And God said Let The be Oil … and lo there was oil.

When Golda Mier, Isrsael’s Prime Minister back in the 1960s complained “Why did God lead us to the one place in the middle east where there was no oil and comedian Jackie Mason wisecracked, “What idiot put our oil underr their sand,” neither knew how wrong they were.

As the green lobby revs up for a good wail and gnash of teeth about fracking shale gas reserves the Israeli’s are finding that for decades they have been sitting on the biggest oil bonanza since Jed Clampitt struck lucky in The Beverley Hillbillies.

What will this mean to middle east politics? Read Ian P-J: Tensions Boil As Israeli Oil Riches Grow

One think’s for sure; those green meanies are going to be getting even more anti Semitic

Katabasis on 60 Inglorious Years

I found this post on the Katabasis blog. It is quite interesting and if you think I’m a hardline anti European it will be an education for you. It was posted a couple of weeks ago.


Dear Maj,
So it has been sixty years. It is time for us to have a chat. I usually steer clear of collectivist language but today it seems appropriate. For today it is clear that any beneficent collective identity has been ripped away from us under your stewardship and what I have come to claim as positive and peculiarly ‘British’ in the demeanour I yet share with so many of my countrymen and women is now looked upon as an evil anachronism, whilst you somehow are not.

Seven times they were asked to sign. And seven times they signed. Each time the Sovereign looked on whilst the sovereignty of which she was supposed to be protector unto death was packaged up and sold off to a foreign and unaccountable power.

And yet you did nothing.

Even as you looked on, your son the Clown Prince Chuckles, stood in the Traitor’s Parliament and wittered on about how wonderful it was and that more power should be transferred as was humanly possible. He who hateth his subjects so: The Son of the Sovereign boasted how he would like to siphon off the thimble full of sovereignty still remaining to the mendacious mandarins of the continent and all their satanic little helpers in our own parliament of whores.

And yet you did nothing.

The country was made morally bankrupt in the world’s eyes as it pursued two horrific invasions and occupations, slaughtering thousands, maiming tens of thousands, forever destroying the lives of millions and leaving our descendants with foreign policy consequences for generations to come. All based on the lies and ambitions of a few men whom I can scarcely believe are human never mind that such worms are permitted to prosper. Even those who claimed realpolitik advantage with our once great daughter civilisation in the Americas were shown to be fools as even now when our own citizens are genuinely in need in the Falklands, even supposed allies turn against us. All that blood and treasure expended – for what?

And yet you did nothing …

Read the rest of Dear Maj. at Katabasis

Old Bastards Are Robbing The Young

The Intergenerational Foundation (IF) think tank has got itself in the news again. This taxpayer funded front for a bunch of unreconstructed Marxists not so long ago came up with a wizard plan to boot older people out of their homes, believing in typical neo – Stalinist fashion that what people do with privately owned property is in any way business of government bureaucracies.

Now they are wailing and gnashing teeth over how hard done by the younger generation are and how it’s all the fault of those greedy, selfish, wrinkly old gits who worked hard and bought their houses:

An IF press release announcing their latest report claims;
Younger people in the UK are losing out financially and politically to older generations.

The Intergenerational Fairness Index suggests the prospects of younger people have “nose-dived” since the start of the financial crisis in 2008.

The index uses official statistics to compare different generations’ stakes in key areas from income and employment to housing, pensions and education.

Co-author Angus Hanton said the plight of younger generations was clear.

“The index shows that poorer young people are financing richer old people as our society grapples with demographic change and increasing longevity.”

Utter and absolute bollocks. Everyone has suffered as a consequence of the economic difficulties. Many older people as well as young people lost work as a direct consequence of the 2008 economic crisis and the fallout from it and have seen their lives turned upside down.

It is not the fault of people who did not lose their jobs or whose businesses have continued to prosper.

Now would the person who recently tagged me a Tory because I am not a rabid Marxist like to defend this piece of neo Stalinist thinking. And if you try, be sure I will have the Oswaldtwistle Peoples’ Frond round to have you out of your house double quick.

Meanwhile, the Golden Orwell award to the Intergenerational Foundation. There is only one thing preventing these people proposing euthanasia as their next egalitarian idea for creating a socialist utopia.

They have already done it.


Litttle Nicky Says ‘I Told You So’ Again

The EU’s elite bureaucrats have unveiled their vision for the future of monetary union among the Euro zone nations.

The ideas are backed by the leading proponents of the fascist superstate agenda pro integration Europgroup’s Herman Van Rompuy and Uncle Joe Stalin tribute act, Jose Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission . The leading New World Order supporters in the European Union hierarchy have unveiled their vision for the future, in which the Brussels bureauracy would have far more power to overrule elected parliaments and suppress national sovereignty.

It includes the creation of a European treasury, which would have powers over national budgets and be able to dictate how national governments spend their taxpayers’ money.

European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso said it was “a defining moment for European integration”.

The document, released ahead of Thursday’s EU summit, said greater fiscal union could lead to common debt being issued by eurozone countries. In other words norther European nations pay for the irresponsibility of the Mediterranean shore’s economic basket cases.

There would also be banking union, with a single European banking regulator and a unified deposit guarantee scheme. This is a blatant bid to destroy the British financial services industry which, no matter how much you hate bankers, our economy and future prosperity is far too dependent on for us to let it be sunk.

It’s time we cried havoc and let slip the dogs of war. If Europe wants to dstroy our banks, let our banks destroy Europe. So long as they pay tax on the billions they will make from doing it we’re laughing.

Egypt, Islam and Democracy

The military are still the power behind the throne in Egypt despite the victory of the Muslim Brotherhood candidate in the Presidential election.They appear to have learned a lesson from events in a Algeria over two decades ago. In December 1991, an Islamist party calling itself the Islamic Salvation Front (FIS) won an outright majority in the first round of Algeria’s parliamentary election. The army immediately responded by cancelling the second round of the contest, which would have taken place in January 1992. Algeria’s ruling military council then mounted a thinly disguised coup that sealed their dominance of Algerian politics.

Since, the “Algeria option” has become shorthand for preventing Islamist parties from actually taking power even if they happen to win elections. It has also become shorthand for bloodshed, folly and failure. The Algerian army’s catastrophic decision forced the country’s Islamist movement underground, rendered it far more extreme and compelled its leaders to take up arms. The result was a terrible civil war which, by the turn of the millennium, had claimed 100,000 lives. Although much abated, this conflict continues to this day. Meanwhile, some of Algeria’s Islamists allied with al-Qaeda and helped to form a terrorist organisation that has now spread across a swathe of Africa.

So the Egyptian generals did not go so far as to rob Mohammed Morsi, a pillar of the Muslim Brotherhood, of his victory in the presidential election. They will allow him to take office, while seeking to constrain his power and solidify their own role, to the extend of overturning the results of parliamentary elections and appointing members to the assembly.

But thery have not ignited the highly volatile situation by simply installing their man as President. Such comtempt for the electorate could have triggered civil conflict. It is worth noting that the President elect, who has not taken office yet, has already said he wants closer ties with the Shi’ite regime in Iran. We cand only wait to see how the Sunni dominated Egyptian military will react to that.

All this again demonstrates why Little #Nicky has always been right to oppose intervention in the internal political affairs of middle eastern nations. They have their own ways of doing things which we do not understand. Intervention, no matter how well intentioned, in national conflicts, no matter how bloody, is far more likely to make things worse rather than better.

How The United Nations Disappeared 50 Million Climate Refugees

Whatever happened to all those millions of refugees who were going to be heading our way when they were made homeless by the effects of climate change? you might well ask. You probably wouldn’t because like me you had forgotten about them. Some diligent people have not and so the question has been raised. And the Unied Nations lies, deceptions and Orwellian rewriting of the past machine has gone into overdrive.

One of the people on the UN’s case is Anthony Watts, Meteorologist and Climate Blogger who has an interesting article in The Daily Caller. Here’s a teaser:

Oh boy, government idiocy at its finest. Not only is the original claim bogus, the attempts to disappear it are hilariously inept. Apparently, they’ve never heard of Google Cache at the UN. Rather than simply saying “we were wrong,” they’ve now brought even more distrust onto the UN.

Back on April 11th, Gavin Atkins of Asian Correspondent asked this simple question: What happened to the climate refugees?

It is a valid question, and he backs it up with census numbers. Here’s the first part of his story.

In 2005, the United Nations Environment Programme predicted that climate change would create 50 million climate refugees by 2010. These people, it was said, would flee a range of disasters including sea level rise, increases in the numbers and severity of hurricanes, and disruption to food production.

The UNEP even provided a handy map. The map shows us the places most at risk including the very sensitive low lying islands of the Pacific and Caribbean.

It so happens that just a few of these islands and other places most at risk have since had censuses, so it should be possible for us now to get some idea of the devastating impact climate change is having on their population. Let’s have a look at the evidence:

Read the full article on the Missing 50 Million Climate Refugees:

The Threat To Free Speech

When the law forbids us to insult or offend somebody, to insult or offend a religion, race, skin colour or sexual preference, free speech and other important democratic rights are under threat.

When the law then goes on to say that anyone accused of these offences has no right to defend themselves and the word of the accuser is sufficient evidence on which to obtain a conviction then we have abandoned justice and returned to the law of the medieval witch hunts.

These stupid laws insult the public and threaten free speech

Beware the siren voices of the left who hide their abhorrence of freedom and invividuality behind a mask of political correctness. Everything we say and do could be interpreted by somebody as aggressive or insulting. There have been cases of a look being deemed racially or sexually harrassing.

Stand up for your right to express your opinions by being grown up enough to ignore things you overhear that might not even refer to you but could equally be said because you behaved like an arse towards somebody else.

Nobody promised life was fair. And making life sterile by imposing conformity on everybody will not actually make life any fairer.

Ignore The Left’s Warmongering Calls For Intervention In Syria

Morons to the right of me, idiots to the left. What are us libertarians to do as we find ourselves in our customary position, clinging to a raft of common sense as we try to navigate a course through a sea of insanity.

My stance on the trouble spots of the middle east has always been the same, firmly non interventionist and I am not shifting as the propaganda peddlars of mainstream media intensify their calls for us to get involved in another Afghanistan.

Or another Libya which having been liberated by western bombs from a tryant is now a failed state with gangsters and tribal warlords running the show.

It is none of our business. Yes we know Assad is a bastard and that information alone is enough to set the bleeding hearts and hand wringers calling for the western powers to overthrow him. Yes we know Syria has oil and that is enough to set the right wingers off about securing oil supplied by installing a puppet government.

The fact is that while the rebels are being armed by the Narcissist in Chief via Turkey and Saudi Arabia and while Russia and China are supporting Assad it is a conflict to stay well clear of. Intervention in Afghanistan has cost hundreds of British and thousands of Afghan lives and achieved nothing. Syria is likely to turn into an even bloodier mess.

Peter Hitchens’ blog has some interesting information on what the situation in Syria isv really like. Now I know lefties are apt to fly into a blind fury at the mention of Hitchens’ name but he is a fine journalist when writing on foreign affairs so for once in your lives try to behave like rational human beings and consider that part of the evidence that does not affirm your prejudices.

Here’s part of the blog. Click the title to read the full thing (but you migh have to scroll down past the jubilee bit because someone forgot to put the “div id” container in.

The truth seeps out of Syria

I have been contacted by a group of Western women who live in Syria and who believe that most of what the world is being told about that country is false.

As far as I can discover, they are not stooges of what they agree to be a rather nasty government in Damascus, but exactly what they say they are: normal human beings caught up in a political tornado. For obvious reasons, I have promised to protect their identities.

I urge you to read what follows, because it is important, because our emotional interventions in other countries never do any good, and because it is vital that people resist attempts to drag us into Syria, too, by feeding us one-sided atrocity propaganda.

This sort of propaganda has a price. I hope you have noticed the continuing tally of deaths of selfless British soldiers in Afghanistan, in a cause long ago abandoned.

And I hope you have also noticed that Libya, ‘rescued’ by us a few months ago, is now a failed state whose main international airport was recently taken over by gangsters, and where unjustly arrested prisoners are starved and tortured in secret dungeons.

One of my informants from Syria writes of the ‘activists’ we hear so much about: ‘These protesters are not peaceful, flower-carrying people wanting freedom. No, they are weapon-toting killers who snipe, who ambush, who fire upon the army with the sole purpose of inciting riot and mayhem.’

She blames Salafis, ultra-puritan Muslims influenced by Saudi teachings, who loathe and threaten Syria’s minorities of Alawites and Christians. She says many of the ‘activists’ are foreigners, a view shared by all my informants. Many of the ‘activists’ are armed.

Armed intervention is in fact well under way, uncondemned by the UN, which readily attacks the Syrian government for defending itself. Another writes: ‘I have seen reports of opposition rallies which showed pictures of pro-government rallies, and reports purporting to be from the north Syrian countryside, where it has been an incredibly wet year, which appear to have been taken in some desert. The news being accepted as truth by BBC World News is so biased these days that I no longer believe what they say about anything any more, after more than 60 years of crediting them with the truth.’

The West’s Support For Syria’s Rebels
World Politics

The Irony Of International Politics

The main political news from beyond the Eurozone crisis this week has centred on two stories. First is the continuing violence in Syria. While the west condems Assad as a butcher and a monster and yet continues to arm the rebels, Russia and China continue to block any UN inspired forced regime change.

Elsewhere, Barack Hussein Obama, with the American economy collapsing around him and the nation dividing ever more deeply along multiple fault lines is trying to gain re – election by usurping George W Bush’s anti terror platform.

This week Obama has been bigging himself up by claiming personal responsibility for the success of a drone attack on a remote village in Pakistan which might have killed a high ranking Al Qaeda member but certainly did kill an unknown number of poor, innocent Pakistanis. As well as Pakistan and Afghanistan the US Administration is also using drones against suspected Al Qaeda bases in Yemen and who knows where else.

Fascinating how Barack Obama can attack and kill Moslems ad nauseum with his drones without the slightest interest from the UN, whereas Basher Al Assad who is doing much the same, is villified and accused of crimes againt humanity by the UN.

The Elitists Trying To Take Over The World

As Britain Goes Jubilee Mad It’s Business As Usual In The Eurozone

Little nicky’s friends at The Daily Stirrer has consistently reported the truth about the Euro crisis while mainsteam print and broadcast media have consistently tried to suggest there was nothing wrong that could nut be put right by simply mugging German taxpayers to bail out debt problems in basket case nations like Greece, Portugal, Ireland and Italy. Another basket case nation, one that compounded it’s economic folly by committing to expensive and almost totally inefficient “green” energy projects is Spain. Now as a Spanish economic collapse that will need another massive bail out from north Europeran taxpayers draws closer every day we hear that another small EU nation, Cyprus, has at last admitted it is bankrupt

Spain’s ruling party, only recently elected, has begun to crack under pressure, signalling for the first time that the country may need a European rescue to shore up its banking system.

Meanwhile even the mighty German economic behemoth is faltering as one of it’s main customers, China, feels the pich due to Economic contraction in the USA and Europe.

While British financial markets remained closed today for the Jubilee celebrations, the German stock market fell sharply on fears of US economic relapse after last Friday’s terrible employment figures and news of a sharp slowdown in China. Spanish, Italian and French shares rose slightly on hopes of new eurozone fiscal authority to control national budgets and manage debts As any such scheme depends on German financial stability a news pan European financial policy already looks a forlorn hope..