A Soldier’s Resignation

via Common Dreams

I hereby resign in protest effective immediately.

I have served the post-911 Military Industrial complex for 10 years, first as a soldier in Baghdad, and now as a defense contractor.

I have always believed that if every foot soldier threw down his rifle war would end. I hereby throw mine down.At the time of my enlistment, I believed in the cause. I was ignorant, naïve, and misled. The narrative, professed by the state, and echoed by the mainstream press, has proven false and criminal. We have become what I thought we were fighting against.

Recent revelations by fearless journalists of war crimes including counterinsurgency “dirty” wars, drone terrorism, the suspension of due process, torture, mass surveillance, and widespread regulatory capture have shed light on the true nature of the current US Government. I encourage you to read more about these topics at the links I have provided below.

Some will say that I am being irresponsible, impractical, and irrational. Others will insist that I am crazy. I have come to believe that the true insanity is doing nothing. As long as we sit in comfort, turning a blind eye to the injustices of the world, nothing will change. It is even worse to play an active part, protesting all along that I am not the true criminal.

I was only a foot soldier, and am now a low level clerk. However, I have always believed that if every foot soldier threw down his rifle war would end. I hereby throw mine down.


Brandon M. Toy
Stryker Engineering Project Management
General Dynamics Land Systems
Sterling Heights, Michigan

I just hope those who call themselves liberals or the progressive left and harbour a lingering desire for the west to intervene in the Syrian conflic and other Barack Obama inspired uprisings by Islamic theorcrats against secular dictatorship will now reconsider their selfish position.

It is not about you idiots, we know the most important thing to these pseduo humanitarians is to make a big show of wringing your hands and caring, to be seen to be a humanitarian. Unfortunately you forget those loyal to Assad in Syrian and to Gadaffi in Libya, to the regime in Yeamen and to their nations rather that the western insurgents in Afghanistan and Pakistan and who have been murdered by western bombs and bullets were people too. They had rights, principally the right to life, of which they have been robbed by forces you support.

Are you feeling prod of yourselves yet. You see, politically illiterate retards, the Corporate Cartels, New World Order, Military – Industrial Complex, The Illuminati, call them what you will, own left and right. And while you persist in your pathetic, self indulgent, egocentric bleating about fairness, you are aiding those people you profess to hate.

Do you enjoy being had over a barrel or something?

World War Three Watch


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Once Again Little Nicky Has To Say I Told You So

This time we are are returning to the bizarre events surrounding the death of Ozombie bin Laden.

Ozombie you say, stepping back in amazement. Has he come back to life?

Well not to the best of my knowledge although you can never be quite sure with zombies. You see the cloaked figure you saw shot in the head as he huddled over a twelve inch portable television whom the US Government claim was the world’s most wanted man must have been a zombie. Osama Bin Laden had dies years earlier has this blog has previously reported.

At last the world is catching up with Little Nicky.

In a report headlined:
Pentagon Orders Purge of Osama Bin Laden’s Death Files from Data Bank

Global Research tells us:
“The files of the bin Laden SEAL operation had to be removed to sustain the Big Lie. Osama was allegedly killed on the orders of the US government, despite ample evidence that he was already dead at the time of the attack:

… the US government pulled off one of the most audacious stunts of the 21st century, when on May 2nd 2011 they claimed to have killed Osama bin Laden during a Navy SEAL operation in Abbottabad, Pakistan. The contemptuously sloppy story spun by the US government, parroted without question by the controlled corporate media, and obligingly swallowed by a largely gullible Western public, was dubious in the extreme. (Brit Dee, Global Research, May 03, 2012)

Who was killed? Was it Osama bin Laden or someone else?”

Read the full story:

Already I can hear people saying “Ah, you’re just a Conspiracy Theorist, Little Nicky.”

Well if you think that is the case perhaps you can explain why so many of the US Navy SEALs allegedly involved in that operation have since died in very dubious circumstances? Details are in the Global Research article.

That Ed Snowden guy has certainly put the shits up the american government. What dirty deeds, false flag operations and deceptions are going to be exposed next I wonder?


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