Brussels Euronazis Message to the New Greek Government: We Don’t Care About Humanitarian Issues

Middle class Greeks are living in squalour and scavenging for food because of Euro zone austerity measures thanks to EU imposed austerity measures (Image source)

When in 2010 the so called Troika, the unholy trinity of The International Monetary Fund, the European Central Bank and the European Commission, the E U’s governing bureaucracy abolished democracy in Greece and imposed a government of bureaucrats loyal to the Euro Nazi Federal Superstate movement, elected representatives in Athens have been forced implement six consecutive austerity programs which have severely lowered the living standards of working people, devastated Greece’s social systems and plunged millions into poverty.

This is why on 25 January, the majority of the Greek population decided to vote for a party that raised their hopes for a better future by promising an end to austerity.

Four weeks later this dream has been shattered and the new ruling party have been royally shafted by the Euronazi @Bastards of Brussels. In last week’s negotiations the Toika left no room for doubt that it will not deviate from its path of totally and utterly humiliating Greece and its people and demanding ever tighter austerity policies in return for allowing Greece to continue its ruinous membership of the corrupt and discredited European Union.

In other words: The working people of Greece will have to keep filling the gaps in the state budget generated by the bank bailout in the beginning stages of the Euro crisis.

Germany’s finance minister Schäuble jumped at the chance of using the confrontation with the new Greek government for a deliberate show of intransigence, delivering a clear message to the working people of Europe: The troika’s policies are solely determined by the interests of financial capital which has no concern for the plight of jobless teenagers, starving senior citizens or cancer patients, who are no longer able to pay for their medication.

Right after the Greek elections, the IMF made it a point to demonstrate its power by immediately suspending its payments to Athens. On February 11, it was followed by the ECB, which stopped accepting Greek state bonds as collateral for ECB loans. Contrary to official reports in the media, this measure was not directed against Greek banks (whose emergency credit line was immediately extended by 5 billion euros), but against the Greek government, which had dared to openly oppose the Troika’s policies, and by extension the Greek people, as if they haven’t yet suffered enough for the incomptence of their crooked politicians and the Naziism of the EU overlords in Brussels.

The economic groundwork having been laid by the IMF and the ECB, the EU, led by Germany, has now taken over and begun to systematically humiliate the new Greek government. Ignoring any mention of the humanitarian catastrophe brought about by austerity politics, each and every proposal for even the most gentle steps to relieve the suffering of the Greek people drew a response of outright rejection. Instead, the EU insisted that Syriza submit to complete adherence to all agreements forced on the country under the predecessor governments and accept them as an essential prerequisite for further negotiations.

Mainstream media unleashed an intensive campaign of slander, trying to stir up anti-Greek sentiment by blaming Greek working people of having lived “beyond their means”, of having obtained membership in the Eurozone by fraudulent means (in fact it was forced on the by Brussels), of showing no gratitude towards their “saviors” and refusing to fulfill their obligations towards their “partners”.

You cannot do much to help the Greeks, contribute as generously as you can afford to any charity appeals after firsr making sure the money will be used tobuy and diftribute food and essentials to the people and not used to stuff the pockets of the Brussels Euro rat bureaucrats and their banker buddies.

Closer to home, you can make sure it doesn’t happen here by voting UKIP in May. Remember, the Conservatives, Labour and Lib Dems, the Greens and SNP, would take us right into the Euro on terms dictated by Brussels despite the fact that the European Monetary System has demonsrtably failed and plunged most member states into economic case.

So on election day it’s a straight choice, you can vote UKIP or you can vote Nazi.
Financial Coup in Greece

From day to day mainstream and alternative media commentators speculate about when Greece will finally admit is is bankrupt and will have to leave the European Single Currency system, abandon the Euro and return to the Drachman, and the Euronazis of brussels admite they were wrong to bend the rules in order to get Greece to adopt the Euro, and stop piling more agony on the long suffering Greek people and help organize a painless exit.

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German Ubermacht Gives Greek Upstats The Finger In European Union Confrontation.

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