So who’s anti semitic now.

Just over a week ago your pal Little Nicky was branded racist for suggesting the Israelis are a gang of murdering war junkies. I was not the only one of course, anybody who criticised the acts of the Israeli government was immediately dubbed anti semitic or anti – jewish.
As usual Little Nicky was proved right, double right in fact because not only have the Israeli government been escalationg the war but they have shown a p4enchant for attacking women and children, muslims and christians.
But Nicky Machiavelli is not one to blow his own trumpet. So what this post is about is nailing that anti – semitic jibe once and for all.
The people who use it do not know what a semite is. These idiots have been brainwashed by religious propaganda and in their ignorance they contradict themselves.
A semite, according to middle eastern legend is someone descended from Ham the son of Noah (you might think Shem and Semite would make more sense; so do I, but mythology does not have to make sense)and these tribes include Assyrians Phoenecians and Arabs in modern terms, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine (including Israel), Gaza and parts of Iraq, Iran and Turkey. So guess what. The LEBANESE are SEMITES as are many muslims and quite a few Christians.
When people say “time we told those Israeli bastards to eff off and leave Lebanon alone” they are actually being PRO-semitic as Lebanon contains a wider cross section of the semitic peoples than Israsel.
Same with Jews. If we criticise Israel are we anti Jewish? Well a Jewish person is someone from Judea, Jew is just modern usage covering many religious sects the chief of which are the Pharisee or what we would call orthodox jews. The Saducee or secular jews are more peaceful, inclusive and tolerant. Its rather like “Christian” being used as an umbrella for all sorts of beliefs from the extreme American pentecostalists to mainstream Anglican and Roman Catholic.
Religious tolerance is a fine thing but those who demand it of others are usually the same ones who, once tolerated, claim they are the ONLY sect who worship the true God and therefore they are entitled to kill everyone else. We must learn to tolerate everything except intolerance!
Never let trouble makers shelter under your umbrella for be sure, nothing is hidden from Little Nicky Machiavelli.