Private health firms pocket £18 million a day – that’s £6 billion in the last year – from the NHS budget.

In internet comment threads and on Facebook and other social networks we see a lot of screeching from lefties who want to convince you that if the conservatives are re – elected they will privatize the NHS and if UKIP were to be elected (which is not likely to happen this time or even next time, they would abolish the NHS and make us rely on the local hedge witch for our health care.

Neither is true of course, Nigel Farage DID NOT say UKIP would introduce a two tier system like America’s, he said that without reforms to cut out bureaucratic waste and make services more efficient we might have to look at such a system. So let Little Nicky remind you here that it is the NHS Management, the Public Service Unions and The Labour Party that is resistant to reforms, it is the current management regime and the public service unions that have derailed every attempt to modernise the administration systems and it is the managers and senior medical staff who have been bribed‘incentivized’ by Big Pharma executives to prescribe costly and ineffective medicines where cheaper and more beneficial drugs are available.

And of course it is a bit late to be scaremongering about the evil Conservatives or loony UKIPpers privatising the NHS when it was privatized years ago by New Labour under ?Blair and Brown.

Private Firms Milking The NHS
Private health firms pocketed £18 million a day – that’s £6 billion in the last year – from the NHS budget

Private health companies are pocketing a record £18 million each day from the NHS budget as more and more health contracts are passed over to the private sector.

New figures from the Department of Health show that last year £6.6 billion was taken from the NHS coffers to pay private health providers – a 50 per cent rise from before the coalition took power.

Critics of the coalition Government’s health reforms say this trend of allowing private companies to cream off NHS cash is set to increase.

Campaigners are also concerned that independent providers could be putting patients at risk as they strive to safeguard profits, which is cash sucked out of the NHS system.

Read full article

The Truth – Labour Privatized The NHS between 1997 and 2010, Now Their Toxic Policies Are Bankrupting It
In the run up to the 2015 UK General Election, and without doubt beyond, one of the great political controversies will focus on the future of the national Health Service (NHS). While most voters consider The Conservatives to be the party of private profit and thus consider Labour a better choice to look after the NHS, Labour has in fact done more, and more damagingly, to privateize health services

Sodium Bicarbonate: Can something so mundane really cure cancer and treat diabetes

A cure for cancer has been the holy grail of medical research for decades. Or perhaps it would be truer to say a treatment for cancer that is moderately effective for patients and highly effective as a profit driver for Big Pharma and the healthcare industry.

The real case is that reports based on properly conducted studies keep emerging that a simple, effective and cheap has been suppress by big business and scientists for a long time now. Your doctor will never tell you about it however, because it costs next to nothing.

Read more, including an embedded article reporting more recent research confirming the effectivness of Sodium bicarbonate.
Sodium Bicarbonate: Can something so mundane really cure cancer and treat diabetes?

CDC Admits as Many as 30 Million Americans Could be at Risk for Cancer Due to Polio Vaccine

The Cheap Cancer Treatment you Doctor Will Never Offer

A cure for cancer has been the Holy Grail of medical science for over half a century. Wealth, fame, and deification awaited the doctors who found the elusive cure we were told.

But did it, thanks to all the sacremongering the spectre of cancer turned the disease (or diseases, because it is not just one disease which is why no magic bullet or core all pill has been found) into a monster we all feared. Thus cancer became a huge money spinner for the drug makers of the Big Pharma cartel and those who made a very good living out of the quack medicines and “slash, burn poison” therapies.

How would you feel if there was a highly effective cure that is never discussed because it is cheap and you probably have some in your kitchen right now?

Tullio Simoncini (1951) is a doctor based in Rome who specialises in oncology, diabetology and in metabolic disorders (cancer tresearch and treatments to us laymen). Dr. Simoncini has a track record for opposing the type of intellectual conformity demanded by the academic community and enforced by the media, which, he says, is often based on suppositions without foundation or worse, on lies and falsities.

Prominent Oncologists says Expensive Cancer Thrapies Are About Profit Not Cures

Real People Are Dying because Drug Companies Publish Fake Statistics

SSRIs: The Prescription Drug That Is More Dangerous Than Street Drugs

There are still some segments of society hung up on the issue of ending cannabis prohibition due to an unfounded fear that the seed-bearing plant is somehow a “gateway drug” that leads to a life of vice and crime. But the real gateway substances that we should all be worried about, and perhaps the ones with the most negative impact on society, are pharmaceutical drugs, and antidepressants like SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) in particular, which have been proven to lead to extreme depression, suicide and even mass murder.

A recent report by James Corbett of The Corbett Report unearths some of the extensive history of SSRI-induced suicides and homicides in America, drawing specific attention to a number of mass shootings that have occurred as a result of these drugs. Prozac, for instance, which is often prescribed for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), was responsible for triggering multiple mass shootings at schools during the 1990s and 2000s, while other SSRIs have been linked to similar shootings.

Continue Reading at Natural News: SSRIs: Gateway Drug To Mass Murder

The science of saturated fat: A big fat surprise about nutrition?
The criminality of Big Pharma
Cancer research fraud
Arse dribble drugs
A career in substance abuse
Health tyranny closer
Prescription Addiction: What the death of Michael Jackson said about us all
Useless Drugs And Vaccines – Lying Science Whores. Told You So.

Truth About The Great Swine Flu Conspiracy

The message from the World Health Organisation was clear – we are all going to die from swine flu. It spreads fast, it is dangerous, and it coming here. “But there is a way to save yourself,” the science whore and theor corporate paymasters told is, just get a flu shot (any flu shot, it didn’t matter if it was not for the right strain) and purchase a Big Pharma quack remedy for the deadly virus and the science whores and their corporate punters will save you.

The WHO now finds itself looking for a remedy for embarrassment as more and more scientists, health researchers, and even science journalists (the cheapest whores of all, offering the equivalent of a tuppenny upright round the back of the lab, are starting to question the organization’s motives behind raising the alert so quickly. Since then, research by responsible individuals (i.e. not funded by Big Pharma) has found the H1N1 flu strain (Swine Flu) was never a danger to humans.

According to the Danish Daily Information newspaper, the WHO and pharmaceutical companies are suffering from the profit bug. Or, to put it simply, the chief health care organization in the world has teamed up with the drug makers to create a phantom monster – and to rake in cash by selling a remedy for it.’

Truth About The Great Swine Flu Conspiracy


Is the World Health Organization involved in biological warfare research?
Dr. Francis Boyle, a professor of international law, talked in a recent interview with about the Wuhan coronavirus now sweeping through the far east, laboratory in Wuhan, China, where the genetically modified virus appears to have originated, and the World Health Organization’s (WHO) clandestine involvement in biological warfare research …Continue reading

Fascist America- Told You So

Remember back in 2008 Little Nicky was telling you America was on the way to becoming a fascist police state? Little Nicky is always right (Actually this one was a bit of a no brainer, in 2008 America already was a fascist police state. But take a look at this story to see how bad things have become

“‘Standardized testing’ has become something of an obsession in the United States school system, but Florida’s mandate is under heavy fire while the state attempts to force a disabled, dying boy to complete an exam he is simply incapable of doing.

Ethan Rediske, an 11-year-old Florida boy, is expected to pass away any day now. He was born with numerous ailments, including severe brain damage and cerebral palsy. He’s also blind.

On top of these health issues, the Orlando Sentinel reports that his lungs are constantly filled with fluid these days, he’s in a morphine coma and all he can do is utter a sound every once in a while.

Despite his current condition, Florida insisted that his mother Andrea provide even more evidence that her son is incapable of taking the standardized test that’s adapted for disabled children and required by the state – as well as the US Department of Education.’”

Read more on Florida Fascism – gleefully reported by Russia Today:

When bureaucratic authoritarianism will not allow a little compassion for the dying, there is no way back to civilisation.

Hydrogen Peroxide, Another Secret Cancer Cure

One of Little Nicky Machiavelli’s favourite pastimes is helping to kick Big Pharma in the balls. We independent bloggers are like lilliputians taking on the Gulliver sized public relations budgets of corporations that have grown fat by gorging on taxpayers money paid out for “cures” that only alleviate symptoms while creating patients for life.

One of the biggest scams in the healthy industry is cancer. While senational headlines about the “latest breakthrough in the fight against cancer” proliferate, not of these miracle cures ever amount to anything.


Because the last thing the cancer industry wants is a cure for cancer. It would destroy their cash cow. That is why over the decades several promising therapies have been swept under the carpet.

Read of one such theraby here, very cheap, reportedly very effective and very carefully buried by the medical establishment and Big Pharma.

Alternatives In Cancer Therapy – Hydrogen Peroxide

Will it work for someone you know? I don’t know, the idea of a cure – all that will be effective against every cancer is probably a big Pharma fairy tale. Will your doctor ever tell you about it? – no, because nobody is going to make much money out of such a commonplace substance.

Saturated fat is healthy for us, but not for food industry profits

Once again the medical science community are caught serving their corporate paymasters rather than the punters whose trust and respect they demand. Science was ever fascism’s whore.

Another doctor working on independent research into cardio vascular disease produces a report showing saturated fat is not the cause of obesity, heart attacks and strokes. The real problem lies in highly refined sugars and carbohydrates and the processed fats sold to us as health foods in the form of “low fat spreads”.

Read more:
Saturated fat is healthy for us, but not for food industry profits

Flu Vaccines and healthy natural alternatives that work

In addition to the fact the much hyped flu vaccines that are always pushed at us at this time of year (accompanied of course by dishonest propaganda about how safe and effective flu vaccines, and may not be nearly as effective as advertised, flu vaccines can, and do, cause harm. The featured video below is a potent reminder of what vaccine damage can look like, and why it’s so important to make well-informed decisions about all vaccinations, including “routine” ones.

Research Proves Vitamin D Is a Potent Weapon Against Influenza

Robert Edgar Hope-Simpson was one of the first to discover the link between a deficiency in solar radiation and seasonal influenza. Then, in 2006, the journal Epidemiology and Infection5 published Dr. John Cannell’s paper “Epidemic Influenza and Vitamin D,”6 which presents the hypothesis that influenza is little more than a symptom of vitamin D deficiency.
Clearly, just because you’re exposed to a virus does not automatically mean that you will get sick. On the contrary, studies7have shown that even in people without any antibodies against a particular virus, the majority do not develop any symptoms at all when directly exposed in experiments.
The fact of the matter is that if your immune system is operating optimally, your chances of contracting a cold or flu-like illness or influenza are very slim. Vitamin D is an important player in overall healthy immune function, but it’s also an effective antimicrobial agent in its own right, producing 200 to 300 different antimicrobial peptides in your body that kill bacteria, viruses and fungi. So optimizing your vitamin D levels will help combat viruses in more ways than one.
Dr. Cannell followed up on his hypothesis with another study published in the Virology Journal8 in 2008, and his findings were again confirmed in 2009 this time by the largest and most nationally representative study of its kind to date, involving about 19,000 Americans. That same year (2009), it was discovered that almost two-thirds of the children who died from H1N1 swine flu complications had underlying health problems such as epilepsy, cerebral palsy, or other neurodevelopmental disorders. Neurological and immune disorders have been associated with childhood vitamin D deficiency, which could also have made the children more susceptible to swine flu complications.
A 2010 study9 that didn’t get any widespread attention also demonstrated the effectiveness of vitamin D as a preventive strategy against influenza. In fact, children taking just 1,200 IUs of vitamin D3 per day, which is considered a low dose, were shown to be 42 percent less likely to come down with the flu. I firmly believe that optimizing your vitamin D levels is the single most important and least expensive action you can take to help strengthen immune function and protect against getting sick during the flu season, and would STRONGLY urge you to have your vitamin D level monitored to confirm your levels are therapeutic at 50-70 ng/ml year-round.

The Best Way to Optimize Your Vitamin D Levels

Research on vitamin D is moving forward swiftly, so you’d be well advised to stay on top of the latest developments as recommendations are refined and updated. I will cover the latest developments here, so you may want to share this article with your peers.
Sun exposure is by far the best way to optimize your vitamin D levels as your body has built-in “fail-safe” mechanisms that help prevent detrimental side effects from occurring. Vitamin D from sunlight acts as a pro-hormone, rapidly converting in your skin into 25-hydroxyvitamin D, or vitamin D3. A viable alternative is to use a safe tanning bed, i.e. one that has an electronic ballast, opposed to a magnetic one.
Sun exposure may also be more beneficial due to the fact that when your skin is exposed to sunlight, it produces cholesterol sulfate, which is important for optimal brain and heart function. Cholesterol sulfate also appears to play an important role in reducing LDL cholesterol, which is associated with cardiovascular disease. So there’s more to gain by getting sun exposure than “just” protecting yourself against influenza and flu-like illness.
The problem, of course, is that it can be difficult to get enough sun exposure, especially during winter months when you need it the most. Last year, I created a video to help you determine if you can get enough vitamin D from sun exposure in your area at different times of the year.
If you decide to take supplements to boost your vitamin D levels, based on the latest investigations by Carole Baggerly, director of GrassrootsHealth, the average adult dose required to reach healthy vitamin D levels is around 8,000 IUs of vitamin D per day. For children, many experts agree they need about 35 IUs of vitamin D per pound of body weight. Here, it’s important to remember that if you’re taking high-dose vitamin D supplements, you ALSO need to take vitamin K2, and monitor your levels via blood testing to ensure that they’re within the optimal range.

TIME Magazine runs vile hit piece against Robert Kennedy Jr. for daring to tell the truth about Mercury in vaccines
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Ireland’s Health Service Executive gags surgeon after cholesterol drug claims

‘A leading vascular surgeon, whose research review concluded cholesterol-lowering medicines may do more harm than good for many otherwise healthy people, has been gagged by the Health Service Executive.

Sherif Sultan, a senior medic at University College Hospital, Galway, reviewed a range of studies of statins and found a lack of evidence to show they should be given as a means of prevention to healthy people with high cholesterol but no heart disease.

Mr Sultan and his surgeon colleague Niamh Hynes said lifestyle changes to reduce cholesterol were better because this allowed people to avoid the risk of statins’ side effects.’

Read more: Ireland’s Health Service Executive gags surgeon after cholesterol drug claims

Statins: The Propaganda Cannot Win Hearts And Minds?

The Misery PillObesity, Depression and Arse Dribble – all your worst fears in a single daily pill
Banning Words Like “Fatty” Is Not Being Caring And Nice, It’s Fascism By Stealth
Bansturbators Hidden Agenda – Abolish Meat To Make Way For Grey Goo.

Pasty Wars: Osborne’s War On Pies Is War On The North

Scientists And Politicians Attack The Food We Love, But Is It Science Or Just Control Freakery

Acohol Abuse Will Kill 250,000 A Year Unless Governmnt Acts say Control Freak Doctors

Face It: Eating Shite Makes You Fat And Ill

Uptight – The Blood Donor Experience

Your Shit Is Unique: More Shit Science From The No Shit Sherlock School Of Science

Big Pharma Stealing Nature. Natural Substances Turned into Pharmaceuticals Sold for Massive Profit

rasta ganja

It’s for medicinal purposes man


Imagine a world where all the vitamins, minerals, herbs, extracts, compounds, powders, and probiotics that are so freely available at any health food store and at many grocery stores or that we can grow from seed in our gardens or containers on a balcony were suddenly made into the private property of Pharmaceutical Corporations. This would mean that legally they were made into pharmaceutical drugs which could only be sold by licenced vendors.

Such a world might seem like some kind of nightmare scenario from the future, but it is exactly the type of world that Big Pharma is slowly trying to create today as it quietly goes about obtaining patents on all sorts of natural substances that have recently been banned by national and international regulators under a range of ridiculous justifications.’

In 2000 the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) which sets the standard for other regulatory authorities around the world received a New Drug Application (NDA) for sodium oxybate. The Application was immediately granted “Priority Review” status for the substance.

Meanwhile Gamma-hydroxybutyric acid (GHB), was banned in the U.S. by an act of Congress back in 2000 because the compound had been used by some criminals to commit date rape. Prior to its prohibition, GHB, which is an all-natural substance found in the human nervous system, had been safely used as a sedative. Like marijuana, GHB was eventually recategorized by federal authorities as an illegal drug for the alleged reason that it could in certain circumstances be abused (along with every other substance in existence, by the way).

In 2002, sodium oxybate received official approval from the FDA as a treatment for cataplexy in patients with narcolepsy, and the substance was later acquired by Jazz Pharmaceuticals and rebranded as Xyrem when it purchased Orphan Medical in 2005. As you may recall, Jazz Pharmaceuticals was recently convicted in federal court for marketing Xyrem for off-label uses (

But the interesting thing to note here is that Xyrem is nothing more than repackaged GHB, an all-natural substance that used to be available from multiple manufacturers without a prescription. Today, however, it is sold by only one online pharmacy for the hefty price of $1,750 per prescription, which just so happens to be covered by insurance, according to Dr. Jonathan V. Wright, M.D. — all-natural GHB, of course, was never covered by insurance prior to being patented.

Pyridoxamine, a naturally-occurring form of vitamin B6 was declared an illegal drug by the FDA back in 2009 which means diet supplement manufacturers can no longer use the vitamin in their formulas (

The corporation known as the “United States of America” also possesses a patent, which was obtained back in 2003, for the cannabinoids found in the all-natural marijuana plant which are known to help Multiple Sclerosis sufferers. U.S. Patent 6630507, entitled “Cannabinoids as antioxidants and neuroprotectants,” grants exclusive intellectual property rights for cannabis to the federal government and its drug industry allies, which are working overtime to develop patented, marijuana-based drugs for the treatment of all sorts of diseases (Cannaboids and MS).

“Cannabinoids have been found to have antioxidant properties, unrelated to NMDA receptor antagonism,” explains the patent in unabashed hypocrisy. “This new found property makes cannabinoids useful in the treatment and prophylaxis of a wide variety of oxidation associated diseases, such as ischemic, age-related, inflammatory and autoimmune diseases,” it adds, proving that federal marijuana prohibition serves private rather than public interests.

It’s not the first time the FDA has declared a natural molecule to be a “drug” for the purpose of banning its use in nutritional supplements while almost simultaneously approving it as a controlled pharmaceutical drug only available (at many times the cost) on medical prescription. Exactly the same process was followed when red yeast rice and the lovastatin molecules it contains were found to reduce high cholesterol. The drug companies engaged in another bout of biopiracy, ripping off the molecule from red yeast rice to make their now-famous “statin drugs” the arse dribble drugs that the UK Labour government wanted to mandate by law that all people over the age of fifty must take. Once the statin drugs had been patented and approved, Big Pharma and their lackeys in government went after red yeast rice, claiming the supplement was “adulterated with pharmaceuticals.”

It wasn’t really adulterated, of course. It just contained a natural molecule that the drug companies copied and patented and sold at a hundred times the price the natural stuff had cost before it was banned.

These are just three examples. It would be easy to fill a book by listing all the examples of nature being patented and sold as products to treat cardio – vascular disease, respiratory problems, depression, stomach and digestive problems and almost any other health issue you can name.

Traditional healers have been using these things for thousands of years. They rightfully belong to us, the people, not to the profiteering fascists of Big Pharma.

First Plasma TV, Now Plasma Weapons (and they are more deadly than bullets)
Greenteeth’s science and technology pages reported on the scalar wave technologies first proposed by Nicola Tesla in the late nineteenth century and the terrible weaons Tesla’s discoviers might make possible. Now we report on the darker side of another technology that could offer clean, low cose electricity forever. And naturally it is more likely to be used to develop weapons.

Aluminium In Vaccines Linked To Alzheimer’s Disease
Big Pharma are fighting like cornered rats to try to discredit the mounting evidence that aluminium is linked to Alzheinmer’s disease. But no natter how much monwy they spend the evidence keeps mounting up.


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The Arrogance Of Corporate Power, The Compliance Of Science

Throughout my lifetime Antibiotics have been on of humanity’s beast weapons against some (but NOT all of the most deadly diseases: Penicillin is one of or possibly the most prescribed drugs.

But it was folly to start prescribing penicillin as a placebo and even greater folly to introduce it into the food chain by dosing animal feeds with it to they would produce more meat for human consumption more quickly. The growing resistance of disease to antibiotics has been described as a ticking time bomb by the UK Chief Medical; Officer and the United States Centre For Disease Control.

Given the amount of time the science industry spends railing against creationism and blethering about evolution one would think they’d understand those bacteria that managed to survive an encounter with an antibiotic would pass on their genes. Isn’t that how natural selection works?

Science was ever fascism’s whore of course and whatever corporate money asks for, corporate money gets and to hell with evolution, after all it’s only a theory isn’t it? Well so it would seem when big money finds the facts of natural selection inconvenient.

A growing body of evidence shows how harmful over – prescription, use as a placebo and the practice of using antibiotics as a feed additive can be. These thinks have been known for years but the corporate fascists of Big Pharma and their academic poodles resolutely deny there is a problem and routinely dismiss any evidence that does not fit their agenda as ‘unscientific’ then subject the researchers to something resembling a medieval with hunt (this is called ‘the scientific method’).

Taking routine course of antibiotics and consuming them in our food has been leading to serious and dangerous side effects, which greatly affect everybody’s health and well being. Many responsible doctors and researchers warned that they were seeing more and more penicillin resistant bacteria as new strains evolved. Not long ago it was announced that a new variety of gonorrhea bacterium that was resistant to antibiotics had been identified among people attending STI clinics.

Little Nicky Machiavelli has reported on concerns in more general medicine that evidence that proves how harmful this practice can be has been available for a while now. Taking routine course of antibiotics and moreover pouring them into our food has been leading to serious and dangerous side effects, which greatly affect everybody’s health and well being. There are instances when antibiotics can save lives, so they have their place. But switching from specific, well determined and occasional use to a broad use and even worse, to a ”preventive” measure, in humans and animals, is totally insane and looks like extermination.diseases reduced to minor infections by antibiotic drugs could become major killers again

There are still many instances in which antibiotics can save many lives, so they have their place. But switching from targeted and occasional use to a broad user and ”preventive” measures in humans and a profit booster for Big Agri in animals, is totally insane and is starting to look item in a genocidist agenda.

Below you have strong evidence which confirms my statements:
Antibiotics As Prescription Drugs

Thanks to fear and panic generated by government ./ corporate propaganda (remember Swine Flu, Bird Flu, HIV/AIDS, SARS and the various superbugs we have been warned on people became so fearful these days whenever they have a sniffle or infection. They all want it to go away, right away, at any cost! Immediate relief for a life of damaged health.

But common infections do not need antibiotics Our body simply doesn’t work like that. And overuse does more harm than good.

Dr. Natasha Campbell McBride describes it thus:

“The whole length of our digestive tract is coated with a bacterial layer providing a natural barrier against invaders, undigested food, toxins and parasites. If this “coating” (mucosal barrier) gets damaged, well … you get the picture! These beneficial bacteria protecting the gut wall also work against invasive pathogenic micro-organisms by producing antibiotic-like substances, anti-fungal volatiles, anti-viral substances. They engage the immune system to respond appropriately to invaders. Our healthy indigenous flora has a good ability to neutralise toxic substances from our food and environment, inactivate histamine and chelate heavy metals and other poisons. Again, this is all possible IF the “barrier” is intact…Without a well functioning gut flora, the gut wall not only becomes unprotected, but also malnourished.

Antibiotics destroy beneficial bacteria in the human body, not only in the gut but in other organs and tissues they change bacteria, viruses and fungi from benign to pathogenic, giving them an ability to invade tissues and cause disease they make bacteria resistant to antibiotics, so the industry has to work on more and more powerful new antibiotics to attack these new changed bacteria. A good example is tuberculosis, where wide use of antibiotics has created new varieties of the Mycobacterium Tuberculosis resistant to all existing antibiotics
They also have a direct damaging effect on the immune system, making us more vulnerable to infections, which leads to a vicious cycle of more antibiotics and more infections

Since babies are born with a sterile gut flora, the mother esentially “downloads” her gut health / flora into the baby through breastfeeding. No wonder why digestive problems are usually shown to get worse with each generation, considering the mother’s poor gut health and bottle feeding.

The variety of functions and the essential role of an intact mucosal barrier, a healthy gut flora, make this the root of our health. We simply can not thrive without a healthy digestive system.”

What is the clinical reality these days? A vast majority of people have a damaged gut flora and a major culprit to this is: ANTIBIOTICS!

Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria Transmits From Livestovk To Humans

Why Does The US Government Hold A Patent On The Ebola Virus? Just Askin’

Existential threat to humanity


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Euthanasia is here: Pensioner Put On The Liverpool Care Pathway Left Without Food Or Water For Six Days before Dying.

Euthanasia is here: Pensioner Put On The Liverpool Care Pathway Left Without Food Or Water For Six Days before Dying.

Bereaved daughter Susan Phillips daughter has filed a complaint against the hospital which left put her father on the barbaric ‘Liverpool Care Pathway’ without her permission.

Mrs. Phillips said her 69-year-old father Robert Goold was left to slowly deteriorate for more than a week on the controversial Liverpool Care Pathway.

Mr. Goold, who suffered from dementia, became weaker and weaker as doctors withdrew food, water and oxygen, but survived longer than they expected. Mrs Phillips told the media that after he had spent six days on the pathway and was still alive a nurse at Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge, offered to reverse the programme but it was too late.

Mr Goold died the following day at 5.40am, on February 25, without being able to say goodbye to his wife of 51 years because she was too traumatised.

Mrs Phillips, 50, claims doctors and nurses could not explain to her why her father had been put on the LCP because the decision had not been recorded in his notes. Addenbrooke’s said they will engineer a cover up investigate the family’s claims after an inquest has been held.

Mrs Phillips, who is a nurse, said: ‘My dad was so stressed that we were led to believe death was imminent and so we just tried to calm him down. ‘You wouldn’t treat a dog the way dad was treated, the best interests of the patient are not served by starving him to death


In December 2012 reports revealed up to 60,000 patients die on the Liverpool Care Pathway each year without giving their informed consent to the withdrawal of food, fluids and medication. A third of the families are also kept in the dark about what the ‘Pathway’ means when Nazi Health Service doctors withdraw lifesaving treatment from loved ones.

The pathway involves withdrawal of what is euphemistically described as lifesaving treatment but when we understand the term ‘lifesaving treatment’ includes food and water while the patients are kept sedated so they do not know what is going on, the treatment program takes on a different aspect.

The 60,000 figure comes from a joint study by the Marie Curie Palliative Care Institute in Liverpool and the Royal College of Physicians. It found many patients were not consulted despite being conscious when death camp officers staff decided to terminate their livesput them on the Liverpool Care Pathway.

Records from 178 hospitals also show that thousands of people on the pathway are left to die in pain because nurses do not do enough to keep them comfortable while drugs are administered. Concerns have been raised that clinical judgments are being skewed by incentives for hospitals to use the pathway.

Health trusts are rumoured to have been paid an extra £30million for putting more patients on the LCP. Critics say it is a self-fulfilling prophecy because there is no scientific method of predicting when death will come.

Norman Lamb, the care services minister, launched a review in November, saying there had been too many cases of families not being consulted.

While it is appalling that the Liverpool Care Pathway Nazi Death Camp approach to the seriously ill is going on under the noses of Coalition MPs who should be told they have six minutes to make it illegal then they will bew put on it themselves, we should remember this disgusting policy was first implemented by the National Socialist Party Of Great Britain (the party formerly know as Labour) government in the late 1990s. Socialist political groups, elitists that they are, have always been keen on Eugenics, Euthanasia, population control and suppression of free speech of course.

Little Nicky Machiavelli likes to give blame where it is due
Daily Stirrer”

Latest neo-nazi-Liberal Outrage – The Criminalization Of Parenthood

Antibiotic resistant diseases pose existential threat to humanity say health experts.

Antibiotic-resistant diseases pose existential threat to humanity threat, top expert says

Once again detractors of Little Nicky Machiavelli are eating humble pie. They sneered when we criticized efforts to make a vaccine for everything, they mocked when we said that compulsory medication of the whole population was not only a violation of our human rights under the Geneva Convention and also counter productive because bacteria have as strong a survival instinct as higher mammals and are better equipped to adapt rapidly to environmental threats.

And now we are sitting in the pub, eating tasty snacks, drinking excellent beer and wallowing in schadenfreude as our critics run around wearing sackcloth and ashes and crying “WOE WOE WOE.”

Dame Sally Davies, the chief medical officer, has given MPs a stark warning that the rise in drug-resistant diseases could trigger a national emergency comparable to a catastrophic terrorist attack, pandemic flu or major coastal flooding.

Dame Sally said the threat from well known infections that through casual exposure have become resistant to commonly used antibiotics was so serious the issue should be put on the government’s national risk register of civil emergencies.

She described what she called an “apocalyptic scenario” where people going for simple operations in 20 years’ time die of routine infections “because we have run out of antibiotics”. The problem is that on top of overprescription of antibiotics by doctors, often for minor illnesses against which antibiotics are not effective (i.e. those caused by viruses) and the presence of penicillin in the food chain due to the practice of adding it to animal feeds to accelerate weight gain) have enabled bacteria to exploit the evolutionary principle of “what does not kill me makes me stronger.”

Meanwhile over medication has weakened the human immine system. Changes in modern medicine have exacerbated the problem by making patients more susceptible to infections. For example, many cancer treatments are known to weaken the immune system, and the use of catheters increases the chances of bacteria entering the bloodstream.

Davies declined to elaborate on the report, but said its publication would coincide with a government strategy to promote more responsible use of antibiotics among doctors and the clinical professions. “We need to get our act together in this country,” she told the committee.

She told the news media: “There are few public health issues of potentially greater importance for society than antibiotic resistance. It means we are at increasing risk of developing infections that cannot be treated.” indeed, only a few weeks ago news reports were informing us that a new strain of gonorrhea that was resistant to all but one type of antibiotic had emerged

The issue of drug resistance is as old as antibiotics themselves, and arises when drugs knock out susceptible infections, leaving hardier, resilient strains behind. The survivors then multiply, and over time can become unstoppable with frontline medicines. Some of the best known are superbugs such as MRSA.

“In the past, most people haven’t worried because we’ve always had new antibiotics to turn to,” said Alan Johnson, consultant clinical scientist at the Health Protection Agency. “What has changed is that the development pipeline is running dry. We don’t have new antibiotics that we can rely on in the immediate future or in the longer term.”


Is the World Health Organization involved in biological warfare research?
Dr. Francis Boyle, a professor of international law, talked in a recent interview with about the Wuhan coronavirus now sweeping through the far east, laboratory in Wuhan, China, where the genetically modified virus appears to have originated, and the World Health Organization’s (WHO) clandestine involvement in biological warfare research …Continue reading

Cheaper drugs now
Child Fever
Whos Afraid Of The Big Bad C

Drop The Penicillin, We Need A New Plan Against Bacteria
Microwave Cure For high Blood Pressure
The secret to why the French live longer – Roquefort cheese

Whos Afraid Of The Big Bad C

We Told You So, Mobile Phones Do Cause Brain Tumours
No Cure For Cancer

Food Fascists Spread Fear and Panic About The Obesity Pandemic
Banning Words Like “Fatty” Is Not Being Caring And Nice,
Diabetes Blogger Censored By Web – For Beating Diabetes.
Health Authorities Now Admit Severe Side Effects Of Vaccines
The Daily Stirrer

Fear and Painc! Mild Illness Suddenly Becomes A Killer Now Vaccine Is Available.

The mysteriously named Rotovirus (do you get it from having sex with gardeners tilling machines?) has suddenly become a potential killer that might wipe us all out if we don’t get vaccinated NOW!

Or alternatively the virus will make quite a lot of people quite poorly for a few days as it has every years since men first stood erect.

What has happened you see is the mad scientists and greedy money grubbing bastards of big pharma have developed a vaccine for this non serious illness. Now knowing that most punters are smart enough to remember the swine flu scam which was going to kill us all unless we got vaccinated but didn’t though few of us had the jab, and having already signed contracts for £25million worth of this latest bucket of Pharmaceutical shit, the government has to justify it. It is ironic that in Germany where 70% of people had the swine flu jab, the number dying of swine flu per 100,000 population was four times higher than in Britain, France and Holland where less than 10% were vaccinated. Hee Hee.

Time for a fear and panic campaign. Headlines in the Daily Wail, The Daily Excess and other news sheets read by the terminally fearful are proclaiming that the Rotovirus has struck early this year (it’s November, there isn’t much of the year left) and is laying thousands of people low. You will DIE or even worse things will happen to you if you don’t rush off to your doctor and get the vaccine now!

Reports say there are 1200 known cases of Rotovirus but may be many more that have not been reported. What? People have been struck down by this potential killer and not bothered to call their doctor? Because perhaps they have had the problem many times and know all the doctor can say is “Rest and drink plenty of fluids.”

Just as an aside, another report on medical research today reveals that the recreational drug Crystal Meth can fight the flu? Really? Bring it on.

TIME Magazine runs vile hit piece against Robert Kennedy Jr. for daring to tell the truth about Mercury in vaccines
The Vaccine Paradox – When The Only Way To Sell Vaccines Is To Make A Crime Of Being Unvaccinated


Is the World Health Organization involved in biological warfare research?
Dr. Francis Boyle, a professor of international law, talked in a recent interview with about the Wuhan coronavirus now sweeping through the far east, laboratory in Wuhan, China, where the genetically modified virus appears to have originated, and the World Health Organization’s (WHO) clandestine involvement in biological warfare research …Continue reading

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Health Authorities Now Admit Severe Side Effects Of Vaccines

Many times in the past I have taken a lot of stick for questioning the safety of vaccines and the obession of politiians and medical authorities for throwing huge amounts of taxpayers money at manufacturers for these often ineffective and occasionally highly dangerous providers of alleged immunity. As always, the time eventually comes to say I told you so. Here, released into the public domain is an report from a medical journal revealing the risks of the so – called swine flu vaccine that a few years ago our government and GPs on behalf of Big Pharma were trying to bully is into accepting. You will never see this information published in mainstream media of course. As already mentioned, the occasions on which serious harm results from a vaccine are rare. But if you are permantently harmed (and there is no way to predict who is susceptible) it’s too late. Here’s the essay.

Orthomolecular Medicine News Service,
March 20, 2012

Health Authorities Now Admit Severe Side Effects of Vaccination Swine Flu, Pandemrix and Narcolepsy by Karin Munsterhjelm-Ahumada, M.D. This article may be reprinted free of charge provided 1) that there is clear attribution to the Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, and 2) that both the OMNS free subscription link”>”> and also the OMNS archive link”>”> are included

Orthomolecular Medicine News Service,
March 20, 2012

Health Authorities Now Admit Severe Side Effects of Vaccination Swine Flu, Pandemrix and Narcolepsy by Karin Munsterhjelm-Ahumada, M.D. (OMNS, March 20, 2012) The swine flu pandemic of 2009 was caused by a type A influenza (H1N1) virus. This virus was originally referred to as “swine flu” because many of the genes of this new virus were very similar to influenza viruses that normally occur in pigs in North America. The H1N1 virus is genetically similar to the 1918 pandemic virus, as determined from victimes of the latter who were buried, and later disinterred, in Svalbard.

It was responsible for most of the outbreaks up until 1956 and then disappeared. However, this new virus was actually quite different from the typical swine flu viruses. This virus first caused illness in Mexico and the United States in March and April, 2009. This novel H1N1 flu spread from person to person, unlike typical swine flu. In 2009 vaccines were being developed for the prevention of swine flu in humans.

On 11 June 2009, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared that the swine flu had developed into a full scale world epidemic – a pandemic alert to Phase 6. Margaret Chan, the Director-General of WHO, commented on the situation in a somewhat ambiguous way. While stressing that the swine flu had reached a serious pandemic level, she declared later in the same statement that the illness seemed to be mild and that most of the patients would recover without medical intervention. (my emphasis)

The world chose to listen to the first part of her message. Two pharmaceutical companies GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) and Novartis had, under considerable time pressure, developed a vaccine against the swine flu. Since the cultivation of an adequate amount of virus to generate the vaccine requires time, GSK and Novartis decided to formulate a weaker vaccine but strenghten it with an adjuvant that contains squalene. Immunologic adjuvants are substances, administered in conjunction with a vaccine, that stimulate the immune system and increase the response to the vaccine Although squalene is a natural substance found in methabolic pathways of the body, its inclusion in a vaccine is controversial and it is not in use in the USA. On 25 September 2009, the European Medicines Agency (EMEA) approved Pandemrix, the swine flu vaccine produced by GSK and Focetria produced by Novartis.

The vaccine would be ready for use that October. In Sweden, Finland, Norway and Iceland, the authorities explicitly set the goal of vaccinating the entire population

In this respect, it is of interest that the governments of these countries, already before the outbreak of the swine flu, had concluded an agreement with GSK, according to which they were assured the delivery of pandemic vaccines, if needed. In addition, the contract stipulated that, in a situation characterized as a pandemic by the WHO, the same Nordic countries would have ten days to decide whether or not to accept delivery of the vaccine in question. Hence, the purpose of the agreement was to assure that the entire populations of these countries would receive vaccinations.

Finally, the contract protected GSK from any claim for financial compensation in case the delivered vaccine would have any side effects. When WHO declared the swine flu to be a Phase 6 pandemic, the agreement referred to above was automatically activated. Mass vaccination started in Finland and Sweden in October 2009. In order to cover the largest possible percentage of the population, the authorities initiated an enormous public relations campaign, which could be described in terms of a “moral persuasion.” Solidarity became the slogan: “Be vaccinated to protect your fellow citizens.”

Those who questioned the vaccination program (small groups of vaccine opponents or just people who were hesitant) were looked upon with disapproval. In contrast to these vaccine – enthusiastic countries, the politics of vaccination within the rest of the European Union varied immensely among its member states. Poland, for example, decided not to buy vaccines at all due to the strict agreement conditions required by the pharmaceutical companies. Denmark’s order covered only “risk groups”.

The expected second wave of the influenza never appeared. The epidemic gradually declined during the first half of 2010. The same year, on 10 August, WHO officially declared the end of the epidemic. The European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) stated that the swine flu was less dangerous and had a lower mortality rate than the seasonal influenza. Thus, apparently the swine flu would not have been a dangerous epidemic even without the mass vaccination. Interestingly, also that same year, vitamin D was shown to prevent influenza in children. (1)

In Sweden, 60% of the population had been vaccinated, while in Finland 50% was covered. In contrast, the figures in Germany and Poland were only 8 and 0% respectively. In the history of Swedish health care this pandemic campaign amounted to one of the most expensive ever. Enormous amounts of taxpayer money were at stake.

Meanwhile, the media had become silent on this issue ; there was no further discussion about the swine flu anymore. Then the blow came: “The absolutely worst thing that could happen,” commented Richard Bergström, the Director – General of the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations, EFPIA. “The worst nightmare of both the industry and the health authorities is an illness that turns out to be mild, while the vaccine that was supposed to prevent a dangerous epidemic causes a severe side effect that was previously unknown.”

In August 2010, Finland reported an increased occurrence of narcolepsy in children and youngsters vaccinated with Pandemrix. On 1 September 2010, Finland stopped all Pandemrix vaccinations.

Narcolepsy is a severe chronic neurologic disease that not only results in a disabling fatigue, which typically results in the patient falling asleep anywhere and at any time. It might also lead to panic attacks and a state of exhaustion. For many, the worst consequences are the symptoms of cataplexy. This condition causes the narcolepsy patient, when expressing strong feelings such as laughter or crying, to suddenly lose muscular control. The legs give way, speech gets slurred, the gaze goes unfocused and the person gives the impression of being drunk.

In some patients, frightening hallucinations appear when falling asleep or waking up. On 1 September 2011, the Finnish National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) admitted, that for Finnish children and youngsters age 4-19, there was a new and obvious connection between Pandemrix and narcolepsy. As stated in THL’s press release, “The increased risk associated with vaccination amounted to six cases of narcolepsy per 100,000 persons vaccinated in the 4-19 age group during the eight months following vaccination. This was 12.7 times the risk of a person in the same age group who had not been vaccinated.

This statement was made almost exactly two years after the THL’s earlier statement made in the midst of the swine flu hysteria that everyone should be vaccinated with Pandemrix and that it would be safe. In that original statement, the director of the THL emphasized that the squalene adjuvant could increase the side effects of the vaccine to some extent. However, he stated, these side effects would not be dangerous.

In Sweden, at least 150 children are now suffering from narcolepsy caused by Pandemrix vaccine. In Finland, the number is approximately 100. In both countries the number is probably growing. Narcolepsy is a disease with lifetime consequences, and the risk that Pandremix may have caused other neurological illnesses has not yet been excluded. Many have already began to compare this tragedy with the thalidomide catastrophe.

No European countries had a particularly high rate of deaths due to the swine flue. Germany had the same death rate as Sweden, which was 0.31/100 000, although Sweden vaccinated 60% and Germany only 8%. This implies that the vaccine did little to prevent deaths. The responsible authorities have not yet commented on this matter of fact. “>

Last year the Finnish government promised full compensation for those who have developed narcolepsy as a consequence of the vaccination.

While Sweden did, indeed, follow the Finnish THL in admitting the connection between the vaccine and the disease, the Swedish authorities have not yet decided whether and how to provide appropriate compensation. In February 2012, Svenska Dagbladet, a widely read newspaper in Sweden, presented an informative and accurate series of articles on this theme. They describe some of the affected children narrating how difficult it is to live with narcolepsy”>

According to the authorities, much research is still underway concerning the details of the vaccine injury. Taking the pressure from the public and the affected families into account, it will be difficult for them to avoid carrying out a thorough investigation. Let’s hope so.

References: 1. Urashima M, Segawa T, Okazaki M, Kurihara M, Wada Y, Ida H. Randomized trial of vitamin D supplementation to prevent seasonal influenza A in schoolchildren. Am J Clin Nutr. 2010 May;91
(5):1255-60. Nutritional Medicine is Orthomolecular Medicine Orthomolecular medicine uses safe, effective nutritional therapy to fight illness. For more information:

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TIME Magazine runs vile hit piece against Robert Kennedy Jr. for daring to tell the truth about Mercury in vaccines

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Useless drugs and vaccines, lying science whores

The Golden Orwells; #1 for Fat Fascism

In another of our consciousness raising initiatives Greenteeth, the parent company of Little Nicky Machiavelli and Boggart Blog has created the Golden Orwell Awards.


“And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed
–if all records told the same tale–then the lie passed into
history and became truth. “Who controls the past,” ran the
Party slogan, “controls the future: who controls the present
controls the past.”…George Orwell, “1984?

Who qualifies for a Golden Orwell? Those public servants who constantly pump out misleading or downright false information aimed at spreading fear and panic in order to convince us we are all infantile poltroons who could not survive more than a few hours without the constant protection of Nanny State and the idle, gutless media droids who repeat the lie until it becomes accepted as truth.

Like William Leith in the Daily Smellygraph for example. Take a look at this fine piece of journalistic regurgitating of government bullshit from said writer: “We’re All Feckless Losers In The Fight On Fat”. he begins, “Something terrible is happening to our bodies. In the UK, in 2012, one in four adults is obese. That’s right – obese. What does this mean? It means that one in four of us is walking around – or, more accurately, shuffling or waddling about – with great slabs of wobbly flesh hanging off us.

One in four? This is bullshit on speed. Yes, there are more fat people than there were, say 50 years ago, many more. There are also less grey and ghostly figures shuffling round the streets coughing blood up because their lungs have been rotted by the industrial fumes they spent a lifetime inhaling because they needed to make a living. Society changes.

When I drive through Accrington, a very working class community, there are usually a few overweight people around, some grossly overweight actually, but one in four obese? No way. Let’s remind ourselves what obese means. Obese: having excessive body fat, grossly overweight.

OK, excessive fat, grossly overweight, not “a tad on the podgy side.”

Ah but we must remember the people who now define the word obese for us are World Health Organisation, the same self serving charlatans who, when they were trying to sell us Swine Flu on behalf of their mates Big Pharma changed the definition of “pandemic” from “millions of people will be seriously ill and hundreds of thousands will die all around the world” to “a few people here and there will feel a bit poorly.”

Thus, as far as the statistics obsessed WHO scientists are concerned the only measure of obesity is the discredited Body Mass Index which makes it possible to be both ripped and obese at the same time (Because lean muscle weighs much heavier than the equivalent volume of fat.)

So outside of the Daily Smellygraph, government offices (where getting a bit of work done would help a lot but would go totally against the public sector ethic), the nurses rest room at National Health Service hospitals, official publications, fake charities that see money to be had promoting the latest health scare and in the minds of medical scientists where can we see this obesity epidemic? If you go looking you will quickly come to the conclusion that it doesn’t exist. Along with the health risks posed by drinking alcohol, eating too much salt, sugar, red meat, butter, milk, and more or less anything else that big pharma have not made safe for you by adulterating it with toxic chemical the “evidence” is just phoney statistics, the science is bogus.

If you use BMI as an indicator it is possible to claim almost any healthy person is obese, according to the index obesity starts where anorexia stops. It appears this is precisely what is happening. As with all the heart disease bullshit, there is a concerted effort by the mass medication industry to turn us all into patients for life. One in four obese? FFS, this is risible. Have a quick bur surreptitious count next time you walk down a fairly busy street. Why do the medical authorities, government and media indulge in such scaremongering? Well in the case of the media, those precious little lefties with their Mickey Mouse degrees in “journalism” know no better. As for the others, follow the money.

The inaugural Golden Orwells award for services to authoritarianism goes to William Leith and The Daily Smellygraph


Nanny Orwell
More Mouse Sciene And More Mouse
Salt Health Risk? The Truth
The Norwegian Fat Fightback
Food fascists plan meat free diet – by law
Alcohol and health fascism
Them – a poem about the Nanny State (plus video)
Healthy Girl Branded Obese By The Thought Police

Killer Red Meat Report Was Faked By Researchers Says Analysis.

Last week, in Frying Pan Fascists Want To Steal Your Steak we reported one of those health scare things scientists cook up now and again in order to get money from Big Pharma, Big Agriculture or in the latest scare promoted by Big Government.

Cut read meat consumption or you will surely die a painful, lingering death, they screamed at us as if even looking at a burger would take twenty years off our lives.

The press releases were big on sensation, light on detail, which is not surprising as the details did not bear out the conclusion (after climategate, cutletgate?)

What the details did show is that the conclusion of this gigantic, very long term study was dishonest.

Cut red meat, they said. We already had reduced red meat consumption considerably since the exercise started so there was no oint telling us how many extra years we would live if we cut just one portion of read meat a day from our menu. You see the avergage male (and men tend to eat more meat than women) consumes less than one portion of red meat a day.

So really this was just an attempt by the left wing neo nazi bansturbators who have hijacked the public sector to remove red meat from the menu.

Read the full analysis showing how the data was faked, manipulated and tortued to give the required answer at Straight Statistics

Food Fascists Spread Fear and Panic About The Obesity Pandemic
Frying Pan Fascists
Food fascists – meat me halfway
Salt health risk – a pinch of doubt
Fat Tax Is Coming To A Nanny State Hear You
Norwegians Rebel Against Fat Police
Norwegians Rebel Against Fat Police

Meat eating and the politicisations of the digestive tract.

Vegetarians would win more support for their case if they stopped nagging, humping on health sare bandwagons and trying to bamboozle us with blatantly untrue political propaganda masquerading as socially responsible commentary.

A fine example is this article from the Grauniad web site today. Whiner in chief Barbara Ellen is having a god old whinge about meat eaters (as usual), justifying her nagging by citing the results of a new “scientific survey” that shows people who eat processed meat products have a significantly higher chance of developing pancratic cancer.

This is clearly another case of researchers being given a conclusion and paid to build a case to support it. Here’s a little extract of what Barbara has to say:

Analysis of more than 6,000 pancreatic cancer cases published in the British Journal of Cancer says that eating just 50g of processed meat a day (one sausage or a couple of slices of bacon) raises the likelihood of pancreatic cancer by a fifth. 100g a day (the equivalent of a medium burger) raises it by 38%, 150g by 57%.

Note the usual misleading phrasing there. 57%, oh that’s terrible, lots of us are going to die a slow, lingering death. Actually the incidence of pancreatic cancer in the population is about 1.8% if we estimate 500,000 people are born each year. So that’s 57% of 1.8%. That looks a bit different.

In 2008 there were 8,085 newly diagnosed cases of pancreatic cancer in the UK. Although there are a similar number of cases in males and females, the age-standardised rates are higher for males. (Cancer reasearch UK)

Now also you would think to read Ms. Ellen’s political speil on behalf of the red-green party that eating processed meat is the sole cause of pancreatic cancer. Not so according to Cancer Resesrch UK again:

The links between diet and pancreatic cancer are still unclear. Some studies have shown that you increase your pancreatic cancer risk if you have very high levels of sugar in your diet. But 2 studies have shown a lower risk for people with high sugar intake and 1 study showed no effect. Some studies have shown that your risk may also be increased if you eat large amounts of saturated fat in red or processed meats.

NB some studies, not ALL studies.

Some of the causes identified are: smoking, diabestes, excessive alcohol consupmption, bad diet, tooth or gum disease, somach ulcers, heredity.

Buggeration, if you cut out all the fun things in your life and stasrt living like a paranoid monk to satisfy the whiney Ms. Ellen, that heredity could still get you.

You may notice too that the article attacks meat eaters in general while the study shows the very slight increased risk is linked to processed meats only. As I said it’s just propaganda from the Limp Wristed Vegan Nazi Party (Guardian branch).

If you want a reason to give up or simply cut down on meat consumption and the rising price is not enough Mike St Mark will give you plenty of others.

Little Nicky however reminds readers that all statistics are lies and as usual advises moderation and eating the best quality food you can afford in medium sized portions. Avoid SPAM and keep away from those burger and kebab vans and hot dog barrows.

Return Of The Food Fascists

My initial feelings about the coalition government were that I wished them well but feared that like their predecessors they would be unable to resist the attractions of control freakery.

I was right to worry.

The Health fascists have been out in force this week. With reports on the dangers of alcohol, meat, salt and obesity published our resistance is being tested. Like Most of you Little Nicky is enjoys a nice steak washed down with a glass of decent wine, a sprinking of salt on our food makes it much more tasty and so what if you are a shade overweight. Tgis blog has always been happy to expose the dodgy ‘science’ and rigged evidence behind theses control freak fear and panic exercises.

Here’s the first in a Daily Stirrer series on the bogus science used to support control freakery.

Acohol Abuse Will Kill 250,000 A Year Unless Governmnt Acts say Control Freak Doctors