New Green Energy Scam As Blatant As Mighy Wind Fiddle

Little Nicky has always informed you that the wind power industry was a scam, a snouts – in – the – trough carve up between dodgy businessmen, corrupt tax eaters and power crazy politicians. But your friend nicky who is never wrong must admit to having slipped up on this one. You see I have always said run of river hydro electric schemes were the way to go.

So is Little Nicky’s cloak of infallibility slipping? Well no, I merely underestimated how corrupt and venal the people running the country and those with their snouts in the trough of tax money actually are. Generating hydro electricity is relatively easy so even a property developer or a banker ought to be able to manage such a venture. but why bother when the government will help you pick the taxpayers pocket and violate their human rights at the same time. next to the green con men medieval robber barons look like Salvation Army workers.

Prime minister “call me Dave” Cameron has a degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics from Oxford, according to published data one of the world’s top ten universities. One might be forgiven for thinking then that he would understand property rights are a cornerstone of liberty and security throughout our civilization. Wiser political thinkers than Dave understood this a long time ago.

The Virginia Bill of Rights, a precursor to the US Declaration of Independence contains these words:

That all men are by nature equally free and independent, and have certain inherent rights, of which, when they enter into a state of society, they cannot, by any compact, deprive or divest their posterity; namely, the enjoyment of life and liberty, with the means of acquiring and possessing property, and pursuing and obtaining happiness and safety.

Here’s Samuel Adams, one of the signatories of the U S Declaration of Independence on the same subject:

The Natural Rights of the colonists are these: first, a right to life; second, to liberty; third to property; together with the right to support and defend them in the best manner they can.

Finally and most robustly is the godfather of liberalism, the philosopher who inspired them all, John Locke:

Whenever the legislators endevour to take away and destroy the property of the people, or to reduce them to slavery under arbitrary power, they put themselves into a state of war with the people, who are thereupon absolved from any further obedience,…

So when we consider what is happening throughout the free world, why are we not out in the streets protesting at they way our property is being stolen from us in the name of “saving the planet”, and at the same time kicking the crap out of the occupy protesters (not to further our rebellion you understand but just for the fun of it?)

Time for a pitchforks and cudgels, time to invoke the memory of Wat Tyler and Dick Puddlecote. The theft of our property rights being made lawful by our notionally “Conservative” prime minister as the continues his desperate bid to suck up to the Euronazi Brussels bureaucratic dictatorship, the United Nations and the globalist, totalitarian, scientific dictatorship lobby. Dave tried to position his rickety coalition as the “greenest government ever”, and now finds himself being held to ransom by a bunch of unelected bureaucrats, authoritarian lefties and crooked scientists.

Principally Dave’s always dodgy government is a hostage of the ongoing renewables scam.

The wind farm industry is surely the worst offender. Some idiotic, green, obsessive – compulsive bell end complained the other day about a report that claimed wind farms reduce property values by between 25 per cent and 50 per cent. Actually, if anything, the scale of the problem was understated. Cases have been reported of properties being rendered unsaleable by their proximity to wind farms. Whatever the exact figure, 25 per cent or 100 per cent, I think those of us not in the pay of Mighty Wind or trotting out propaganda for the preposterous and devious QUANGO Renewable UK would agree that the very last thing we’d want on our doorstep (or on the ridge a hundred feet above our house in my case) would be a wind farm. Few people would ever dream of buying a property near one.

Not a single one of the wind farms blighting Britain would have been built without state incentives (in the form of Renewable Obligations Certificates, Feed In Tariffs, and legislation which makes it very hard for communities to prevent wind farms being built in the area)because without an intravenous drip of taxpayers money they are not commercially viable. We can confidently assume therefore that wind farms represent a wanton assault by the state on property rights. We have been deprived of the right to protect our property because “saving the planet” trumps any logic when we try to object to some money grubbing tax eater putting up a 350 foot tower with a thirty ton turbine perched on top of it at the end of our gardens. Such confiscatory measures “for the common good” belong to the “socialist” regimes of Uncle Joe Stalin, Chairman Mao and Pol Pot. From a Conservative- Liberal Democrat Coalition such tyranny is an outrage.

But it’s not just Mighty Wind industry which is involved in this scam. A lead story in the Spectator recently reporting on the UK hydro power industry which turns out to be very nearly as damaging, duplicitous, unpleasant, corrupt and underhanded as its evil twin Mighty Wind.

Many of you probably thought that hydro-electric power represented the acceptable face of “renewable” energy. I did until I read Pippa Cuckson’s article in the spectator. The story reveals hydro to be yet another taxpayer-subsidised feeding trough for rent-seeking scumsuckers, a technology which produces next to no electricity and which – just like wind farms – causes immense damage to wildlife. Now I don’t give a damn about a few dead fish, not about the birds and bats taken out by wind turbines. But remember, o my brothers and sisters, the fuss from the greenies when there was a proposal to build a conventional gas power station on scrubland that is a breeding ground for the two toed toad. As always different sets of rules apply to things the left approve of that those they don’t like.

The section of Ms. Cuckson’s expose that should concern us is her anecdote about Nottingham Angling Club – which in 1982 forked out £150,000 for the fishing rights to a one and half mile stretch of the river Trent above a weir which is now about to be converted to hydropower. The quality of their fishing will almost certainly diminish.

There are stories like this from all over the country, Whether its wealthy fly fishing enthusiasts who’ve paid a fortune for a prime stretch of trout stream or an ordinary working man’s club like the one in Nottingham, people are going to suffer as a result of this state-sponsored drive for renewables. Ironically the places where these run of river hydropower schemes are being approved their is neither enough depth in the river nor enough fall to provide the kind of pressure which would make the scheme commercially viable without the feed in subsidy from taxpayers. In paces where geography indicates a hydro scheme would be viable the objections that prevent it going ahead come from the green lobby, because of course the human rights of the Two Toed Toad, the Chocolate Coloured Corncrake and the Brazilian Chuff must take priority.

As with wind power, the only reason these hydropower schemes are going ahead is because the government subsidies and incentives funded by us poor taxpayers for those greedy and cynical enough to get their snouts in this latest trough of cornucopean income. So again, what we have here is a clear case of the state arbitrarily confiscating people’s property rights (and money) because of its desire to be seen paying lip service to the green religion while in reality keeping party donor happy with big bungs of tax money.

I Told You So, Mobile Phones Do Cause Cancer

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