Russia along with three quarters of the world, is isolated

The latest EU sanctions announced today after last weeks NATO summit have left Russia increasingly isolated in the world according to mainstream media reports of the response from western governments.

Now I know Professor Want-War is likely to come along and say I’m Putin’s best mate if I publish a realistic view of the situation rather that the latest warmongering propaganda from The White House. But as I squash him like I’d squash a cockroach every time he shows up (Hey Prof, where’s that compelling evidence that pro Russian rebels shot down that aircraft over Ukraine. I see the report could not identify who was responsible; this report tells us nothing at all – as those of us with more brain cells than testicles knew it would) maybe he will not risk a comment – Couldn’t resist winding him up over that

As Zero Hedge commented

While the West continues to press the “Russia is increasingly isolated” meme, it appears – as has been noted (ironically) previously, that Vladimir Putin is finding plenty of friends… most notably China and Iran. While threats of ‘asymmetric’ retaliation over European sanctions may have been enough to worry Europe’s leaders, the slew of news overnight regarding increased cooperation between China and Russia is likely more damaging to Western strategy (and egos).

So let’s have a look at the propaganda claim that Russia is isolated in the world. Someone has done a nice infographic showing in in blue those nations that are in the world and supporting sanctions, the black areas are the countries covering three quarters of the plante’s inhabitable area that are not in the world but still trading fully with Russia, and just to remind us how big Russia actually is, they are in Green.

Isolated Russia
Yep Russia is really isolated in the world, alone, bordered by enemies  and nations that are not part of the world (image source)

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