To Infinity And Beyond – Big Bang Theory Trashed?

As readers know, Little Nicky and his companion Boggarts over at Boggart Blog love to wind up the Science Tits, those religious zealots who blindly follow the Church Of Sciencology cult.

Most of all we like to feature news items that demonstrate things they claim are ‘scientific facts’, matters on which ‘the science is settled’ are nowhere near being facts and the ‘scientific consensus’ is just a question of people who think that saying science a lot makes them intelligent, agreeing that if they all tell the same lie it will keep the research grants and the free jollies flowing their way.

One ‘scientific fact’ Little Nicky has challenged very successfully in the past is Big Bang Theory (success in challenging the dogma of the Church Of Sciencology cult is measured by how loud and irrational the outraged screeching is – science tits will never admit they are wrong).

Not with a Big Bang but with a whimper: (image source Daily Telegraph )

I have lost count of the times that having offered proof that Big Bang is not a fact but a mathematical speculation and that the universe is in fact infinite I have become involved in thousand – comment threads in which the rational and clearly thought out arguments of the Big Bang sceptics were contradicted by science tits exploring how many different ways they could present the highly scientific argument, “It is a fact because we say it is.”

Not long ago, in Beyond Big Bang we reported on a new mathematical equation that contradicts Einstein’s ‘thought experiment’. (To his credit, Einstein understood his thought experiments were only untestable theories.)

Now we read that those scientific onanists who run the Large Hardon Collider at CERN are running some new experiments on their souped up Infinite Improbability Drive in the expectation of proving that as a ‘scientific fact’ i.e. an untestable theory that science tits agree can make them very very rich and famous if they all stick to the same story, is in fact a load of bollocks. Read more HERE.

A word of warning: The article we link to, while as good a source as any on this topic, is full of the usual untruths and misrepresentations associated with the science tits involved with the Large Hardon collider (yes I know, it’s how I spell it OK?) , like this –

The particle accelerator, which will be restarted this week, has already found the Higgs boson – the God Particle – which is thought to give mass to other particles.

In reality what has been found is something that does not exist, a little fizz of energy released when a sub atomic particle is smashed to oblivion. Studying this fizz of energy to find out if it is really God may prove difficult however. It dissipates in one three hundred millionth of a second after being released.

Beyond Big Bang
Before Big Bang
Science, space, time and the universal mind
Science shows time is disappearing?
Determinism and materialism versus quantum physics
Is science in the business of laundering reality
Infinity And The Myth Of Space And Time
Time Travellers
Philo and Sophia
TThe Idea Of An Infinite Universe Is Fashionable Again

Elsewhere: [Boggart Blog]…[Little Nicky Machiavelli]…[Scribd]…[Wikinut] … [Boggart Abroad]

HAARP: Have Scientists Opened Pandora’s Box With Experiments In Changing The Climate

What do you think of the freak weather this year? Coincidence, climate change, solar activity or something more sinister. If you have heard the term HAARP chances are you’re pretty sceptical about the official line. HAARP – the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program is a research programme that experiments with changing the earh’s upper atmosphere. you don’t have to understand much science to realise it proves that, as John Lennon said, the world is run by insane people doing insane things.

Read all HAARP Pandora’s Box

HAARP: Scientists Open Pandora’s Box With Experiments In Changing The Climate

Beam Me Up Brian* – Scientists Say Star Trek Style Teleporation Is Possible
Conspiracy Theorists Vindicated: HAARP Confirmed Weather-manipulation Tool
Modern Maths Teaching Is Making Children Mentally Ill
Missing Malaysian Aircraft: Crash Or Cover Up?
Quantum Metaphysics
The Island Of Hy Brasil – Another Atlantis or Insula Mirabilis

GM crops depopulation plan

You know that Little Nicky and his friends Boggart Blog, The Daily Stirrer et al have always been sceptical of claims that genetically modified crop plants would feed the world and usher in an era of peace and plenty (all together now, kumbaya doo dah, kumbaya …) We have researched the claims of the Doctor Corporations involved in the genetic engineering business (and the lying shits scientists involved in developing hybrid apple / shrimp species and find “the science” leaves a lot to be desired:

Geneticist says GM foods will never be safe
GM food – a huge experiment on humanity with no safeguards
GM crops will not feed the world
More on the biotech scam

But what if we told you there is a depopulation agenda behind the New World Order push to give Monsanto a monopoly on the food we eat? “Conspiracy theory”, you would shout.

N ow how many times have you yelled conspiracy theory at Little Nicky and he turned out to be right on the nail. ‘Tis so again I fear.

Many individuals have heard it a million times, but for the uninformed, or those just looking to fuel their 2014 fire to finally defeat Monsanto and their cronies, you’ll be interested to know that Monsanto’s Bt-toxin is far from ‘safe’ as the chemical company claimed it would be when filing their papers with the FDA. New research from Canada show that BT toxins are showing up in pregnant women, and low and behold – they are killing human embryo cells. 2014 is the year of the horse, but we’re not through beating this one to death.

It’s called reproductive toxicology, and just like their suicide seeds, these Bt toxins are starting to kill our own unborn children. This is no exaggeration. Hopefully reading further will compel you to take action. It is time to put Monsanto to rest, bankrupt them, and let the world know their ‘secrets’ near and far.”


Read full article Monsanto’s BT toxins Found To Kill Human embryo Cells at Nationofchange

Birth control in a salad. They’ll be marketing it next.

3D Printing Continues the Evolution of the Humanoid Robot

This is an update to the ongoing mission of psycho scientists to replace humans with robots.

In the age of computers, things evolve exponentially. In just a few generations robots have gone from a scientific fantasy, to a playful curiosity, to entering the battlefield to replace and/or augment their human counterparts.

We are already at the point where we have to consider what the next step of robotic evolution looks like. According to robotics engineers, it appears that at some point in the near future the next step could very well be whatever the next generation robot chooses for itself.

The humanoid robot is now poised to take a leap from a mere facsimile of human behavior to one that futurists suggest will not only walk like a human, but will possess self awareness, as well as a full range of high-tech computational spectrum analysis and capabilities . . . and emotions.

Read all this post on the latest psychotic fantasies of the stupid fuck who hate themselves so much they would exterminate all of us.

Has Human Evolution Stopped – Are We Now Masters Of Our Own Destiny
Will humans become redundant in your lifetime
The Perfect Killing Machine
Human takeover by machines may be closer than we think

Skilled Work Without The Worker

Unemployment Falls As Part Time Working Hits Record Levels And More Drop Out Of The Workforce
UK Unemployment Rises Again as part time jobs increase.
Green Policies Will Not Save The Planet But Are Costing Poor Families The Earth
Slaves Of The Machine

Despite The Science Being Discredited Mainsteam Media Still Plugs Climate Scare

I don’t get here enough these days, but Populis seem to be getting on top of things, they certainly got rid of the span site penalty, and traffic is going up. So perhaps it’s time Little Nicky Machievelli had a news lease of life:
Here’s something I posted under my Arthur Foxake alter ego:

Despite The Science Being Discredited Mainsteam Media Still Plugs Climate Scare
by Arthur Foxake

Just take a look at this great, steaming heap of bullshit from CNN and ask yourself why anyone watches a channel owned by a billionaire elitist who has openly said he thinks the global population should be reduced from 7 billion to 350 million. It’s a no brainer that the output from any news channel owned by a Nazi shit like Ted Turner is not going to report real news but pump out propaganda designed to brainwash you.
See below what I mean:

(CNN) — Average annual temperatures will start to consistently exceed the highest levels previously recorded in as little as seven years in tropical hotspots and within four decades for the majority of the globe if nothing is done to stop climate change, according to a new study published Thursday in the journal Nature. And by the end of the century, monthly average temperatures will be higher than at any time since at least 1860, according to the study, led by University of Hawaii geographer Camilo Mora.

The effects will be felt first in tropical climates, with the annual temperature range rising beyond the historical range in Manokwari, Indonesia, in 2020, according to a map that accompanies the study on the University of Hawaii website.

Mexico City’s date is 2031. It’s 2046 in Orlando, and a year later in Washington and New York, according to the group. Anchorage, Alaska, doesn’t climb on board until 2071.

“The results shocked us. Regardless of the scenario, changes will be coming soon,” Mora said in a statement posted by the university. “Within my generation, whatever climate we were used to will be a thing of the past.”
Read full story from CNN if your reading of choice is fairy tales.

What makes Little Nicky laugh is the confidence these guys have in their predictions for fifty years ahead when they can’t even forecast next weeks weather accurately most of the time

But if you could not be arsed reading the pseudo – scientific bullshit in the CNN item, just take a look at one statement in there that shows what a pack of scaremongering lies this is.

“Monthly average temperatures will be higher than at any time since at least 1860”
So these pseudo scientists, these research grant troughers are so determined to keep their piggy snouts in the swill they make up an idiotic and blatant lie to support their scaremongering.

Hotter than any time since 1860? It is conveniently just before meaningful temperature records began to be kept but if we look at the history books or newspaper archives for 1860 there are no reports of mass extinction, of millions of people starving because crops had withered in parched fields. In fact the average temperature since records began (around 150 years ago)shows a statistical increase of 0.4 of a degree.

Four tenths of a degree in 150 years. At that rate it will be six hundred years before we hit that two degree increase that scientists(but nobody else)thinks is so critical. Surely if these scientists are as clever as they would like us to think, they can devise a faster way to wipe out humanity.

And why would they want to wipe out humanity, you might well ask. Because they can of course, they’re scientists so that’s the only reason they ever need to inflict harm on their fellow humans.

Meanwhile back on Planet Reality

A Record-Setting Blizzard Killed 75,000 Cows and You Might Not Have Even Heard About It

Ranchers are still digging out thousands of their cattle that became buried in a record-setting snowstorm in South Dakota USA late last week and over the weekend. One would think the death of 75,000 cattle caused by upwards of five feet of snow so early in the autumn might get some national attention, or even warrant a world news report in Europe and elsewhere but as one blogger observed, it has taken some time for the news of the precipitation massacre to reach outside of local media.

Well of course, they are usually keen to report climate change but this is the wrong sort of climate change.

Read more on this story

snow in south dakota
Snow reaches mailboxes about four feet above ground in South Dakota

Little Nicky has warned of the replacement of news with propaganda since we started in 2005. People are waking up and relying on alternative news to learn what is really going on. And is it any wonder when traditional media offers us nothing but the bullsit shovelled out by their political masters. Bullshit like this:

Mainstream media all on board latest global warming fear-and-panic bandwagon after IPCC / New World Order report release.
from Natural News:

“Man-made, human-produced carbon dioxide is filling up the atmosphere, heating it to unsustainable temperatures that will ultimately melt the polar ice caps and flood the world.”

That’s the latest fear-mongering “report” from the United Nations’ International Panel on Climate Change. Only, none of that is true, as other climatologists and experts, including those at NASA reported as early as a few years ago.

Of course, none of this makes much difference to the New World Order (Not a real organization but a derogatory reference to those political groups, businesses and academics intent on promoting the idea that only a global, totalitarian government can ave humankind.) owned alarmist mainstream media, most of which has bought into and reported verbatim disproven nonsense regarding nonexistent global warming crises that is still being espoused from people like former Vice President Al Gore, whose own predictions of melting polar caps have been seriously debunked.”

Read more at Natural News

An incomplete list of scientists challenging the idea that global warming is caused solely by Carbon Dioxide emissions generated by human activity can be found at this wikipedia page. A warning however, Wikipedia can be edited by people with an agenda and this page repeats the misleading claim that 97 per cent of scientific papers support the global warming case.

In fact though the majority (not 97%, the authors of the meta analysis referred to assumed the support for their case of scientists who acknowledged that climate change was a problem did not express an opinion on the cause) support the probability that human activity has some imact on the climate, Carbon Dioxide was not identified as the sole cause, some citing deforestation, urbanisation and overpopulation as more significant factors.

According to this report in Forbes magazine the American business news publication only thirty six percent of 1077 scientists surveyed support the carbon Dioxide theory with a large majority suggesting the causes of the slight increase in global mean temperature are natural.

We can find any amount of level headed, objective research and analysis showing that the majority of independent scientists are highly sceptical of the Carbon Dioxide case and the bogus evidence (e.g. the notorious hockey schtick graph) coked up to support it. Here’s just one paper published in the peer reviewed journal Energy and Environment:

Why scientists are skeptical about the anthropogenic global warming hypothesis

Here’a a little taster from the first paragraph:

Abstract: The strong climate-forcing effect of rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations advocated by the IPCC, is at odds with climate developments during geological, historical and recent times. Although atmospheric CO2 concentrations continuously increased during industrial times, temperatures did not increase continuously to the present level but stagnated or even declined slightly during 1880 to 1900, 1945 to 1977 and again since 1998.

Total solar irradiation rose from a low in 1890 to a first peak in 1950 that was followed by a sharp decline ending in 1977, giving way to a period of rapidly increasing radiation peaking in 2002 when solar activity started to decrease, possibly declining to a new Little-Ice-Age type low.

The Greenhouse Effect of increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations, claimed and widely propagated by IPCC, is particularly vexing as it is widely over-estimated without adequate scientific justification. Large observed climate variations documented for geological and historical times, as well as the lack of insight into the behaviour of complex systems, seriously question the Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) concept propagated by the IPCC.

The climate variability during industrial times was essentially governed by changes in solar activity with increasing atmospheric CO2 content playing a subordinate role.

Bit of an eye opener if you are used to seeing the claims of lying liars who tell you no “respectable” scientists disagree with the idea that Anthopogenic Global Warming is due to carbon dioxide emitted by business and domestic energy use.

But finally, in an old article for Times Of India SWAMINATHAN S ANKLESARIA AIYAR nails the truth of that alleged almost complete scientific consesus in support of CO2 driven AGW:

Greens say, rightly, that the best scientific assessment today is that global warming is occurring. Yet never in history have scientists accurately predicted what will happen 100 years later. A century ago no scientists predicted the internet, microwave ovens, TV, nuclear explosions or antibiotics. It is impossible, even stupid, to predict the distant future.

That scientific truth is rarely mentioned. Why? Because the global warming movement has now become a multi-billion dollar enterprise with thousands of jobs and millions in funding for NGOs and think-tanks, top jobs and prizes for scientists, and huge media coverage for predictions of disaster.

The vested interests in the global warming theory are now as strong, rich and politically influential as the biggest multinationals. It is no co-incidence that so many scientists sceptical of global warming are retired professors: they have no need to chase research grants and chairs.

As The Daily Stirrer has always said, if you want to get to the truth of anything, just follow the money.

Climate Change And The Science Of Flogging Dead Horses
The science behind the climate change scare is now thoroughly discredited. So why do those who hoped to get rich or famous by promoting the alarmist and Warmageddonist case keep trying to beat some life back into the corpse?

In Spite Of The Scientific Evidence Piling Up against Them, Like True Cult Devotees, Warmageddonists Still Believe In The Carbon Dioxide
Below is a short list of all the global warming catastrpophes that we were promised would have happeneed by now (and anybody who said otherwise just didn’t understand the science). Well none of them have, mother earth does not take orders from mathematical models. Pathetically but rather touchingly the CAGWARTs as cult members are known, still believe In The Carbon Dioxide Monster
After Years Of Denial US Government Admits Geo – engineering experiment
Again the science academe have been exposed as a bunch of crooked, lying, self serving, sociopathic shits who will do anything for a research grant. After years of denials by scientists, universities and government departments it has finally been admitted that geoengineering experiments ale a likely cause of environmental chaos
Obama Tries To Revive Global Warming Debate As Advisers Warn Him’Avoid Economic Arguments’
Science is not one of Barack Obama’s strengths according to the man himself. But what is? Not making speeches as anyone who has listened to or read one of his speeches rather than reading the burblings of sycophantic journalists who reported it will know. If we looks at Obama’s latest speech on climate change it appears where he does excel is in pissing on his country’s constitution …
Climates and Lies: Another expose Of The Great Carbon Dioxide Lie
Another article exposing the lies of the climate change and environmental science lobby.
Global Warming Theory Debunked By NASA
NASA, America’s National Aeoronautical And Space Agency was in the forefront of the Anthropogenic Global Warming scare. Do you remember ‘The Science Is Settled’? Well it wasn’t, a trickle of those really awkward bastards who insist on thinking for themselves became a torrent and now even NASA are admitting it was all a hoax based on dodgy statistics and fraudulent physics.

Climate Change

How academic debate is suppressed on science topics like Climate Change, GMOs, Pesticides and Toxicity of medicines

The Independent Is No Longer Independent

Little Nicky Machiavelli has evidence The Independent newspaper is now owned by Monsasnto and exists only to publish Monsanto propaganda and advance Monsanto’s agenda of gaining a monopoly on seed stock for the world’s stape food crops.

If GM crops are bad, show us the evidence
Steve Connor
Monday 3 June 2013
full article at The Independent


“It’s no longer tenable to call GM ‘unnatural’ and so inherently wrong

It is nearly 20 years since the first GM crops were grown.

Some 28 countries cultivate them on a commercial scale, and many hundreds of millions of people now safely eat GM food – directly or indirectly – on a regular basis. Yet, to judge from the rhetoric of anti-GM activists – from the rough-cut environmentalists to the smooth-talking purveyors of organic food – you could be forgiven for thinking that medical catastrophe and genetic Armageddon are upon us, courtesy of the “Frankenfoods” revolution.

Calestous Juma, a professor of international development at Harvard, is not one to mince his words when it comes to genetically modified crops. To paraphrase his speech at McGill University in Montreal later today, Juma believes the time has come for the vociferous opponents of GM to put up or shut up. The use of transgenic crops, he points out, has to date prevented the spraying of 473 million kilograms of toxic pesticides, reduced carbon dioxide emissions by 23.1bn kg – equivalent to taking 10.2 million cars off the road – and saved 108.7 million hectares of land from being turned into farmland. Rather than creating environmental havoc, GM crops have, by and large, been better for the environment than growing the equivalent conventional crops, with relatively lower yields and higher chemical input.

Equally, no-one has died or fallen ill directly as a result of eating GM food. Studies showing that GM food damages the health of laboratory animals have been discredited. Contrary to what the pro-organic lobby would have us believe, it is actually more dangerous to eat organic food – as the 53 people in Germany who died in 2011 from eating organic beansprouts tragically discovered.”

end extract

he hi wrong on all counts. Not only is there a mountain of evidence by perfectly crespectable scientists (a couple of nobel prizewinning biologists amongs them) that cast very serious doubts on some strains of GM staple food crops (the way they generalise is an attempt at deflection typical of the corporate ‘science’ lobby. No genuine scientist would ever say GM foods are safe or are not safe, they would examine GM seeds species by species.

Safety is not the primary issue here, the world is overpopulated, the planet cannot sustain 7 billion people, especially with the poor five billion demanding lifestyles enjoyed by the privileged two billion, Our New Unhappy Lords will reduce population one way or another, be it by war, famine, pestilence, plague of GM organisms. No, the real issue is about monopoly control of the seed stock.

Is this shit sucking sycophant, this corporate lackey, and rent seeking apology for a human being really asking us to believe it would be a good idea to had a monopoly on the food supply to a corporation whose track records shows they are utterly ruthless in pursuit of the corporate goals, whose criminal record showws they have repeatedly falsified data, lied, bribed and used threats and coercion to foist unsafe products on the world.

Connor says, “Show us the evidence” but as with the CAGWARTs (Carbon Driven Anthropogenic Global Warming Alternative Reality Twats), the GM lobby will try to deny any evidence that exposes their scam is invalid. As for Connor, if the cupid stunt is still asking for evidence what fucking planet has he been on for the past twenty years?

One of the top comments I read under his post was this:

Gail Evans:
a) The seeds are patented, which means farmers can no longer produce seeds from their own crops for the next season, but are forced into further monetary outlay to buy from GMO seed companies. If they do not and produce their own seed from GM source material, they can get sued for millions.

b) The chemicals used on these crops are highly toxic and in Argentina have resulted in rising cases of cancer.

c) The use of these chemicals is killing off the bee population which the planet needs for pollination.

d) The studies done by the French scientists, one of the few that have actually been allowed to be published in the Main Stream Media, have proved that these GMO crops cause cancer, infertility and shortened life spans. On the contrary, companies like Monsanto who have to employ people like Blackwater, have done all they can to gag the press so that they are the alpha and the omega on the whole subject.

In South Africa a full open, honest and fully disclosed Independent Scientific Study ( independent of all companies such as Monsanto and all their affiliates, known and unknown covert operatives such a Blackwater) by at least three different laboratories over no less than a period of five years. In the interim, all products containing any GMO ingredients, or any ingredients derived from a genetically modified plant, or any meat product fed a genetically modified feed, must be labelled as such in bold and clear type.

French GMO Research Finds Monsanto Corn Causes Cancer: America Should Pay Attention Fatal Soybean-

The documentary shows how the lucrative soybean industry in Argentina has culminated in the death of a great number of residents suffering from cancer due to the overuse of chemical pesticides. Monsanto Now Owns Mercenaries Blackwater Newly Named ‘Academi’

followed by this:

albalma 8 days ago

Need more? Independently confirmed, Roundup is toxic! Saying otherwise is a crime and should be prosecuted because you are killing people! I have nothing against genetically modifying a plant to better survive, but the way these people are doing it is not ok!

then this:

pdjmoo 8 days ago:
The highly unregulated biotech re-engineering and patenting of life is highly dangerous and unethical. Science does not enough about the intract web of life to be meddling with singular aspects of our biosphere, creating chain reactions.

Further the issue of GMOs is more about the total impact on the environment and human health that is only now beginning to show up.

The patenting of reengineered seeds, the pesticides, chemicals, fertilizers required to grow them all owned by the same biotech cartel; and the devastation to our natural biodiversity, poisoning of our soils and waterways, killing off beneficial insects all have given our future over to a science still evolving and painfully disconnected from the greater health of our environment and human health. We are rolling the dice in a relatively new aspect of science, biotechnology, that has little or no oversight and regulation and much of it, once released, will be very difficult to reverse.

Finally, it is driven by a trillion dollar biotech cartel and, insofar as the gmo aspect and ownership of the global seed supply means control of the global food supply and the pesticides needed to control them. Not okay. YOUR FOOD, YOUR HEALTH

Back to me. GMOs are not the problem, it is making them resistant to chemicals that damage the environment and have unaccounted for reactions in the human body that is the problem.

As long as you improve the natural resistance, or growth of a plant that is not a problem at all. The problem is that by genetically modifying a plant to be resistant to weekiller and insecticide we turn that plant into a vehicle for delivering the toxin into the human food chain.

A recent report takes 123 pages to list and summarise peer reviewed research papers raising serious concerns about G M foods. Scientists respond with their usual knee jerk “ah but it’s not proper science (to a ‘scientist’ it seem, proper science is only that which affirms their prejudices)Well you should understand by now only a fool would take a scientists word for anything. Check the evidence for youself and then see if you agree with Steve Connor and the scientific crooks and liars he writes poropaganda for. Here’s the 123 pages of evidence they pretend to be unaware of

Not really evidence they will shout. Well look, the report lists project after project, all peer reviewed (scientists place great faith on peer review)so again we see the dishonesty and hypocrisy of those who defend the genetic engineering industry.

This article does not talk about the chemicals Monsanto customers are contractually obliged to use and which are deadly to humans. Science doesn’t need to tell me that putting agent orange in my food is bad for me, but it does say so: Rats died 2-3 times more rapidly than untreated animals. The author is a liar and he is welcome to sue me for saying so! I shall leave him without a career, a home, a family, a pot to piss in or a penny to scratch his arse with and take great pleasure in doing so.

If You Weren’t Yet Convinced The Lunatics Are Running The Adylum, Here’s Proof.

With the number of Americans on food stamps hitting new highs year after year and the nation in dire financial straits and having trouble raising the money to fund it’s welfare bills, those very clever people, The Scientists, have come up with a plan.

As it is a plan devised by scientists it has, as regular follower of Little Nicky Machiavelli might expect, noting to do with helping the poor or solving any of the nation’s urgent problems and everything to do with flushing huge amounts of taxpayers money down the toilet.

‘Nasa is planning to lasso an asteroid and park it near the moon to study as part of a new, ambitious mission,’ the White House has confirmed. It might sound like a science fiction movie, but President Obama is expected to put $100 million aside for the asteroid rodeo in next week’s budget.

Plans already existed to send astronauts to an asteroid, but the galactic lasso is expected to speed the mission up by bringing the rock closer. It’s hoped that by examining the asteroid, scientists could work out how to mine them for materials and learn more about the mineral composition of the solar system.’

When asked what are the risks should the space ship Asteroid Wrangler fail to lasoo the rock and send it hurtling towards earth instead. The NASA dickheads have the answer, “A five hundred ton asteroid is no threat to earth, they said. Cupid Stunts, only a few weeks ago (science tits never know what is going on in the real world) an 10 ton asteroid exploded on entering the atmosphere, exploded releasing energy equivalent to 30 times that of the Hiroshima bomb, crashed into a remote part of Russia and caused the deaths of 54 people.

Imagine what a 500 ton lump of rock descending at 60,000 miles per hour could do it it came down in a heavily populated area.

If we are really serious about saving the planet, it is clear what we must do. We have to put all the scientists in a big spaceship and send them to the nearest inhabitable planet. That should satisfy their scientific curiosity and we would all be safe, at least for the 40,000 years it would take them to get there.


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Brace Yourself For Solar Storms

About two years ago Little Nicky told you of a warning issued by the kind of people who occasionally raise their snouts from the trough of taxpayers’ money to look at the sun through radio telescopes.

They said we were entering a period of unusually high solar activity and ought to brace ourselves for trouble.

These people have also said solar activity was a far more likely cause of climate change that CO2 which only resulted in the CAGWARTs (Carbon, Anthropogenic Global Warming Alternative Reality Trolls turning up the volume on their whine machine to eleven.

So what kind of trouble might we be in for?

This kind of trouble.

Now it has to be said, this artice describes a worst case scenario, the events it warns of are possible but not probable.

But then, by the same criteria, all those doomsday predictions of CAGWART scientists (which very noticeably have not happened (Where did the UN’s 50 million global warming refugees go?)were always worst case scenario possibilities rather than certainties.

Still we did learn one valuable lesson from the Global Warming scare. Scientists cling just as tightly to the certainties offered by their religion as the believers in any traditional religion.

Alcolhol ‘safe levels’ too high say bansturbators

“Government alcohol guidelines that were “plucked out of the air” wrongly suggest that we can drink almost daily with no ill-effects, doctors have said.

The limits have been set too high and fail to take into account new evidence showing that drinking only modest amounts (like a thimble full of beer once a month) raises the risk of cancer and other diseases.

The issue has been investigated as part of a three-part You & Yours documentary into Government guidelines on alcohol, diet and exercise, being aired over the next three days (starting January 2) on the Bolshevik Broadcasting Corporation’s propaganda station, Radio 4.

The current guidelines recommend men should limit themselves to “three to four units a day”, which NHS information likens to “not much more than a pint of strong lager, beer or cider”. (Funny but a pint used to be two units. Those units keep getting smaller – LNM).

Women should not regularly drink more than “two to three units a day”, equivalent to “no more than a standard 175ml glass of wine”.

New research published last year suggests consumption should be much lower – perhaps just a quarter of a pint of beer daily.”

Read full story.

Let’s carry this latest bansturbator Neo Nazi outrage to its logical conclusion.

Every human being breathes air. Every human being who ever breathed air, if not already dead, will die sometime in the future.

Remember, the arseholes scientists who come up with this repressive and authoritarian bullshit are paid out of your tax money.

Air kills. We must stop people from breathing it now.

To Save Civlisation Creativity Must Triumph Over Conformity

The Daily Stirrer contributors have long argued that the baying pack of science fans all screaming that science and science alone has all the answers to our current crop of problems are barking up the wrong tree. We contend that not only does science not have the answers, scientists don’t even understand the question.

For quite a long time it felt as if we were talking into the void but more and more we see other people are getting the message too. Science is not the answer, it is the problem.

To get out of the mess we are in we need to look at our situation from a completely different perspective and understand that technological advances are not the same thing as progress.

Creativity Must Triumph Over Conformity

In this article Bruce Elkin argues that to save civilisation creativity must triumph over conformity. We must kick our addiction to consumption, rediscover the things that are really important and use the unique abilities of humans to create a society in which fullfillment is the goal rather than wealth and power. In other words we must redefine what we mean by success.

A Chronicle Of Decay

Killer Red Meat Report Was Faked By Researchers Says Analysis.

Last week, in Frying Pan Fascists Want To Steal Your Steak we reported one of those health scare things scientists cook up now and again in order to get money from Big Pharma, Big Agriculture or in the latest scare promoted by Big Government.

Cut read meat consumption or you will surely die a painful, lingering death, they screamed at us as if even looking at a burger would take twenty years off our lives.

The press releases were big on sensation, light on detail, which is not surprising as the details did not bear out the conclusion (after climategate, cutletgate?)

What the details did show is that the conclusion of this gigantic, very long term study was dishonest.

Cut red meat, they said. We already had reduced red meat consumption considerably since the exercise started so there was no oint telling us how many extra years we would live if we cut just one portion of read meat a day from our menu. You see the avergage male (and men tend to eat more meat than women) consumes less than one portion of red meat a day.

So really this was just an attempt by the left wing neo nazi bansturbators who have hijacked the public sector to remove red meat from the menu.

Read the full analysis showing how the data was faked, manipulated and tortued to give the required answer at Straight Statistics

Food Fascists Spread Fear and Panic About The Obesity Pandemic
Frying Pan Fascists
Food fascists – meat me halfway
Salt health risk – a pinch of doubt
Fat Tax Is Coming To A Nanny State Hear You
Norwegians Rebel Against Fat Police
Norwegians Rebel Against Fat Police

New Evidence Proving The Planet Is Not Warming Proves The Planet Is Warming Say Climate Scientists

Oh what fun we have with those whacky and zany climate scientists. A new report on climate change and CO2 emissions reveals there has been no significant warming since 1997. This proves anthropogenic gloval warming is a more urgent and more dangerous threat, the cliamte science crooks and liars say before blaming the chinese for global cooling.
New Evidence Proving The Planet Is Not Warming Proves The Planet Is Warming Say Climate Scientists

Stupid Scientists Are Doing Climate Change Deniers Job

You just have to wonder sometimes whether, if the IQs of all scientists were added together they would reach double figures.

A story published in the New York Times last week produced new, “more positive scientific proof that climate change is actually accelerating” than any previous evidence.

Well that’s nice, I thought having campaigned to raise awareness of climate change for thirty years. Imagine my dismay when I learned the NYT had been compelled to print a full retraction admitting the article had violated every principle of journalism.

The scientist had made his stuff up and the journo had reported it without question.


In fact where the article laid the blame for climate chainge squarely on the toes of humanity the best evidence shows the daya supporting that far from conclusive. The problem you see is the scientists, who claim impartiality, objectivity and academic integrity are bust peddlers of business and political agendas for their paymasters.

The public already have zero trust in politicians, businesses and the media. If academics are shown to be willing to sell their souls for filthy lucre can we trust anybody?

There is a growing lobby in the United States that claims the climate change lobby are a bunch of self interested charlatans. We can do without climate change scientists and “green” journalists making bullets for these people to fire.

The Divine Right Of Kings and the Divine Right Of Scientists
Pain In Spain As Green Fraud Revealed


Latest archive selection now online: Boggart Blog Select vol 5

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A Tale Told By An Idiot

Who do you believe

Andrew Keen, author of an excellent book, The Cult Of The Amateur is know for his controversial views on the relentles march of technology and where it might eventually lead is. In this post, the age of disbelief he responds to alleged inventor of the World Wide Web,Tim Berners Lee. TBL is currently whinging about the amount of dross on the web, but typically of a scientist he complains that the rubbish is “forcing the real science to the sidelines.

Isn’t that typical of a scientist? He ignored warnings that his brainchild had no security so shouldn’t the finger of blame be pointing at him? Oh no, he’s an omnipotent scientist, he cannot possibly have made a mistake. But in reality before Berners Lee had won the ear of governments we in the Information Technology industry had a very good internetworking system that was very secure and capable of being properly managed. And it was so simple a filing clerk could use it. It baffled scientists of course, they can’t do simple, it’s not scientific enough for them.

TBL has defended his dysfunctional brainchild against all criticism of course. No he says, it would not have been better if he had listened to professionals who knew what they were doing. Yes he was sure “anyone can do anything” was the right approach. The trouble is humans are not driven by logic and cannot be programmed. If people can do something they will. And if their idea of ruining someone’s life, stealing their csh, trashing their reputation then they are going to do it. After all the internet has no serious security or auditing so people are free to do anything. Yay freedom, yay science.

Now, after a couple of years ago saying kiddieporn, hacking and identity theft were minor inconveniences compared to the benefits of an unregulated internet Tim has had a change of heart and is now calling for regulation because it seems he was pissed off by all the ridicule thrown at the Large Hadron Collider. He is calling for regulation to restrict all us jokers so the World Domination Club of Coneheads can post their evil agenda without ever being challenged, mocked or having people gob on the back of their anoraks.

Berners Lee says his call for regulation is a reaction to the ease with which cults and conspiracy theorists can spread their ideas. Well here’s a conspiracy theory for him to chew on. It’s obvious an elite group of scientists are trying to turn science into a religion to place themselves beyond criticism. They must be stopped. Comrades, the end justifies the means. We mush search out and kidnap young scientists, get them drunk, get them laid, make them live with the pikeys on sink estates, in other words we must help them to get a life. It is our duty.

Victim of a Witch Hunt
Boggart Blog on Scientists Now Not So Sure About Safety Of The Large hardon Provider
The Little Robot That Could Not Contain Its Emotions

Follow Little Nicky around the web at our blogindex where you will find links to everything he has commented on,

The Scandal That Will Not Go Away: MMR link to Autism rises again.

About a year ago I posted an item titled The Scandal That Will Not Go Away. It was about the alleged link betwenn the MMR vaccine and Autism and the way that after ten years this controversy has not been resolved.

As anticipated I has a lot of hysterical and emotionally overwought responses from scientists accusing me of not understanding the issue because I was not a scientist.

Wrong on many counts. I was not coming down on either side of the argument, merely asking why the issue keeps resurfacing. I was accused of supporting Dr. Wakefield’s research although I never mentioned him and one boy scientist even tried to tell me that “correlation does not prove causation” is the basis of scientific thinking. All he proved by that was he does not understand the difference between correlation and coincidence.

Well now the Labour government is launching another campaign aimed at bullying doubting parents into having their very young children injected with three potent toxins in a single dose and here is an article from Peter Wilby who claims he is a former editor of some crypto-fascist rag read by Ivory Tower dwelling Hampstead liberals showing us once more that the “scientific argument” supporting MMR consists of nothing more than mud slinging against sceptical voices.

Particularly intersting are the comments though, science fundies on one side and freethinkers on the other. Well I have said many times there are a breed of scientists who are seeking to turn their obsession into a religion. They should beware of coming here and complaining that I treat their irrational certainties with the same scant respect I give to the irrational certainties of Creationists preachers:

And Let them know that I am Machiavell,
and weigh not me and therefore not men’s words…
I count religion but a childish toy, whatever label people put on it,
and hold there is no sin but ignorance.

More on the great MMR scandal from Little Nicky Machiavelli

UPDATE 11 Feb. 2009:
Mary Creagh complains that attempts to bully reluctants parents into having their children vaccinated with the MMR triple shot are met with stubborn resistance and suggestions that the vaccine should be compulsary are greeted with outrigh hostility and accusations of fascism (quite right too).In her article MMR: Why we should follow US policy she makes the usual Big Pharma approved defence of the MMR vaccine complete with lies, misrepresentation, dubious statistics and use of emotive language in an attempt at emotional blackmail. Her case rests on the fact that in the US parents must prove their children are vaccinated against certain diseases before they can enrol them in state run schools.

Fine, but what she omits to mention is in America’s private healthcare system it is much easier to get single vaccines spaced over a longer perion. Crreagh also takes a few swipes at “ignorant working class parents” although figures show it is more likely to be middle class people who are sceptical about the vaccine as (a) they are better informed (b) autism does seem more likely to affect children of middle class parents.
If that is the ony way its supporters can defend MMR then perhaps we should just do away with it.

Should Kids Who Don’t Have MMR Jab Be Banned From School

Scientists Announce Another Breakthrough in Hogwash

It is a while now since Little Nicky featured the idiocies of the boy scientists, come to that is a while since Little Nicky did very much of anything. My warm and caring relationship with the serried ranks of scientific fuckwits was always popular though so no surprise perhaps that the blog resumes regular activity with a post of another science scam, a crude and inept attempt to spread fear and panic in order to railroad the government into pumping huge amounts of money into attempts to create human / animal hybrid embryos.
The scientists misrepresent their case as always, suggesting that hybrid embryo research is somehow an essential part of the stem cell research program. It is not. Stem cell research, while raising some complex ethical questions does hold out the hope of leading to successful preventative therapies (no cures, please note) for a number of serious diseases and conditions. Creating hybrids offers nothing more than intellectual games for expensively educated idiots who, deprived of their sinecures in ancient Universities, would be terminally unemployable.
As Parliament prepares to debate the issue “scientists” have sought to obfuscate the issue by announcing a totally bogus “breakthrough” in the search for a treatment for Parkinson’s disease.
The boy – scientists behinds this, whose enthusiasm for all things scientific completely obliterates their capacity for self criticism, tell us they have developed a new technique to extract skin cells from the tails of mice with Parkinson’s disease, remove the nuclei from these cells and inject them into egg cells from which the nuclei have been removed…..hang on? Mice with effing Parkinson’s disease? How do we know a mouse has Parkinson’s disease?
People who have Parkinson’s disease tend to tremble a lot. Mice, the wee cowering select Tim’rous beasts of Robert Burns’ poem, tremble a lot. What is a symptom in people who have Parkinson’s disease is perfectly natural in mice, the nature of the beast as it were.
I’m being sarcastic of course, in order to highlight how the boy – scientists disguise the bogus nature of their claims. Read about the Parkinson’s disease “breakthrough” and we find it is hedged around with words and phrases like maybe, might, perhaps, possibly, at some point in the future, after further investigation.
This of course is the language of thousands of “scientific breakthroughs”; in the treatment of cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular problems and the common cold.
Somehow, despite the millions of taxpayers money pumped into “further research” seldom produces any benefit to patients.
In the academic world these breakthrough stories may pass for science, in the real world such techniques are known as “flying a kite.”

Read Little Nicky’s alter ego at Authorsden on
What Happened Before The Big Bang: Part 1 – The Cosmic Mouse Turd

What Happened Before Big Bang: Part 2 – Thinking Outside The Bubble

First Thatcher the Milk Snatcher, now Brown the Body Snatcher.

The Government’s plan to solve the shortage of organs available for transplants by presuming assent and licensing the “harvesting” of organs from the newly dead is a real humdinger of a Public Relations disaster. Donation of organs is one thing, harvesting (the very word the medics choose for the business is repulsive) is another.
I have always been ambivalent about organ transplant. It sounds fine to talk of the dead being able to grant the gift of life to somebody suffering terminal or debilitating illness, but the ethical conflicts between the boy-scientist school of medicine who regard everything in terms of how big an intellectual wank it will give them, and the more caring, less selfish kind of medical professionals who understand that the feelings of the deceased’s relatives must be considered. In the light of the government’s proposal, my attitude has now hardened to “what’s attached to me stays attached when I am dead, end of story.”
Attitudes to death do not vary much from culture to culture; whether we believe we will go to meet our maker or got to make friends with the worms, throughout 5000 years of civilisation it has been understood that the bodies of the deceased should be disposed of respectfully. Now as the “science is God” fraternity led by silly Polly Toynbee are already ranting irrationally that we cannot possibly be aware of what happens to our body after death, we are not allowed to have a say, let me point out that the rituals surrounding the disposal of bodies are not developed for the benefit of the dead, but for the comfort of those who survive them.
In casually dissing the feelings of the bereaved, silly Polly who claims to be a humanist, reveals herself as an inhumanist, as despicable as those medics who cannot see any difference in the status of a human patient and a lab rat.

The other ethical issue arises from our knowledge that the Government proposing this plan is money obsessed and there is a lot of money to be made from selling healthy organs. Once a reliable source has been secured, does anybody really think it will be long before Broon the Body Snatcher will be creating a market in harvested organs. Its is easy to see a link here between this proposal and the plans, already well advanced, to marketise the National Blood Service.

What nobody is mentioning is that organ transplant is something of a lottery, well a lot of a lottery. Put together deaths while waiting for a suitable organ and the survival rate following a transplant and, as we are a society obsessed with the bottom line, transplant is not very cost effective. (see statistics availabe at Science Daily On top of that there is the question of how many harvested organs are suitable for transplant and whether they are compatible with patients on the waiting list. It is not a simple question of give a liver, save a life. But these ethical questions are never simple, which is why self interested politicians, boy scientists (who tend to be simple minded in the extreme) and bossy, post menopausal, middle class mad old biddys like Polly Toynbee would prefer just to sweep them aside and focus the debate on the highly emotive but misleading issue of “saving lives.”

I have a cunning plan to thwart the dark forces of inhumanism; never having feared death myself (there’s a lot to be said for stoicism) I now intend to live a life of such uinmitigated debauchery my organs will on my demise be totally fubar, useless, not worth the trouble of removing.

The boy scientists and the Polly Toynbees of this world may delude themselves that if unconstrained by ethical considerations or the need to consider people they like to describe as being “ruled by superstition and belief in magic”, one day medical science will be able to abolish death. Is it not then the boy scientists and their supporters who are ruled by belief in magic? We will never abolish death. As the philosopher David Hume said, “It is better to die at sixty five than endure a further ten years on increasing invalidity.”

We should all heed the sentiment. Organ donation must be voluntary. To even consider making it otherwise shows how far along the road to tyranny this government has travelled. But you can bet your life savings this “harvesting will only be done to NHS patients, they’re not gouing to be ripping to shreds corpses belonging to rich families.

COMMENTS on Little Nicky Machiavelli are now moderated for all except friends. If you want to tell me I am an idiot or talking through my arse and can do so wittily, fine. If you wish to challenge my opinions, fine. If you just wish to add something funny or interesting that’s fine too, but if you are a boy scientist and simply want to repeat the boy scientist mantra that because I am not a “scientist” I may not write on topics concerning science, sorry but this blog is not a platform for boring fuckers.

Oh Brave New World…

Since I started to write about the boy-scientists (a phrase I will explain properly soon) in connection with the frequent reports and studies that are thrown at us every day, the misinformation and disinformation that comes out of certain branches of the scientific community and their unshakeable belief that us ordinary punters “cannot understand because we are not scientists,” it has occurred to me several times as I wrote of plans to put anti–depressants in water, to withhold medical treatment from those who self harm by having a cheese sandwich and a beer and to fiddle about with the genome to produce a perfect race, that I ought to do an article on Brave New World, Aldous Huxley’s 1930s novel of a technological utopia.
In common with Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty Four, forever imprinted on the minds of my generation because of the cover image of a military boot grinding on a human face, Brave New World was a novel that changed the way we viewed the world we lived in. In many ways it inspired aspects of the social revolution of the 1960s as people shrugged off the social controls that had imposed such restrictive conventions on western society.
Now of course the bright young things of the sixties are just boring old farts and people are tricked into conformity by promises of ever improving material benefits if they will only sustain constant economic growth. Consumerism has replaced patriotism in binding us into slavery.

Unfortunately I procrastinated too long. No less a literary luminary than Margaret Atwood has beaten me to the punch and written an excellent article about Huxley’s Brave New World with its compulsory drug doses, genetic engineering to produce social classes from A to E (Epsilon semi-moron aka chav) so reminiscent of toady’s ABC1 social classifications that have replaced the old aristocracy, upper and lower middle class and the much les stratified working classes. How like the modern world Atwood makes it all sound with a level of sexual liberation that deems it bad manners to refuse to have sex with anybody who offers, it’s genetically engineered “pneumatic” women, psychological manipulation, constant pressure to consume and deep suspicion of any sign of individualism.
The portrayal of the dystopic utopia is accurate though. We do seem to be blundering towards a version of that society. Messing about with nature is never a good idea.
You don’t have to take my word for it of course. Read Margaret Atwood’s article here.
Or better still, read Huxley’s novel of benign totalitarianism, Brave New World for yourself.
Even more chilling, Nineteen Eighty Four deals with the darker side of tyranny. With its Thought Police, Big Brother, Ministry of Love (where people who rebel againts the totalitarian regime are “re-educated” by the Though Police until they learn to love Big Brother again, its permanent war against a vague and nebulous enemy and the sinister Room 101 in the Ministry of Love, the novel presents an image of where we might be led if we reject the doubtful blessings of Brave New World.

“Oh brave new world that has such people in it” is a line from Shakespeare’s The Tempest. Often interpreted as a play in which Shakespeare abandom his gift for writing as he senses his talents will wane, it has also been interpreted as a metaphor for the supersession of the old, easy going, humanisticic society of rural England by the philosophies and values of the protestant reformation.Either interpretation could be correct and probably both are because Shakespeare was nothing if not multi-layered

Because some people feel recent blogs have painted a very negative picture of the sciences, I have promised to set the record straight by writing a post showing that I am quite a fan actually (as you would expect from someone whose career was in computers) It is the arseholes who approach science like a zealot approaches religion that get up my nose.

Dr. Strangelove’s Secret Bacon Butty Weapon.

Those harbingers of misery, the clinical research laboratory technicians or “scientists” as they like to style themselves, The Dr. Stranglove’s of medical science are busy peddling their misinformation and disinformation, or “research results” as they like to call it, again. Having kept up their 100% record for talking utter arse dribble last month with warnings on hazardous drinking (actually moderate alcohol consumption which is good for us) and how even thinking about having a cheese sandwich increases a woman’s risk of breast cancer by ninety nine million percent, they are now directing their attention towards our bacon butties. Is no British institution safe from these people as they target our dietary habits.

Their five year mission (sorry, scrub that – I wouldn’t want to give the impression these people are sad obsessive geeks who spend all their time in laboratories molesting small furry animals and get together once a year to celebrate Mr. Spock’s birthday) their mission as they see it is to make everyone live forever. Their approach is to make life so boring we will not live forever but it will seem as if we have. If we heeded the warnings, everything that makes eating pleasurable would have been removed from our tables by now.

The problem with the Government’s letting these nerds off the leash is that because the warnings are general rather than selective, nobody takes any notice. We all know that what is going on is the manufacture by a government intent on privatising the National Health Service, of excuses for denying people treatment in publicly funded hospitals. Unfortunately due to this and to the ineptitude of civil servants in all aspects of PR, the warnings are going unheeded by the people who need to heed them. Instead of mumbling about obesity and the discredited Body Mass Index ( BMI – this is the method of measuring obesity that showed Lynford Christie and Lennox Lewis at the height of their careers were both clinically obese – yeah, right.) why not show pictures of a hugely overweight couple and their overweight kids and caption it “Mr & Mrs Too Fat To Wipe and their family.” That would bang the message home. Forget the effing Body Mass Index, check the mirror. Love handles are OK, saddle bags are a no – no.

The Strangelove boys will never get their heads round such effective ways of communicating, quite simply they cannot communicate with organisms more complex than lab rats. The idea that human beings are all individuals who think for ourselves and make our own decisions is beyond their understanding. And we understand that we all die of something and the choices we make may effect that.

But if the choice is between a couple of years extra tagged on to the incontinent, demented, non – ambulatory end of our lives or a tasty breakfast now, bring on the bacon butties.

No doubt the dull witted denizens of the Bad Science forum, followers of thick – boy science guru Ben Goldacre will be anxious to remind me that as I am not a scientist I cannot understand these things and merely react emotionally to the hysterical misrepresentations of the media. Well as usual I looked up the reports and they are written to give the impression that eating red meat three or more times a week is a critical factor in the development of intestinal cancers. The statistics used in the report however show that if there is any critical factor it is simply old age.

The key to writing these reports is to use language with such precision they cannot be spun. A high level of red meat and particularly processed meats in the diet, combined with other lifestyle and environmental factors may contribute to the development of certain cancers. There is a science to language you see. Unfortunately scientifically precise language is never going to be sensational and hysterical enough to attract any big fat research grants, which is the real purpose of all these reports.

Before I move on to politics, economics and corporate fascism, kudos to the guys who won the Nobel Physics prize this year for their work on giant magneto resistance. Absolutely fascinating stuff, bordering on the mystical in fact, and an evolution from a technology I helped develop during my career. Got that Bad Science Forum thick – boys. Science is a big church, we all have our specialities and only those who are wannabees would refer to themselves with characteristic lack of precision as “scientists.”

Colon Cancer Set To Increase say scientists

Cancer Schmancer

After my recent bust ups with medical scientists I’m only too happy to link to an article at Huffington Post – Cancer Schmancer, one woman’s story of how she has formed a support group to help women who have been failed by the incompetence and laziness of “medical scientists” (or doctors to you and me) and make them learn that people are all different, inconveniently, irritatingly, unscientifically different.

Just because there is no “scientific” evidence that some people are better equipped to fight cancer than others, it is not acceptable to ignore the empirical evidence to say it is not so.

If you recall the original controversy was started by my suggesting the medical establishment were afraid to have an open debate on the MMR / Autism issue, you might like to take a look at this post from Ginger Taylor, an American mother of an autistic child. She shares many of my concerns about the basic honesty of the healthcare industry. And she finds their assurances that lay people like us cannot understand because we are “not scientists” utterly unconvincing as well.