Catholic Child Abuse – Left’s Double Standard Showing Again

One thing the self styled “progressive left” can be relied upon to deliver is …. (no, not election promies, don’t be silly) … hypocrisy.

Little Nicky Machiavelli and my chums at The Daily Stirrer have always been highly critical of the Roman Catholic Church’s attempts to sweep under the carpet cases of child abuse by its priests.

Child abuse is a terrible thing both when its involves the violation of a young child and when it relates to the seduction of a prepubescent girl by a middle aged man. Thus we deplore the Church’s cover up of their priests’ crimes and we also deplore cases in which a wealthy, famous man takes advantage of a thirteen year old girl.

It is here we part company with the “progressive left” because they seem to think if the seducer is an artist, a director of stunningly up-his-own-arse films and a supporter of the crackpot ideas of “progressive left” politics called Roman Polanski it is perfectly OK to commit statutory rape on an under age girl.

Not only are the “progressive left” supporting Polanski’s attempts to return to the USA thirty years after he fled American justice having entered a plead of guilty to the crime he was accused of, they are clamouring for a Presidential pardon for him.

Ah, but it is alright for Polanski to do such thinks. American leftie air-head, feminist and race hustler Whoopi Goldberg says “What Roman did was not rape rape.” No? Well what kind of rape was it?

Other stars supporting Polanski include Martin Scorsese, Kevin Costner, Susan SArandon and the Fuckwit Of Fuckwits Woody Allen. These people have sent a petition to Barack Obama on behalf of the director. Polanski, you see, was so talented, so special, mortal laws could not apply to such a genius. Yeah right.

Funny, I do not remember this group being so sympathetic towards Gary Glitter. I don’t remember them calling for clemency in the case of a footballer accused of seducing under age girls. I do not recall much support for actor and comedian Chris Langham when he was found to have been visiting child sex sites on the internet. What I do recall is the neo – nazi left howling for blood. No punishment was great enough for the perpetrators of these terrible crimes. In much the same way they are howling for the blood of Pope Benedict now evan as they demand our indulgence for the child – fucker Roman Polanski.

If we are to have rule of law one guiding principle must be honoured.


A group that want to apply draconian laws to its opponents but exempt those with whom it sympathises from such rules has nothing to offer a democracy.

3 thoughts on “Catholic Child Abuse – Left’s Double Standard Showing Again

    1. I think it is the bonkers reasoning of, “He has suffered enough.”

      Because his wife was killed by the Charles Manson nutters and because he was persecuted as an eastern european Jew – they think he has mitigating circumstances.

      I don’t agree – I think people who have suffered should know more than anyone how wrong, wrong is and not do it.

      The world is horrible enough – we should all try and make our little piece of it better not worse.


      1. Yeah, Chinatown was a great film but a lot of his others were very mediocre.

        It take more than one good film to justfy a man in his forties drugging and anally raping a 13 year old girl in my book.


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