The Golden Orwells; #1 for Fat Fascism

In another of our consciousness raising initiatives Greenteeth, the parent company of Little Nicky Machiavelli and Boggart Blog has created the Golden Orwell Awards.


“And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed
–if all records told the same tale–then the lie passed into
history and became truth. “Who controls the past,” ran the
Party slogan, “controls the future: who controls the present
controls the past.”…George Orwell, “1984?

Who qualifies for a Golden Orwell? Those public servants who constantly pump out misleading or downright false information aimed at spreading fear and panic in order to convince us we are all infantile poltroons who could not survive more than a few hours without the constant protection of Nanny State and the idle, gutless media droids who repeat the lie until it becomes accepted as truth.

Like William Leith in the Daily Smellygraph for example. Take a look at this fine piece of journalistic regurgitating of government bullshit from said writer: “We’re All Feckless Losers In The Fight On Fat”. he begins, “Something terrible is happening to our bodies. In the UK, in 2012, one in four adults is obese. That’s right – obese. What does this mean? It means that one in four of us is walking around – or, more accurately, shuffling or waddling about – with great slabs of wobbly flesh hanging off us.

One in four? This is bullshit on speed. Yes, there are more fat people than there were, say 50 years ago, many more. There are also less grey and ghostly figures shuffling round the streets coughing blood up because their lungs have been rotted by the industrial fumes they spent a lifetime inhaling because they needed to make a living. Society changes.

When I drive through Accrington, a very working class community, there are usually a few overweight people around, some grossly overweight actually, but one in four obese? No way. Let’s remind ourselves what obese means. Obese: having excessive body fat, grossly overweight.

OK, excessive fat, grossly overweight, not “a tad on the podgy side.”

Ah but we must remember the people who now define the word obese for us are World Health Organisation, the same self serving charlatans who, when they were trying to sell us Swine Flu on behalf of their mates Big Pharma changed the definition of “pandemic” from “millions of people will be seriously ill and hundreds of thousands will die all around the world” to “a few people here and there will feel a bit poorly.”

Thus, as far as the statistics obsessed WHO scientists are concerned the only measure of obesity is the discredited Body Mass Index which makes it possible to be both ripped and obese at the same time (Because lean muscle weighs much heavier than the equivalent volume of fat.)

So outside of the Daily Smellygraph, government offices (where getting a bit of work done would help a lot but would go totally against the public sector ethic), the nurses rest room at National Health Service hospitals, official publications, fake charities that see money to be had promoting the latest health scare and in the minds of medical scientists where can we see this obesity epidemic? If you go looking you will quickly come to the conclusion that it doesn’t exist. Along with the health risks posed by drinking alcohol, eating too much salt, sugar, red meat, butter, milk, and more or less anything else that big pharma have not made safe for you by adulterating it with toxic chemical the “evidence” is just phoney statistics, the science is bogus.

If you use BMI as an indicator it is possible to claim almost any healthy person is obese, according to the index obesity starts where anorexia stops. It appears this is precisely what is happening. As with all the heart disease bullshit, there is a concerted effort by the mass medication industry to turn us all into patients for life. One in four obese? FFS, this is risible. Have a quick bur surreptitious count next time you walk down a fairly busy street. Why do the medical authorities, government and media indulge in such scaremongering? Well in the case of the media, those precious little lefties with their Mickey Mouse degrees in “journalism” know no better. As for the others, follow the money.

The inaugural Golden Orwells award for services to authoritarianism goes to William Leith and The Daily Smellygraph


Nanny Orwell
More Mouse Sciene And More Mouse
Salt Health Risk? The Truth
The Norwegian Fat Fightback
Food fascists plan meat free diet – by law
Alcohol and health fascism
Them – a poem about the Nanny State (plus video)
Healthy Girl Branded Obese By The Thought Police

3 thoughts on “The Golden Orwells; #1 for Fat Fascism

  1. Out Today (or yesterday): New scale: If your waist size is larger than your height you are obese. Interesting but don’t know how they arrived at this!


  2. I was told I was officially “obese” via some stupid graph. One good look at my bony knees should convince anyone otherwise.
    At my gym recently, the plasterboard wall right next to the weighing machine had been savagely kicked in….oh dear, another bout on the running machine perhaps.


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