The Future Is Cancelled

After taking a few days to digest Chancellor Darling’s Pre Budget Report (and not much else as I have been a tad off colour – and that’s not just the humour on Boggart Blog – I have found that all the optimism and “recovery is just around the corner bullshit is just Labour spin.

What has happened in the bond markets since the PBR exposed our darling Chancellor’s borrowing plans to reinflate the economic bubble with debt shows we are totally up shit creek.

Any signs of movement in the UK economy merely show it is turning into a zombie.

The Future Is Cancelled

Follow our debt crisis round up at Greenteeth Labyrinth

Litle Nicky Becomes An ex-Guardian Reader

Newspaper circulation figures for November 2009 showed a decline for all the quality newspapers but the sharpest decline for my paper of choice for 35 years, The Guardian.
As I want people at the Guardian to know why I quit and why I suspect thousands each month are dumping them I had to post this comment on the story:

The Guardian may have declined sharply because of its decision to cease distributing bulks as you say, but my decision to cancel my regular order was based on my reluctance to pay a pound a day for what has become the propaganda sheet of The Politically Correct Thought Police. I’m old Liberal not New Labour and I will make up my own mind on the issues. When a paper starts mixing opinion with news reporting it cannot claim objectivity.

Perhaps the managers of Guardian Media Group need to spend some time reading the Baghavad Gita. “Abandon objectivity and you become addicted, become addicted and you lose your essential intelligence.”

I suspect many other ex Guardian Readers have come to similar decisions for the same reasons.

Guardian Circulation Falls


Copenhagen Stink Of Corruption

Copenhagen Climate Conference Stink Of Corruption

So everything is hunky dory in wonderful Copenhagen, Gordon Brown and Barack Obajma and their mates helped by those altrustic scientists are saving the world by devising a calalytic converter to fit to chimneys and creating a cap and trade system to let us all but and sell carbon allowances.

If you read the manstream media you would think the problem is sorted.

What if Little Nicky were to tell you evil United Nations Science Advisors withe business links to the biggest corporate polluters in the world are helping their billionaire buddies to make £$£$billions out of carbon trading.

And what if Little Nicky were to leak the information that one of the biggest profiteers from carbon tradings to date is none other than Al Gore, the world’s greatest climate change campaigner.

A conflict of interest? You ain’t seen nothing yet. Take a look at:

Copenhagen Climate Conference: The Stink Of Shit And Corruption.

You will never again trust anyone who says they are trying to help, EVER.

Little Nicky Machiavelli now writes for The Daily Stirrer

Copenhagen Climate Conference Stink Of Corruption

So everything is hunky dory in wonderful Copenhagen, Gordon Brown and Barack Obajma and their mates helped by those altrustic scientists are saving the world by devising a calalytic converter to fit to chimneys and creating a cap and trade system to let us all but and sell carbon allowances.

If you read the manstream media you would think the problem is sorted.

What if Little Nicky were to tell you evil United Nations Science Advisors withe business links to the biggest corporate polluters in the world are helping their billionaire buddies to make £$£$billions out of carbon trading.

And what if Little Nicky were to leak the information that one of the biggest profiteers from carbon tradings to date is none other than Al Gore, the world’s greatest climate change campaigner.

A conflict of interest? You ain’t seen nothing yet. Take a lok at:

Copenhagen Climate Conference: The Stink Of Shit And Corruption.

You will never again trust anyone who says they are trying to help, EVER.

Little Nicky Machiavelli now writes for The Daily Stirrer