Isis threat justifies greater surveillance powers in UK, says Liam Fox

Now I like to be selective about which conspiracy theories I support and which I ignore. The return of The Nephilim I am quite happy to pass on, likewise the indea that the world’s banking community is controlled by reptillians (politicians may display reptillian tendencies but bankers are only reptiles in a metaphorical sense.

and up to now I have found it easy to dismiss allegations that the ISIS (Islamic State in Iraq and al Shem) was created by the west to further a globalist agenda.

After watching the Andrew Marr show yesterday I may have to rethink my position however:

Britain’s security services may need to be given greater powers of surveillance to monitor extremists from Isis when they return home to Britain from Iraq and Syria, the former defence secretary Liam Fox has said.

A majority of people will accept that an “ideological battle” means that the authorities will need greater powers to intercept the communications of extremists, Fox said.

The former defence secretary, who was speaking on the Andrew Marr Show on BBC1, said Britain should offer to put its airbases at the disposal of the US to avoid a “horrendous” situation in Iraq as Isis forces pose a threat to Baghdad.

Even if the bastards have not organised it in collaboration with the USA and United Nations, they clearly see it as an opportunity to shaft us again.

What can you do? Use a proxy server online – anonymouse is a good one for beginners; set your browser’s privacy settings to the highest practical level; next time you buy a computer go linux – in the UK are shipping laptops with linux pre loaded now, the version of Ubuntu on the one I bought my daughter is nothing to be afraid of; buy over the counter for cash whenever possible – help reserve jobs in your community as well as frustrating the surveillance state fascists; do not publish personal information on social media – remember all Facebook’s profit las year came from what the US government pay them for spying on users.

Your personal revolution starts here.

Bring Back Our Hummer, ISIS Mocks Obamas’ ‘Hashtag Diplomacy’

Virtual ID has arrived – why you should resist taking it up
We told you some years ago when our publication appeared under a different name that the then Labour Government’s plan for compulsory electronic ID cards was the step that would take us over the line from a seblance of liberal democracy into oligarchic fascism. Labour’s plan was derailed by public opposition but now it has been rehashed and is presented with fluffy window dressing. A vote for Labour, Conservative Or Liberal Democrat is a vote for fascism. You have been warned.

E U Smart Borders Policy Will Lead To Big Brother Type Surveillance, Green Politician Warns

A European Union scheme to implement new border control technology will result in Big Brother surveillance, a Green Party Member of the European Parliament has warned.

The European Commission’s plans for so-called ‘Smart Borders’ were published on 1 March 2013, revealing the Commission plans to implement automated systems to monitor non-EU citizens entering and leaving the bloc.

“The use of new technologies will enable smoother and speedier border crossing for third country citizens who want to come to the EU. Modernising our systems will also lead to a higher level of security by preventing irregular border crossings and detecting those who overstay,” said Home Affairs Commissioner Cecilia Malmström.
Jan Philipp Albrecht a German Green in the European Parliament but obviously not a Watermelon (green on the outside, red on the inside) voiced concerns that the smart borders initiative would create an “e-fortress Europe” adding there is “no evidence to show that this trend towards mass data storage has yielded any improvements for security and criminal investigations.” Data of all passengers traveling from third countries into the EU would be collected, he said.

The E U plan consists of a Registered Traveler Programme (RTP) aimed at frequent business travelers or those with relatives in the EU and an Entry/Exit System (EES). The RTP would make use of automated border control systems such as automated gates for pre-screened visitors.

The EES would digitally record the time and place of entry and exit of third country nationals and issue an alert to national authorities when there is no exit record by the expiry time. The current practice when checking a third country national wanting to cross the EU’s external borders is based mainly on the stamps in the travel document. It is easy to foresee that as social breakdown continues due to the failure of the single currency, high unemployment due to insane industrial policies and the inefficiency of high tech policing, the system would quickly be extended to monitor the movements of all citizens even within their own community.

The plan calls to mind the U K Labour government’s plan to force us all to carry national ID cards loaded with a GPS chip whenever we left our home. The plan was shelved due to public opposition but has never been abandoned. Similarly a clause in the American Healthcare System dubbed Obama care contains a clause that would enable the government to implant an RFID chip in the body of every citizen. Supporters of Obama’s health care plan protest that the bill does not state people will be chipped. This is true, but it does clear legal obstacles in the US Constitution and international human rights law to such a policy.

Together with fellow politician Ska Keller, Albrecht has set up a campaign called Smashborders to oppose the plans, urging EU citizens to fight against “the creation of an enormous database” that would infringe civil liberties.

The proposals will now go before the European Parliament and, if approved there, to the national assemblies of member states for ratification. The Commission hopes the system will be operational in 2017 or 2018.

Secret Justice Threatens The Right To A Fair Trial

A move to extend the government’s power to order court proceedings to be held in secret and without a jury from only applying to trials affecting national security to anything the government would rather we did not know about threatens the most basic principles of British justice and the right to a fair trial.

The Total Surveillance Society

Surveillance cameras, CCTV,electronic monitoring, data gathering from credit card use and other transactions, all are commonplace. When we start to hear talk of implanting RFID chips in human bodies or making a criminal offence of not carrying an official identity card when outside one’s home, we start to understand how sinister the surveillance industry has become and what threats it poses to our rights and liberties.


Surveillance leading to totalitarian state

Agenda 21: The Path To Global Fascism

The Tyranny Of Moral Relativism

Prominent American Scientists Call For Global Dictatorship Under UN Rule ‘To Save The Planet’

Big Brother Is Coming To Obama’s Surveillance State.

The Shadow Government.

Will War On Terror Become The Perpetual War Of George Orwell’s ‘1984’

When Human Rights Overrides Majority Rule Dictatorship Follows

The Agenda: How An International Elite Are Destroying Sovereign Nations

Liberate Your Civil Liberties

Our civil liberties have been systematically attacked by the control freak government of New Labour. The Tories do not look as if they will do better on issues of personal freedoms in fact it is rumoured their draft manifesto includes a committment to restore droit de seigneur, Lib Dem leader Nick (Shagger) Clegg says this is his party’s moment. But with the main parties jumping on the public spending curbs bandwagon Vince Cable alone has labouiously pushed for so long, will the Lib Dems have the balls to take the civil liberties issue as their own. Labour as the party of sureveillance, databases are and national ID cards easy to hit but how does Clegg show dubious voters that faced with tough questions on personal freedom Cameron’s Bullingdon Bullies aka Lord Snooty And His Pals simply burst into a chorus of Lloyd George Knew My Father.