of brussels admite they were wrong to bend the rules in order to get Greece to adopt the Euro, and stop piling more agony on the long suffering Greek people and help organize a painless exit.

NEIN! Germany’s Bild Comdemns Latest Greek Can Kicking Exercise

German Ubermacht Gives Greek Upstats The Finger In European Union Confrontation.

Retired professor turns whistleblower on climate change

Warmageddonist cult leader Al Gore is still preaching the alamist gospel despite having been busted for buying up California beach front property he had warned would be swamped by rising sea level.

Academic says: I’m now retired so I have no scientific career to protect by spreading lies

“researchers want to keep federal funding for climate change alive, and politicians want to earn environmentalist votes, and both predict global pandemonium to that end:” Dr. Terry Hughes.

Dr. Terry Hughes, in an interview with The College Fix, said researchers want to keep federal funding for climate change alive, and politicians want to earn environmentalist votes, and both predict global pandemonium to that end.

Hughes, a professor emeritus of earth sciences and climate change at the University of Maine, said for years his colleagues urged him to be in lockstep with former Vice President Al Gore – “the drum major in the parade denouncing global warming as an unmitigated disaster,” he told The College Fix.

But Hughes – who believes global warming is actually a good thing because more carbon dioxide is good for the environment in many ways – said he does not want to march to that beat.

“Too many (the majority of) climate research scientists are quite willing to prostitute their science by giving these politicians what they want,” he said.

from The College Fix


Polar Temperature Data ‘Proving’ Climate Change Nothing More than a Guess
Dr Benny Peiser who heads up the Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF), has said temperature readings from the Arctic and Antarctic used to estimate the effects of global warming are nothing more than guesswork. GWPF last month announced its intention to carry out a wide-ranging review of the data underpinning claims on global warming.

Fellow Slams The Royal Society as Nothing But a Lobby Group for Climate Change.
Another respected scientist comes out and denounces the science behind the climate change scare as a fraud. The whole thing has been a scam to justify punitive taxes on fuel and enable the rich to make fortunes trading carbon credits. Again it shows what a sack of rogues the climate science community really are.

Another Kick In The Bollocks For Warmageddonists And CAGWARTS*
I’ve had many arguments with the Warmageddonists, the people who have been saying that if we did not shut down all coal, oil and gas related activites the earth was going to turn into a giant furnace and we would all burn. When the scaremongering first started, the deadline for frying was “after dinner”. Then it goT to “Tomorrow …… or the day after tomorrow perhaps,” then “next year”, “before 2050,” and eventually “soon.”

Climate Experts Smeared by Media and Greenpeace for Debunking Global Warming
Anyone who understood basic arithmetic (like how to work out an average) and took the trouble to examine the ‘science’ that backed the climate change scare would have quickly understood the whole thing was a fraud. And plenty of digigent, honest and respected scientists did understand that and were not afraid to say so. But those who went public faced hate attacks, personal smears and having their careers trashed. Now however, as evidence exposes the lies of the global warming lobby, they are starting to come forward.
Climate Experts Smeared by Media and Greenpeace for Debunking Global Warming

Beyond Big Bang: The Idea Of An Infinite Universe Is Fashionable Again
So Big Bang was a proven fact was it. A lot of very noisy science fanboys insisted it was, but of course big Bang was only ever a theory with no more hard evidence to back it up that the biblical creation myth. Perhaps led by the rertn of common sense, the cutting edge research is one again talking about an infinite universe.

Another Kick In The Bollocks For Warmageddonists And CAGWARTS

I’ve had many arguments with the Warmageddonists, the people who have been saying that the ‘scientific consensus’ had agreed if we did not shut down all coal, oil and gas related activites (that is, just about all human activities except unprotected sex and sleeping) the earth was going to turn into a giant furnace and we would all burn. Those of us audacious enough to ask when this was going to happen felt the horizon shifting.

Private health firms pocket £18 million a day – that’s £6 billion in the last year – from the NHS budget.

In internet comment threads and on Facebook and other social networks we see a lot of screeching from lefties who want to convince you that if the conservatives are re – elected they will privatize the NHS and if UKIP were to be elected (which is not likely to happen this time or even next time, they would abolish the NHS and make us rely on the local hedge witch for our health care.

Neither is true of course, Nigel Farage DID NOT say UKIP would introduce a two tier system like America’s, he said that without reforms to cut out bureaucratic waste and make services more efficient we might have to look at such a system. So let Little Nicky remind you here that it is the NHS Management, the Public Service Unions and The Labour Party that is resistant to reforms, it is the current management regime and the public service unions that have derailed every attempt to modernise the administration systems and it is the managers and senior medical staff who have been bribed‘incentivized’ by Big Pharma executives to prescribe costly and ineffective medicines where cheaper and more beneficial drugs are available.

And of course it is a bit late to be scaremongering about the evil Conservatives or loony UKIPpers privatising the NHS when it was privatized years ago by New Labour under ?Blair and Brown.

Private Firms Milking The NHS
Private health firms pocketed £18 million a day – that’s £6 billion in the last year – from the NHS budget

Private health companies are pocketing a record £18 million each day from the NHS budget as more and more health contracts are passed over to the private sector.

New figures from the Department of Health show that last year £6.6 billion was taken from the NHS coffers to pay private health providers – a 50 per cent rise from before the coalition took power.

Critics of the coalition Government’s health reforms say this trend of allowing private companies to cream off NHS cash is set to increase.

Campaigners are also concerned that independent providers could be putting patients at risk as they strive to safeguard profits, which is cash sucked out of the NHS system.

Read full article

The Truth – Labour Privatized The NHS between 1997 and 2010, Now Their Toxic Policies Are Bankrupting It
In the run up to the 2015 UK General Election, and without doubt beyond, one of the great political controversies will focus on the future of the national Health Service (NHS). While most voters consider The Conservatives to be the party of private profit and thus consider Labour a better choice to look after the NHS, Labour has in fact done more, and more damagingly, to privateize health services

BBC Reporter Almost Killed by Ukrainian Shell While Accusing Rebels of Shelling

Now who was it among my readers was about six months ago accused be of taking the side of evil against the good guys in Ukraine, when I (rightly as it turned out although it will never be officially admitted) wrote that the group most likely to have shot down Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 was the Ukrainian Government in Kiev, the neo – fascist government installed after the USA / NATO / EU coup d’etat deposed the DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED government.

I was further accused of being in love with Vladimir Putin and Nigel Farage (now come on, I might have been a prodigious shagger in my youth but I had taste) and supporting war, being a right wing nut job and someone who goes to a lot of tea parties (I never worked that one out).

All this from people on the part of the political spectrum who like to assume they have a monopoly in intelligence and reason.

Was I wrong to present the case of the pro – Russian separatists in Ukraine against the Obama backed Nazi thugs. Anyone who has followed the progress of Kiev’s genocide campaign against ethnic Russians in Ukraine will not think so, but those who believe the globalist propaganda pumped out by mainstream media might still have trouble believing the USA is the real bad guy. This could help them however …

BBC Reporter Almost Killed by Ukrainian Shell While Accusing Rebels of Shelling

In one more incredibly biased TV report from the Donetsk airport, a BBC journalist started accusing Donetsk self defense forces of breaking the ceasefire while almost getting killed by a Ukrainian “peace-loving” sticking-to-ceasefire shell.

First, Ian Pannell, international BBC corespondent, implicitly accuses rebels of a “scorched earth policy”. (Why would they do that when they’re winning?)

Than in an almost surreal moment while saying that artillery fire “appears” to be mostly “outgoing”, there’s a clear and visible evidence of incoming Ukrainian fire, resulting in an dangerous explosion extremely close to and directly behind him.

Fortunately enough “outgoing fire” hasn’t landed on his head.

It is even more unbelievable that only moments after surviving Ukrainian shelling, the BBC reporter, instead of stating the obvious—that they were almost killed by Ukrainian shelling—has the audacity to state ludicrous claims that rebels are shelling themselves; thus implicitly backing up Ukrainian point of view.

So it seems that “Russian terrorists” are still shelling themselves? We remember Lugansk and pro-Ukrainian media claims that a “terrorist missile” hit an air-conditioner in the administration building, thus killing themselves; or the Odessa massacre where “Russian terrorists” were throwing Molotov cocktails from the rooftop and burned themselves alive.

To certain extent, we feel compassion with BBC employees since they need to stick to the official Westminster propaganda line (“It’s always Russia’s fault”) or risk being demoted or losing their jobs.

If you want to go up the career ladder, self-imposed censorship is a must for every journalist working in the Western mainstream media.

£600k Payoff For Council Boss Who Refused To Resign Over Child Grooming

the daily stirrerby Arthur Foxake

oxford child abuse
Oxford, another council that ran brothels pimping out under age girls to immigrant males

Oxford County Council chief executive Joanna Simons, who refused to resign after the failure of her children’s services department to act on well supported allegations that grooming gangs throught the county were preying on young girls who had been taken into council care, is likely to get a £600,000 pay-off. The disgraced official will get the package for leaving her post early, in a move the council insist is unrelated to the scandal. (Are they having a laugh?)

Political party activists, particularly those representing UKIP are questioning the true nature of Ms Simons’ departure. As her departure and the massive sweetener have been announced shortly before publication of a report into how the council failed to protect young people in its care is due, obviously questions need to be asked, this is not another simple case of a public sector employer rewarding failure, to The Daily Stirrer it looks like rewarding someone for perverting the course of justice.

In one example of how totally effing useless the Oxforshire council was in managing child care, in one case a child absconded from the care of Oxfordshire County Council on a hundred separate occasions. Despite this, no action was taken against her abusers.

In other cases children were given contraceptives to protect them from pregnancy without questions being asked about the nature of their relationships (if you can call being gang raped a relationship). Neither Oxfordshire County Council social workers nor schoolteachers investigated what happened to vulnerable young victims after they had been excluded from school.

Political correctness? When inter – racial problems crop up, what the public services show is socioopathy.

When the child sex ring was eventually smashed and perpetrators arrested, seven men were eventually convicted of arranging child prostitution, sex trafficking and child rape. They were imprisoned for a total of 95 years, but investigations continue and three more men have been convicted since the original 2013 trial.

The failings exposed at Oxfordshire County Council were so serious that Ms Simons herself appeared in a video to apologise for council’s failings, but her video did not include the resignation many of the victims her ‘multiculturalism’ exposed to rape and brutal abuse had demanded. At the time the Chief Constable of Thames Valley Police, Sara Thornton, also refused to resign but in another apparently unrelated decision she has also now decided to go. We do not yet know how much it cost us taxpayers to get rid of that incompetent, bigoted cow.

A witness in the trial of the abusers who grew up with many of the victims in care told the Daily Mail: “The officers and care workers did not protect us and now those who were in charge of them have walked away with a pile of money. They know that by walking out they haven’t got to answer any questions. How are they able to take responsibility if they no longer work for them?”

Simons will leave her £186,000-a-year job in June with a £151,000 severance payment and a pension package worth £423,000.

The BBC has described the grooming gangs as being “of Asian origin”, however this has caused outrage amongst Indian and Chinese immigrant communities. The vast majority of offenders are Muslims of Pakistani origin. Council officials in places like Rotherham have suggested they felt unable to report abuse for fear of being branded “racist”.A council boss who refused to resign after it was revealed her children’s services department had failed to protect young people from grooming gangs is likely to get a £600,000 pay-off. Oxfordshire County Council Chief Executive, Joanna Simons, will get the package for leaving her post early, in a move the council insist is unrelated to the scandal.

The BBC has described the grooming gangs as being “of Asian origin”, however this has caused outrage amongst Indian and Chinese immigrant communities. The vast majority of offenders are Muslims of Pakistani origin. Council officials in places like Rotherham have suggested they felt unable to report abuse for fear of being branded “racist”. Apparently the sensibilities of Hindus and Buddhists are not as precious to the politically correct left as those of people who follow the religion of child – molesters peace.

Once We Respected Red Cross Because The Did Good Work. Now They Promote Politically Correct Tyranny.
The cancer of politically correct thinking has spread throughout British public life. Probably the most perfect illustration of how out of touch the new elite, the Meritocracy (who only merit a kick up the arse) have become with the lives of ordinary people is the politicisation of the institutions of government, local government, education, the law and now even the charity sector. Read what happened to a charity worker who dared to have his own opinion on a gay rights issue

Oxfordshire grooming victims may have totalled 373 children
An investigation intogrooming and abuse of underage girls and boys in the Oxford area, prompted by the long overdue conviction of a sadistic sex gang of seven men who were jailed in 2013 for abusing six girls in Oxford, between 2004 and 2012, has reported that as many as 373 children may have been targeted for sex by gangs of men in Oxfordshire in the last 16 years.

Were Rotherham Abuse Victimes sacrificed To Save The Labour Party

US And Ukraine Governments Try To Scupper Minsk Pease Deal

My source for this story will surprise the war loving, death cult worshipping loonies who think they are reasonable left wing progressives. Such people are among that minority who think big government and authoritarianism are something do do with ‘the left’ (because the left is more cuddly?

So when they encounter a truth seeker whose narrative strays off the big govertnment, globalism, multiculturalism narrative, then without thinking they dismiss that person as a right wing nut job.

Reality is a bit more complicated however, so here, from The World Socialist Web Site is the real story on what is happening in Ukraine, and it confirms once again that the USA led by that hopey-changey, peacemaker and joy bringer The Obamessiah, Barack Obama, that facilitated the war in Ukraine by pushing a neo fascist right wing government into power for the purpose of provoking Russia into acts of aggression.

US and Ukrainian officials seek to torpedo Minsk cease-fire agreement – WSWS.org

I wonder if at least one reader will now understand what I told him a long time ago, it is I, the articulate, enlightened voice of reason, who is the left wing, anti war blogger and he, the war loving world domination freak with his blind devotion to authority, his championing of the Imperialistic foreign policy of the USA and his loathing of true democracy and free speech who is the authoritarian, neo-con nut job. Tee hee hee.

Corporate Capitalism Has Replaced Democracy In Western Nations.
Although this is about the UK General Election in 2015 it has much wider relevance, concerning what is happening in the democratic societies of the developed nation. For that reason this look at how corporate capitalism is usurping democracy and individual freedom will also be relevant long after that election in May 2025.

What the BRICS plus Germany are really up to in the Currency Wars?
American Independence Revoked

Syriza Official Vows to Kill EU-US Trade Deal as ‘Gift to All European People’

An official with Greece’s newly elected Syriza party may have killed a proposed EU-U.S. trade deal that has faced opposition from civil society. The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), now facing its eighth round of talks between negotiators this week in Brussels. The TTIP, which would be the biggest trade deal ever, has been criticized as a corporate-friendly deal that threatens food and environmental safety under the guise of “harmonization” of regulations.

Click Here to read full post:
Syriza Official Vows to Kill EU-US Trade Deal as ‘Gift to All European People’

Obama’s Terrible Trade Pact Is a Scam That Must Be Stopped Says Jim Hightower

Having written a book on the evil trade treaty that will transform the democratic nations into corporate oligarchies, we step aside and hand the baton to Jim Hightower of Alternet who is equally outraged about the iniquities of TTIP’s equally evil twin, TPP.

If you love good food & farming: Stop TTIP!

I really don’t want beef with growth hormones or chickens washed with chlorine or food produced with banned pesticides and additives to name but a few, and I certainly don’t want our farmers undermined: Jamie Oliver on TTIP
India’s Ruling BJP Party Crushed In Regional Poll

India gets it own UKIP and they are already winning elections as The Common Man party shocks the establishment by tapping into the anger about institutuionalised corruption in the world’s biggest democracy

(As you can see we have built up quote a library of posts on TTIP, TPP etc – and these are not all our articles on the topic) TTIP democracy TTIP – the corporate sovereignty deal The American Political System Is “Not A Democracy Or Constitutional Republic” – Thiel Could Corrupt EU-US ‘Free Trade’ Deal Be Extended To Israel?

World Government On The Way Is The EU Coming Unglued The Death Of Democracy Currency Wars – Russia’s move to dump the Petrodollar a href=”http://www.greenteethmm.com/eu-nazi-ttip.shtml”>European Union Euro – Nazis Block Democratic Challenge To TTIP Travestybr /> TTIP threatens UK National Health Service Corporate monopoly men want everything The Euronazi TTIP will kill democracy The EU anti integration movement America going for global hegemony ahead of US$ collapse The Free Trade conspiracy that spells the end of freedom Global government? The Conspiracy Is Winning Transatlantic fascism coming to an EU member near you Is the Europe Canada Trade Deal Dead?